

单词 tsar
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕The picture shows Tsar Nicholas, circa 1914. 画上是沙皇尼古拉,时间约在1914年。朗文写作活用〔assassinate〕He was executed in 1887 for plotting to assassinate the Tsar.他因密谋暗杀沙皇在 1887 年被处以极刑。牛津搭配〔authority〕He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.1689 年他开始全面掌握其作为沙皇的权力。牛津搭配〔crown〕In 1896 Nicholas was crowned as tsar.1896 年尼古拉加冕为沙皇。朗文当代〔fist〕The Tsar rules with an iron fist.沙皇实行铁腕统治。外研社新世纪〔invest〕A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.沙皇曾是活着的圣像,具有深远的历史和宗教意义。柯林斯高阶〔latter-day〕He ruled his business empire like a latter-day Tsar.他就像现代沙皇一样掌管着他的商业帝国。朗文当代〔prerogative〕The tsar protected his personal prerogatives.沙皇维护了自己的私人特权。牛津搭配〔resting place〕St Petersburg was the final resting place of the Russian tsars.圣彼得堡是俄国沙皇的长眠之处。麦克米伦高阶〔triumph〕He rode in triumph to the Tsar.他洋洋得意地骑马去见沙皇。朗文当代〔tsar〕Tsar Nicholas I 沙皇尼古拉一世剑桥高阶〔tsar〕Tsar Nicholas II 沙皇尼古拉二世牛津高阶〔tsar〕The government has appointed a drugs tsar to coordinate the fight against drug abuse.政府任命了一位缉毒特派员来协调禁毒战。剑桥高阶Tsar Nicholas I 沙皇尼古拉一世剑桥国际Their own small estate was sequestered by the Tsar for the family's part in the uprising.他们自己的小庄园被沙皇暂时查封了,因为他们一家参加了起义。剑桥国际




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