

单词 面部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Ground forces were wiped out by the air attack. 地面部队被空袭消灭了。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕The court heard that the defendant had struck Payne repeatedly in the face, causing serious bruising. 法庭听取了证词,指被告反复击打佩恩的面部,造成了严重的瘀伤。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Electrolysis gets rid of unsightly facial hair. 电蚀除毛法能除去难看的面部汗毛。朗文写作活用〔air cover〕The aircraft used to protect and otherwise support ground troops.空中掩护飞机:用来掩护和援助地面部队的飞机美国传统〔air kiss〕A facial expression in which the lips are pursed as if kissing.飞吻:将嘴唇噘起,做出接吻似的面部表情美国传统〔bloat〕Her features had been bloated by years of drinking.她酗酒多年,已变得面部浮肿。牛津高阶〔body blow〕Sports A blow delivered to the front of the torso above the waist in boxing.【体育运动】 正面击打:拳击运动中对腰部以上的身体正面部位的打击美国传统〔bow〕The front section of a ship or boat.船头:船或小艇的前面部美国传统〔bud〕The leaves were budding on the trees below.树下面部分正在抽芽。外研社新世纪〔calvarium〕A skull that lacks the lower jaw or the lower jaw and the facial parts.脑壳:头盖骨,不包括下颚或下颚和面部美国传统〔chief〕Heraldry The upper section of a shield.【纹章学】 纹章上段:盾牌的上面部美国传统〔come〕Two of his teeth came out after he got hit in the face.他面部被击中以后,掉了两颗牙齿。剑桥高阶〔console〕Music The desklike part of an organ that contains the keyboard, stops, and pedals.【音乐】 风琴操作部分:风琴的台面部分,包括键盘、音栓及踏板等美国传统〔contour〕He studied the contours of her face.他仔细端详她的面部轮廓。剑桥高阶〔convexity〕A convex surface, body, part, or line.凸面、凸面体、凸面部分或凸线美国传统〔conveyance〕Facial expressions are part of the conveyance of meaning.面部表情也是在表达意思。朗文当代〔convulse〕Olivia's face convulsed in a series of twitches.奥利维娅的面部不停地抽搐着。外研社新世纪〔countenance〕Appearance, especially the expression of the face.表情,外表:外表,尤指面部表情美国传统〔deploy〕The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.总统称他无意部署地面部队。外研社新世纪〔deploy〕The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.总统称并不打算部署地面部队。柯林斯高阶〔development〕A secret device is now in development for ground troops.一种供地面部队使用的秘密武器装置正在研制中。英汉大词典〔disfigurement〕He had surgery to correct a facial disfigurement.他做了手术来弥补自己的面部缺陷。柯林斯高阶〔elasticity〕Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.每天做面部运动有助于她的皮肤保持弹性。外研社新世纪〔emote〕From actors' facial expressions and the way they emote, we can draw conclusions about their characters' states of mind.通过演员的面部表情以及他们强烈表现情感的方式,我们可以得知他们扮演角色的内心状态。剑桥高阶〔face-recognition software〕Face-recognition software allows you to log into your computer using your face as your password.面部识别软件可以用你的脸做密码让你登录计算机。剑桥高阶〔facelift〕She is having her third facelift.她要做第三次面部拉皮手术了。外研社新世纪〔face〕The ball hit me in the face.球击中了我的面部麦克米伦高阶〔face〕The expression on his face never changed.他的面部表情总是一成不变。牛津高阶〔facial nerve〕Either of the seventh pair of cranial nerves that control facial muscles and relay sensation from the taste buds of the front part of the tongue.面神经:第七对头盖骨神经中的任一条,控制面部肌肉并把感觉从舌前部的味蕾传来美国传统〔facial〕A treatment for the face, usually consisting of a massage and the application of cosmetic creams.美容:面部治疗,常有按摩和使用化妆用品美国传统〔facial〕Beauty treatments range from an eyelash tint at £8 to a deep cleansing facial costing £80.美容护理项目包括从收费8英镑的染睫毛到收费80英镑的面部深层清洁剑桥高阶〔facial〕I ended up in hospital with facial injuries.我落得个面部受伤,进了医院。柯林斯高阶〔facies〕She has an ideal body weight and her facies is normal.她体重理想,面部正常。剑桥高阶〔flesh〕These points were fleshed out in the later parts of the speech.这几点在演讲的后面部份已得到充实。牛津高阶〔floor〕The surface of a room on which one stands.地板:房间内人们站立的表面部美国传统〔flow〕The continual bombing disrupted the flow of supplies to the ground troops.此起彼伏的轰炸扰乱了对地面部队的物资供应。牛津搭配〔fore-and-aft sail〕A sail set parallel with the keel of a vessel, having the foremost edge or luff attached to the mast with travelers and the upper edge set on a gaff or stay.纵帆:安装与船的龙骨并行的船帆,帆的最前方或前缘与活环一起固着在桅杆上,上面部分安在桅斜桁上或支索上美国传统〔front〕The forward part or surface, as of a building.前部,正面:前面部分或表面部分,例如指建筑物美国传统〔gallery〕An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.边座,楼座:剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部美国传统〔highlighter〕A cosmetic for emphasizing areas of the face, such as the eyes or cheekbones.轮廓色:一种用于突出面部某些部位,如眼睛或颊骨的化妆品美国传统〔innervate〕The facial nerve innervates the muscles of expression.面部神经支配着面容肌。英汉大词典〔intent〕She had an intent look on her face.她的面部表情非常专注。剑桥高阶〔lacerate〕She suffered multiple lacerations to the face.她的面部多处被划伤。牛津高阶〔lift〕To perform cosmetic surgery on (the face), especially in order to remove wrinkles or sagging skin.整容:做面部整容手术,尤指为了去皱纹或消除松弛的皮肤美国传统〔lineament〕A distinctive shape, contour, or line, especially of the face.轮廓,面部轮廓:有特色的形状、轮廓或外廓,尤指面部美国传统〔lip reading〕A technique for understanding unheard speech by interpreting the lip and facial movements of the speaker.唇读法:通过解释说话者嘴唇和面部的动作来理解听不了的话语的一种技巧美国传统〔look〕I could tell by the look on his face that he was not happy.从他的面部表情我可以断定他并不开心。麦克米伦高阶〔mask〕A covering, as of cloth, that has openings for the eyes, entirely or partly conceals the face, and is worn especially at a masquerade ball.(化妆舞会的)面具:布做面具,上有孔可露出双眼、全部或部分地遮住面部,尤在假面舞会上佩戴美国传统〔mask〕The face or facial markings of certain animals, such as foxes or dogs.面部特写:某动物的脸或脸部用的印记,例如狐狸或狗美国传统〔metencephalon〕The anterior part of the embryonic hindbrain, which gives rise to the cerebellum and pons.后脑:胚胎后脑的前面部分,后发育成小脑和桥美国传统〔mug shot〕A photograph of a person's face, especially one made for police files.面部照片:人的面部照片,尤指为警察局存档之用美国传统〔mug〕A mug shot.面部照片美国传统〔nonverbal〕Facial expressions are very important for nonverbal communication.面部表情对非语言交际来说很重要。韦氏高阶〔noticeably〕There are many physical signs, most noticeably a change in facial features.有很多体征, 最明显的就是面部特征的改变。外研社新世纪〔offensive〕They plan to launch an air offensive before sending in ground troops.他们打算在派出地面部队之前先发动空中攻势。韦氏高阶〔pantomime〕The telling of a story without words, by means of bodily movements, gestures, and facial expressions.哑剧表演:不用语言,借助于身体、动作、手势和面部表情来讲述故事美国传统〔prefrontal〕Of, relating to, or situated in the anterior part of the frontal lobe.额叶前部的:额叶前面部分的、与之相关的或位于之的美国传统〔reconstructive surgery〕His face was badly damaged and will require reconstructive surgery.他的面部严重受损,必须做整形手术。韦氏高阶〔reconstruct〕He had plastic surgery to help reconstruct his badly damaged face.他做了整形手术以修复其严重受伤的面部柯林斯高阶〔retinoic acid〕A preparation of this, used topically to treat acne and to modify the appearance of fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and roughness of facial skin.维生素A酸制剂:维生素A酸制剂,局部用于治疗痤疮、淡化细纹、改善面部色斑和嫩化皮肤美国传统〔rosacea〕The symptoms of rosacea like redness, facial flushing, and facial burning can come and go intermittently.酒渣鼻的症状如皮肤和面部发红、发热等会时不时地出现。剑桥高阶〔sag〕His face gets sagging.他的面部肌肉开始松垂了。21世纪英汉〔scowl〕To express with a frowning facial expression.皱眉表示:用皱眉这种面部表情表达美国传统〔screw〕He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain.他面部扭曲,假装疼痛。柯林斯高阶〔signify〕Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.有些部落使用特殊的面部符号来表示地位。朗文当代〔smiley〕An emoticon, especially a smiling facial glyph [ :-) ] used to express delight or to indicate humor or irony.计算机微笑符号:因特网表情符号,尤指用于表达喜悦或表示幽默、嘲讽的微笑面部标示[ :-) ]美国传统〔smile〕A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.微笑:一种面部表情,其特点是嘴角向上弯成曲线,表示舒服、高兴或嘲笑美国传统〔smile〕These nouns denote facial expressions, as those indicating amusement, in which the mouth is curved upward slightly at the corners.这些名词都指一种嘴角向上微翘,表示愉快的面部表情。美国传统〔sneer〕A scornful facial expression characterized by a slight raising of one corner of the upper lip.嘲笑:一种表示蔑视的面部表情,其特点是上嘴角向上微翘美国传统〔sneer〕To assume a scornful, contemptuous, or derisive facial expression.讥笑:显示出一种鄙视、瞧不起或自得的面部表情美国传统〔socket〕The concave part of a joint that receives the end of a bone.窝:关节中接纳骨头末端凹面部美国传统〔sounding board〕A thin board forming the upper portion of the resonant chamber in an instrument, such as a violin or piano, and serving to increase resonance.共鸣板:乐器的共鸣箱的上面部分的一种薄板,如小提琴或钢琴中者,用于增大响亮程度美国传统〔square〕The blow landed square on Mubashir's face.这一击正中穆巴希尔的面部外研社新世纪〔stiffen〕The father's face stiffened with dismay.父亲因为悲痛而面部表情凝重。柯林斯高阶〔strafe〕To attack (ground troops, for example) with a machine gun or cannon from a low-flying aircraft.低空扫射 …:从低空飞行的飞机上用机枪或炮攻击(如地面部队)美国传统〔strength〕The ground units are at or near their designated strength.这些地面部队已达到或接近其兵员定额。英汉大词典〔suggest〕Her face suggests that she’s bored.从她的面部表情可知她生厌了。牛津同义词〔support〕Bombers were called in to support the ground troops.轰炸机被召来支援地面部队。韦氏高阶〔surface〕Nato surface forces.北约地面部柯林斯高阶〔sweeten〕A quick smile sweetened Peter's face.彼得脸上一闪而过的笑容使他的面部表情变得柔和了。外研社新世纪〔tactical〕The planes provided tactical air support for the soldiers on the ground.飞机在战术上为地面部队提供了空中支持。韦氏高阶〔tauten〕There are exercises that tauten facial muscles.有些练习动作可以让面部肌肉紧绷起来。柯林斯高阶〔tellingly〕It was her expression that was the most telling.她的面部表情最能反映她的真实想法。柯林斯高阶〔tell〕Her face told its own story.看她的面部表情,就什么都明白了。牛津高阶〔tic〕A habitual spasmodic muscular movement or contraction, usually of the face or extremities.抽搐:常发生在面部或肢端的习惯性且痉挛性的肌肉运动和收缩美国传统〔tone〕She quickly and efficiently cleansed, toned, and moisturized her face.她快速有效地完成了面部洁肤、紧肤和润肤的过程。麦克米伦高阶〔troop〕The major powers have said they will not send in ground troops (= soldiers who fight on land).一些大国声称不准备派遣地面部队。剑桥高阶〔up〕I could tell something was up by the look on her face.从她的面部表情我可以断定一定是发生了什么事。韦氏高阶〔whiteface〕A white-faced animal, especially a Hereford.白脸动物:面部白色的动物,尤指赫里福德牛美国传统〔work〕His face worked with anger.他气得面部抽搐。英汉大词典〔work〕His face worked with emotion.他激动得面部抽搐。21世纪英汉Different racial groups can be distinguished to some extent by differences in physiognomy.不同的种族在一定程度上可根据面部的不同而区别开来。剑桥国际Experts believe the air war might be over within days, paving the way for an early attack by ground troops (= soldiers who fight on land).专家们认为空战可能在几天内就会结束,为地面部队及早发起进攻铺平了道路。剑桥国际He developed a nasty tic when he was depressed.他情绪低落时面部剧烈抽筋。剑桥国际The blood flushed into her face. 血涌上她的面部译典通The blow struck him full in the face. 这一拳正好击中他的面部译典通The hospital charges £4 000 for a full facelift.整套面部整容医院要价4000 英镑。剑桥国际The human infant is strongly attracted to facial as well as vocal movements.婴儿强烈地受面部和声音活动的吸引。剑桥国际The military commanders won't deploy their land forces until they're satisfied that the air attacks have done their job.军事指挥官们在空袭奏效之后才会部署地面部队。剑桥国际The play of emotion across/on his face revealed the conflict going on in his heart.他面部浮现出的表情显示出他矛盾的心情。剑桥国际




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