

单词 一切正常
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-OK〕We took the car in for a check, and it was A-OK.我们把汽车送去检查,结果一切正常朗文当代〔ENERGETIC〕Aaron seemed like a normal active baby until he was about ten months old. 阿伦在十个月大之前是一个活泼好动的婴儿,似乎一切正常朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕I tried to hide my anxiety from the rest of the family by pretending that everything was normal. 我假装一切正常的样子,想对家人掩饰我的焦虑。朗文写作活用〔blood count〕We do a blood count to ensure that all is well.我们检查了血球指数,以确保一切正常柯林斯高阶〔business〕The Queen was determined to show it was business as usual.女王决定表现出一切正常的样子。柯林斯高阶〔casual〕To a casual observer, everything might appear normal.对于一个漫不经心的人来说,也许看上去一切正常剑桥高阶〔certain〕You should call the office to make absolutely certain everything is in order.你应该打电话到办公室以确保一切正常麦克米伦高阶〔check out〕Everything checks out.查过了,一切正常柯林斯高阶〔control〕Everything is under control, sir.先生,一切正常剑桥高阶〔deceive〕They deceive themselves that everything is all right.他们自欺欺人地认为一切正常外研社新世纪〔event〕In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months.如果一切正常,大约在三个月之内即可放款。朗文当代〔excited〕Don't get excited. Everything is OK.别激动。一切正常外研社新世纪〔function〕The television was functioning normally until yesterday.一直到昨天电视机还一切正常剑桥高阶〔jake〕Don't worry, mate – she'll be jake.别担心, 老兄——一切正常外研社新世纪〔keep up appearances〕They were very unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装作一切正常剑桥高阶〔level〕On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.从表面上看一切正常,但进入内里就会发现许多错误。牛津搭配〔normalcy〕Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.在这一切正常的表象下潜伏的是将使这个家庭四分五裂的毒瘾。柯林斯高阶〔normal〕He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he leads a normal life.他偶尔会靠打针来维持健康, 但除此之外他生活一切正常外研社新世纪〔note〕She said she was unaware of the problem and noted that everything was fine when she went home that night.她说她没意识到这个问题,并且指出那晚当她回家时一切正常韦氏高阶〔pretence〕They kept up (= continued) a pretence of normality as long as they could.他们尽可能地继续装作一切正常剑桥高阶〔smile〕When he smiled at me I knew everything was all right.他冲我笑时,我就知道一切正常剑桥高阶〔smoothly〕The pregnancy's gone very smoothly so far.迄今为止,怀孕以来一切正常剑桥高阶Everything is as it should be.一切正常剑桥国际Everything seems all right now but this is just the lull before the storm.现在似乎一切正常,但这只是暴风雨前的宁静。剑桥国际One of the flight attendant's jobs is to smile and reassure nervous passengers that all is well, even if it isn't.航空服务员的工作之一是微笑待客,使神经紧张的旅客感到一切正常,哪怕实际上不是那样。剑桥国际The doctor says I'm A-OK now, that there's absolutely nothing wrong with me.医生说我现在一切正常,什么毛病也没有。剑桥国际They kept up a pretence of normality as long as they could.他们尽可能地装作一切正常剑桥国际They were unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装得一切正常剑桥国际To a casual observer, everything might appear normal.对于一个不经意的观察者来说,也许看上去一切正常剑桥国际




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