

单词 possessive case
例句 possessive case
Lastly, possessive pronouns pronouns show ownership and are written in the possessive case. Writing Guide 2021-12-21T00:00:00Z
But it was evident that he was not displeased with his nickname in the possessive case. Out of a Labyrinth 2012-02-17T03:00:38.887Z
But what produces an even deeper thrill is his rich way of spreading his possessive cases over two words instead of one, as, 'In the eager heart of him,' instead of 'In his eager heart.' The Front Yard 2012-01-09T03:00:23.183Z
Of phrase substituted for the possessive case, 67. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
This is ungrammatical, as it obliterates the possessive case, and is therefore indefinite; and moreover, it looks and sounds awkwardly. The Ladies' Guide to True Politeness and Perfect Manners or, Miss Leslie's Behaviour Book 2011-11-13T03:00:12.183Z
It serves to form the genitive or possessive case. The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Grammar and Commentary 2011-04-12T02:00:28.753Z
The possessive case, diphthongs, slang words, abbreviations, and contractions are not allowable. Harper's Round Table, October 15, 1895
In the possessive case of nouns, some instances occur in which a wise choice may be made, but in respect to which usage is divided. Five Hundred Mistakes of Daily Occurrence in Speaking, Pronouncing, and Writing the English Language, Corrected
Apostrophe, the, used to form the possessive case, 67, 69, 159; used to indicate the omission of letters, 160; to show plural of letters and figures, 160. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
How do you treat a compound of two nouns one in the possessive case? Compound Words Typographic Technical Series for Apprentices #36
Use only the apostrophe to indicate the possessive case plural when the plural ends in s: as, boys' hats, ladies' outfitter. News Writing The Gathering , Handling and Writing of News Stories
A noun or pronoun used to express possession is in the possessive case. The Century Handbook of Writing
The possessive case, and the word that governs it, must not be separated by an intervening clause. Five Hundred Mistakes of Daily Occurrence in Speaking, Pronouncing, and Writing the English Language, Corrected
Exercise 84 Each of the following sentences is incorrect because the sign of the possessive case has been omitted. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
It is, as has been previously shown, uninflected in the genitive or possessive case. Early English Alliterative Poems in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century
Use the apostrophe and s to indicate the possessive case plural when the plural does not end in s: as, men's meeting, children's shoes. News Writing The Gathering , Handling and Writing of News Stories
But even in these instances most writers prefer the possessive case. h. The Century Handbook of Writing
Observe that the apostrophe, as the sign of the possessive case, is never used by Spenser. glyster. Six Centuries of English Poetry Tennyson to Chaucer
Thus, an of phrase may be used instead of the possessive case. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
When one noun owns another the one owning is in the possessive case. Word Study and English Grammar A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
The names they bear were in the possessive case then, and it is but fair to consider them the true owners. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume I, No. 8, August, 1880
A noun or pronoun linked with a gerund should be in the possessive case whenever the use of the objective case might cause confusion. The Century Handbook of Writing
I have not observed the fact remarked, that besides the use of his, her, hereof, thereof, of it, and the, it was customary to employ the unchanged word it for the possessive case. Notes and Queries, Number 192, July 2, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
They have the same form in the nominative and objective cases, and are not used in the possessive case. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
The possessive case is shown by the form of the noun. Word Study and English Grammar A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
Thus, although the plural of substantives like axis and genius are Latin, the possessive cases are English. A Handbook of the English Language
The following are the rules for the forming of the possessive case: 1. Practical Grammar and Composition
Also to denote the possessive case; as, Brown's house; the king's command; Moses' staff; for conscience' sake; the boys' garden. The Verbalist A Manual Devoted to Brief Discussions of the Right and the Wrong Use of Words and to Some Other Matters of Interest to Those Who Would Speak and Write with Propriety.
Formation, of participles, 21 ff.; of possessive case, 67; of infinitives, 110. Business English A Practice Book 2011-11-19T03:00:25.507Z
How is the possessive case formed in the plural? Word Study and English Grammar A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
They did not begin with meaning two things at once; on the contrary, they were either possessive cases, of which the power became subsequently adjectival, or adjectives, of which the power became subsequently possessive. A Handbook of the English Language
Generally, nouns representing inanimate objects should not be used in the possessive case. Practical Grammar and Composition
No precise rule has ever been given to guide us in our choice between these two forms of the possessive case. The Verbalist A Manual Devoted to Brief Discussions of the Right and the Wrong Use of Words and to Some Other Matters of Interest to Those Who Would Speak and Write with Propriety.
The possessive case, for instance, can be expressed either by means of a proposition, in French fashion: "The works of Shakespeare," or by means of the ancient genitive: "Shakespeare's works." A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
Where a participial construction is used as the object of a verb, the noun or pronoun in the object should be in the possessive case and not in the objective. Word Study and English Grammar A Primer of Information about Words, Their Relations and Their Uses
The following table shows the nominative and possessive cases:   Singular. The Gundungurra Language
A substantive used with the gerund should always be in the possessive case. Practical Grammar and Composition
The word gentleman is in the possessive case, and has nothing to do with the action of the sentence. The Verbalist A Manual Devoted to Brief Discussions of the Right and the Wrong Use of Words and to Some Other Matters of Interest to Those Who Would Speak and Write with Propriety.
The apostrophe marks the possessive case of nouns. "Stops", Or How to Punctuate A Practical Handbook for Writers and Students
The apostrophe is primarily the sign of the possessive case, but it has several other uses. Punctuation A Primer of Information about the Marks of Punctuation and their Use Both Grammatically and Typographically
Who changes, under certain conditions, into whose and whom; but that and which always remain the same, with the exception of the possessive case, as noted above. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
These forms must be used whenever the objective or possessive case is demanded. Practical Grammar and Composition
The word does not occur in English at all until the end of the sixteenth century, the possessive case of the neuter pronoun it and of the masculine he being his. Milton's Comus
The possessive case expresses the relation of property or possession, and always ends with the letter o; as, Noosayo wegewaum, my father's house. Sketch of Grammar of the Chippeway Languages To Which is Added a Vocabulary of some of the Most Common Words
The apostrophe for the possessive case is added only to nouns, not to the pronouns, which have their distinct possessive forms. Punctuation A Primer of Information about the Marks of Punctuation and their Use Both Grammatically and Typographically
If we confine the possessive case to persons we would not say “for dispute's sake,” and indeed “for the sake of dispute” is just as good, if not better, in other respects. The Art Of Writing & Speaking The English Language Word-Study and Composition & Rhetoric
How is the possessive case of most nouns formed? Practical Grammar and Composition
The possessive case also is formed as in some other Papuan languages by a suffix added to the root of the pronoun. The Mafulu Mountain People of British New Guinea
But our main objection lies against the "possessive case." Lectures on Language As Particularly Connected with English Grammar.
An apostrophe marks elisions and the possessive case. Punctuation A Primer of Information about the Marks of Punctuation and their Use Both Grammatically and Typographically
Includes plural forms and possessive cases of nouns and pronouns and the partial conjugation of the verb "to eat". Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))
The supposition that the apostrophe ’s as a mark of the possessive case is a segment of his, a question which has been lately revived, is here denied. Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue A Treates, noe shorter than necessarie, for the Schooles
Suppose, therefore, we stop at the possessive case, and call him simply Fessenden's? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 82, August, 1864
In fact, the words said to be nouns in the possessive case, have changed their character, by use, from nouns to adjectives, or definitive words, and should thus be classed. Lectures on Language As Particularly Connected with English Grammar.
Saints' names are constantly introduced, generally in the possessive case; examples are “Santa Ana's house,” “Santa Maria's umbrella,” “San Jose's canes.” A Little Book of Filipino Riddles
Includes plural forms, possessive cases and diminutives of nouns, comparison of adjectives, cases of pronouns, and partial conjugation of the verbs "to eat" and "to drink". Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))
The possessive case denotes the possessor of something; as, This is John's horse. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
In the double-possessive idiom, however, the object is in the possessive case after of; for example,— There was also a book of Defoe's,... and another of Mather's.—Franklin. An English Grammar
It will be perceived that we have abandoned the use of the "possessive case," a distinction which has been insisted on in our grammars; and also changed the names of the other two. Lectures on Language As Particularly Connected with English Grammar.
Of the 101 titles thus selected, 41 use the possessive case and 60 the objective with the preposition. A Librarian's Open Shelf
Includes plural forms, possessive cases and gender of nouns, comparison of adjectives, possessive case of pronouns, and partial conjugation of the verbs "to eat" and "to drink". Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))
When a plural noun in the possessive case, ends in s, the apostrophe is added, but no additional s; as, "Boys' hats; Eagles' wings." English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The preposition sometimes takes the possessive case of a noun, as will be seen in Sec. An English Grammar
What I have said, will serve as a hint, which will enable you to see the impropriety of adopting the "possessive case." Lectures on Language As Particularly Connected with English Grammar.
Of these 101, 71 use the possessive case and 30 the objective with “of.” A Librarian's Open Shelf
A noun or a pronoun used before a gerund to denote the subject of the action should be put in the possessive case. Practical Exercises in English
When a noun in the possessive case ends in ence, the s is omitted, but the apostrophe is retained; as, "For conscience' sake." English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The possessive case always modifies another word, expressed or understood. An English Grammar
Master's is in the possessive case, and governed by slave! Lectures on Language As Particularly Connected with English Grammar.
In other words, where eight years ago nearly three-quarters of such titles used the possessive case, now only two-fifths use it, a proportionate reduction of nearly one-half. A Librarian's Open Shelf
"As a general rule, the possessive case should be confined to cases of possession." Practical Exercises in English
A noun or pronoun in the possessive case, is governed by the noun it possesses. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The word you, and its possessive case yours are sometimes used without reference to a particular person spoken to. An English Grammar
Rule for the Use of the Apostrophe.+—The apostrophe is used to denote the possessive case, to indicate the omission of letters, and to form the plural of signs, figures, and letters. Composition-Rhetoric
Here one is in apposition with ye, and other's is in the possessive case, being governed by joy. The Grammar of English Grammars
How children want to use the possessive case in regard to every object of interest! The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
A noun or pronoun in the possessive case, is governed by the noun which it possesses. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The is frequently used instead of the possessive case of the personal pronouns his, her, etc. An English Grammar
Compound nouns form the possessive case by adding 's to the last word. Composition-Rhetoric
That form of the pronoun, however, which is equivalent in sense to the concrete and the noun, is still the possessive case, and nothing more; as, "All mine are thine, and thine are mine." The Grammar of English Grammars
We have now arrived at the form St. Faust, and the evidence of the old deeds of St. Paul's explains the rest, showing us that the second syllable has grown out of the possessive case. Literary Blunders
Pron. &c.—Your is in the possessive case, it denotes possession, and is governed by "paper," according to Rule 12. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
But some remarks are required concerning the use of the possessive case. An English Grammar
They never used the "s" in indication of the possessive case. My Bondage and My Freedom
It merely omits the possessive case, and leaves the action of the participle undetermined in respect to the agent. The Grammar of English Grammars
Some of the pronouns have a special form for each case; but of nouns the possessive case is the only one that is now marked by a peculiar form. Higher Lessons in English A work on English grammar and composition
The Apostrophe is used to abbreviate a word, and also to mark the possessive case of a noun; as, "'tis, for it is; tho,' for though; o'er, for over;" "A man's poverty." English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
That is, should the possessive case of a noun or pronoun always be used with the gerund to indicate the active agent? An English Grammar
They have no possessive case, and are alike in the nominative and the objective. Graded Lessons in English An Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room
I am not sure that he means to confine himself strictly to this latter ground, but if he does, his position cannot be said in any respect to contravene my rule for the possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
The preposition of with the objective is often used instead of the possessive case form—David's Psalms = Psalms of David. Higher Lessons in English A work on English grammar and composition
A noun in the possessive case, should always be distinguished by the apostrophe, or mark of elision; as, The nation's glory. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The principal use of the apostrophe is to denote the possessive case. How to Speak and Write Correctly
What is the rule for forming the possessive case? Graded Lessons in English An Elementary English Grammar Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-Room
Yet we seldom put the whole in the possessive case before its part, or parts, but rather express the relation by of; as, "a quarter of a dollar," rather than, "a dollar's quarter." The Grammar of English Grammars
Again, the old possessive case—"The king, his crown," conforms to the like order of thought. The Philosophy of Style
Not correct, because the nouns girls and boys are both in the possessive case, and, therefore, require the apostrophe, by which they should be distinguished; thus, "girl's, boys'" according to the preceding NOTE. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The possessive case of the personal pronouns never take the apostrophe, as ours, yours, hers, theirs. How to Speak and Write Correctly
He was politely informed that both were incorrect; that the two words form their plurals differently, and that the possessive case is, therefore, formed in a different manner. Slips of Speech : a Helpful Book for Everyone Who Aspires to Correct the Everyday Errors of Speaking
The possessive case often drops the apostrophe; as in herdsman, kitesfoot. The Grammar of English Grammars
Cooper, in his grammar of 1828. copies the last scheme of Murray: in that of 1831, he avers that the personal pronouns "want the possessive case." The Grammar of English Grammars
The words my, thy, his, her, our, your, their, are, by many, denominated possessive adjective pronouns; but they always stand for nouns in the possessive case. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Now, with equal reproach to his etymology, his syntax, and his logic, he denies that our pronouns have any form of the possessive case at all. The Grammar of English Grammars
All nouns that form their plurals by adding s to the singular, form their possessive case as the word boy does. Slips of Speech : a Helpful Book for Everyone Who Aspires to Correct the Everyday Errors of Speaking
Dr. Adam also says, "In English, nouns have only one case, namely, the genitive, or possessive case."—Latin and Eng. The Grammar of English Grammars
If mine, thine, hers, ours, yours, theirs, be the possessive case; my, thy, her, our, your, their, must be the same. The Grammar of English Grammars
A noun in the possessive case, is always known by its having an apostrophe, and generally an s after it; thus, John's, hat; the boy's coat. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Whether we say, 'It is John's book,' or, 'The book is John's;' John's is not less the possessive case in one instance, than it is in the other. The Grammar of English Grammars
Omit the possessive The possessive case should not be prefixed to a participle that is not taken in all respects as a noun. Slips of Speech : a Helpful Book for Everyone Who Aspires to Correct the Everyday Errors of Speaking
Scott's is a proper noun, of the third person, singular number, masculine gender, and possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
But, as a possessive case was sometimes necessary, our ancestors used to borrow one; commonly from the masculine, though sometimes from the feminine. The Grammar of English Grammars
Declension means putting a noun through the different cases: and you will notice, that the possessive case varies from the nominative in its termination, or ending, but the objective case ends like the nominative. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
From the very nature of their composition, the possessive case is alike impossible to them all. The Grammar of English Grammars
Nouns may govern the possessive case before them, but not the objective after them; participles may govern the objective case, but not so properly the possessive. The Grammar of English Grammars
Are not the forms of my, thy, her, our, your, their, as fit to denote the relation of property, and to be called the possessive case, as mine, thine, his, or any others? The Grammar of English Grammars
They all want the possessive case, and are alike in the nominative and objective. The Grammar of English Grammars
That principle of classification which ranks them with the adjective pronouns, would also throw all nouns in the possessive case among the adjectives. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Here the possessive case their appears to be governed by advantage understood, and therefore it would perhaps be better to say, theirs, or their own. The Grammar of English Grammars
If they do, they are all of them pronouns, and nothing else; all found in the possessive case, and nowhere else. The Grammar of English Grammars
The latter will have them to be sometimes "possessive pronouns," and sometimes "possessive cases." The Grammar of English Grammars
Our is a personal pronoun, of the first person, plural number, masculine gender, and possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
Her, when placed before a noun, is in the possessive case; as, Take her hat: when standing alone, it is in the objective case; as, Give the hat to her. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
The possessive case is that form or state of a noun or pronoun, which usually denotes the relation of property. The Grammar of English Grammars
How is the possessive case of nouns formed? The Grammar of English Grammars
Thus all his personal pronouns of the possessive case, he then made to be inflections of pronouns of a different class! The Grammar of English Grammars
Write the possessive case singular, of the following nouns: table, leaf, boy, torch, park, porch, portico, lynx, calf, sheep, wolf, echo, folly, cavern, father-in-law, court-martial, precipice, countess, lordship. The Grammar of English Grammars
A noun or pronoun in the possessive case, is governed by the noun it possesses; as, "Man's happiness;" "Its value is great." English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Write the possessive case plural, of the following nouns: priest, tutor, scholar, mountain, city, courtier, judge, citizen, woman, servant, writer, grandmother. The Grammar of English Grammars
Again, nouns of the possessive case have a distinction of number, which adjectives have not. The Grammar of English Grammars
He makes the possessive case an adjective; and so did Brightland. The Grammar of English Grammars
But the apostrophe, whatever may have been its origin, is now the acknowledged distinctive mark of the possessive case of English nouns. The Grammar of English Grammars
A noun or pronoun in the possessive case, is governed by the noun it possesses. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
But whose, the possessive case of this relative, is sometimes used to supply the place of the possessive case, otherwise wanting, to the relative which. The Grammar of English Grammars
Nouns in apposition generally annex the sign of the possessive case to the last; as, 'For David my servant's sake.'—'John the Baptist's head.' The Grammar of English Grammars
The possessive case is that form or state of a noun or pronoun, which usually denotes the relation of property: as, The boy's hat; my hat. The Grammar of English Grammars
The possessives only are "pronouns;" and these are pronouns of the possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
Which and that are indeclinable, except that whose is sometimes used as the possessive case of which; as, "Is there any other doctrine whose followers are punished;" that is, the followers of which are punished. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Brightland calls them "Possessive Qualities, or Qualities of Possession;" in which class he also embraces all nouns of the possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
When an adjective qualifies the term self, the pronouns are written separately in the possessive case; as, My single self,—My own self,—His own self,—Their own selves. The Grammar of English Grammars
Yet Nixon, by assuming that of, with the word governed by it, constitutes a possessive case, contrives to give to participles, and even to the infinitive mood, all three of the cases. The Grammar of English Grammars
But, according to Observation 25th, on the Declensions of Pronouns, "The possessive case of pronouns should never be written with an apostrophe." The Grammar of English Grammars
"John's is a proper noun, of the masculine gender, the third person, singular number, possessive case, and governed by wife, by Rule I." The Grammar of English Grammars
Here wife is in apposition with Herodias', and brother with Philip's; consequently all these words are reckoned to be in the possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
In respect to construction, no terms differ more than a participle which governs the possessive case, and a participle which does not. The Grammar of English Grammars
Thus every new grammatist, has some grand absurdity or other, peculiar to himself; and what can be more gross, than to talk of English infinitives and participles as being in the possessive case? The Grammar of English Grammars
This gloss therefore I wholly disapprove, judging the position more tenable, to deny, if we consequently must, that either a phrase or a participle, as such, can consistently govern the possessive case. The Grammar of English Grammars
But, according to Note 1st under Rule 4th, "In the syntax ef the possessive case, its appropriate form, singular or plural, should be observed, agreeably to the sense and declension of the word." The Grammar of English Grammars
A Noun or a Pronoun in the possessive case, is governed by the name of the thing possessed. The Grammar of English Grammars
The possessive case and its governing noun, combining to form a literal name, may be joined together without either hyphen or apostrophe: as, tradesman, ratsbane, doomsday, kinswoman, craftsmaster. The Grammar of English Grammars
The possessive case is that form or state of a noun or pronoun, which usually denotes the relation of property. The Grammar of English Grammars




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