

单词 不正确
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕Many of Marx's theories were disproved by subsequent events. 后来的事件证明他的许多理论是不正确的。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕If a word is entered incorrectly the machine refuses to obey the command. 如果有单词输入不正确,机器便会拒绝接受指令。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Nixon's family called Stone's depiction of the late President ‘erroneous and malicious’. 尼克松家族称斯通对已故总统的描写“不正确而且恶毒”。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕I regret to say that a number of statements made by the department were incorrect. 我得很遗憾地说该部门的一些说法是不正确的。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕He gave false and misleading statements to the court. 他向法庭作了不正确和有误导性的陈述。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕I think you must have been misinformed -- we don't teach any courses in business studies here. 我想你听到的消息肯定不正确—我们这里没有开任何有关商业研究的课程。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕If a player answers incorrectly, the question is given to the other team. 如果一位参赛者回答不正确,问题就交给另一组来回答。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕The information about current prices was incorrect. 关于目前价格的资料不正确朗文写作活用〔above〕Please notify us if the above is not correct.如果上面所说的不正确,请通知我们。牛津高阶〔abuse〕These verbs mean to treat a person or thing wrongfully, incorrectly, or harmfully.这些动词指错误地、不正确地或伤害性地对待某人或某事。美国传统〔amiss〕In an improper, defective, unfortunate, or mistaken way.错误地,不正确地:反常地、有缺陷地、不幸地或错误地美国传统〔amiss〕Some of his assumptions are amiss.他的一些假设不正确韦氏高阶〔assumption〕You're making an assumption which might not be true.你所作的假定或许不正确英汉大词典〔astray〕His calculations were astray.他的计算不正确英汉大词典〔astray〕We were led astray by an inaccurate map.我们被一张不正确的地图引入歧途。英汉大词典〔as〕It is better not to do this as many people think it is incorrect.许多人认为这不正确,最好不要这样用。朗文当代〔barbarism〕A specific word, form, or expression so used.不合语法的表达:不正确或不规则使用的词语、词形或表达法美国传统〔barbarism〕The use of words, forms, or expressions considered incorrect or unacceptable.不合语法:不正确的或不规则的词语、词形和表达法的运用美国传统〔beg〕I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect.恕我指出你说的事实不正确英汉大词典〔care〕Your clothes won't last if you don't care for them properly.如果不正确保养,你的衣服就穿不久。麦克米伦高阶〔compression〕Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs.坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。柯林斯高阶〔count〕It's not true on either count.这两点都不正确外研社新世纪〔data〕Many of these data are incorrect.这些数据中很多都不正确韦氏高阶〔disprove〕To prove to be false, invalid, or in error; refute.反驳,驳斥:证明…不真实,证明…虚假或不正确;反驳美国传统〔either〕I don't think that either of the two answers is correct. = Of the two answers, I don't think that either is correct.我认为这两种回答都不正确韦氏高阶〔elimination〕We would then know by a process of elimination which ones weren't correct.通过使用排除法我们就可以知道哪些不正确外研社新世纪〔error〕The condition of having incorrect or false knowledge.失误,差错:理解或认识不正确或错误的状态美国传统〔err〕The magazine erred in reporting that ...这家杂志关于…的报道是不正确的。英汉大词典〔exorbitance〕Behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper.过分行为:不正确或不适当的动作或行为美国传统〔faith〕We printed the report in good faith but have now learnt that it was incorrect.我们好意印发了这份报告,但现在才知道它并不正确牛津高阶〔garbage〕Computer Science Incorrect, meaningless, or unwanted information in input, output, or memory.【计算机科学】 无用数据,无用单元,无用信息:在输入、输出或存储方面不正确的、无意义的或不需要的信息美国传统〔guess〕That's not the answer. Guess again.答案不正确。再猜一次。牛津搭配〔hand〕Uncalled for or improper; indiscreet.不合时宜的,不正确的;不慎重的美国传统〔improper〕Not consistent with established truth, fact, or rule; incorrect.错误的,不正确的:与既定真相、事实或原则不一致的;错误的美国传统〔incorrectly〕He was told that the doors had been fitted incorrectly.他被告知那些门安装得不正确外研社新世纪〔incorrectly〕People often have incorrect information about food.人们对食物经常会有不正确的认识。柯林斯高阶〔incorrect〕The assumptions made about the economy's rate of growth proved to be incorrect.对经济增长率的推测证明是不正确的。剑桥高阶〔limit〕Lack of adequate testing limits the effectiveness of the research.不正确的测试降低了该研究的有效性。麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕Marks are deducted for incorrect spelling.拼写不正确要扣分。牛津搭配〔misapprehend〕To apprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确地理解;误解美国传统〔misclassify〕To classify incorrectly.不正确地进行分类美国传统〔misconceived〕Lawrence's worthy but misconceived idea劳伦斯有价值但不正确的想法外研社新世纪〔misdate〕An inaccurate date.不正确的日期美国传统〔misdate〕To date (a document or an event, for example) inaccurately.误标日期:把(如一个文件或事件)的日期标得不正确美国传统〔misinform〕I felt I had been misinformed about the risks involved.我觉得关于所冒的风险,我听到的情况不正确韦氏高阶〔misinform〕You've been misinformed.你听到的情况不正确英汉大词典〔mismatch〕To match unsuitably or inaccurately.使不适当地或不正确地搭配在一起美国传统〔misperceive〕To perceive incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确的理解;误解美国传统〔misplace〕To bestow (confidence, for example) on an improper, unsuitable, or unworthy person or idea.把(如信任)寄托于一个不正确的、不适当或不值得的人或计划美国传统〔misrepresent〕To give an incorrect or misleading representation of.歪曲:给…一个不正确或误导性的叙述美国传统〔misrepresent〕To serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an official representative of.不称职地代表:作为一名官方代表不正确或不诚实地履行职责美国传统〔mistaken〕Wrong or incorrect in opinion, understanding, or perception.误解的:意见,理解或了解错误或不正确美国传统〔misusage〕Improper application, as of words.误用:不正确的使用,如字词美国传统〔misuse〕Improper, unlawful, or incorrect use; misapplication.错用:不正确,不合法或错误的使用;误用美国传统〔neither〕Neither of the answers is [are] correct.那两个答案都不正确文馨英汉〔patently〕To say that the proposal has no disadvantages at all is patently untrue.要说这项提议没有缺点显然是不正确的。朗文当代〔permit〕The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.密码不正确的话,保全系统是不会让你进入的。剑桥高阶〔politically correct〕It is no longer politically correct to refer to the educationally subnormal.再说教育上低于正常标准在政治上已经不正确了。麦克米伦高阶〔politically incorrect〕Disregarding or unconcerned with political correctness.政治不正确的:漠视或不关心政治正确性的美国传统〔politically incorrect〕Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确柯林斯高阶〔politically incorrect〕Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.格什温的歌词若是放到今天, 可能被人视为政治上不正确外研社新世纪〔preach〕They preach the gospel that inequality is neither right nor inevitable.他们宣传说,不平等既不正确也非在所难免。麦克米伦高阶〔run-on sentence〕A sentence in which two or more independent clauses are improperly joined, as by a comma fault.连写句:(错用逗号等)使两个或多个独立从句不正确地连在一起的句子美国传统〔rush〕The report was incorrect, and the decision to rush it into print was a mistake.这项报道是不正确的,仓促付印的决定是个错误。英汉大词典〔rusty〕Working or operating stiffly or incorrectly because of or as if because of rust.发锈而变迟钝的:由于生锈或似生锈而工作或操作起来僵硬的或不正确美国传统〔unrighteous〕Not right or fair; unjust.不正确的或不公平的;不公正的美国传统〔way〕That's no way to talk to your mother.做某事是不正确麦克米伦高阶〔wrong〕Not in conformity with fact or truth; incorrect or erroneous.错的,错误的:与事实与真相不一致的;不正确的或错误的美国传统A car may stall due to the driver braking too suddenly or using the choke incorrectly or because of mechanical failure.由于司机踩刹车太突然、不正确地使用阻气门,或者由于机械故障,汽车都可能熄火。剑桥国际A survey of the property showed that the northern boundary was not correct. 对这块地产的测量表明,它北面的边界线是不正确的。译典通Evidence has now disproved that theory. 事实现已证明那种理论是不正确的。译典通Her calculations were astray. 她的计算不正确译典通If you don't treat the cut properly, gangrene might set in.如果你不正确处理这伤口,可能会长坏疽。剑桥国际It is incorrect that these drugs cause serious side effects.说这些药物会引起严重的副作用是不正确的。剑桥国际It was alleged that the trial judge had misrepresented the defence case and had given more weight to the prosecution in his summing-up.据说法官在总结概述中对被告方辩由作了不正确的表述而特别重视了原告方。剑桥国际It's an elegantly constructed theory, but I'm afraid it's not right.这是一个精心构筑的理论,但恐怕不正确剑桥国际Many of these decisions seem to have been based on incomplete or inaccurate information.这些决定中有许多似乎是基于不完整或不正确的信息而作出的。剑桥国际Many people who work in offices get backache because they do not sit at their desks properly.许多在办公室工作的人由于伏案姿势不正确而导致背疼。剑桥国际Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence. 他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。译典通The assumptions that were made about the rate of growth of the economy proved to be incorrect.对经济增长率所作的推测证明是不正确的。剑桥国际This answer is incorrect, which means you lose a point.这回答不正确,这意味着你失去一分。剑桥国际You have the wrong perspective on that situation. 对于那个情势的未来发展,你的看法是不正确的。译典通




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