

单词 tubes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕Alubend is one of the country's biggest manufacturers of aluminium tubes. 阿路本是该国最大的铝管生产公司之一。朗文写作活用〔amplifier〕Electronics A device, especially one using transistors or electron tubes, that produces amplification of an electrical signal.【电子学】 放大器:尤指利用晶体管或电子管使电子信号放大的仪器美国传统〔arborize〕To have or produce branching formations, as the bronchial tubes of the lungs.使成树状:具有或产生有分支的结构,如肺的支气管美国传统〔artery〕Anatomy Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.【解剖学】 动脉:任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管美国传统〔bell out〕Belling out the tubes will permit a freer passage of air.把管子做成钟状,可使气流更畅通。21世纪英汉〔bronchial asthma〕Asthma that is caused by spasmodic contraction of the muscular walls of the bronchial tubes.支气管哮喘,支气管性气喘:由于支气管壁的肌肉间歇性挛缩而引起的哮喘美国传统〔bronchiectasis〕Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes.(细)支气管扩张:支气管的慢性扩张美国传统〔bronchitis〕Chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.支气管感染:支气管粘膜的慢性或急性感染美国传统〔bronchopulmonary〕Relating to the bronchial tubes and the lungs.支气管肺的:与支气管和肺部有关的美国传统〔butyl rubber〕A synthetic rubber produced by copolymerization of a butylene with isoprene, nearly impermeable to air and used in tires, inner tubes, and insulation.丁基橡胶:通过丁烯和异戊二烯的共聚作用化合而成的一种合成橡胶,几乎不透空气,用作轮胎、内管道和绝缘等的材料中美国传统〔cannelloni〕Large-sized tubes of pasta stuffed with meat or cheese and baked in a tomato or cream sauce.烤空心粉:塞肉或干酪并加番茄或奶油汁烘烤而成的大空心粉条美国传统〔cathode ray〕A stream of electrons emitted by the cathode in electrical discharge tubes.阴极射线:电子发射管的阴极放出的电子流美国传统〔clutter〕There was a clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf.架子上胡乱堆满了瓶子和管子。牛津高阶〔connect〕The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus.输卵管连接着卵巢和子宫。柯林斯高阶〔container〕Tubes are the ideal container for paint as air is excluded.软管不透气,因而是装颜料的理想容器。牛津搭配〔diameter〕The tubes have an internal diameter of 2 mm.管子的内径是 2 毫米。牛津搭配〔distressingly〕It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors.看见自己宝宝身上连着各种管子和监视器,心里会非常痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔drip feed〕The device or tubes by which such a substance is administered.点滴用具:用于配备此项作业的设备或管子美国传统〔dynode〕An electrode used in certain electron tubes to provide secondary emission.中间极,二次发射电极:一种用于一定电子管作第二次发射电极美国传统〔filament〕Electronics A high-resistance wire or ribbon forming the cathode in some thermionic tubes.【电子学】 丝极:在一些电子管中形成阴极的高电阻的金属丝或金属带美国传统〔fimbria〕A fringelike part or structure, as at the opening of the fallopian tubes.穗缘,伞毛:一种穗状部分或结构,如在输卵管入口处美国传统〔first-generation〕Computer Science Of, relating to, or being the period of computer technology distinguished by the use of vacuum tubes.【计算机科学】 第一代的:指使用真空管的计算机时代的或与之有关的美国传统〔fit〕Look, the tubes fit together like this.你看,这些管子是这样接起来的。朗文当代〔gamete intrafallopian transfer〕A technique of assisted reproduction in which eggs and sperm are inserted directly into a woman's fallopian tubes, where fertilization may occur.配子植入技术:将卵子与精子直接植入女性输软管的生育技术,受精作用即是在输卵管发生美国传统〔gauze〕They covered the tubes with wire gauze.他们用铁丝网把管子裹起来。朗文当代〔go down the tubes〕His health is going down the tubes.他的身体快垮了。韦氏高阶〔go down the tubes〕If business doesn't pick up soon, the company will go down the tubes.如果生意近期没有起色的话,公司将会倒闭。剑桥高阶〔intrafallopian〕Located or occurring within the fallopian tubes.输卵管内的:位于或者发生于输卵管内美国传统〔malformed〕More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.更为罕见的是, 输卵管是先天畸形。外研社新世纪〔malformed〕More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。柯林斯高阶〔manicotti〕An Italian dish consisting of pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or ricotta cheese, usually served hot with a tomato sauce.番茄沙司烙通心粉:一种意大利食物,即用肉片或乳清干酪填塞的意大利通心粉,常趁热和着蕃茄沙司一起吃美国传统〔orifice〕After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.一次严重的心脏病发作之后, 他被缚在一张床上, 全身插满了导管。外研社新世纪〔orifice〕After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.经历了一次严重的心脏病发作之后,他被绑在床上,全身都插着导管。柯林斯高阶〔phloem〕The food-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting of sieve tubes, fibers, parenchyma, and sclereids.韧皮部:导管植物的食物传导组织,包括筛管、纤维、薄壁组织和硬化细胞美国传统〔pipe〕Any of the tubes in an organ.器官中的管状结构美国传统〔powder〕They powder the ceramics and pack it into silver tubes.他们把陶器磨成粉末, 然后装进银管子里。外研社新世纪〔prostatectomy〕A laparoscopic prostatectomy is carried out using slender tubes inserted through five small holes in the abdomen.腹腔镜前列腺切除术是通过腹部的五个切口插入细管进行的。剑桥高阶〔tesla coil〕An air-core transformer that is used as a source of high-frequency power, as for x-ray tubes.特斯拉线圈:一种用以产生高频高电压的空心变压器,如X-射线管美国传统〔testiculate〕Botany Having two oblong tubes, as some orchids.【植物学】 双丸状的:有两块长方形管道的,如某些兰科植物美国传统〔trachea〕Zoology One of the internal respiratory tubes of insects and some other terrestrial arthropods.【动物学】 气管:昆虫和一些其它陆生节肢动物的内部呼吸管道之一美国传统〔tracheole〕One of the fine branching tubes of the trachea of an insect, which penetrates the tissues to provide oxygen.微气管:一昆虫气管的细小分枝管道中的一根,深入组织之中以提供氧气美国传统〔troffer〕An inverted, usually metal trough suspended from a ceiling as a fixture for fluorescent lighting tubes.槽形支架:一种通常是金属制成的,从天花板上垂下用作普通荧光照明管的支架的反转槽美国传统〔tubal ligation〕A method of female sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are surgically tied.输卵管结扎:通过外科手术将女性输卵管结扎的绝育手段美国传统〔tube〕Tubes are often used for moving liquids along.管子常用来导流液体。英汉大词典〔tube〕The country was going down the tubes economically.该国的经济正在崩溃。外研社新世纪〔tube〕The country was going down the tubes economically.该国经济正在彻底崩溃。柯林斯高阶〔tube〕The education system is going down the tubes.这种教育体系就要垮台了。牛津高阶〔tube〕The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上是由成千上万条微小管道构成的。外研社新世纪〔tube〕The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。柯林斯高阶〔tube〕Theresa could see all her good work going down the tubes.特莉萨能看到自己做得好好的工作全都白费了。麦克米伦高阶〔tube〕This company is going down the tubes.这家公司要完蛋了。麦克米伦高阶〔tube〕When Moira turned up, Tess could see all her good work going down the tubes.莫伊拉一出现,特丝就觉得她所有心血都白费了。朗文当代〔tubing〕Tubes considered as a group.管道:管类,集合名词美国传统〔tubing〕A system of tubes.管道系统美国传统〔tuboplasty〕Surgical repair of one or both fallopian tubes.输卵管修复外科手术美国传统〔tubular〕Constituting or consisting of tubes or a tube.由管组成的美国传统〔tubulous〕Composed of tubes.由管组成的美国传统〔umbilical cord〕Any of various external electrical lines or fluid tubes that supply a rocket before launch.操纵缆:在发射之前供应火箭的任何外部电缆或液体管道美国传统〔vein〕Anatomy Any of a branching system of membranous tubes that carry blood to the heart.【解剖学】 静脉:把血带到心脏的支状膜性管系统之一美国传统As the bottles move along the conveyor belt, tubes drop the right medicine into the right bottle.当瓶子沿着传送带向前移动时,管子将适当的药滴进适当的瓶子里。牛津商务Connected to tubes and devices, he gave the impression of a man supported entirely by mechanical means.他身上接满管子和仪器,使人感觉他似乎全靠机械手段维系着生命。剑桥国际Do not add glucose to the control but put five milligrams in each of the other test tubes.在每个试管中放五毫克葡萄糖,但别放在对照试管中。剑桥国际If business doesn't pick up soon, the company will go down the tubes.如果业务不很快有起色的话, 公司将会彻底完蛋。剑桥国际If the oil gets inside the mechanism, it will block all the tubes and cause a seizure of some of the pipes.要是油进入了机械内部,它会阻塞所有的小管道,并引起一些大管道的堵塞。剑桥国际Neon lights and signs consist of glass tubes filled with neon, and are often used for advertising because the tubes can be bent into unusual shapes.霓虹灯和标牌由充氖气的玻璃管制成,并经常用来做广告牌,因为这些管子能被弯曲成特殊的形状。剑桥国际Some toothpaste tubes carry a logo indicating that the manufacturers’claims have been validated by a medical association.一些牙膏壳上有一个标记,表明该生产厂商的声明已经为一家医药协会所确认。剑桥国际The new technique involves surgeons making small incisions in the skin into which tubes are inserted.这项新技术要求外科医师在皮肤上开一个插入管子的切口。剑桥国际The prisoners who were being force-fed had tubes rammed down their throats.那些正在被强迫进食的囚犯喉咙里塞着导管。剑桥国际When a woman is sterilized, clips are put on her fallopian tubes to block them, which stops eggs from travelling to the womb.女性做绝育手术,用血管夹堵住输卵管,防止卵子进入子宫。剑桥国际




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