

单词 a series of
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕The image is magnified by a series of lenses within the telescope. 图像是通过望远镜内一系列的透镜放大的。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕Professor Blair is giving a series of lectures on Einstein's theories. 布莱尔教授在作有关爱因斯坦理论的系列讲座。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕After joining the newspaper, she quickly distinguished herself with a series of hard-hitting exposés. 她加入报社后,以一连串直击要害的揭露性文章而声名鹊起。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕A series of studies was made to discover the relationship between diet and behavior. 人们对日常饮食和行为方式之间的关系进行了一系列的研究。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica. 展览中包括毕加索为了创作《格尔尼卡》而作的一系列试画。朗文写作活用〔appointment〕They announced a series of new appointments of key security officials.他们宣布了一连串新任安全部主要官员名单。牛津搭配〔articulate〕The child articulated a series of sounds.孩子清晰地发出一系列的音。英汉大词典〔betrayal〕This was the first in a series of betrayals.这是一系列背叛事件中的第一件。剑桥高阶〔blind alley〕False information has led the police up a series of blind alleys.假情报把警察引进了一个个死胡同。朗文当代〔collectively〕Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.社会科学是一个统称,涵盖一系列的独立学科。柯林斯高阶〔congress〕Congress passed a series of important measures.国会通过了一系列重要措施。牛津搭配〔consultation〕After a series of consultations with doctors, a date for the operation was set.经过与各位医生的磋商,最终确定了手术日期。韦氏高阶〔crisp〕He issued a series of crisp commands.他干脆利落地下了一连串的命令。韦氏高阶〔dream〕A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.梦:在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自然地出现的一系列形象、想法、情感和感觉美国传统〔exploit〕She exploited her new movie through a series of guest appearance.她通过一系列客串表演来宣传推销她的新影片。21世纪英汉〔extend〕The government has produced a series of leaflets designed to extend (= increase) public awareness of the dangers of AIDS.政府印发了一系列传单,旨在加强公众对艾滋病危害的认识。剑桥高阶〔figure〕A pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating.花式:如溜冰中的一组系列动作的型式美国传统〔flashback〕The character's childhood was described in a series of flashbacks.这个人物的童年是通过一系列倒叙手法来描绘的。韦氏高阶〔grill〕A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface.受烤炙:烙或印在一个表面上的一系列印记美国传统〔haggle〕The committee fell into a series of haggles.委员会陷入了一系列的争论之中。英汉大词典〔harm〕The government's reputation has already been harmed by a series of scandals.政府的声誉已因一系列丑闻受到了损害。剑桥高阶〔hijack〕There have been a series of hijackings recently in the area.这个地区最近发生了一连串劫持事件。牛津高阶〔knit〕To make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops either by hand with knitting needles or on a machine.编织:通过把纱或线缠结成一连串相连的环,或用手工织针或机器制作(织物或衣服)美国传统〔lace〕The islands are laced together by a series of bridges.各岛屿之间有一系列桥梁连接。英汉大词典〔lead up to〕They had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate.他们经过连番争吵后决定分居。柯林斯高阶〔link up〕They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups.他们加入了一系列当地的反核和反种族隔离团体。柯林斯高阶〔madness〕He suffered a series of tragedies that nearly drove him to madness.他遭受的一系列悲剧几乎令他精神崩溃。韦氏高阶〔monologue〕Alan Bennett wrote a series of monologues called "Talking Heads".艾伦‧贝内特写了一系列名为《头脑独白》的独角戏。剑桥高阶〔plunge in/into〕A series of bad management decisions had plunged the company into debt.一系列错误的管理决策使公司突陷债务之中。韦氏高阶〔selfie〕He posted a series of close-up selfies on his Instagram yesterday.他在自己的Instagram网页上登出了一系列自拍照。剑桥高阶〔series〕The police are investigating a series of attacks in the area.警方在调查该地区发生的一连串袭击事件。朗文当代〔series〕The quartet will be performing in a series of lunchtime concerts.四重奏乐队将在一系列午餐音乐会上演奏。牛津搭配〔series〕We'll need to do a series of tests before we do anything else.在采取任何行动前我们需要进行一系列的测试。麦克米伦高阶〔shutdown〕The shutdown is the latest in a series of painful budget measures.此次关闭是一系列艰难预算措施中最新实施的一项。柯林斯高阶〔sketch〕Her TV programme is made up of a series of comic sketches.她的电视节目由一系列滑稽短剧组成。朗文当代〔step〕One of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal.步骤:一系列为达到某一目的的行动、过程或措施中的一环美国传统〔sublimate〕She sublimated her erotic feelings into a series of paintings.她把情欲升华为一幅幅画作。韦氏高阶〔synchronize〕There have been a series of unexpected, synchronized attacks on the embassies.各大使馆遭到了一系列同时发动的突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔tachistoscope〕An apparatus that projects a series of images onto a screen at rapid speed to test visual perception, memory, and learning.视觉记忆测试镜:一种快速地将一系列形象投射到屏幕上以检验视觉、记忆和学习能力的仪器美国传统〔trapline〕A route or circuit along which a series of animal traps is set.陷阱路线:设置一连串动物陷阱的路线或环形线美国传统〔yoke〕Electronics A series of two or more magnetic recording heads fastened securely together for playing or recording on more than one track simultaneously.【电子学】 多轨的磁头:一系列安全固定在一起的两个或多个录音磁头,以便在几个声道上同时放音或录音美国传统A series of embarkations was planned over a three-week period.用了三周多的时间作了一系列的运输计划。剑桥国际He wrote a series of articles devoted to modern farming methods.他写了一系列有关现代农作方法的文章。剑桥国际I planned a series of walks along the Indre, a lesser tributary of the Loire.我计划沿着安德尔河----卢瓦尔河的一条较小的支流,作一系列散步。剑桥国际It was the song's opening line, a series of profanities, that caused the record to be banned on the radio station.这支歌的第一句用了一串亵渎的语言,导致了这张唱片在电台禁放。剑桥国际She has been the victim of a series of completely unjustified calumnies.她成了一连串极不公正的诽谤的牺牲品。剑桥国际The bomb, which killed 15 people, was the worst of a series of terrorist outrages.这颗炸弹炸死了15人,这是恐怖主义者一系列暴行中最严重的一次。剑桥国际The cups rattled (= made a noise like a series of knocks) as the waitress laid the table.女招待摆酒席时杯子发出了丁丁的声响。剑桥国际The group has experienced a series of discouragements in the last six months.小组这6个月经历了一连串挫折。剑桥国际The initial earthquake was followed by a series of aftershocks, which brought more destruction to an already devastated area.最初的地震后有一系列余震,给一个已被摧毁的地区带来了更大的破坏。剑桥国际




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