

单词 by contrast
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔By way of contrast〕The queen's wit and humor made the prince seem dull by contrast.女王机智幽默,相比之下,王子似乎有些愚钝。韦氏高阶〔COMPARE〕I read a lot as a child, but my daughter, by contrast, just seems interested in television. 我小时候读了许多书,我女儿相比之下仿佛只对电视感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔bulk〕He bulks large only by contrast with other senators.他只有和其他参议员相比时才显得举足轻重。英汉大词典〔calming〕Hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in Yugoslavia.相比之下,匈牙利对南斯拉夫发生的一系列事件反应平静。柯林斯高阶〔calmly〕Hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in Yugoslavia.相比之下, 匈牙利对南斯拉夫的事态反应平静。外研社新世纪〔comparable〕By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent.相反,荷兰的相对数字为16%。柯林斯高阶〔contrast〕By contrast, demand for beer is rising throughout Africa and east Europe.相比之下, 非洲和东欧对啤酒的需求量正在上升。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕By contrast, she was much more outspoken.对比起来,她坦率得多。英汉大词典〔contrast〕Gauguin, by contrast, was determined to liberate painting.相比之下, 高更的画旨在突破传统的束缚。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕It seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday's icy wind.与昨日凛冽的寒风一比,今天可算相当暖和了。英汉大词典〔contrast〕The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.大龄女性的生育率已有下降,但相比之下少女妈妈的生育率却上升了。朗文当代〔contrast〕The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。柯林斯高阶〔contrast〕The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相反, 私营部门有大量的资金可供支出。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, by contrast, are performing well again.技术行业表现很差。对比之下,传统经济股则再次表现良好。麦克米伦高阶〔contrast〕When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.看一看他们的新系统,就显得我们的系统陈旧过时了。牛津高阶〔contrast〕When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.看看他们的新系统,相比之下我们的就显得太过时了。牛津搭配〔foil〕To set off by contrast.通过对比衬托美国传统〔ongoing〕A father, by contrast, has an ongoing relationship with the child.相反, 父亲与孩子的关系不断发展。外研社新世纪〔setoff〕Something, such as a decoration, that sets off something else by contrast.衬托物:通过对比衬托他物的东西,如装饰品美国传统




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