

单词 应用
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AAS.〕Associate in Applied Sciences.应用科学准学士美国传统〔BSAA.〕Bachelor of Science in Applied Arts.应用美术学士美国传统〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕Save your work and close down any applications that are open. 储存手头的工作并关闭所有打开的应用程序。朗文写作活用〔Euclid〕Greek mathematician who applied the deductive principles of logic to geometry, thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms.欧几里德:古希腊数学家,他把逻辑学中的演绎原理应用到几何学中,籍以由定义明确的公理导出语句美国传统〔LEARN〕If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice? 如果你记性好,学东西可以死记硬背,但是死记硬背的东西可以在实际中应用吗?朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕You can have a new bike for Christmas if you promise to look after it. 如果你答应用心爱护的话,圣诞节可以送你一辆新的自行车。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕The official stance is that the lottery money should be used for the arts and education. 官方的立场是奖券收入应用于艺术和教育。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕I don't think he majored in maths, I think it was applied physics. 我想他不是主修数学的,是主修应用物理学的。朗文写作活用〔USE〕New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process. 新技术几乎在每一个工业生产过程中都得到了应用朗文写作活用〔USE〕The possible applications of this invention are limitless. 这发明可以应用的范围是无限的。朗文写作活用〔acetabulum〕Prosthetic replacement has been used successfully when the acetabulum has sustained damage.人工假体置换术已经成功应用于髋臼受损的情况。剑桥高阶〔adaptation〕Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation.改装,改建:诸如设备、机械装置等物品被改变或自行改变以适应新的、特殊的应用或状况美国传统〔agronomy〕Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture.农学;农艺学:土壤学和植物学在土壤管理和作物生产中的应用;科学农业美国传统〔algorithm〕A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.算法,规则系统:一种循序渐进解决问题的过程,尤指一种为在有限步骤内解决问题而建立的可重复应用的计算过程美国传统〔applicable〕The theory does not seem easily applicable in this case.该理论似乎不能简单地应用于这一个案。牛津搭配〔application software〕We need to ensure that the application software on both the PC and the Macintosh produces compatible files.我们要确保这一应用软件在个人计算机和苹果计算机上都能生成可以兼容的文档。朗文当代〔application〕I believe email is the one single killer app since the invention of computers.我认为电子邮件是计算机发明以来唯一的杀手应用程序。牛津搭配〔application〕Strict application of the rules is necessary in this case.严格地应用规则在本案中是必要的。韦氏高阶〔application〕The program is designed for general application.这个方案是为广泛应用而设计的。牛津搭配〔application〕The research has a wide range of potential applications.该研究潜在的应用范围很广。牛津搭配〔apply to〕Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.科学发现常被应用于工农业生产方法上。21世纪英汉〔argument〕This argument can be applied to other contexts.这个论点可以应用到其他场合。牛津搭配〔biomedicine〕The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.临床生物医学:应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学美国传统〔biophysics〕The science that deals with the application of physics to biological processes and phenomena.生物物理学:有关应用物理学对生物过程和现象的学科美国传统〔biostatistics〕Application of statistics to the analysis of biological and medical data.生物统计学:分析生物和医学数据的应用统计美国传统〔boast〕The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.这些房屋将应用最新的节能技术。柯林斯高阶〔boon〕Whether the new technique is to be boon or bane depends upon how it is used.这项新技术带来的是利还是弊,要看如何应用它。英汉大词典〔brave new〕They introduced customers to the brave new world of app-driven marketing.他们将顾客引入了这种通过应用程序进行市场营销的全新世界。剑桥高阶〔bundle〕A further nine applications are bundled with the system.该系统免费附送九套应用软件。牛津高阶〔cellulose acetate〕A cellulose resin used in lacquers, photographic film, transparent sheeting, and cigarette filters.醋酸纤维素:一种应用于漆料、照相胶卷、透明薄膜和香烟过滤嘴的纤维树脂美国传统〔computer age〕The current era as characterized by the development, applications, and sociopolitical consequences of computer technology.计算机时代:目前的年代,以计算机科技的发展、应用及其对社会政治的影响为特征美国传统〔computerize〕We have now computerized the application process.我们现在已经将应用过程计算机化了。外研社新世纪〔data bank〕An organization chiefly concerned with building, maintaining, and using a data bank.数据库集,资料库:一种结构,主要与建造、维持和应用数据库有关美国传统〔descriptivism〕The practice or application of descriptive linguistics, especially in the analysis of grammar.描述主义:描述语言学的练习或应用,特别是在语法分析上美国传统〔discussion〕Adam raised the issue of multimedia and much useful discussion ensued.亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。牛津搭配〔do away with sth〕Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.计算机的广泛应用让我们摆脱了很多文书工作。剑桥高阶〔draw on/upon〕The report draws upon several recent studies.这份报告应用了好几项最新研究成果。韦氏高阶〔embed〕The technology allows you to embed new capabilities into applications.这项技术能将新功能嵌入应用程序。外研社新世纪〔end use〕The ultimate application for which a product has been designed.最终用途:被设计产品的最终应用美国传统〔euphemize〕To use euphemisms.用委婉语表示:应用委婉语美国传统〔excerpt〕To select or use material from (a longer work).摘选:从(长篇作品)中挑选或应用材料美国传统〔exist〕Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology.纯理论昆虫学和应用昆虫学的众多领域都存在着研究机会。外研社新世纪〔exploration〕Extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.人们应用最新的钻井技术进行了广泛的勘探。牛津搭配〔fall〕We fall far short in applying what we know.我们还远远未能应用我们的知识。英汉大词典〔farther〕The application of the law was extended farther.这条法律的应用范围进一步扩大了。英汉大词典〔filmic〕This app will help you give a filmic look to the videos you shoot.这个应用程序可以让你拍摄的录像看起来像电影。剑桥高阶〔first〕This new surgical technique is a first for (= has never been done before in) the hospital.这种外科手术新技术在这家医院是首次应用剑桥高阶〔generalize〕They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.他们希望推广这种新型香皂的应用21世纪英汉〔impasto〕The application of thick layers of pigment to a canvas or other surface in painting.厚涂法:将颜料厚层色彩涂于画布或其他绘画作品的表面上的应用美国传统〔import〕You can now import graphics from other applications.你现在可以导入其他应用软件的图表。朗文当代〔impose〕New technology cannot be used successfully if it is simply imposed on an unwilling workforce.如果工人不愿意使用新技术却强迫他们使用,新技术是不能得到成功应用的。牛津搭配〔infographic〕As this infographic shows, more money is made from selling apps than from selling smartphones.按这张图表所示,卖手机应用比卖手机更赚钱。剑桥高阶〔information technology〕The development, installation, and implementation of computer systems and applications.信息科技:计算机系统及其应用的发展、安装、及实行美国传统〔initiative〕Some scientists show little initiative in applying their knowledge.有些科学家很少主动将自己的知识投入应用牛津搭配〔isotonic exercise〕Exercise in which isotonic muscular contraction is used to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility.等张肌肉锻炼:应用同等张力下肌肉收缩的锻炼,用来加强肌肉并提高关节的灵活性美国传统〔knowledge〕The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at college.这项工作使她有机会应用在大学所学到的知识。牛津搭配〔library〕Computer Science A collection of standard programs, routines, or subroutines, often related to a specific application, that are available for general use.【计算机科学】 库:通常与一特定应用程序有关的标准程序、例行程序或子程序的集合,可供一般使用美国传统〔literally〕Now there are literally thousands of companies using our software.如今确切地说有数千家公司在应用我们的软件。麦克米伦高阶〔medicine〕Garlic was widely used in folk medicine.大蒜在民间疗法中被广泛应用牛津搭配〔nail〕Something resembling a nail in shape, sharpness, or use.钉状物:在形状、锋利度或应用上类似指甲的东西美国传统〔open classroom〕A school or classroom in which this system is practiced.开放式教室:应用这种教学方式实践的学校或课堂美国传统〔pallet〕A tool used for printing or gilding letters on book bindings or taking up and applying gold leaf.烫书脊用金属板:用于印刷或修饰缚书中的字母或从事或应用于封页的一种工具美国传统〔photocell〕Photocells are used in burglar alarms.光电管被应用于防盗警报器中。剑桥高阶〔point〕Maybe at this point we should move onto some of the practical experiments.也许这时我们应该开始做一些应用实验了。朗文当代〔powder metallurgy〕The technology of powdered metals, especially the production and utilization of metallic powders for fabricating massive materials and shaped objects.粉末冶金术:粉末金属技术,尤指用来制造大型材料及有形物品的金属粉末的生产与应用美国传统〔programmatic〕Programmatic research is the essence of applied research.计划性研究是应用研究的本体。英汉大词典〔quantize〕To apply quantum mechanics or the quantum theory to.将量子力学或量子论应用于…美国传统〔ransom〕The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。柯林斯高阶〔robotics〕The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots.机器人学:与机器人的设计、制造、原理和应用相联系的科学或技术研究美国传统〔spherical trigonometry〕The modified form of trigonometry applied to spherical triangles.球面三角学:应用于球面三角形的三角学的改变形式美国传统〔state-of-the-art〕The control panel uses all the newest technology and is considered state-of-the-art.控制板应用了所有的最新技术,被认为是最先进的。剑桥高阶〔stenography〕The art or practice of transcribing speech with a stenograph machine.速记术:用速写机抄写讲话的技术或应用方法美国传统〔superior〕Logic Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition.【逻辑学】 包括范围更广的:属于更广阔、更广泛的应用的;通用的。用于一个术语或命题美国传统〔tactics〕Guerrilla tactics were employed during most of the war.游击战术被应用于战争的大部分时间里美国传统〔technical〕My expertise is on the technical side.我的专长在应用方面。外研社新世纪〔tessitura〕The prevailing range of a vocal or instrumental part, within which most of the tones lie.应用音域:人声或乐器绝大部分音调所在的主要音域美国传统〔thermoelectric〕Characteristic of, resulting from, or using electrical phenomena occurring in conjunction with a flow of heat.热电的:具有与热流同时发生的电现象特征的,或产生于此的,或应用热电现象的美国传统〔throwback〕In some ways the new applet technology was a throwback to the old pre-PC days.在某些方面,新的小应用程序技术类似以前个人电脑出现前的技术。剑桥高阶〔tool〕Computer Science An application program in some computer systems.【计算机科学】 工具:计算机系统中的应用程序美国传统〔translate〕So how does this theory translate into practical policy? 那么如何将这个理论应用于制定现实可行的政策呢?剑桥高阶〔utility〕It's a simple shareware utility that allows you to print signs and banners.这是个简单的共享应用软件,通过它你可以打印标牌和横幅。朗文当代〔viz.〕The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。柯林斯高阶Computers are now in widespread use. 电脑现在被广泛应用译典通He devoted his life to applied science. 他献身于应用科学。译典通Menthol is used as a flavouring in sweets, cigarettes and liqueurs.薄荷醇作为一种香料被应用在糖果、香烟和甜露酒中。剑桥国际Mercury is used in batteries, pesticides and thermometers.水银被应用在电池、杀虫剂与温度计中。剑桥国际Pure research has often been a precursor to applications which give economic benefits.纯研究常常是带来经济效益的实际应用的先驱。剑桥国际The job allowed me to apply the knowledge I had acquired at college.这份工作让我把大学学到的知识应用出来。牛津商务The planets move around the Sun in ellipses, and the shape is much used in art and architecture.各行星围绕太阳按椭圆形轨道运转,这种形状在艺术和建筑学里被大量应用剑桥国际The product employed the technology of computer emulation of human speech. 这个产品应用电脑模拟真人发声的技术。译典通The technology used in compact discs offers the ultimate in high fidelity.激光唱盘技术应用提供最大的高保真音响效果。剑桥国际The use of aerial photographs as a basis for mapping is increasing.以空摄照片作为测绘基础的应用正在不断增加。剑桥国际The vegetables should be gently steamed for 15 minutes.这蔬菜应用文火蒸15分钟。剑桥国际There is a whole panoply of remedies and drugs available to the modern doctor.现代的医生可以应用五花八门的疗法和药物。剑桥国际There is no killer application to excite consumers into buying these expensive products and services.没有杀手级应用来刺激消费者购买这些昂贵的产品和服务。牛津商务These tests must be extensively checked before they can be validly applied.这些试验必须经过广泛检验之后,才能合法应用剑桥国际Two basic types of internal memory are used in digital computers: Read-Only Memory (ROM) and Random-Access Memory (RAM).两种基本内存被应用于数字计算机中: 只读存储器和随机存储器。剑桥国际When you start work you must apply what you have learned at college.当你开始工作时,你必须把大学学到的知识应用出来。牛津商务You can run several applications at the same time.你可以同时运行多个应用程序。牛津商务You should use a wok or large frying pan to stir-fry.你应用炒菜锅或大的平底锅来炒菜。剑桥国际




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