

单词 有多少
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTH〕My boyfriend and I don't talk to each other very much anymore. 我和男友之间已没有多少话好说的了。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕I have two jobs, which doesn't leave much room for socializing. 我有两份工作要干,所以没有多少机会去与人交往。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Your standard of living depends on your income and also on the amount of leisure you have. 生活水平要看收入多少,还要看你有多少休闲时间。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕Officials were vague about the number of weapons that were uncovered. 查获的武器数量有多少,官员们含糊其辞。朗文写作活用〔GO〕How many of you actually went last week? 上星期你们有多少人真的去了?朗文写作活用〔Irish〕How many Irish are there in England? 英格兰有多少爱尔兰人?韦氏高阶〔LITTLE〕It makes very little sense for companies to maintain large inventories these days. 如今公司保持大量库存没有多少意义。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕How many husbands would stay at home and take care of the children while their wife goes out to work? 有多少丈夫愿意由妻子外出工作,自己待在家里带孩子呢?朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The security of the information depends on how many people know the access code. 信息是否安全在于有多少人知道存取密码。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕She didn't have a lot of experience, but she knew when a man was aroused and when he wasn't. 她没有多少经验,可她知道男人什么时候性欲来了,什么时候没有性欲。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕The daily pollen count can give a good indication of the amount of allergens in the air. 每日花粉指数可以很好地反映出空气中过敏原有多少朗文写作活用〔abhor〕If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.就像自然界不容真空, 新闻记者都厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。外研社新世纪〔altogether〕How many guests will there be altogether? 总共会有多少客人?麦克米伦高阶〔attend〕How many people will be attending? 有多少人会出席呢?韦氏高阶〔avail〕How many schools avail themselves of this opportunity each year? 每年有多少学校利用这种机会?朗文当代〔back〕How far is it to Boston and back? 到波士顿来回有多少路程? 英汉大词典〔bank account〕How much did he have in his bank account?他在银行账户上存有多少钱?外研社新世纪〔be〕How many people were there at the concert? 有多少人参加了音乐会?麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕Not many economies bloomed in 1990.1990年没有多少经济体兴旺发达。外研社新世纪〔calorie〕How many calories are there in a slice of chocolate cake? 一块巧克力蛋糕含有多少卡路里?麦克米伦高阶〔cd〕How many tracks are on the CD? 这张激光唱片上有多少首歌?牛津搭配〔check〕Could you check the oil, please?你能看看还有多少油吗?外研社新世纪〔comparison〕Smaller towns have less money to spend, so their systems are very modest in comparison.小城镇没有多少钱可花,所以他们的体系相比之下也很简单。麦克米伦高阶〔compete〕How many runners will be competing in the marathon? 会有多少人参加这次马拉松比赛?朗文当代〔contact〕These people have had very little contact with the modern world.这些人和现代世界几乎没有多少接触。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕How many cover versions have been made of "My Way"? 《我的路》有多少个翻唱版本?剑桥高阶〔devil〕Poor old devil, he doesn't get many visitors.可怜的老家伙,没有多少人去看望他。麦克米伦高阶〔die〕How many people died in the war?在这次战争中有多少人死亡?21世纪英汉〔drown〕How many drowned when the boat capsized?当船倾覆时有多少人淹死了?21世纪英汉〔estimate〕It was difficult to estimate how many trees had been destroyed.很难估计有多少树被毁。剑桥高阶〔few〕Few things in this world give me more pleasure than a long bath.这个世界上没有多少比好好洗个澡更让我感到享受的事了。剑桥高阶〔fling into〕Now that the election of President is about to take place,how many people have flung their hats into the ring?现在快要选举总统了,有多少人参加了竞选?21世纪英汉〔foreign〕We don't get many foreign visitors.我们这里没有多少国外的访问者。韦氏高阶〔give up〕I give up - how many were there? 我猜不出来了——到底有多少剑桥高阶〔go into sth〕How many companies have gone into liquidation/receivership during the current recession? 在当前的经济衰退形势下,已有多少家公司破产/处于破产在管状态?剑桥高阶〔how are you fixed for sth?〕How are you fixed for cash? 你有多少现金?剑桥高阶〔inessential〕There's very little space for inessentials.没有多少空间留给不必要的东西了。剑桥高阶〔keep ... to〕Keep to the subject,please! We don't have much time.请别离题!我们没有多少时间。21世纪英汉〔know〕Old Gunga spoke God knows how many languages.老贡嘎会说很多种语言,天晓得有多少种。柯林斯高阶〔languish〕No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.无人清楚如今有多少难民在到处流浪,或有多少人流离失所,在难民营里受苦。柯林斯高阶〔launder〕How many guests who expect clean towels every day in a hotel launder their own every day at home?希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人, 有多少会在家里每天清洗自己的毛巾呢?外研社新世纪〔leave〕How much annual leave do you get? 你们的年假有多少牛津高阶〔likeness〕We can't see much likeness between the two sisters.我们看不出这两姐妹有多少相似之处。英汉大词典〔lose track〕I've lost track of the number of times he's asked me to lend him money.我记不起他有多少次问我借钱了。剑桥高阶〔lose〕I've lost count of the times he's asked to borrow money.我记不清他有多少次要求向我借钱了。麦克米伦高阶〔many〕Not many expected him to be so successful.没有多少人预料到他会如此成功。外研社新世纪〔many〕There aren't very many weekends between now and Christmas.从现在到圣诞节没有多少个周末了。剑桥高阶〔marry up (sth)〕We need to marry up the names on your list with those on my list and see what the overlap is.我们需要将各自名单上的名字对照一下,看看重复的有多少剑桥高阶〔much〕I don’t have much free time.我没有多少空闲时间。牛津高阶〔muck〕We didn't have much money, but everyone just mucked in together.我们没有多少钱,只是大家都把钱拿出来一块儿花。牛津高阶〔nightlife〕There isn't much nightlife at the resort - it's very quiet.在这个度假地没有多少夜生活——非常安静。剑桥高阶〔nonevent〕The exchange of signatures is a nonevent; it is neither truly historic nor of much practical significance.签字换约仪式煞有介事,其实只是摆摆样子,既无真正的历史重要性可言,也没有多少实际意义。英汉大词典〔off〕How are you off for money at the moment? 眼下你有多少钱? 英汉大词典〔old〕How old is this building? 这座建筑已有多少年了?牛津高阶〔on〕How many people are on your staff? 你有多少职员?剑桥高阶〔opine〕Ernest Rutherford opined that his work on radioactive substances would be of little or no practical use.欧内斯特‧卢瑟福认为,他对放射性物质的研究工作没有多少或者没有实际用处。剑桥高阶〔partake〕How many workers are partaking in the firm's insurance plan? 有多少工人参加公司的保险计划?英汉大词典〔patience〕He hasn't got much patience.他没有多少耐心。外研社新世纪〔patience〕I have little patience with fundamentalists of any kind.我对任何派别的原教旨主义者都没有多少耐心。牛津搭配〔pay〕How much pay do you get?你有多少薪水?牛津同义词〔perfunctory〕Acting with indifference; showing little interest or care.冷漠的,敷衍的:冷漠做某事的;没有多少兴趣的美国传统〔plate〕I worry how much she has on her plate.我担心她不知有多少事情要办。英汉大词典〔prediction〕Not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。牛津高阶〔present〕How many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人出席了会议? 英汉大词典〔principal〕How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000 美元的本金可有多少利息?英汉大词典〔project〕Can you project what your profits will be next year?你能预测明年你有多少利润吗?牛津同义词〔proportion〕A: What proportion of your wages do you spend on rent? B: About a quarter.甲:你的工资有多少要花在房租上? 乙:大约四分之一。英汉大词典〔pursuit〕I don't have much opportunity for leisure pursuits these days.我近来没有多少时间可以花在业余爱好上。剑桥高阶〔reckon〕I reckoned up how much she owed me.我把她欠我的钱加起来,看有多少牛津同义词〔register〕How many students have registered for English classes? 有多少学生登记选修英语课了?朗文当代〔resemblance〕There wasn't much family resemblance between them.他们之间没有多少亲人家属间的相似。英汉大词典〔room〕There's little room for innovation.没有多少创新的空间。朗文当代〔rove〕His eyes roved to see how many of the group appreciated his heavy humour.他环视四周,看看有多少人能理解他重口味的幽默。柯林斯高阶〔run〕How many candidates are running? 有多少候选人参加竞选?麦克米伦高阶〔share〕We shared the preparation for the party between us, so it wasn't too much work.我们一起分担聚会的准备工作,这样工作就没有多少了。剑桥高阶〔side〕Barnes didn't have much experience, but he had youth and enthusiasm on his side.巴恩斯没有多少经验,但他的优势是年轻、有热情。朗文当代〔simple〕Having or manifesting little sense or intelligence.愚蠢的:没有什么理智或智力的,显示出没有多少理智或智力的美国传统〔sleep〕There are nights when I cry myself to sleep.有多少个夜晚我独自垂泪入眠。牛津搭配〔spare〕They don't have a lot of spare cash.他们没有多少闲钱。柯林斯高阶〔speculate〕Her account has so successfully converted imagination into reality that there is little room for the reader to speculate, question or wonder.她的描述已成功地从想象变为现实, 读者没有多少猜测、质疑或好奇的空间。外研社新世纪〔story〕There is not much of a story to it, but the acting is wonderful.这作品没有多少情节,但演得极好。英汉大词典〔support〕There isn't much support for the proposal.没有多少人支持这项提议。韦氏高阶〔tightly〕Emma is on a tight budget for clothes.埃玛预算很紧,没有多少钱买衣裳。柯林斯高阶〔time〕I haven't had much time to think about it.我没有多少时间去考虑这件事。韦氏高阶〔trip up〕The two occasions she tripped up tell you nothing about how often she got away with it.你看到了她的两次失手,却根本不知道有多少次她都得逞了。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕We've never had much trouble with vandals around here.我们这一带从来没有多少破坏公物的问题。牛津高阶〔universe〕How many stars are there in the universe? 宇宙中有多少颗恒星?韦氏高阶〔vacation〕How much vacation do you get at your new job? 你的新工作有多少天的假期?朗文当代〔work〕We hadn't appreciated how much work was involved in organizing a wedding.我们没有意识到筹备婚礼有多少事情要做。柯林斯高阶A sweater knitted in pure cotton hasn't much give.这件用纯棉织成的套衫没有多少伸展性。剑桥国际As a writer he was extremely clever and witty but I don't think he had much love for his fellow men.作为一个作家,他极为机敏风趣,但我认为他对同胞没有多少爱。剑桥国际He asked me how many men I'd had.他问我有多少男人与我有过关系。剑桥国际How many reports do you have? 你有多少下属?牛津商务How much of the software's design is proprietary? 软件设计中有多少是专有的?牛津商务It's difficult to quantify how many people will be affected by the change in the law.很难确定有多少人将受到法律变更的影响。剑桥国际She said that she didn't have much opportunity for leisure pursuits, but that when she had the time, she liked painting.她说她没有多少机会从事业余消遣,但她有时间时喜欢画画。剑桥国际There aren't very many weekends between now and Christmas.从现在到圣诞节没有多少周末了。剑桥国际There is little the government can do to brake inflation. 政府没有多少办法抑制通货膨胀。译典通There wasn't much vegetarian food as such, although there were several different types of cheese.尽管有几种不同类型的奶酪,但并没有多少真正的素菜。剑桥国际When we know how much is profit, then we can apportion the money (among/between us).在知道利润有多少后,我们才能均分这笔钱。剑桥国际




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