

单词 四块
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CUT〕Cut the fish into four pieces and serve hot or warm. 将鱼切成四块,趁热端上桌。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕I had four pieces of cake and made a real pig of myself. 我吃了四块蛋糕,吃得像猪一样。朗文写作活用〔cheese〕We brought four cheeses back from holiday.我们度假时买回四块奶酪蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔chocolate〕The cake recipe calls for four squares of chocolate.烤制这种蛋糕需要四块巧克力。韦氏高阶〔circle〕Cut out 4 circles of pastry.切出四块圆形油酥面饼。柯林斯高阶〔cleanly〕He cut the pie cleanly into four.他将那个水果派整齐地切成四块文馨英汉〔flatten〕Cut the dough into four and flatten each piece slightly.把面团切成四块, 逐每块轻轻压扁。外研社新世纪〔piece〕She cut the cake into four equal pieces.她把蛋糕切成大小相等的四块朗文当代〔quartersaw〕Some of the trees are stripped off their bark and mechanically quartersawed.有些树被剥去树皮,用机器锯成四块21世纪英汉〔quarter〕Heraldry To divide (a shield) into four equal areas with vertical and horizontal lines.【纹章学】 分成四等份:用纵线和横线将(盾牌)分成四块相等的区域美国传统〔splenius〕Either of two muscles of the back of the neck, extending from the upper vertebrae to the base of the skull, that rotate and extend the head and neck.夹肌:后颈部从脊椎上部扩展到脑壳底部的四块肌肉中的任一块,使头和颈伸张自如转动灵活美国传统〔two-by-four〕You'll need four eight-foot two-by-fours to frame out that wall.要构建那面墙的框架,你需要四块2x4吋、8呎长的木材。剑桥高阶You will need two medium tomatoes, quartered (= cut into four pieces each).你需要两只中等大小的西红柿,每只切成四块剑桥国际




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