

单词 festoon
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECORATE〕On the day of the festival the streets were festooned with flags and banners. 节日那天街头张灯结彩,旗帜飘扬。朗文写作活用〔festoon with〕The margins of his notebook were festooned with doodles.他的笔记本的空白边被涂得一塌糊涂。21世纪英汉〔festoon with〕The room was festooned with gay paper chains.房间里挂上了色彩鲜艳的花彩纸链条。21世纪英汉〔festoonery〕Festoons considered as a group.花彩的总称美国传统〔festoonery〕An arrangement of festoons.彩饰:花彩的布置美国传统〔festoon〕Around the mirror were carved festoons of flowers.镜框四周刻满了垂花雕饰。英汉大词典〔festoon〕Between the mulberry trees swing long festoons of grapevines.在两棵桑树间悬荡着长长的花彩似的葡萄藤。英汉大词典〔festoon〕His office is festooned with newspaper clippings.他的办公室是用剪报装饰的。韦氏高阶〔festoon〕Icicles festooned the eaves.一根根冰柱像花彩般悬垂在屋檐下。英汉大词典〔festoon〕Malaga was festooned with banners and flags in honour of the king's visit.马拉加彩旗飘扬,欢迎国王到访。朗文当代〔festoon〕The amphitheatre was wreathed with festoons of laurel and magnolia.环形剧场里缠绕着月桂和木兰花做的花彩。外研社新世纪〔festoon〕The balcony is festooned in/with ivy.那个阳台用常春藤装饰。韦氏高阶〔festoon〕The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.大厅里悬挂着圣诞彩灯和冬青枝。剑桥高阶〔festoon〕The temples are festooned with lights.灯彩装饰着庙宇。柯林斯高阶〔festoon〕The town was festooned with flags.旗帜装饰着小镇。外研社新世纪〔festoon〕To decorate with or as if with festoons; hang festoons on.用花彩装饰;挂花饰于:用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于美国传统〔festoon〕To form or make into festoons.扎成或制成花彩美国传统〔festoon〕We festooned the halls with leaves and white lights.我们用树叶和白光灯装饰了大厅。韦氏高阶〔garland〕A representation of such a wreath or festoon, used as an architectural ornament or a heraldic device.花冠,华饰:此种花环或花圈的象征,用来作为建筑上的装饰品或纹章的小饰物美国传统〔garland〕A wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration.花环:一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品美国传统〔luxuriant〕A ruched Austrian or festoon blind offers a softer, more luxuriant window treatment.带褶饰花边的奥地利式或花式百叶窗让我们的窗户显得更柔和、更华丽。外研社新世纪〔swag〕An ornamental festoon of flowers or fruit.垂彩:装饰性的花或水果的花彩美国传统Lights hung from the ceiling in bright festoons (=curves) 明亮的彩灯垂挂在天花板上。剑桥国际She was standing on a stool putting up festoons that the children had made.她站在凳子上挂上孩子们做的花彩。剑桥国际The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.大厅中悬挂着圣诞彩灯和冬青枝。剑桥国际The hall was festooned with flowers. 大厅里结起了花彩。译典通




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