

单词 hold in
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FUTURE〕When she first arrived in the US she was afraid of what the future might hold in store for her here. 她刚到美国时担心在这里等待着自己的将是什么样的命运。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Mr Davis has a 30% holding in Montague Enterprises. 戴维斯先生拥有蒙太格公司30%的股份。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕At current market prices their holding in the company is valued at over $25 million. 按目前的市场价,他们在这家公司拥有的股份估价为二千五百多万美元。朗文写作活用〔armlock〕A wrestling hold in which the opponent's arm is held so that it cannot be moved.锁臂,夹臂:摔跤擒拿法,抓紧对手的手臂令其动弹不得美国传统〔bellyband〕An encircling band for holding in a baby's protruding navel.脐带:连于婴儿突出的肚脐上的环绕带美国传统〔clasp〕To hold in a tight embrace.紧抱,紧拥:用双臂紧紧抱住美国传统〔contempt〕How could she marry a man whom she holds in such utter contempt? 她怎么能嫁给一个自己根本瞧不起的人呢?麦克米伦高阶〔corral〕To drive into and hold in a corral.赶入:赶入并围在畜栏里美国传统〔deflation〕Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry.通货紧缩开始全面影响服装业。柯林斯高阶〔deflation〕Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry.通货紧缩开始全面影响服装业。外研社新世纪〔disesteem〕To hold in disfavor.持不喜欢的态度,厌恶美国传统〔dread〕Archaic To hold in awe or reverence.【古语】 敬畏美国传统〔embosom〕Archaic To clasp to or hold in the bosom.【古语】 怀抱:紧抱或抱在怀中美国传统〔enclasp〕To hold in a clasp; embrace.紧紧抓住;抱住美国传统〔full nelson〕A wrestling hold in which both hands are thrust under the opponent's arms from behind and then pressed against the back of the opponent's neck.双肩下握颈:摔跤时两手从背后插入对手臂下以向下压对手的脖子美国传统〔half nelson〕A wrestling hold in which one arm is passed under the opponent's arm from behind to the back of the neck.侧面肩下握颈:摔跤的一种握法,单臂从对方臂下穿过去,用手钩住对方脖子的后部美国传统〔hammerlock〕Sports A wrestling hold in which the opponent's arm is pulled behind the back and twisted upward.【体育运动】 锁臂:摔跤的一种握法,把对手的一支胳膊压在他的背后并向上弯起美国传统〔headlock〕A wrestling hold in which the head of one wrestler is encircled and locked by the arm and body of the other.勒头:摔跤的一种握法,一位摔跤手的头被另一个摔跤手的胳膊和身体圈住并锁紧美国传统〔held〕I don't think the rule holds in traffic court.我认为该项法令不能适用于交通法院。21世纪英汉〔hold in〕Depression can be traced to holding in anger.抑郁症可以追溯到对愤怒情绪的压抑。柯林斯高阶〔holding〕She has a 40% holding in the company.她持有公司 40% 的股份。牛津高阶〔holding〕The government has decided to sell its 21% holding in the firm.政府决定出售其在该公司 21% 的股份。朗文当代〔hold〕He thought it better to hold in.他认为保持沉默为好。英汉大词典〔hold〕It can be bad for you to hold in anger.压抑怒火会不利于健康。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕She searched for holds in the rock.她在岩石中寻找支撑点。韦氏高阶〔hold〕The general rule holds in most cases.通则大多数情况都适用。韦氏高阶〔hold〕The rule holds in any case.这条规则适用于任何情况。英汉大词典〔honor〕To hold in respect; esteem.尊敬;尊重美国传统〔lock〕Sports A hold in wrestling or self-defense that is secured on a part of an opponent's body.【体育运动】 揪扭:在摔跤或自我防卫中紧抓住对手身体的某个部位美国传统〔majority〕The German banking group will have a majority holding in the enlarged company.这家德国银行集团将在扩张后的公司里持有多数股份。外研社新世纪〔poise〕To carry or hold in equilibrium; balance.使保持平衡:在平衡状态中携带或支持;使…平衡美国传统〔retain〕To keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position.保持,保留:保持或维持在一个特殊的场所、条件或位置美国传统〔scissors hold〕A wrestling hold in which the legs of one opponent are locked about the head or body of another opponent.剪式抱:摔跤中用双腿钳住对手的头部或身体美国传统〔see〕Let me see what you're holding in your hand.让我看看你手里拿的是什么东西。韦氏高阶〔store〕We don't know what life holds in store for us.我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。牛津高阶〔store〕What does the future hold in store for the boy? 这个男孩将有怎样的前途呢?英汉大词典〔support〕To hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking, or slipping.支撑:扶持以防止摔倒、下沉或滑倒美国传统〔suppress〕These verbs mean to hold in check something requiring or struggling to find an outlet.这些动词表示抑制需要找到发泄途径的某事。美国传统〔toehold〕Sports A wrestling hold in which one competitor wrenches the other's foot.【体育运动】 反踝关节扭脚趾:一种一个迭手握住对方的脚的一种摔交握法美国传统〔wristlock〕A wrestling hold in which an opponent's wrist is gripped and twisted to immobilize the opponent.扣腕:一方对手的手腕被另一方抓住并扭着使不动的角力美国传统A new idea about management took hold in boardrooms and business schools.一种对管理的新观念在董事会和商学院的影响越来越大。牛津商务The roots of the tree loosened their holds in the fissures of the rock. 树根在岩石的裂缝处松开了。译典通The wall of this dam retains (= holds in place) 5 000 000 cubic metres of water.该水坝蓄有5 000 000立方米的水。剑桥国际They have a 27% holding in the company.他们拥有公司 27% 的股份。牛津商务




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