

单词 促使
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REPUTATION〕The class system in Great Britain encourages people to be very aware of their social standing. 英国的等级制度促使人们对自己的社会地位非常在意。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The recent escapes have prompted prison officers to install video camera surveillance of the blind spot. 最近的几起越狱事件促使狱警安装摄像机监视看不到的地方。朗文写作活用〔accretion〕Something added externally to promote such growth or increase.增加物,添加物:为促使生长或增大的外部添加物美国传统〔adhesive〕A substance, such as paste or cement, that provides or promotes adhesion.粘合剂:提供或促使粘附的物质,如浆糊或水泥美国传统〔affinity〕Chemistry An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine.【化学】 亲和力:促使微粒之间结合的相互吸引或能力美国传统〔care〕All these cares helped to make him sad.所有这些烦恼事都促使他悒悒不乐。英汉大词典〔catalyst〕She was proud to be a catalyst for reform in the government.能够促使政府改革,她感到很骄傲。韦氏高阶〔challenge〕This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.这个困难促使我开动脑筋去寻找答案。英汉大词典〔charge〕To cause formation of a net electric charge on or in (a conductor, for example).使带电荷:促使(如导体内)净电荷形成美国传统〔clout〕Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal.萨瑟兰先生也许有能力促使两大贸易巨头达成协议。柯林斯高阶〔combination〕A combination of factors led to her decision.多种因素综合起来促使她做出这个决定。韦氏高阶〔consumer〕Consumer demand led to higher imports of manufactured goods.消费者需求促使制造商品的进口量增加了。朗文当代〔cytokinin〕Any of a class of plant hormones that promote cell division and growth and delay the senescence of leaves.细胞分裂素:一种促使细胞分裂和生长并且延迟叶子枯萎的植物激素美国传统〔demilitarize〕The UN had made remarkable progress in demilitarizing the region.联合国在促使该地区非军事化的进程中已取得了显著进展。外研社新世纪〔display〕There may be specific events which trigger aggressive displays in your dog.可能有某些特定事件会促使你的狗表现出敌意。牛津搭配〔dornase alfa〕A genetically engineered enzyme used to hydrolyze the DNA in bronchial mucus, facilitating its expectoration, in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.链球菌DNA酶:用于在支气管黏液中水解脱氧核糖核酸的遗传工程酶,治疗囊性纤维增生时可促使吐痰美国传统〔downfall〕The failure of this plan contributed to her eventual downfall.这个计划的失败促使她最终垮台。牛津搭配〔economize〕Higher taxes encourage people to economize on fuel.较高的税收促使人们节省燃料。朗文当代〔enforce〕The government may take steps to enforce compliance with the new measures.政府可能采取措施促使新规章的实施。牛津搭配〔equal opportunities〕The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.该行业的领导们现在必须采取措施促使所有人获得均等机会。柯林斯高阶〔errhine〕Promoting or inducing nasal discharge.催嚏的:促使或导致打喷嚏的美国传统〔far〕His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.他的减税方案还算不错,但并不足以促使经济再次发展。柯林斯高阶〔feeding〕Feed plants to encourage steady growth.给植物施肥促使其不断生长。柯林斯高阶〔florigen〕A plant hormone that promotes flowering.成花素:一种促使花开放的植物激素美国传统〔flow〕An interest rate reduction is needed to get more money flowing and create jobs.需要降低利率以促使更多资金流动及创造工作岗位。外研社新世纪〔force〕The demonstrations have succeeded in forcing the pace of change.示威成功地促使改革进程加快。牛津高阶〔gabble〕The words were so gabbled that it was impossible to catch them.话说得那么急促使人无法听清楚。英汉大词典〔galvanize〕The possibility of defeat finally galvanized us into action .失败的可能性最终促使我们采取行动。朗文当代〔galvanize〕The results of the study galvanized residents into action.研究的结果促使居民采取行动。麦克米伦高阶〔hand〕Several of his colleagues had a hand in his downfall.他的几个同事促使了他下台。牛津高阶〔idea〕The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.其目的是促使人们结识邻居。柯林斯高阶〔impulsion〕Lack of food and water provided much of the impulsion for their speed.缺少食物和水促使他们加快了速度。牛津高阶〔incite〕These verbs mean to stir or give support to action.这些动词均有促使或支持某行为发生的含义。美国传统〔inspirable〕Opposition inspired us to further efforts.反对促使我们进一步努力。21世纪英汉〔inspire〕Opposition inspired him to a greater effort.别人的反对反而促使他干得更起劲。英汉大词典〔lead〕Her experience with cancer led her to consider writing a book on the subject.她的患癌经历促使她考虑写一本关于这个主题的书。韦氏高阶〔luteinize〕To cause the production of a corpus luteum in.促使黄体素在……中生成美国传统〔manipulate〕They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.他们总算促使我们答应提供帮助了。牛津高阶〔meddle〕What had induced the woman to meddle in his affairs?是什么促使这个女人插手他的事情?外研社新世纪〔membership〕Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas.加入教会青年团促使她形成了自己的政治观点。外研社新世纪〔membership〕Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas.加入教会青年团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。柯林斯高阶〔mend〕He is eager to help mend fences between management and unions.他急于促使管理层和工会改善关系。外研社新世纪〔middle class〕This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.这就促使了一个新的富裕的中产阶级的形成。朗文当代〔motive〕To motivate.促使美国传统〔moved〕It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.最初是朋克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。柯林斯高阶〔moved〕The president was moved to come up with these suggestions after the hearings.听证会促使总统想出了这些建议。柯林斯高阶〔move〕What moved you to do this? 是什么促使你这么做的? 英汉大词典〔mutagenize〕To cause or induce mutation in (a cell or an organism).诱变:促使或者诱导(细胞或者组织内)的变异美国传统〔naturalize〕To cause to conform to nature.促使符合于自然美国传统〔notice〕The protests in the local newspapers brought the matter to official notice.地方报纸上的抗议文章促使官方注意到这件事。英汉大词典〔operate〕These factors operated to our success.这些因素促使我们成功。英汉大词典〔persuade〕The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to run for President again.4月份保守党在大选中获胜, 这促使他再次竞选总统。外研社新世纪〔pilot〕We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime.我们正促使议会顺利通过解决青少年犯罪问题的一项新策略。柯林斯高阶〔potential〕This actually has the potential to precipitate his downfall.这实际上可能会促使他下台。外研社新世纪〔precipitate〕Her remark precipitated my decision.她的话促使我作出决定。 英汉大词典〔predeterminate〕This predetermined me in his favour.这一点事先促使我要支持他。21世纪英汉〔predetermine〕This predetermined me in his favour.这一点事先促使我要支持他。英汉大词典〔prod〕It had prodded Ben into doing something about it.那件事促使本做点什么。朗文当代〔prompt〕I don't know what prompted him to leave.我不知道是什么促使他离开的。剑桥高阶〔prompt〕The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security.此次发现炸弹促使当局加强了安全工作。牛津高阶〔prompt〕The incident prompted him to call a meeting of the staff.那事件促使他召开了一次全体人员会议。英汉大词典〔provoke〕Public indignation may well provoke the House into action.公众的愤慨可能促使众议院采取行动。英汉大词典〔push〕The rise in interest rates will push prices up.利率的提高将促使价格上扬。牛津高阶〔rally〕The shootings rallied protesters who say the city neglects poorer neighborhoods.多起枪杀事件促使人们集合起来,抗议市政府忽视贫困街区。韦氏高阶〔rationalize〕The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.经济衰退促使公司进行合理化改革。剑桥高阶〔recipe〕Armed suppression appeared to be a recipe for quickened doom.看来,武装镇压成了促使早日灭亡的因素。英汉大词典〔release〕Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。韦氏高阶〔saturant〕A substance used to saturate.饱和剂:用于促使饱和的物质美国传统〔slavery〕The organization has helped to expose human slavery rings.该组织促使人口奴役团伙得以曝光。牛津搭配〔solidarity〕A national emergency evokes solidarity among a nation's citizens.民族危机促使全国人民团结一致。英汉大词典〔sponsor〕A legislator who proposes and urges adoption of a bill.倡议者,提案人:提出和促使议案被采纳的立法者美国传统〔spur〕His friend's plight had spurred him into taking part.朋友的困境促使他投身参与。柯林斯高阶〔spur〕It was an article in the local newspaper which finally spurred him into action .是当地报纸上的一篇文章最终促使他行动起来。朗文当代〔spur〕Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.裁员促使很多人另谋职业。外研社新世纪〔spur〕Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.裁员促使很多人开始从事新事业。柯林斯高阶〔start〕Mahoney gets himself killed and starts the police off on a hunt for the murderer.马奥尼被杀了,这件事促使警察开始追捕凶犯。麦克米伦高阶〔stimulate〕The conference stimulated him to study the subject in more depth.这次会议促使他更深入地研究那个课题。牛津高阶〔stimulate〕The drugs stimulate the damaged tissue into repairing itself.药物促使受损的组织自行修复。剑桥高阶〔stir〕The incident stirred him to write a book.那件事件促使他去写一本书。文馨英汉〔subserve〕It subserves me to finish the task before the due date.局势促使我提前完成了任务。21世纪英汉〔tip〕Three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership.有三个因素促使天平向工党的领导地位倾斜。朗文当代〔toe〕This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets.这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。柯林斯高阶〔transformation〕What leads to the transformation of one economic system to another? 什么原因会促使一种经济体制向另一种经济体制转变?朗文当代〔unifying〕The struggle has had a unifying effect on all Blacks.这场斗争起到了促使所有黑人团结起来的作用。外研社新世纪〔wait〕Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen.不要再坐等事情发生。要创造条件促使事情发生。外研社新世纪〔weld〕The crisis helped to weld the party together.这场危机促使整个党紧密地团结在一起。牛津高阶Burning aromatherapy oils produces a pleasant fragrance which can help you relax.焚烧药用香油所产生的宜人香气可促使你放松。剑桥国际Greater sales of higher-margin products had helped the company to meet the target earlier than expected.利润丰厚产品的销售额增加促使这公司比预期提前实现目标。牛津商务His parents brought a lot of pressure to bear on him (= strongly tried to influence him) to improve his grades.他父母对他施加了许多压力,促使他提高成绩。剑桥国际Improved safety measures in cars can be counterproductive as they encourage people to drive faster.提高车辆安全的措施可能产生促使人们开快车的相反结果。剑桥国际Mounting overcapacity in the steel industry is driving prices down.钢铁行业生产能力日益过剩正促使价格下降。牛津商务Osteopathy involves massage and manipulation of bones and joints and this stimulates the body to heal itself.按骨术包括按摩、推拿骨骼和关节,以此促使人体的自我复原。剑桥国际Profit-taking pushed coffee stocks lower.获利抛售促使咖啡股价格下跌。牛津商务Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.公众对这个问题的意识能促使政治家对它的重视。剑桥国际Rising demand tends to push prices up, and falling demand pushes them down.需求的增长促使价格上涨,而需求的减少促使价格下跌。剑桥国际The annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.奥地利和苏台德区的被(德国)并吞促使了第二次世界大战的爆发。剑桥国际The announcement of the general election galvanized the party members into action. 宣布举行大选促使该党成员行动起来。译典通The drugs stimulate the damaged tissue into repairing itself.这药能促使受损的组织自行修复。剑桥国际The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he immediately set about cleaning the house.母亲有望来居住促使他立即行动,开始打扫屋子。剑桥国际The rise in oil prices has been driven by fears of a supply crunch (= a situation where there is not enough oil available).对供给短缺的担心促使石油价格上涨。牛津商务




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