

单词 conifers
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔conifer〕Most conifers are evergreen.大多数针叶树终年常青。韦氏高阶〔constitute〕Conifers constitute about a third of the world's forests.针叶树大约占了世界森林的三分之一。外研社新世纪〔dwarf〕You can grow dwarf conifers in pots on the patio.你可以在阳台上种些矮小的针叶树盆栽。剑桥高阶〔mycorrhiza〕The symbiotic association of the mycelium of a fungus with the roots of certain plants, such as conifers, beeches, or orchids.菌根:真菌的菌丝体和某些植物,如松柏类、山毛榉或者石兰的共同体美国传统〔needle〕A narrow stiff leaf, as those of conifers.针叶:狭长的硬叶,如松柏科植物美国传统〔pinetum〕An area planted with pine trees or related conifers, especially for botanical study.松园,松柏园:长有松树或针叶树的地方,尤指用于园林研究美国传统〔watap〕A stringy thread made from the roots of various conifers and used by certain Native American peoples in sewing and weaving.根制线:由各种针叶树的根制成的一种线,被某些美洲印第安人用来缝和织美国传统Conifers are an important source of timber for building and the manufacture of paper and furniture.针叶树是建筑、造纸和家具的重要木材来源。剑桥国际Conifers have long thin leaves called needles.松柏科植物长着叫针叶的细长叶子。剑桥国际Firs, spruces and pines are conifers.冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。剑桥国际You can grow dwarf (= small) conifers in pots on the patio.你可以在庭院里种几盆矮小的针叶树。剑桥国际




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