

单词 侦探故事
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PREFER〕She doesn't like romantic fiction -- she much prefers detective stories. 她不喜欢爱情小说—她更爱看侦探故事朗文写作活用〔bury〕He buried himself in his detective story again.他又埋头读起了他的侦探故事外研社新世纪〔bury〕He buried himself in his detective story again.他又沉浸在他的侦探故事里了。柯林斯高阶〔ingredient〕The book had all the ingredients of a good detective story.这本书具备一个优秀侦探故事的全部要素。外研社新世纪〔nature〕For me a detective story is in the nature of a race.对我来说读侦探故事就像看比赛一样紧张。英汉大词典〔oldfashioned〕At heart, it's just a good old-fashioned detective story.从本质上讲,那不过是个老掉牙的侦探故事牛津搭配〔prototype〕The Sherlock Holmes stories are the prototypes of modern detective stories.夏洛克·福尔摩斯侦探故事是现代侦探故事的蓝本。韦氏高阶I like detective stories and romances--nothing too intellectual.我喜欢侦探故事及传奇文学----知识味不那么浓。剑桥国际The book/film is one of those whodunits where you don't find out who the murderer is till the very end.这本书/这部影片讲的是那样一种直到最后才能明白谁是凶手的侦探故事剑桥国际Three years ago, in the footsteps of (=following the example of) another former government official, she took up writing detective stories.三年前,她效仿另一位政府官员的做法,开始撰写侦探故事剑桥国际




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