

单词 weighty
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caesura〕After another weighty caesura the senator resumed speaking.在又一次很重要的停顿之后,这个议员接着讲话美国传统〔charge〕His mind was charged with weighty matters.他心事重重。21世纪英汉〔matter〕The question of his innocence is a weighty matter for this court.他是否清白是本庭所要解决的关键问题。牛津搭配〔outsize〕Unusually large, weighty, or extensive.特大的:超大型的,极重的,极广阔的美国传统〔pianissimo〕Her singing voice is bright and flexible, with rapt pianissimos and weighty top notes.她的歌声嘹亮而悠扬, 其中既有令人着迷的轻柔音符又有浑厚的高音。外研社新世纪〔portentous〕Marked by pompousness; pretentiously weighty.自负的;自命不凡的美国传统〔sink〕To subside or settle gradually, as a massive or weighty structure.退去:缓缓沉降或落下,例如庞大或沉重的构架美国传统〔tome〕She's written several weighty tomes on the subject.她就这个主题写过几部鸿篇巨著。剑桥高阶〔weighty〕He was a weighty figure in the art world.他在艺术界举足轻重。韦氏高阶〔weighty〕Her face grew weighty.她的脸色变得凝重。英汉大词典〔weighty〕I don't want to carry this bag around all afternoon - it's pretty weighty.我不想整个下午到哪儿都带着这个包——它相当沉。剑桥高阶〔weighty〕It would be unduly weighty to give detailed references to the sources of all quotations.全部引文都详细注明出处的话就太煞有介事了。英汉大词典〔weighty〕She didn't feel like discussing weighty matters.她不想讨论严肃问题。朗文当代〔weighty〕She grabbed a weighty book off the shelf.她从书架上拿了本很沉的书。韦氏高阶〔weighty〕Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf.西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。外研社新世纪〔weighty〕Simon lifted a weighty volume from the shelf.西蒙从书架上取下一本厚重的书。柯林斯高阶〔weighty〕The film deals with some weighty issues.这部影片涉及一些重大题材。韦氏高阶〔weighty〕Those are weighty arguments in your favor.那些论据对你是有利的。韦氏高阶I don't want to carry this bag around all afternoon--it's quite weighty (= heavy).我不想整个下午到哪儿都背着这个包----它相当重。剑桥国际Let us turn to less weighty matters. 让我们换个话题谈谈不那么严重的事情吧。译典通Lucy seemed to have something weighty on her mind. 露西好像心事重重。译典通She's written several weighty tomes on the subject.她就这个主题已写了几大部有分量的书。剑桥国际




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