

单词 to jump from
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕She was too terrified to jump from the flames. 她恐惧极了,不敢从火灾现场跳下去。朗文写作活用〔gag〕I did a gag in which I had to jump from the back of one running horse to the back of another.我作了一次惊险表演,从一匹奔马的背上跳到另一匹奔马的背上。英汉大词典〔jump〕He had to jump from a first floor window.他不得不从一楼窗户跳出来。牛津搭配〔kit〕The soldiers are trained to jump from the planes with full kit on.士兵受过背着全套装备从飞机上跳下的训练。朗文当代Pretending to jump from a hotel roof was another jape that went wrong when the parachute didn't open.当降落伞没有打开,假装从旅馆楼顶上跳下来是又一个出了问题的恶作剧。剑桥国际Student numbers are expected to jump from 2,000 to around 4,000 next year.预计明年学生人数将从2,000人猛增至4,000人左右。剑桥国际




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