

单词 steroid hormone
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DHEA〕An androgenic steroid hormone secreted largely by the adrenal cortex and found in human urine.脱氢表雄酮:大部分由肾上腺皮质分泌的雄性激素类固醇,存在于人类尿液中美国传统〔adrenal cortex〕The outer portion of the adrenal glands that produces several steroid hormones, including cortisol and aldosterone.肾上腺皮质:肾上腺的外部,产生包括皮质甾醇和醛甾酮的多种类固醇激素美国传统〔aldosterone〕A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates the salt and water balance in the body.皮质醛酮:肾上腺皮层分泌的能调整体内盐份和水分平衡的类固醇类激素美国传统〔androgen〕A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.雄激素:类固醇激素,如睾丸激素或雄酯酮,可以控制雄性特征的发育和维持美国传统〔androsterone〕A steroid hormone excreted in urine that reinforces masculine characteristics.雄酯酮:可促进男性特征的雄性激素,随尿液排出美国传统〔corticosteroid〕Any of the steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex or their synthetic equivalents, such as cortisol and aldesterone.皮质甾类:由肾上腺或其合成的同类物,如氢化皮质酮和醛固酮美国传统〔ecdysone〕A steroid hormone produced by insects and crustaceans that promotes growth and controls molting.蜕皮激素:昆虫和甲壳纲动物产生的类固醇激素,以促进生长,控制蜕皮美国传统〔sitosterol〕Any of a group of sterols that occur in high concentrations in certain plants, such as yams, and are used in the synthesis of steroid hormones.谷甾醇:一组在某些植物如薯蓣属植物中含有的高浓度的甾醇和甾醇混合物,用于类固醇荷尔蒙的合成美国传统




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