

a rush of blood a sacred cow a safe pair of hands a sage a sailing boat
a say a score of a scrap a scrap of paper a screw loose
a sea of a sea of faces a second time a sense of direction a sense of occasion
a sense of proportion a sequence of a series a series of a set of
a set phrase a shade a shade of a share a sharp angle
a sharp tongue a sheet of a shining example a shitload a shopping list
a short cut a short distance a short time a short time ago a short while
a short while ago a shot in the arm a shot in the dark a shoulder to cry on a show
a shower of stones a sight for sore eyes a sight of a sight to behold a sightseeing
a sign of the times a signal of distress a single eye a single woman a sinking feeling
a sinking ship a sitting duck a skeleton at the feast a skull and crossbones a slanging match
a slap in the face a slap on the back a slap on the wrist a slice of a slice of life
a slip of a girl a slip of the pen a slip of the tongue a small fortune a small number of
a small proportion of a small quantity of a smash hit a snake in the grass a snip
a snowball's chance a soft option a soft touch a solar year a somebody
a song and dance a sore point a sore spot a sore subject a sorry sight
a sort a sort of a span of a spark of a spark of interest
a special providence a species a species of a spent force a splice
a split second a spot of a spot of bother a square deal a square meal
a square peg in a round hole a stab in the back a stab in the dark a stack of a staff member
a stage a stand-up fight a standing army a standing joke a state banquet
a state of disorder a state of siege a state of undress a step forward a step in the right direction
a stick of furniture a stiff neck a stiff upper lip a sting in the tail a stitch of
a stock of a stool pigeon a store of goods a storm in a teacup a storm of
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