

单词 吓得要死
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕My uncle suffers from agoraphobia, and the idea of leaving the house terrifies him. 我叔叔患有广场恐怖症,想到要离家外出就把他吓得要死朗文写作活用〔death〕I was scared to death when I felt the ladder start to go.我感觉到梯子要倒时, 吓得要死外研社新世纪〔freak〕Every time she sees a mouse she freaks out.她每次看见老鼠都吓得要死英汉大词典〔frighten〕He drove at a speed which frightened Lara to death.他开车的速度把拉拉吓得要死朗文当代〔frighten〕I was frightened to death.我吓得要死英汉大词典〔frighten〕My father thought he was amusing me but he was frightening the wits out of me.我爸爸以为是在逗我开心, 却把我吓得要死外研社新世纪〔hell〕Some of the films frightened the hell out of children.有些电影小孩看了吓得要死英汉大词典〔scared〕I was scared stiff (= extremely frightened).我吓得要死剑桥高阶〔scared〕I was scared to death(= very frightened).我吓得要死牛津高阶




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