

单词 银的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arg.〕Argentine.银的美国传统〔amalgam〕Any of various alloys of mercury with other metals, as with tin or silver.汞齐,汞合金:各种汞和其它金属,如锡或银的合金美国传统〔argentic〕Of or containing silver.银的,含银的美国传统〔argentiferous〕Bearing or producing silver.产生银的:带银的或产生银的美国传统〔argentine〕Relating to or resembling silver; silvery.似银的:与银有关的或类似于银的;似银的美国传统〔argent〕Archaic Silver or something resembling it.【古语】 似银的:银或类似银的东西美国传统〔assay〕Soil sampling returned strong zinc, lead, and silver assays.样品分析报告显示土壤中锌、铅和银的含量很高。外研社新世纪〔babbitt metal〕Any of several soft, silvery antifriction alloys composed of tin usually with small amounts of copper and antimony.巴氏合金:一些柔软,含银的抗摩擦合金,由锡组成,通常也含少量的铜和锑美国传统〔cyanide process〕A process of extracting gold or silver from ores by treating them with a solution of sodium cyanide or calcium cyanide.氰化法:用氰化钠或者氰化钙的溶解从矿石中提取金或者银的过程美国传统〔emulsion〕A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass.感光乳剂:一种感光覆盖层,通常是银的卤化物颗粒在感光胶片、纸或玻璃上的一薄层胶体美国传统〔flat silver〕Utensils, such as knives, forks, or spoons, made of silver or silver plate.成套银餐具:如刀、叉或匙等银质或镀银的餐具美国传统〔lace〕Gold or silver braid ornamenting an officer's uniform.饰带:装饰官员制服的金的或银的编织物美国传统〔lunar〕Of or relating to silver.银的:属于或与银有关的美国传统〔mercurialism〕Poisoning caused by mercury or a compound containing mercury.汞中毒:由水银或含水银的化合物引起的中毒美国传统〔mercurial〕A pharmacological or chemical preparation containing mercury.水银剂:含水银的药剂或化学试剂美国传统〔mint〕In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.1965年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分。柯林斯高阶〔plate〕A dish, cup, or other article of silver or gold offered as a prize.奖杯:作为奖品授予的银的或金的盘,杯或其它物品美国传统〔plate〕The cutlery is plate, not solid silver.这套餐具是镀银的,不是纯银的牛津高阶〔plate〕The dishes were solid silver, not plate.这些餐具是纯银的,不是镀银的韦氏高阶〔plate〕The knives and forks are silver plate.这些刀叉是镀银的剑桥高阶〔poor man's〕Pewter is the poor man's silver.白镴是白银的廉价相似品。韦氏高阶〔ratio〕The relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic.金银比价:金银复币位体制中金和银的相对比例美国传统〔silver plate〕A coating or plating of silver.银镀层:层银的涂层或镀层美国传统〔silver plate〕Tableware, such as flatware or hollowware, made of or coated with silver.银餐具:由银制成或镀银的餐具,如扁平餐具或凹底餐具美国传统〔silver plate〕They are available in polished brass, antique brass or silver-plate.它们有哑铜的,古铜的和镀银的柯林斯高阶〔silvern〕Resembling silver; silvery.象银的;银铃般的美国传统〔silversmith〕One that makes, repairs, or replates articles of silver.银匠:一个制做、修银器具或给银器重新镀银的美国传统〔silvery〕Containing or coated with silver.含银的,包银的:含有或覆盖有银的美国传统〔silver〕Domestic articles, such as tableware, made of or plated with silver.银器皿:由银制成的或镀银的家用物品,如餐具美国传统〔silver〕Resembling silver, especially in having a lustrous shine; silvery.似银的:象银的,尤指有闪亮光泽这一点上;似银的美国传统〔silver〕Silver prices have risen.银的价格上涨了。韦氏高阶〔silver〕The chain was available in silver plate for $12.50.有镀银的链子,每条 12.50 美元。牛津搭配〔solid〕The ring is solid gold/silver.这枚戒指是纯金/银的韦氏高阶〔solid〕These are solid silver plates.这些盘子是纯银的英汉大词典〔standard〕The set proportion by weight of gold or silver to alloy metal prescribed for use in coinage.硬币的法定含金或含银量:铸造货币时混合金属的含金或银的法定比例含量美国传统〔this〕This is silver and that is gold.这个是银的,那个是金的。韦氏高阶〔transmutation〕The supposed conversion of base metals into gold or silver in alchemy.转变:在炼金术中假想的从贱金属到金或银的转变美国传统An emulsion of very small grains of silver bromide and gelatin is used to make the surface of photographic film sensitive to light.溴化银的细小颗粒和明胶的混合物被用来使摄影胶卷的表面具有感光性。剑桥国际Silver plate (= objects made of metal with a thin covering of silver) is less valuable than solid silver.镀银的东西没有纯银的那么有价值。剑桥国际Some of the windows in the new building are silvered (= the glass has been covered with a thin layer of silver-coloured material to turn it into a mirror).新大楼里的一些窗户是镀了银色物质的(敷上了似银的物质,使之成为镜面)。剑桥国际The knives and forks are silver plate (= ordinary metal with a layer of silver on top).这些刀叉是镀银的剑桥国际The pendant is made of opal and the chain is silver.这个垂饰是由蛋白石制成的,链子是银的剑桥国际The walls of the palace are marble with silver inlay.宫殿的墙壁是镶银的大理石。剑桥国际This spoon is solid silver. 这把汤匙是纯银的译典通We gave Alison and Tom a dish made of solid silver as a wedding present.我们送给艾丽森和汤姆一个纯银的盘子作为结婚礼物。剑桥国际




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