

单词 针脚
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backstitch〕A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths.回针缝:在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半美国传统〔baste〕She basted the hem of the dress.她用长针脚疏缝了连衣裙的褶边。韦氏高阶〔baste〕To sew loosely with large running stitches so as to hold together temporarily.假缝,疏缝:用大的长针脚疏缝,以使之暂时缝合美国传统〔cast〕To make the last row of stitches in knitting.收针,织好:在编织中织最后一排针脚美国传统〔cross-stitch〕The blouse had cross-stitches around the neckline.这件女式衬衫的领口是一圈十字形针脚韦氏高阶〔denote〕Bad stitching denotes a poor quality carpet.针脚不好表示地毯的质量很差。麦克米伦高阶〔even〕Try to keep your stitches absolutely even.尽量使针脚均匀。牛津搭配〔fray〕The stitching had begun to fray at the edges.边上的针脚磨得已经开始脱线了。柯林斯高阶〔overcasting〕The act of sewing raw edges of material with long, overlying stitches to prevent raveling.包边缝纫:为防止散线而用长针脚在材料的毛边上缝纫美国传统〔overcasting〕The stitching so done.包边针脚:包边缝纫形成的针脚美国传统〔overcast〕An overcast stitch or seam.包边缝纫的针脚或线缝美国传统〔overcast〕Sewn with long, overlying stitches in order to prevent raveling, as the raw edges of fabric.包边缝的,锁边的:为防止织物的毛边、散线而用长针脚在上面缝的美国传统〔overcast〕To sew with long, overlying stitches.包边缝:用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫美国传统〔overhand〕An overhand stitch or seam.平式缝接的针脚或缝口美国传统〔overhand〕Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges.平式缝接的:把两个边拉在一起用垂直而细密的针脚缝接的,缝纫时每一针都经过两道边形成的缝口美国传统〔petit point〕Needlepoint done with a small stitch.点针绣法锈品:用小的针脚做的针绣花边美国传统〔pick ... up〕It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.这种式样的针脚掉了,要想补上是很困难的。21世纪英汉〔seam〕She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.她用细小规整的针脚缝好了缝口。牛津搭配〔sew〕The squares of fabric were all sewn neatly together.方块布片都用匀密的针脚缝在了一起。牛津搭配〔stitching〕The stitching had begun to fray at the edges.边沿上的针脚已经开始磨损了。柯林斯高阶〔stitch〕Keep the stitches evenly spaced.保持针脚间隔均匀。外研社新世纪〔stitch〕Make your stitches closer together.把针脚缝得再密一些。英汉大词典〔stitch〕Try to keep the stitches small and straight.针脚要尽量缝得小而直。牛津高阶〔tack ... on〕She tacked the sleeves on and sew them up.她先用粗针脚缝上袖子,然后再细细缝好。21世纪英汉〔tack〕Tack the hem and I'll sew it later.用粗缝针脚缝个贴边, 我以后会缝好。外研社新世纪〔tack〕Tack them together with a 1.5 cm seam.用 1.5 厘米的针脚将它们暂时缝上。柯林斯高阶〔tack〕Tack them together with a 1.5 cm seam.用1.5 厘米长的针脚将它们暂时缝上。外研社新世纪〔tack〕To fasten or mark (cloth or a seam, for example) with a loose basting stitch.暂时用粗针假缝:用一个松散的疏缝的针脚来固定或标出(比如,布料或缝口)美国传统〔tent stitch〕A short diagonal embroidery stitch that forms close, even, parallel rows to fill in a pattern or background.斜向平行针迹:一种能够形成慎密、平均且平行的针脚来填满图案或背景的短而斜的剌绣针脚美国传统〔topstitch〕To sew a row of stitching close to the seam or edge of (a garment) on the outer side of the fabric.在(衣服)外面的缝或边旁缝一道针脚美国传统〔tuck〕Her dress was tucked with tiny stitches.她的连衣裙用细密的针脚缝着褶裥。英汉大词典〔zigzagger〕A sewing-machine attachment for sewing zigzag stitches.锁边机:用弯弯曲曲的针脚来缝合的一种缝纫机附件美国传统She had sewn the wrong bits of material together and so had to unpick (= take out) the stitches and start again.她错缝了布料,因此她只能拆了针脚重新缝。剑桥国际The needle pierces the fabric and then moves up, leaving a loop of thread beneath the fabric.针穿过织物又向上穿回,在下面留下一个针脚剑桥国际The stitching along my coat hem is coming undone.我外套褶边上的针脚松开了。剑桥国际




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