

单词 吸烟的危害
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕A lot of children start smoking without realizing what the risks are. 许多孩子不知道吸烟的危害就吸起烟来。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Lawyers claim that the tobacco industry, by failing to tell everything it knew about smoking, was putting one over on its customers. 律师说烟草行业故意隐瞒吸烟的危害,这是在欺骗消费者。朗文写作活用〔chapter and verse〕He can give chapter and verse about/on the dangers of smoking.他能详尽列举出吸烟的危害韦氏高阶〔danger〕It's important to teach your children about the dangers of smoking.教育孩子认识吸烟的危害很重要。韦氏高阶〔day〕Not much was known about the dangers of smoking in those days (=then).那时候人们对吸烟的危害所知甚少。朗文当代〔figure〕People are more aware of the risks of smoking nowadays, but more young women are smoking than ever. Go figure! 现在人们更加了解吸烟的危害,但吸烟的年轻女性倒比以往多了。真让人搞不懂!牛津高阶〔fulminate〕She was fulminating about/over/at the dangers of smoking.她怒斥吸烟的危害韦氏高阶〔hazard〕Everybody is aware of the hazards of smoking.大家都明白吸烟的危害牛津高阶〔home truth〕The doctor told me the home truths about the dangers of smoking.医生直言不讳地告诉了我吸烟的危害韦氏高阶〔last word〕The report was considered to be the last word on the hazards of smoking.这篇报道被认为是给吸烟的危害下了定论美国传统〔propaganda〕There has been a good deal of propaganda about the dangers of smoking.关于吸烟的危害已作过大量宣传。英汉大词典〔public〕The ads are intended to increase public awareness of the risks of smoking.这些广告意在提高民众对于吸烟的危害的认识。韦氏高阶I'm sure that if you were to step back and think about the effects of your smoking, you'd give it up.我肯定如果你退一步想想吸烟的危害,你会戒烟的。剑桥国际Last week a British health minister joined her colleagues in other countries to fulminate against ‘passive’smoking.上个星期,一位英国卫生部部长加入到她的别国同行们当中,强烈揭露“被动”吸烟的危害剑桥国际




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