

单词 警察说
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕The police officer said the defendant had resisted arrest. 警察说被告拒捕。朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕Do you think he's gone away to avoid talking to the police? 你说他走开是不是为了避免和警察说话?朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕My passport was stolen and the police said they couldn't help me. It was a terrible experience. 我的护照被人偷了,警察说他们也帮不了我,这种遭遇真是可怕。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Police say they don't know what the two were arguing about, only that it came to blows. 警察说他们不知道那两个人为什么争吵,只知道他们打了起来。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕Off the record, police officers are saying they are more and more unwilling to arrest those found in possession of small amounts of cannabis. 私底下,警察说他们越来越不愿意去逮捕那些私藏少量大麻的人了。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Police officers talked a man out of a suicide jump off the bridge. 警察说服一名男子不要跳桥自杀。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕The cop said we looked suspicious and that he was arresting us - just for standing on a corner! 警察说我们看上去很可疑,所以要拘捕我们—就因为我们站在街角上!朗文写作活用〔TURN〕She wound the car window down to speak to the police officer. 她把汽车窗玻璃摇下来和警察说话。朗文写作活用〔alone〕She had scarcely ever talked to a policeman, let alone gone out with one.她几乎从没和警察说过话, 更不用说和警察出去玩了。外研社新世纪〔catch〕The police say they're doing all they can to catch the culprits.警察说他们正在尽其所能逮捕罪犯。麦克米伦高阶〔clock〕The cop said she clocked me going 95 miles per hour.警察说她测出我的时速为95英里/小时。韦氏高阶〔come〕Police said that several people had come forward with information about the attack.警察说已经有好几个人提供了关于这次袭击的信息。麦克米伦高阶〔compound〕Don't compound your mistake by lying to the police.别向警察说谎而使自己错上加错。英汉大词典〔concerned〕Police said they were very concerned about the boy's safety.警察说他们很担心那男孩的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔cross up〕He crossed her up after they agreed to tell the police the same story.他们约定对警察说一样的话,但后来他出卖了她。21世纪英汉〔cyanide〕The police say he swallowed a cyanide capsule to avoid arrest.警察说他为了逃避逮捕就吞了一颗氰化物胶囊。柯林斯高阶〔ensue〕The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.那名警察说他逮捕了那个男子后随即发生了扭打。剑桥高阶〔fable〕The story he told the police was a pure fable.他对警察说的那一套纯属谎言。外研社新世纪〔force〕Police say the back window has been forced.警察说后窗被撞开了。麦克米伦高阶〔good name〕He told the police he didn't know her, to protect her good name.为了维护她的好名声,他对警察说他不认识她。牛津高阶〔good〕The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid.警察说在突击搜查行动中发现了20多公斤的炸药。剑桥高阶〔guest〕You want to tell the cop he's wrong? Be my guest.你想要告诉警察说他错了? 随你便吧!英汉大词典〔insulting〕One of the apprentices made an insulting remark to a passing officer.其中一个学徒对一名路过的警察说了句侮辱的话。外研社新世纪〔intoxicated〕He appeared intoxicated, police said.他看上去喝醉了,警察说柯林斯高阶〔mug〕The police said the victims were mugged in the hallways of their homes.警察说受害者们都是在家里的过道上被从背后袭击的。英汉大词典〔out〕The policeman talked the man out of jumping from the top of the building.警察说服那男子不要从屋顶上跳下来。英汉大词典〔refute〕The police said he was drunk, a claim refuted by his attorney.警察说他喝醉了,但他的律师对此进行了反驳。麦克米伦高阶〔retaliate〕Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker.警察说他们认为这次袭击是针对那个毒犯的死实施的报复。柯林斯高阶〔rob〕Police said Stefanovski had robbed a man just hours earlier.警察说斯泰凡诺夫斯基就在几个小时前抢劫了一名男子。柯林斯高阶〔safety〕Police said it was a dangerous place, and they could not guarantee our safety.警察说这是个危险之地,他们不能保证我们的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔sobriety〕The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a sobriety test.警察说他的车在路上一直开得摇摇晃晃的,因此让他停了下来,给他做了个酒精测试。剑桥高阶〔strike〕Police say they fear the man could strike again.警察说他们担心该男子可能会再次作案。麦克米伦高阶〔them〕The police were very helpful when I spoke to them.我和警察说了,他们很帮忙。朗文当代〔villain〕If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched.如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。柯林斯高阶〔write sb up〕The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light.那位警察说,因为我闯红灯,他只得给我开罚单。剑桥高阶Police said the victim was found lying in the alley with a gunshot wound in her chest.警察说受害者被发现躺在后街上,胸口上有一处枪伤。剑桥国际Residents walked past a dying man thinking that he had passed out after a party, police said.居民们走过一个奄奄一息的男人,以为他是晚会后失去知觉的,警察说剑桥国际The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light.警察说他将不得不告发我,因为我没有在红灯时停下来。剑桥国际The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it.警察说如果没有人来认领这只表,你可以留着它。剑桥国际The police said that it was thanks to the vigilance of a neighbour that the fire was discovered before it could spread.警察说是由于一位邻居警觉,发现火势,因此才没有扩散开来。剑桥国际The police said that the post-mortem examination had found no suspicious circumstances.警察说验尸没有发现可疑的事实。剑桥国际The police said that they had never previously witnessed an attack of such severity.警察说他们以前从未见过如此猛烈的袭击。剑桥国际The police said they had had reports of a peeping Tom.警察说有人向他们报告了一个有窥淫癖的家伙。剑桥国际The police said they were monitoring the encampment of 1000 or so people who have gathered on the common for a free music festival.警察说他们在密切注视聚集在公用地开自由音乐节的1000人左右的营地。剑桥国际When you are speaking to a policeman it behoves you to be polite.你同警察说话时应有礼貌。剑桥国际




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