

单词 美国宪法
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROMISE〕Public officials must take an oath to support the U.S. Constitution. 公务员必须宣誓支持美国宪法朗文写作活用〔adaptable〕The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions.事实证明美国宪法能适应政治形势的变化。朗文当代〔amendment〕The Constitution of the United States has over twenty amendments.美国宪法有20多条修正案。英汉大词典〔amendment〕The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States are called the Bill of Rights.美国宪法的最初10个修正案叫《人权法案》。韦氏高阶〔antifederalist〕An opponent of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.反联邦主义者,反联邦制度者:反对批准美国宪法的人美国传统〔article〕Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution 美国宪法第3条韦氏高阶〔assemble〕The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to assemble peacefully.美国宪法赋予人们和平集会的权利。韦氏高阶〔assembly〕Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are protected by the U.S. Constitution.言论自由和集会自由受美国宪法保护。韦氏高阶〔assembly〕The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.美国宪法保证言论自由、集会自由和受到平等保护的权利。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.美国宪法确保言论自由、集会自由和平等保护。外研社新世纪〔bear〕The US Constitution states that the people have a right to bear arms .美国宪法上写明民众有权携带枪支。朗文当代〔constitution〕The US Constitution guarantees freedom of the press.美国宪法保障出版自由。麦克米伦高阶〔constitution〕The right to speak freely is written into the Constitution of the United States.言论自由的权利被写进了美国宪法中。朗文当代〔conviction〕The American Constitution reflects certain religious convictions.美国宪法反映了某些宗教信念。牛津搭配〔enshrine〕These rights are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.这些权利受到美国宪法的保护。韦氏高阶〔federal〕The US Constitution created the country's federal system.美国宪法创立了该国的联邦制度。麦克米伦高阶〔framer〕Often Framer One of the people who wrote the U.S. Constitution. 常作 Framer 美国宪法的制订者之一美国传统〔guarantee〕The U.S. Constitution includes guarantees against unreasonable searches.美国宪法保障公民免于无故搜查。韦氏高阶〔interstate〕The US Constitution forbids states from interfering with interstate commerce.美国宪法禁止各州干预州际贸易。外研社新世纪〔preamble〕The preamble to the U.S. Constitution begins by saying “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, …” 美国宪法的开头序文是这样说的:“我们美利坚合众国的人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦…”韦氏高阶〔read〕The start of the US Constitution reads "We, the people of the United States..." 美国宪法的开头是这样写的:“我们,合众国的人民…”。剑桥高阶〔religion〕The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion.美国宪法保证宗教信仰自由。朗文当代〔section〕Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution 美国宪法第八款,第一条朗文当代〔senator〕Write your senators and congressmen urging them to protect the US constitution.给参众两院议员们写信,敦促他们维护美国宪法牛津搭配〔states' rights〕All rights not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states.州权:美国宪法没有授与联邦政府的一切权利,也未被宪法禁止的归于各州的一切权利美国传统〔swear〕Presidents must swear allegiance to the US constitution.总统必须宣誓忠于美国宪法朗文当代An amendment to the United States Constitution limits the President to two full terms in office. 一项美国宪法修正案规定总统不能超过两届任期。译典通The Constitution of the United States says that there must be a presidential election every four years.美国宪法规定每四年进行一次总统选举。剑桥国际The Founding Fathers of the United States were the members of the 1787 Convention which decided the country's constitution.美国的开国元勋是1787年制定美国宪法的大陆会议成员。剑桥国际The US Constitution vests the executive power in the President. 美国宪法将行政权赋予总统。译典通The constitution was amended in 1920 to give women the right to vote. 美国宪法于一九二零年修订,赋予妇女投票权。译典通The framers of the Constitution (=The people who wrote the US Constitution) would never have thought that one day lawmakers would have to deal with issues surrounding the creation of new life forms.美国宪法的拟订人永远想不到有一天立法人不得不处理关于创造新的生命形态的问题。剑桥国际




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