

单词 折射
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Iceland spar〕A doubly refracting transparent calcite used in optical instruments.冰洲石:一种双折射透明方解石,用于光学仪器美国传统〔abandon〕Their permissiveness toward their children reflects the wild abandon of their own lives.他们对孩子的放任折射出他们自身生活的放浪形骸。柯林斯高阶〔achromatic〕Refracting light without spectral color separation.消色差的,不分光的:折射光没有光谱颜色分离的美国传统〔ametropia〕An eye abnormality, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, resulting from faulty refractive ability of the eye.屈光不正:因眼的折射力缺陷造成的一种不正常的情况,如近视、远视或散光美国传统〔angle of refraction〕The angle formed by a refracted ray and a perpendicular to the refracting surface at the point of refraction.折射角:由折射线和通过折射点与折射面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔astigmatism〕A refractive defect of a lens or other optical system that prevents light rays from converging at a single point, resulting in a blurred or imperfect image.散光:有折射缺陷的透镜或其它光学系统,阻碍光线汇聚于一个焦点,形成一个模糊或不完全的图象美国传统〔bend〕Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts.玻璃对不同颜色的光的折射量不同。外研社新世纪〔bend〕Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts.玻璃对不同颜色的光的折射量不同。柯林斯高阶〔catadioptric〕Of or relating to an optical system that uses both reflective and refractive optical devices.反射折射的:同时使用反射与折射装置的光学系统的或与其相关的美国传统〔caustic〕Of or relating to light emitted from a point source and reflected or refracted from a curved surface.焦散的:由一个点光源发出并从曲面反射或折射的光的或关于这种光的美国传统〔crown glass〕A soda-lime optical glass that is exceptionally hard and clear, with low refraction and low dispersion.冕玻璃:一种极其坚硬、高度透明的、低折射、低色的散碱石灰光学玻璃美国传统〔dioptometer〕An instrument used for measuring ocular refraction.屈光计:用于测量眼睛折射度的仪器美国传统〔dioptrics〕The study of the refraction of light.屈光学:研究光的折射美国传统〔dioptric〕Relating to optical refraction; refractive.折射的:同光学折射相关的;折射美国传统〔dispersion〕Separation of visible light into colors by refraction or diffraction.色散:可见光通过折射或衍射而分散成多种颜色美国传统〔give ... back〕This well gives back the sound of your voice.这个井能把你的声音折射回来。21世纪英汉〔glance〕Sunlight glanced off the surface of the pond.阳光从池塘表面折射过来。韦氏高阶〔glare〕There was a glare coming off the water.水面折射出一道刺眼的亮光。韦氏高阶〔irrefrangible〕Physics That cannot be refracted.【物理学】 不可折射美国传统〔optic axis〕An optical path through a crystal along which a ray of light can pass without undergoing double refraction.光轴:通过晶体的一条光路,通过它光线可以不经双折射而通过美国传统〔photorefractive〕Of or relating to a material that undergoes a change in refractive index when subjected to light or an electric field.激光屈光的,光折变的:关于物质在受制于光或电场时所发生的一种折射率改变,或与其相关的美国传统〔prismatic〕Formed by refraction of light through a prism. Used of a spectrum of light.由棱镜形成的:光通过棱镜被折射而形成各种颜色的。用于光谱美国传统〔prism〕The novel is a history of early 19th-century America told through the prism of one life.这部小说通过一个人的生活折射出美国19世纪早期的历史。韦氏高阶〔rainbow〕An arc of all seven spectral colors appearing in the sky opposite the sun as a result of the refractive dispersion of sunlight in drops of rain or mist.彩虹:由于雨滴或雾滴对阳光有折射分光作用,使空中太阳对面出现的一道有七色光谱的弧美国传统〔ray〕Light rays bend as they pass from air to water.光线从空气射入水中会发生折射剑桥高阶〔reflex〕The fame of Greece was a reflex from the glory of Athens.希腊的盛名乃是雅典的光荣折射所致。英汉大词典〔refracting telescope〕A telescope in which light from an object is gathered and focused by lenses, with the resulting image magnified by the eyepiece.折射望远镜:一种物体的光被一组透镜收集和聚焦、所成图像被目镜扩大的望远镜美国传统〔refraction〕As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。柯林斯高阶〔refraction〕Astronomy The apparent change in position of celestial objects caused by the bending of light rays entering Earth's atmosphere.【天文学】 大气折射:由于天体的光线进入地球大气层时发生折射而造成的其位置明显改变美国传统〔refraction〕Determination of the refractive characteristics of the eye.屈光度测定:对眼睛折射特性的测定美国传统〔refraction〕The ability of the eye to bend light so that an image is focused on the retina.眼睛的折射力:眼睛折射光线的能量,从而使物体形象集中于视网膜上美国传统〔refraction〕The turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another of different density.折射: 当光或声波等物质从一个媒体进入别一个密度不同的媒体中时产生的转向或折回美国传统〔refractometer〕Any of several instruments used to measure the index of refraction of a substance.折射计:用来测量某物质折射度的几种仪器中任一种美国传统〔refractor〕A refracting telescope.折射望远镜美国传统〔refractor〕One that refracts.折射物体美国传统〔refract〕Light is refracted when it hits water.光线进入水中会被折射韦氏高阶〔refract〕Light is refracted when it is passed through a prism.光线通过棱镜时产生折射现象。21世纪英汉〔refract〕Light is refracted when passed through a prism.光通过棱镜时产生折射牛津高阶〔refract〕Prisms refract light.棱镜折射光线。韦氏高阶〔refract〕The glass prism refracted the white light into the colours of the rainbow.玻璃棱镜将白色光折射成彩虹的七色光。剑桥高阶〔refract〕To deflect (light, for example) from a straight path by refraction.使偏斜:通过折射使(光等)从笔直的路径上偏斜美国传统〔refract〕Water refracts light.水能使光折射英汉大词典〔refrangible〕Rays of light are refrangible.光线是可折射的。英汉大词典〔refringence〕Refractive power.折射美国传统〔refringent〕Of, relating to, or producing refraction; refractive.折射的:有关或产生折射的;折射美国传统〔spectrometer〕A spectroscope equipped with scales for measuring wavelengths or indexes of refraction.分光计,(光)谱仪:装有测量折射波长或折射率的标尺的分光镜美国传统〔stigmatism〕The state of a refracting or reflecting system in which light rays from a single point are accurately focused at another point.共点性:从一点发出的光会聚到一点的折射或反射系统美国传统〔sunbow〕A rainbowlike display of colors resulting from refraction of sunlight through a spray of water.日虹:阳光穿过一层水沫产生折射而形成的类似彩虹的七彩色带美国传统〔uniaxial〕Having one direction along which double refraction of light does not take place. Used of a crystal.单轴晶体的:有一个方向的,沿此方向不发生光的双折射。用于晶体美国传统〔virtual focus〕The point from which divergent rays of reflected or refracted light seem to have emanated, as from the image of a point in a plane mirror.虚焦点:似乎发出分散的反射光线或折射光线的点,如同从平面镜的一像点发出一般美国传统〔virtual image〕An image from which rays of reflected or refracted light appear to diverge, as from an image seen in a plane mirror.虚像:反射或折射光线从其分散的像,如在平面镜中看到的像美国传统Light rays bend as they pass from air to water.光线从空气进入水时产生折射剑桥国际The glass prism refracted the white light into the colours of the rainbow.玻璃棱镜把白光折射成彩虹的色彩。剑桥国际You can see refraction of light in action by placing a drinking straw in a glass of water.把吸管放进一杯水里,你可以看见光产生折射剑桥国际




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