

单词 miniature
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕By the end of the third month of pregnancy the foetus is a miniature human being. 怀孕满三个月时,胚胎已发育成小小的人形了。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕He had taken great pains to make the setting attractive: green candles stood waiting to be lit and in the centre was a bowl of white miniature roses. 他费尽心思布置得漂亮些:绿色的蜡烛摆好等待燃点,中间是一盘微型白玫瑰。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Miniature roses do not need much pruning and are ideal for planting in pots. 小型玫瑰不需要太多修剪,适合种在花盆里。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕The miniature railway is looked after by local volunteers. 这微型铁路由当地的义工负责看管。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕Next to the beach there's a miniature railway. 沙滩旁边有一条小铁道。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕The locket contained a miniature portrait of her late husband. 吊坠里有一张她先夫的小画像。朗文写作活用〔bantam〕Any of various breeds of very small domestic fowl that are often miniatures of members of larger breeds.矮脚鸡:一种体型极小的家禽,它们通常为较大家禽的微缩美国传统〔bantam〕Diminutive; miniature.微小的;小型的美国传统〔bibelot〕A miniature book, especially one that is finely crafted.小画像,尤指精细制作的美国传统〔carving〕Miniature carvings should be packed in cotton wool.微雕艺术品应该用脱脂棉包裹。外研社新世纪〔collection〕I was allowed to view his family collection of miniatures.我获准去参观他家的缩微模型收藏。牛津搭配〔dollhouse〕A small model house used as a children's toy or to display miniature dolls and furniture.玩具屋:儿童放玩具的小屋美国传统〔galanty show〕A shadow play performed by casting the shadows of miniature figures on a screen or wall.影子戏:在屏幕或墙上投射小人影子的一种影子戏娱乐美国传统〔golf〕The hotel offers miniature golf and other activities for children.宾馆为孩子们提供迷你高尔夫等活动。牛津搭配〔homunculus〕A miniature, fully formed individual believed by adherents of the early biological theory of preformation to be present in the sperm cell.雏型人:一个微型的,充分成形的个体,早期生物理论预说的拥护者认为它存在于精子细胞中美国传统〔illuminate〕To adorn (a page of a book, for example) with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering in brilliant colors or precious metals.装饰:用装饰性图案、模型、写成亮色或贵重金属质地的字母对(如书页)进行装饰美国传统〔illumination〕The art or act of decorating a text, a page, or an initial letter with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering.彩饰,图案花饰:用装饰图案、小型画或字母对书籍、书页或开头字母进行装饰的艺术或行为美国传统〔in miniature〕The little boy looks like his father in miniature.那个小男孩看起来像他父亲的微缩版。韦氏高阶〔in miniature〕The model depicts the project in miniature.这个模型以微缩形式展现这项工程。韦氏高阶〔karting〕The racing of miniature cars.微型汽车赛车运动美国传统〔kart〕A miniature car used in racing.微型竞赛汽车美国传统〔marvel〕This miniature phone is the latest technological marvel from Japan.这台微型电话是日本最新的科技奇迹。剑桥高阶〔microelectronics〕The branch of electronics that deals with miniature components.微电子学:研究微小器件的电子学分支美国传统〔microsensor〕A miniature electronic device that detects information about a specific variable such as temperature or light.微感应器,微侦测器:侦测有关某种变量信息,例如温度或光线,的细微电子仪器美国传统〔midget〕A small or miniature version of something.极小者:同类中极小或微小的一个美国传统〔miniature golf〕A novelty version of golf played with a putter and golf ball on a miniature course and featuring obstacles such as alleys, bridges, and tunnels.小高尔夫球:高尔夫球的一种新奇玩法,使用轻击球杆和高尔夫球沿一条微型路线游戏并经过假想出的障碍,如小巷、桥梁和隧洞美国传统〔miniature golf〕The town has donkey rides, miniature golf, and a model boating lake.这个小镇有一个骑驴场、迷你高尔夫球场,还有一个模型船只湖。剑桥高阶〔miniature〕Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature.从厄瓜多尔入手了解南美洲是绝佳的选择, 因为厄瓜多尔是南美大陆的缩影。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America; it's a continent in miniature.厄瓜多尔是认识南美洲的绝佳切入点,它是南美大陆的缩影。柯林斯高阶〔miniature〕Games are real life in miniature.游戏是现实生活的缩影。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕Games are real life in miniature.游戏比赛是现实生活的缩影。英汉大词典〔miniature〕He looked like a miniature version of his father.他看上去像是他父亲的微缩版。朗文当代〔miniature〕He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.他看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。柯林斯高阶〔miniature〕He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.他看起来像他那个英俊文雅的大哥的迷你版。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕I began to dream of a miniature sabbatical.我开始梦想着有一个短时间的公休假。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕I bought some miniature furniture for my niece's doll's house.我为侄女的玩具屋买了一些微型家具模型。剑桥高阶〔miniature〕If it can be done full-size, I can do it in miniature.如果可以做成与原物相同大小的,我就可以做成缩微的。柯林斯高阶〔miniature〕It looks like a miniature version of James Bond's car.它看上去像一辆小型的詹姆斯 · 邦德的汽车。牛津高阶〔miniature〕Julia held up two full plastic miniatures of gin.朱莉娅举起满满两小塑料瓶杜松子酒。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕Rosehill Farm has been selling miniature roses since 1979.玫瑰山农场自1979年起就一直出售迷你玫瑰。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕She collects porcelain miniatures.她收集微型瓷器。韦氏高阶〔miniature〕She could paint exquisite miniatures.她会画精美的小画像。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕She's her mother in miniature.她是她母亲的缩影。朗文当代〔miniature〕The art of painting miniatures.微型人像(或图画)绘画术:画微型画的艺术美国传统〔miniature〕The boy is a miniature of his father.这男孩是他父亲的缩影。英汉大词典〔miniature〕The little boy looks like a miniature version of his father.那个小男孩看起来像他父亲的微缩版。韦氏高阶〔miniature〕The model railway has all the buildings, bridges, and trees in miniature.这个铁路模型包括了所有建筑物、桥梁和树木的缩微景观。剑桥高阶〔miniature〕The theatre had been beautifully reproduced in miniature.剧院模型做得很漂亮。麦克米伦高阶〔miniature〕The walled garden was a miniature wilderness.这个有围墙的花园以前是一小片荒地。外研社新世纪〔miniature〕This plane model miniatures the airplane.这个飞机模型是飞机的缩影。21世纪英汉〔miniature〕This round orb miniatures the world.这个圆球是地球的缩影。英汉大词典〔miniature〕Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.通过游戏,孩子们演出了成年人生活的缩影。牛津高阶〔ride〕Visitors can take a ride on a miniature train.参观者可以搭乘小火车。牛津搭配〔sonic〕He activated the door with the miniature sonic transmitter.他用微型声波发射器开启了门。柯林斯高阶〔spherule〕A miniature sphere; a globule.小球体美国传统〔tinily〕A miniature worm of train rolled tinily along the embankment.一列火车像条小虫似地沿着路堤徐徐前进。英汉大词典〔tuck away〕His home in Bexley is tucked away in a miniature forest.他在贝克斯利的住宅坐落在一片小森林中。柯林斯高阶〔tuck away〕His home in Bexley is tucked away in a miniature forest.他在贝克斯利的家坐落在一片小森林中。外研社新世纪Gift shops in Holland are full of wooden shoes and miniature windmills.荷兰的礼品店里满是木制的鞋子及风车模型。剑桥国际He has a miniature of the Eiffel Tower on his desk. 他的书桌上放著一座埃菲尔铁塔的模型。译典通He looks just like a miniature version of his father.他虽小,但看上去却活像他的父亲。剑桥国际Mr. Hunter collects early English miniatures. 汉特先生收藏早期英国人物小画像。译典通Paris is France in miniature. 巴黎是法国的缩影。译典通She collects miniatures of dogs.她收集缩微小狗模型。剑桥国际She got out of her pocket a miniature of brandy.她从她的口袋里拿出一小瓶白兰地。剑桥国际She was buying miniature furniture for her niece's dolls' house.她为她侄女的玩具小屋买了微型家具。剑桥国际The little girl has miniature furniture for her dolls. 小女孩还有供洋娃娃用的迷你型家具。译典通There is a miniature display at the bottom of my mobile phone.在我的移动电话底部有一个微型显示器。牛津商务They've got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in miniature.他们弄了个村庄模型给人参观,有所有缩小的建筑物和道路。剑桥国际This miniature TV is the latest technological marvel from Japan.这台微型电视是日本最新科技(所创造)的奇迹。剑桥国际




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