

单词 工资增长
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MANAGER〕The front page of the paper announced ‘Company bosses get record pay increases’. 报纸头版上报道:“公司主管们的工资增长创新高”。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Private sector pay increases were again above the rate of inflation. 私营部门的工资增长再次超过通货膨胀率。朗文写作活用〔freeze〕The government has imposed a wage freeze/a freeze on wage increases.政府暂时冻结了工资增长剑桥高阶〔imply〕The increase in the inflation level implies that wages are rising too fast.通货膨胀水平的上升意味着工资增长得太快。麦克米伦高阶〔minimum〕Wage increases are being kept to a minimum because of the recession.由于经济衰退,工资增长被保持在最低限度上。剑桥高阶〔multinationalize〕Wages have lagged well behind corporate profits in growth as companies multinationalize.随着公司的跨国化进程,工资增长率一直落后于公司的利润增长率。英汉大词典〔pace〕The government is not allowing salaries to keep pace with inflation.政府目前不允许工资增长与通货膨胀同步。麦克米伦高阶〔peg at〕Pay increase were pegged at five per cent last year.去年工资增长率限制在百分之五。21世纪英汉〔real〕Wages rose by 2.9 percent last year, but real earnings still fell by 1.3 percent.去年工资增长了2.9%,但实际收入却仍然下降了1.3%。剑桥高阶〔restraint〕During the recession, the government opted for a policy of pay/wage restraint rather than a reduction in public investment.在经济衰退时期,政府选择的政策是限制工资增长,而不是削减公共投资。剑桥高阶〔sink〕Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent.工资增长率已经降至7%左右。外研社新世纪〔sink〕Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent.工资增长率已降至 7%左右。柯林斯高阶〔tightly〕The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises.政府准备严格控制公共部门的工资增长柯林斯高阶〔tight〕The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises.政府准备严格控制公共部门的工资增长外研社新世纪〔wage〕The government promised greater tax cuts in return for continued wage restraints.政府承诺加大减税的幅度以换取遏制工资增长的继续实行。牛津搭配A majority of staff voted to accept the offer of an 8% pay rise.大部分职工表决接受工资增长8%的提议。剑桥国际Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation.每年的工资增长幅度将与通胀挂钩。牛津商务In the recent pay increases teachers came off worst.在最近的工资增长中,教师结果最惨。剑桥国际No one is expecting a very generous (= large) pay increase this year.没有人指望今年会有大幅度的工资增长剑桥国际Our pay increase this year is nothing to shout about (= is small), but it's better than last year's.我们今年的工资增长并不值得欢呼,但比去年要好。剑桥国际Salaries have been frozen for the current year.今年已冻结工资增长牛津商务The Government has imposed a wage freeze / a freeze on wage increases.政府对工资/工资增长进行冻结。剑桥国际The agreement includes a 15% increase in basic pay over five years.这协议包括今后五年 15% 的基本工资增长牛津商务The new salary increases will take effect (= begin) from January onwards.新的工资增长从一月份起开始施行。剑桥国际The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase.雇员们对最新的工资增长不太满意。剑桥国际They have put a 10% ceiling on wage increases.他们规定工资增长的上限是 10%。牛津商务This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.最近这次加薪的目的是使工资增长贴近通货膨胀的水平。牛津商务Wage increases are being kept to a minimum in many companies because of the recession.因为经济衰退,工资增长在许多公司里被保持在最低数。剑桥国际Wage increases must be in line with inflation.工资增长必须与通货膨胀一致。牛津商务Wages grew by 29% in the year to September -- the biggest increase for 20 months --but real earnings/incomes/wages still fell by 13% (= although it appeared to increase, in fact the buying power of the money was reduced).今年到九月份工资增长了20%----这是20个月来最大的增长----然而实际收入/工资仍然跌了13%。剑桥国际Workers have rejected a pay offer of 8% in favour of a 4% increase linked with a shorter working week (=they have accepted the second instead of the first).工人们拒绝了工资增长8%的提议,而赞同工资增长4%并缩短每周工作时间。剑桥国际




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