

单词 令他着迷
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔consuming〕Basketball is his consuming passion.篮球令他着迷牛津高阶〔entrancing〕The light reflected off the stone, creating a golden glow he found entrancing.宝石反射出的金色光芒令他着迷外研社新世纪〔fascinate〕Anything to do with planes and flying fascinates him.一切有关飞机和飞行的东西都令他着迷剑桥高阶〔intrigue〕The novelty of the situation intrigued him.周围环境的独具一格令他着迷柯林斯高阶〔novelty〕The novelty of the situation intrigued him.周围环境独具一格, 令他着迷外研社新世纪〔obsess〕The image of Madeleine obsessed him.马德琳的形象令他着迷外研社新世纪〔obsess〕The war obsesses him—he talks about nothing else.战争令他着迷——他除了战争其他什么都不谈。韦氏高阶〔radiance〕He was struck by the radiance of her smile.她灿烂的笑容令他着迷剑桥高阶〔spellbound〕He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.他对她十分敬畏;她令他着迷柯林斯高阶〔spellbound〕He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.他对她十分敬畏;她令他着迷外研社新世纪




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