

单词 关联
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Dawson argued that there is a strong correlation between teenage crime and low educational achievement. 道森辩称青少年犯罪与教育程度低有密切关联朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Diet and exercise are closely connected with overall health. 饮食和锻炼与整体健康密切关联朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕In tests, no correlation was found between diet and intelligence. 测试未发现饮食与智力之间有关联朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕One of the students asked whether there was any correlation between rainfall and temperature. 一位学生问道,降雨和温度之间是否有关联朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Police are linking the availability of alcohol and a recent rise in the number of teenage arrests. 警方认为随处买得到的酒和近来青少年被捕人数上升有关联朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕The judge ruled that the defendant's previous conviction was relevant and could be discussed during the case. 法官裁定,被告上次被判罪与此案有关联,可以讨论。朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕The two robberies are said to be unconnected. 据说两宗劫案没有关联朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The mammoth was related to, but distinct from, modern elephants. 猛犸象与现代的大象既有关联又有区别。朗文写作活用〔affiliation〕Not having any religious affiliation, we can give an unbiased opinion.由于没有任何宗教上的关联,所以我们可以提出没有偏颇的意见。文馨英汉〔association〕Dogs learn mainly by association.狗主要通过关联来认识事物。牛津搭配〔bearing〕My father's achievements really don't have any bearing on what I do.我父亲的成就与我做的事情真的毫无关联柯林斯高阶〔comic〕Of or relating to comic strips.连环画的,漫画的:属于或有关联环画的美国传统〔complex〕These adjectives mean having parts so interconnected as to make the whole perplexing.这些形容词都指各部分间相互关联从而使整体复杂难懂。美国传统〔conjoint〕Of, consisting of, or involving two or more combined or associated entities; joint.共同的:两个或多个联合或关联实体的、与之有关的或由其组成的;联合美国传统〔conjugate〕Chemistry Pertaining to an acid and a base that are related by the difference of a proton.【化学】 酸和碱通过相差一个质子而相互关联美国传统〔connection〕Evidence suggests there's a connection between the languages.有证据显示这些语言之间存在关联韦氏高阶〔connection〕He has denied any connection to the bombing.他否认与爆炸事件有任何关联柯林斯高阶〔connection〕Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联牛津高阶〔connection〕There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats.没有证据表明疯牛病与最近确诊的猫类脑病有关联柯林斯高阶〔connective〕Grammar A word, such as a conjunction, that connects words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.【语法】 关联词:连接单词、词组、从句和句子的词,如连结词美国传统〔connective〕In connective education, knowledge is integrated with learning that is relevant and connected to real-life situations.在关联教育模式中, 知识和有针对性的、联系现实生活情况的学习整合在了一起。外研社新世纪〔contradictory〕Either of two propositions related in such a way that it is impossible for both to be true or both to be false.矛盾命题:两个互相关联的不可能同为正确或错误的命题中的一个美国传统〔correlate〕The therapist will correlate all the information.治疗师将把所有的信息关联起来。外研社新世纪〔correlate〕To be related by a correlation.联系:通过相互关联而联系上美国传统〔correlation〕An act of correlating or the condition of being correlated.相关行为:相互关联的行为或相互关联的状况美国传统〔correlation〕There is a direct correlation between the best-known brands and the best-selling brands.知名品牌和畅销品牌是有直接关联的。朗文当代〔correlative〕Related; corresponding.有关联的;相应的美国传统〔correspondence〕The survey found no correspondence between crime and unemployment rates.调查发现犯罪与失业率之间没有关联剑桥高阶〔dead〕No longer having significance or relevance.不再重要的,不再关联美国传统〔discontinuity〕Lack of continuity, logical sequence, or cohesion.断断续续:不连贯,缺乏逻辑关联,不团结美国传统〔discrete〕The word “heart” has several discrete meanings.“heart”这个词有好些不相关联的词义。英汉大词典〔display〕The chart can then display the links connecting these groups.这张图就会显示出这些群体之间的关联柯林斯高阶〔dissident〕She was suspected of having links with a dissident group.她被怀疑与一个持不同政见的政治团体有关联柯林斯高阶〔establish〕That link is an established medical fact.那一关联是已经证实的医学事实。柯林斯高阶〔function〕A variable so related to another that for each value assumed by one there is a value determined for the other.应变量,函数:一个与他量有关联的变量,这一量中的任何一值都能在他量中找到对应的固定值美国传统〔hand in hand〕In a film, the images and sounds go hand in hand.一部影片中的图像和声音是紧密关联的。韦氏高阶〔hand in hand〕In cooperation; jointly.合作的;相关联美国传统〔have〕To be concerned or associated with.与…有联系或关联美国传统〔hypothesize〕I have long hypothesized a connection between these factors.我一直以来就认为这些因素之间存在着某种关联柯林斯高阶〔identify〕Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联牛津高阶〔identify〕The policy is closely identified with the President himself.这项政策被认为与总统本人有密切关联牛津搭配〔immediate〕There is an immediate connection between the two events.这两起事件之间有直接关联韦氏高阶〔implicate〕These groups are very strongly implicated in the violence.这些团体与这起暴力事件有很大关联牛津搭配〔independent〕The incidents were completely independent of one another.这些事件相互间毫无关联麦克米伦高阶〔indicate〕The study indicates a connection between poverty and crime.研究显示贫穷和犯罪有关联朗文当代〔indicate〕There is nothing to indicate that the two events are connected.没有迹象显示这两件事有关联韦氏高阶〔inseparable〕One problem is inseparable from the other.问题与问题之间的关联密不可分。韦氏高阶〔inseparably〕In his mind, religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.在他看来, 宗教和政治相互关联、密不可分。外研社新世纪〔interconnect〕Bad housing is interconnected with debt and poverty.住房条件差与负债以及贫困相关联牛津高阶〔interconnect〕The causes are many and may interconnect.原因有很多, 而且可能相互关联外研社新世纪〔interconnect〕The lessons are designed to show students how the two subjects interconnect.设计这些课程是为了向学生们展示这两个学科间是如何相互关联的。韦氏高阶〔interrelate〕Each part of the course interrelates with all the others.课程的每个部分都与其他所有的部分有关联朗文当代〔interrelate〕I like the way the characters interrelate in the novel.我喜欢这部小说里各人物的相互关联方式。韦氏高阶〔interrelate〕Linguists have tried to interrelate language with/and culture.语言学家们力图揭示语言和文化的相互关联韦氏高阶〔intimately〕Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.在香港,房地产与证券密切关联柯林斯高阶〔linkage〕A connection or relation; an association.联系或关系;关联美国传统〔linkage〕There is no formal linkage between the two agreements.这两项协议之间不存在正式的关联柯林斯高阶〔linkage〕Western diplomats firmly reject any linkage.西方外交官坚决拒绝任何关联协议。柯林斯高阶〔link〕A cabinet minister came under investigation for links to the Mafia.一位内阁大臣因被怀疑与黑手党有关联而受到调查。柯林斯高阶〔link〕Doctors say that there is a strong link between smoking and lung cancer.医生们说抽烟跟肺癌之间有强大的关联文馨英汉〔link〕Liver cancer is linked to the hepatitis B virus.肝癌与乙肝病毒存在关联柯林斯高阶〔link〕Police think the murders are linked.警方认为这些谋杀案互有关联朗文当代〔link〕Unemployment is consistently linked with a variety of negative health effects.失业总是与各种各样的负面健康效应有关联牛津搭配〔minitrack〕An electronic system designed to follow the course of satellites and rockets and correlate radio signals received by a network of ground stations.卫星跟踪系统:设计用来跟踪卫星或火箭的航线并将地面站网接受到的无线电信号相互关联的电子系统美国传统〔none〕Though the languages are related they share almost/virtually none of the same vocabulary.尽管这些语言有关联,但它们几乎/基本上没有相同的词汇。韦氏高阶〔pertinent〕The issues dealt with in the report are highly pertinent to our own situation.报告中谈及的问题与我们自己的处境有很大关联牛津搭配〔psychometry〕The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it.触物占卜术:通过触摸或靠近一个物体来预测与该物相关联的人或事件的情况的能力或技艺美国传统〔puerperal〕Relating to, connected with, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following childbirth.有关、关联或发生于分娩期或尾随分娩期后的时间的美国传统〔reference〕Success seems to have little reference to merit.成功与贤能似无多少关联英汉大词典〔related〕Connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage.有亲缘关系的:因血缘,共同起源或婚姻而相互关联美国传统〔relate〕The symbols relate to an earlier system.这些标志和以前的制度有关联美国传统〔relationship〕A clear relationship emerged in the study between happiness and level of education.研究发现,幸福与受教育程度之间存在着明显的关联牛津搭配〔relationship〕I can't see the relationship between the figures and the diagram.我看不出这些数字与图表之间的关联牛津搭配〔relationship〕There is a relationship between diet and cancer.饮食结构和癌症之间有一定关联柯林斯高阶〔relationship〕There's a close relationship between increased money supply and inflation.货币供应的增加与通货膨胀有密切的关联牛津搭配〔relationship〕They discovered a relationship between depression and lack of sunlight.他们发现了情绪低落与缺乏日照之间的关联牛津搭配〔relation〕He established a relation between asthma and certain types of work.他证实了哮喘与某些工种之间的关联牛津搭配〔relative〕One related by kinship, common origin, or marriage.亲属:因亲戚关系共同的起源或婚姻相关联的人美国传统〔relevant〕The article was only marginally relevant.这篇文章的关联性很小。牛津搭配〔remotely〕The two incidents were only remotely connected.两次事件之间无甚关联牛津高阶〔splenic〕Of, in, near, or relating to the spleen.脾的:脾的,脾内的,在脾附近的或与脾相关联美国传统〔straight-line〕Relating to a device whose linkage produces or copies motion in straight lines.直排式的:与其关联产生或复制直线式运动的装置有关的美国传统〔suggestion〕The government have denied any suggestion of involvement in her death.政府否认与她的死有任何关联朗文当代〔temporal〕One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.人们也能看出具体行为是如何与时空相关联的。柯林斯高阶〔tie in with〕I've got a feeling that the death may be tied up with his visit in some way.我有种感觉,死亡似乎和他的来访有某种关联柯林斯高阶〔tie up〕Today's lesson tied up with what was taught yesterday.今天的课和昨天讲的有关联韦氏高阶〔tie-in〕Police suspected a tie-in between the murder and the international narcotics ring.警方怀疑这起谋杀案和国际贩毒集团有关联英汉大词典〔tie-in〕There's a tie-in between smoking and lung cancer.吸烟与肺癌有关联文馨英汉〔tie〕Can you tie his behaviour up with anything that's happened recently? 你认为他的行为与最近发生的什么事有关联吗?剑桥高阶〔to〕The robbery may be linked to other crimes of violence.这次抢劫有可能和其他暴力犯罪有关联朗文当代〔traditional〕The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.黑色历来是和哀悼相关联的。朗文当代〔truthful〕She was completely truthful about her involvement in the affair.她非常诚实地说出了自己与这件事的关联牛津搭配〔unconnected〕A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation.一系列表面上并无关联的事件导致了他的辞职。剑桥高阶〔unconnected〕I can't believe that those two murders are unconnected.我不相信那两桩谋杀案之间毫无关联柯林斯高阶〔unconnected〕Not joined or connected.不相连的,不关联美国传统〔unconnected〕The murders are probably unconnected.这些谋杀案之间很可能是没有关联的。朗文当代〔unmoral〕Unrelated to moral or ethical considerations; nonmoral.非道德的:和道德的或伦理的考虑没有关联的;与道德无涉的美国传统〔unrelated〕Two of them died from apparently unrelated causes.他们中的两个人死因似乎没有关联外研社新世纪〔visceromotor〕Producing or related to movements of the viscera.内脏运动的:产生内脏运动的或与内脏运动有关联美国传统Our lives have become increasingly enmeshed (= involved with each other) .我们的生活越来越多地相互关联起来。剑桥国际




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