

单词 有间
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕They have a houseboat out on the lake. 他们在湖上有间船屋。朗文写作活用〔SOMETIMES〕The afternoon will be warm but unsettled, with intermittent light rain. 下午天气暖和但是不稳定,有间歇小雨。朗文写作活用〔assert〕He asserted that there were spies in the government.他坚称政府内部有间谍。韦氏高阶〔blink〕To shine with intermittent gleams; flash on and off.闪烁:有间断亮光的闪光;一闪一闪美国传统〔cancellous〕Having an open, latticed, or porous structure. Used especially of bone.网状骨质的:具有间隙的、格子状的或多孔结构的。尤用以指骨头美国传统〔canvas〕A fabric of coarse open weave, used as a foundation for needlework.刺绣底布:一种粗糙的有间隙的织物,用来作裁缝中的衬里美国传统〔convict〕He was convicted of spying.他被判犯有间谍罪。外研社新世纪〔evidence〕There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大可能被定罪。剑桥高阶〔ground level〕The hotel is set on three floors. There's a bar and cafe at ground level.这家饭店有3层,在一楼有间咖啡吧。柯林斯高阶〔hand〕Until now, information has been second or third hand, but this news comes from someone who was there.之前只有间接的消息,这却是来自现场的消息。朗文当代〔indirection〕The quality or state of being indirect.间接性:具有间接的性质或状态美国传统〔indirectly〕He was indirectly responsible for the deaths of five people.他对5人的死亡负有间接责任。麦克米伦高阶〔interspace〕To make or occupy a space between.使留有空隙:使有间隔或占有…之间的空隙美国传统〔lake〕There is a cafe on the other side of the lake.湖对岸有间咖啡馆。牛津搭配〔lounge〕The hotel has a television lounge.这家旅馆有间电视放映室。韦氏高阶〔ongoing〕There is an ongoing debate on the issue.对此问题的争论一直没有间断过。柯林斯高阶〔open〕Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.有空格的,有间隔的:行距宽的,用于打字或打印美国传统〔piano〕There is a piano bar for evening entertainment.有间钢琴吧供晚间消遣娱乐。牛津搭配〔related〕Tax rates were indirectly related to income.税率与收入有间接关系。牛津搭配〔respite〕There was absolutely no respite from the noise.噪音从来都没有间断过。外研社新世纪〔shower〕Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.今天下午预料将有间歇性的阵雨。文馨英汉〔steam〕The hotel has a steam room.这家酒店有间蒸汽浴房。牛津搭配〔uninterrupted〕Through all this time, his business continued uninterrupted.在所有这些时间内,他的生意持续进行,没有间断。剑桥高阶He was charged with being a spy and spent the next eight years in a prison camp in the Siberian gulag.他被指控犯有间谍罪而在西伯利亚古拉格的一个监狱营服刑了8年。剑桥国际In his later life he suffered periods of amnesia.他在晚年患有间歇性的遗忘症。剑桥国际She was charged with spying after she was caught trying to steal the blueprint of a top-secret missile system.在企图偷盗绝密导弹系统设计蓝图时被抓获后,她被控犯有间谍罪。剑桥国际There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大会被定罪。剑桥国际There's a ramshackle old shed at the bottom of the garden.花园深处有间东倒西歪的旧棚子。剑桥国际Today will be mostly fine and sunny, with intermittent showers. 今天大部分时间天气晴朗,有间断阵雨。译典通Tomorrow will be sunny in the south, but there will be intermittent rain in the north.明天南部地区晴朗,但北部地区会有间歇雨。剑桥国际We have a spare bedroom. 我们有间备客人住宿的卧室。译典通We have/are nothing to do with (= We are not involved with) the firm which has the offices next door.我们同在隔壁有间办公室的那家商行没有任何关系。剑桥国际




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