

单词 针叶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔boreal〕Boreal Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. Boreal 北温带北部森林地区的:北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树美国传统〔broad-leaved〕Having broad or relatively broad leaves rather than needlelike or scalelike leaves.(有)阔叶的:有宽或相当宽的叶,而非针叶或鳞叶的美国传统〔compare〕The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。柯林斯高阶〔conifer〕Any of various mostly needle-leaved or scale-leaved, chiefly evergreen, cone-bearing gymnospermous trees or shrubs such as pines, spruces, and firs.针叶树:任一种生针状或鳞状叶常绿的、结球果的裸子树木或灌木,例如松树、云杉和冷杉美国传统〔conifer〕Most conifers are evergreen.大多数针叶树终年常青。韦氏高阶〔constitute〕Conifers constitute about a third of the world's forests.针叶树大约占了世界森林的三分之一。外研社新世纪〔dwarf〕You can grow dwarf conifers in pots on the patio.你可以在阳台上种些矮小的针叶树盆栽。剑桥高阶〔needle〕A narrow stiff leaf, as those of conifers.针叶:狭长的硬叶,如松柏科植物美国传统〔pinetum〕An area planted with pine trees or related conifers, especially for botanical study.松园,松柏园:长有松树或针叶树的地方,尤指用于园林研究美国传统〔pine〕Any of various other coniferous trees, such as the Norfolk Island pine.(其它)针叶状树:其它针叶状树,如尼福克岛松美国传统〔pink〕Any of various other plants, such as the wild pink and the moss pink.石竹类:其他植物一种,如加罗林雪轮和针叶天蓝绣球美国传统〔pitch〕A resin derived from the sap of various coniferous trees, as the pines.松脂,树脂:某种松脂,自某些针叶树(如松树)上提取美国传统〔plantation〕Over-intensive sheep grazing and inappropriate conifer plantations ruin moorland.过于密集的绵羊放牧和不合理的针叶林种植毁坏了高沼地。外研社新世纪〔softwood〕A 200,000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.20万英亩的林地将重新种上针叶树,以便为造纸厂提供原料。剑桥高阶〔softwood〕A coniferous tree.针叶美国传统〔softwood〕The wood of a coniferous tree.软材:针叶树的木材美国传统〔spermatophyte〕A seed-bearing plant, such as a conifer or a flowering plant.种子植物:产籽的植物,如针叶树或开花植物美国传统〔taiga〕A subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest of northern Eurasia located just south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces.泰加群落, 西伯利亚针叶林:欧亚大陆北部冻土地带以南的亚寒带常绿针叶林,主要树种为杉树和柏树美国传统〔watap〕A stringy thread made from the roots of various conifers and used by certain Native American peoples in sewing and weaving.根制线:由各种针叶树的根制成的一种线,被某些美洲印第安人用来缝和织美国传统A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill. [C] 200 000 英亩森林地皮将重新种植针叶树,以便能为造纸和纸浆厂提供原料。剑桥国际A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。译典通Conifers are an important source of timber for building and the manufacture of paper and furniture.针叶树是建筑、造纸和家具的重要木材来源。剑桥国际Conifers have long thin leaves called needles.松柏科植物长着叫针叶的细长叶子。剑桥国际Firs, spruces and pines are conifers.冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。剑桥国际In the midst of the endless coniferous forest stood a single group of oak trees.在无边无际的针叶林中央耸立着唯一一个橡树丛。剑桥国际We want a Christmas tree that won't drop its needles all over the carpet.我们要一棵不会把针叶落满地毯的圣诞树。剑桥国际You can grow dwarf (= small) conifers in pots on the patio.你可以在庭院里种几盆矮小的针叶树。剑桥国际




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