

单词 完成某事
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔busy〕All these adjectives suggest active or sustained effort to accomplish something.所有这些形容词都表示积极努力去完成某事美国传统〔dog〕To fail to expend the required effort to do or accomplish something.拈轻怕重,逃避工作:不花费必要的力气去做或者完成某事美国传统〔effort〕These nouns refer to the expenditure of physical or mental energy to accomplish something.这些名词表示为完成某事而耗费体力或精力。美国传统〔inning〕Often innings (used with a sing. or pl. verb)An opportunity to act or speak out; a chance for accomplishment. 常作 innings (与单数或复数动词连用)显身手的机会:做或说的机会;完成某事的机会美国传统〔instrument〕A means by which something is done; an agency.手段:完成某事的方式;中介物美国传统〔loose end〕There are just one or two loose ends of the case to tie up.完成某事;收拾残局麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕To have a chance, as of gaining or accomplishing something.有希望,有可能:有机会得到或者完成某事美国传统〔supplement〕Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.补充物:增加某物,用来完成某事、补充不足、扩展或加强整体美国传统〔ways and means〕Methods and resources available to accomplish an end, especially to meet expenses.方法:为完成某事,尤其为支付经费而使用的方法和来源美国传统〔work〕These nouns refer to physical or mental effort expended to produce or accomplish something.这些名词用来指花费体力或脑力的努力来产生或完成某事美国传统〔work〕To exert oneself physically or mentally in order to do, make, or accomplish something.创造,实现:尽力使用自己的体力或脑力以便做、干或完成某事美国传统




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