

单词 on the mend
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECOVER〕I'm glad to see you're on the mend again. 我很高兴看到你病情又好转了。朗文写作活用〔RECOVER〕Kathy's been quite ill with flu, but I think she's on the mend now. 凯茜得了流感,病得很重,不过我觉得她现在正在好转。朗文写作活用〔be on the mend〕She's been ill with the flu but she's on the mend now.她得了流感,但现在正逐渐好起来。剑桥高阶〔mend〕He's had flu, but he's on the mend.他得了流感,但正在恢复。朗文当代〔mend〕Her broken leg is on the mend.她的断腿正在恢复当中。韦氏高阶〔mend〕Her health is on the mend.她的健康正在恢复中。韦氏高阶〔mend〕His hamstring problem is on the mend.他腘绳肌腱的伤情正在好转。外研社新世纪〔mend〕John's broken leg is on the mend.约翰的断腿在逐渐好起来。英汉大词典〔mend〕More evidence that the economy was on the mend was needed.需要更多证据来证明经济正在好转。柯林斯高阶〔mend〕More evidence that the economy was on the mend was needed.需要更多的证据来证明经济正在转好。外研社新世纪〔mend〕My leg is definitely on the mend now.我的腿正在明显地好转。牛津高阶〔mend〕Relations between these two countries are now on the mend.两国关系正在改善。英汉大词典〔mend〕She's on the mend now.她正在逐渐恢复健康。外研社新世纪〔mend〕She's been very ill, but luckily she's on the mend now.她病得很重,但幸运的是她现在正在康复。麦克米伦高阶〔mend〕The baby had been poorly but seemed on the mend.宝宝生病了,但似乎正在好起来。柯林斯高阶〔mend〕The baby had been poorly but seemed to be on the mend.这个婴儿一直状况不佳, 不过似乎正在好转。外研社新世纪〔mend〕The country's economy is on the mend.这个国家的经济开始好转。韦氏高阶〔mend〕The doctor is confident that Brown's knee problem is on the mend after a minor operation.医生确信布朗的膝伤在一次小手术后会逐渐康复。外研社新世纪〔mend〕The economy is on the mend.经济在好转。英汉大词典〔mend〕The signs are that things are on the mend.有迹象表明情况在变好。外研社新世纪〔mend〕They almost got a divorce, but now their marriage is on the mend.他们差点儿就离婚了,不过现在他们的婚姻有了好转。韦氏高阶His health is on the mend. 他的健康正在好转中。译典通Sarah has been ill with flu but now she's on the mend.萨拉得了流行性感冒,但她现在正慢慢康复。剑桥国际The doctor said that he was on the mend. 医生说他的病情正在好转。译典通The economy is on the mend. 经济情况正在好转。译典通We believe the US economy is on the mend.我们相信美国经济正在好转。牛津商务




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