

单词 space-time
例句 space-time
Since the black hole has mass, it causes space-time to curve. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
The galaxies would tug on one another, eventually pulling the fabric of space-time together; the balloon would begin to deflate. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
His space-time had the curious property that the whole universe was rotating. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The curvature goes off to infinity because the black hole takes up zero space; the star has torn a hole in space-time. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
It’s a difficult concept to grasp, but the easiest way to approach space-time is through an analogy: space and time are like a gigantic rubber sheet. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
Light rays too must follow geodesics in space-time. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
She seemed to be telling Babou the entire saga of our journey through the space-time continuum. Darius the Great Is Not Okay 2018-08-28T00:00:00Z
Our journey through the space-time continuum, followed by my near brush with State-Sanctioned Torture at the hands of Customs Officer II, had left me feeling disoriented and gross. Darius the Great Is Not Okay 2018-08-28T00:00:00Z
So it is with space-time: on a very small scale it is tendimensional and highly curved, but on bigger scales you don’t see the curvature or the extra dimensions. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In fact, all our theories of science are formulated on the assumption that space-time is smooth and nearly flat, so they break down at the big bang singularity, where the curvature of space-time is infinite. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The paths of the sun and of Alpha Centauri through space-time are shown as the vertical lines on the left and right of the diagram. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
I’d really thought that my model of a black hole to help visualize how it could “bend” space-time would win first place. Sir Fig Newton and the Science of Persistence 2022-03-22T00:00:00Z
Einstein introduced a new “antigravity” force, which, unlike other forces, did not come from any particular source but was built into the very fabric of space-time. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The smooth, continuous fabric of space-time might have tears in it, and nobody knows quite what happens in the region of those tears. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
Mom, Dad, and Laleh were still asleep after our long journey through the space-time continuum, but I found the kitchen, and a door leading out to the backyard. Darius the Great Is Not Okay 2018-08-28T00:00:00Z
There a friend and colleague of mine, Jim Hartle, worked out with me what conditions the universe must satisfy if space-time had no boundary. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
This could give space-time a positive curvature that would not allow travel into the past. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Furthermore, as two particles merge, no longer do they meet at a pointlike singularity; they form a nice, smooth, continuous surface in space-time. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
That light would not have disappeared as the balloon universe expanded; it would instead have gotten stretched out as the rubber fabric of space-time stretched. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
All across Yazd, people faced the qibla to pray, a titanic multicellular entity focused on the same moment in space-time. Darius the Great Is Not Okay 2018-08-28T00:00:00Z
It seems clear then that life, at least as we know it, can exist only in regions of space-time in which one time dimension and three space dimensions are not curled up small. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In Euclidean space-time there is no difference between the time direction and directions in space. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
So its history in space-time is a two-dimensional surface called the world-sheet. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
It would be only natural to suppose that this order should apply not only to the laws, but also to the conditions at the boundary of space-time that specify the initial state of the universe. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Can I slash the fabric of space-time and disappear from Mobius? Internment 2019-03-07T00:00:00Z
By comparing how fast galaxies were receding at different eras in the past, the astronomers were able to track how fast space-time was expanding. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
The tiny particles that seethe through space-time exert a gentle outward push, stretching the fabric of space-time imperceptibly. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
We shall see that although the uncertainty principle places limitations on the accuracy of all our predictions, it may at the same time remove the fundamental unpredictability that occurs at a space-time singularity. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The space-time may be so warped that it is possible to travel in a rocket into the past. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In Feynman’s sum, each history comprises a complete space-time and everything in it. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
At that time, which we call the big bang, the density of the universe and the curvature of space-time would have been infinite. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The mass of the sun curves space-time in such a way that although the earth follows a straight path in four-dimensional space-time, it appears to us to move along a circular orbit in three-dimensional space. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The gravitational field of the star changes the paths of light rays in space-time from what they would have been had the star not been present. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
This cosmic egg would explode, inflate, and create the space-time of our universe. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
The Godel solution and the cosmic string space-time start out so distorted that travel into the past was always possible. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
When we apply Feynman’s sum over histories to Einstein’s view of gravity, the analogue of the history of a particle is now a complete curved space-time that represents the history of the whole universe. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Thus it should include histories in which space-time is so warped that it is possible to travel into the past. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In general relativity, bodies always follow straight lines in four-dimensional space-time, but they nevertheless appear to us to move along curved paths in our three- dimensional space. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
String theories, however, have a bigger problem: they seem to be consistent only if space-time has either ten or twenty- six dimensions, instead of the usual four! A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
I did read once that anxiety can significantly alter space-time perception. I'll Give You the Sun 2014-09-16T00:00:00Z
The first indication that the laws of physics might really allow people to travel in time came in 1949 when Kurt Godel discovered a new space-time allowed by general relativity. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
So, one can regard the pair of particles as a single particle moving on a closed loop in space-time. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Each history in the sum over histories will describe not only the space-time but everything in it as well, including any complicated organisms like human beings who can observe the history of the universe. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The universe’s fate hinges on how well our space-time balloon is expanding. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
It is often helpful to think of the four coordinates of an event as specifying its position in a four-dimensional space called space-time. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
A space-time in which events have imaginary values of the time coordinate is said to be Euclidean, after the ancient Greek Euclid, who founded the study of the geometry of two-dimensional surfaces. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
So what one needs, in order to warp space-time in a way that will allow travel into the past, is matter with negative energy density. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
“It has to do with folds in the space-time continuum, obviously,” he replies, as though I should clearly have known that. A Mango-Shaped Space 2003-04-16T00:00:00Z
This has an interesting effect on space-time: the distinction between time and space disappears completely. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
When the curvature of space-time becomes large, quantum gravitational effects will become important and the classical theory will cease to be a good description of the universe. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In other words, one has a singularity contained within a region of space-time known as a black hole. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
If you imagine a black hole as a string, no longer do objects fall through a rip in the fabric of space-time. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
In that case, the beginning of time would be a regular, smooth point of space-time and the universe would have begun its expansion in a very smooth and ordered state. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
One therefore has a theory that seems to predict that certain quantities, such as the curvature of space-time, are really infinite, yet these quantities can be observed and measured to be perfectly finite! A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
At that date there was no precise definition of which points in space-time lay inside a black hole and which lay outside. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
What we now call Euclidean space-time is very similar except that it has four dimensions instead of two. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
We must accept that time is not completely separate from and independent of space, but is combined with it to form an object called space-time. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
He claimed that space-time had an inbuilt tendency to expand, and this could be made to balance exactly the attraction of all the matter in the universe, so that a static universe would result. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
So the question is: if the universe starts out without the kind of curvature required for time travel, can we subsequently warp local regions of space-time sufficiently to allow it? A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
The idea of wormholes between different regions of space-time was not an invention of science fiction writers but came from a very respectable source. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In this approach the particle is not supposed to have a single history or path in space-time, as it would in a classical, nonquantum theory. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Another is a space-time that contains two cosmic strings moving past each other at high speed. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Ordinary matter, which has a positive energy density, gives space-time a positive curvature, like the surface of a sphere. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
It says that even if space-time is warped so that it would be possible to travel into the past, what happens in space-time must be a consistent solution of the laws of physics. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
This is so small that we just don’t notice it: we see only one time dimension and three space dimensions, in which space-time is fairly flat. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
He says space-time is curved and that in curved space-time the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line but a line following the curve. Cat's Eye 1988-09-01T00:00:00Z
All the matter in the star will be compressed into a region of zero volume, so the density of matter and the curvature of space-time become infinite. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
For instance, if a black hole is spinning or has an electric charge, mathematicians have calculated that the singularity is not a point—a pinpoint hole in space-time—but a ring. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
So one has a set of events, a region of space-time, from which it is not possible to escape to reach a distant observer. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
But the rocket would remain in the same space-time and therefore the same history, which would have to be consistent. A Brief History of Time: And Other Essays 1988-01-01T00:00:00Z
Imagine a polka-dotted balloon; the polka dots are like galaxies, while the balloon itself is the fabric of space-time. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
In the case of a light universe, the balloon of space-time could expand forever, getting bigger and bigger. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
The key to a black hole’s strange properties is the way it curves space-time. Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea 2000-02-07T00:00:00Z
With his long, graying hair and extravagant beard, Moore resembles Blake’s mythical creation Urizen, who, in “The Ancient of Days,” crouches outside space-time to measure the universe with a pair of celestial compasses. A Party in a Lunatic Asylum 2016-09-08T04:00:00Z
Empty Space and its precursors paint their drama across a canvas reaching from the infinite scale of space-time, down through the quantum universe and into the depths of the human heart. A brave new world: science fiction predictions for 2013 2013-01-03T12:11:44Z
Evan Cross is a billionaire techno genius, haunted by personal tragedy, who has dedicated his life to investigating space-time anomalies and protecting the public from the dangerous prehistoric and futuristic beasties swept into our world. 10 summer TV shows worth watching 2013-05-31T22:38:09Z
Mukherjee, an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University, an oncologist and a researcher of cancer treatments, is one of those people who appears to have found a glitch to exploit in the space-time continuum. Siddhartha Mukherjee Weaves History and Biology to Tell the Story of Us 2022-09-09T04:00:00Z
This little mystery knocked me out of my personal space-time for an entire three seconds before I had the sense to twist the stereo’s volume knob toward silence. Review | This new Grouper album, ‘Shade,’ is life-affirming in ways you might not remember 2021-10-25T04:00:00Z
And “Exhibit Piece” whacks at the seductions of America’s postwar largesse: A 22nd-century museum curator finds a rip in space-time and decides to live in his exhibit of the late 20th century. Review | ‘Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams’ is a companion anthology to the new TV show 2018-01-03T05:00:00Z
Another exhibit, the space-time simulator, uses simple materials like spandex, a circular frame, a large weight and marbles. City of Science, Bending Minds and Matter in Its Debut at Lehman College 2016-05-05T04:00:00Z
When “Look at Me!,” a vicious two-minute blast by XXXTentacion, began climbing the charts last year, it sounded as awesome as a rip in the fabric of space-time. Perspective | The struggle to make sense of XXXTentacion’s horrific life and death 2018-06-19T04:00:00Z
Suddenly, the flashes in space-time seem to improve their lots in life just a bit; just as the Doctor approaches their various locations, and meals, get a cosmic upgrade. Gone in 40 seconds: what did the Doctor Who trailer tell us? 2018-07-16T04:00:00Z
Through a “rift in the space-time continuum,” he ends up in the present day. This Week in Fiction: Sarah Shun-lien Bynum on Stories That Don’t Go According to Plan 2016-04-04T04:00:00Z
“When you do that,” Mr. Tyson said, “all Earth’s problems dissolve away, into the infinitude of the space-time continuum.” On Late Night, Comedians Grapple With Trump’s Victory 2016-11-10T05:00:00Z
Crosswords play demented Yenta: alphabetical alchemy smashes together pairs that wouldn’t otherwise inhabit the same space-time continuum. How Crosswords Put Your Brain Into Hyperdrive 2019-09-16T04:00:00Z
Some people have wondered if his departure in early 2016 didn’t somehow rend the fabric of space-time and send us hurtling into a dimension of alternate outcomes. Perspective | Dear Brood X cicadas: Welcome back to our messed-up world. Here’s what you missed. 2021-04-29T04:00:00Z
I was on the Shinkansen bullet train and roaring north toward the Japan Sea at 125 miles per hour when I passed through the wormhole in space-time. In Search of Japan’s Hidden Culinary Revolution 2016-01-20T05:00:00Z
Someone who, if placed in the same room as Gangnam, might burst the meme mainframe, disrupt the space-time continuum. Can anyone kill Gangnam Style? 2012-11-14T20:30:00Z
Watch the rest of the clip above, in which Colbert also investigates Pence’s use of Russian proverbs and marvels at his ability to tear a rift in the space-time continuum. Colbert Trolls Trump By Heaping Praise on Mike Pence 2016-10-06T04:00:00Z
Apple is warping the space-time continuum in the wrong direction! Apple’s enormous insult 2012-09-13T18:02:00Z
Though it may cause problems with the space-time continuum, the younger team opts to stay in the present, hoping to right some wrongs. ArtsBeat: Graphic Books Best Sellers: X-Men Travel Back in Time 2013-04-19T18:43:33Z
Paramount's space-time saga "Interstellar," starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway as astronauts in search of a new home from humankind, launched in second place with $47.5 million. 'Big Hero 6' tops 'Interstellar' at box office 2014-11-11T05:00:00Z
The heroes "are going to break some rules with the space-time continuum." Marvel goes dystopian with 'Age of Ultron' title 2013-03-06T07:15:09Z
Nolan and his co-writer, his brother, Jonathan Nolan, have come up with a neat premise: intergalactic travel is accomplished by passing through a wormhole near Saturn, a space-time warp that flattens distances. “Interstellar” Is a Flowery Greeting Card 2014-11-07T05:00:00Z
Three human children are recruited to join the battle, traversing the universe via wrinkles in space-time. Steve Cole's top 10 space books 2011-08-10T14:45:06Z
By insisting that these two things are intimately related, as ‘space-time’, Einstein added a new dimension to the universe. Listen up, Marco Rubio!: Science lessons for the tea party 2012-11-25T19:00:00Z
Some, you might say, ruffled the very fabric of our space-time continuum. The Year in Stars 2021-12-18T05:00:00Z
"Every it – every particle, every field of force, even the space-time continuum itself – derives its function, its meaning, its very existence… from bits." James Gleick: 'Information poses as many challenges as opportunities' 2011-04-09T23:05:59Z
But being a sharp guy, Jack discovers that she’s ringing him from days before the murder, prompting a pre-emptive rescue mission that hopscotches along the space-time continuum. ‘Don’t Let Go’ Review: Murder Leads to a Time-Bending Trip 2019-08-29T04:00:00Z
You could easily picture the stumped writers of “Lost,” helpless in the face of an ever-growing pile of unsolved mysteries, madly skimming Wikipedia entries on space-time geometries and black holes. Riff: ?Clues That Lead to More Clues That Add Up to Nothing? 2011-12-16T17:03:47Z
Using an array of hidden technologies, the audience enters a film set as the artist engineers a story of a film crew making a noir detective movie, who experience a rift in the space-time continuum. Resistance is futile as ISEA2013 celebrates digital art in Sydney 2013-06-11T04:46:00Z
Playing with a conceit borrowed from theoretical physics — the hotly contested “multiverse” hypothesis — “Spider-Verse” proposes a multiplicity of web-slingers from different dimensions, all of whom converge thanks to disruption in the space-time continuum. ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Review: A Fresh Take on a Venerable Hero 2018-12-12T05:00:00Z
The circular imagery is apt for a play whose gimmick derives from concepts of curved space-time. Review: Self, Meet Your Future, in ‘A Parallelogram’ 2017-08-02T04:00:00Z
You can live inside it, jumping from point to point, discovering new corners or echoing themes, skipping from season 2 to season 23 as if through a space-time wormhole. Time Is a Round Donut: The Graze-Watching Possibilities of Simpsons World 2014-10-22T04:00:00Z
However, I think that consciousness is spread throughout space-time, varying in density and depth, and that it will possibly develop in computers and new generations of robots.” Cracking the Codes of Leena Krohn 2016-01-13T05:00:00Z
Watts acted as the band’s center of gravity, pushing and pulling on space-time in a way that gave the music its nastiness and its dignity. Review | The Rolling Stones want to teach you how to live forever 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
The kibble isn’t delivered in “Marienbad,” partly because Mr. Resnais’s transitions between shots do not conform to mainstream cinema’s familiar space-time coordinates, with images that don’t necessarily ease together but jump and collide. Film: Alain Resnais Explores Desire in ?Wild Grass? 2010-06-19T06:53:00Z
Moreover, as Doctor Strange becomes righteous, looking to save the world manipulating the space-time continuum even if it means breaking the laws of nature. Celebrating Benedict Cumberbatch's best movie misfits 2022-03-26T04:00:00Z
Gazing upon the images can open up a space-time continuum in which the viewer contemplates the past but also glimpses the future. The Luminato Festival Turns a Former Power Plant Into a Creative Engine 2016-06-12T04:00:00Z
Sometimes when something wild and unexpected happens, we joke about a tear in the space-time continuum. Photography From the Year Time Stopped 2020-12-26T05:00:00Z
Eliot’s “The Waste Land,” drops a needle on Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring” and stands before a Picasso painting, defining works of an age in which physics folded space and time into space-time. ‘Oppenheimer’ Review: A Man for Our Time 2023-07-19T04:00:00Z
This exhibition at Fermilab includes 120 small wire sculptures showing “all possible space-time paths” of six colliding photons. The Scan: Science Events: Unusual Vision and D.I.Y. Neuroscience 2014-04-28T17:45:47Z
As with many of Moffat's stories during his tenure on "Who," the episode mixes elements of longing, heartache and impossible space-time obstacles. Steven Moffat on how "Doctor Who" was influenced by "The Time Traveler's Wife" 2022-02-16T05:00:00Z
The day we’d been traveling through until then had been dry and mild, and the sudden atmospheric shift made it seem that we might, in fact, have just rocketed through a rift in space-time. In Search of Japan’s Hidden Culinary Revolution 2016-01-20T05:00:00Z
Lem’s story is a satire of the infinite human capacity for self-defeat, with the various Egon incarnations bickering and undermining one another as the gyrations of space-time bend them into conflict. Review: A Sci-Fi Classic Featuring a Multiverse of Stooges 2020-07-31T04:00:00Z
Sketchy and muddled though this section is, there’s a haunting poetry to Jin’s final images, which present a vision of linear time collapsed into space-time and a traveler journeying toward reconciliation that once seemed impossible. Review | Meng Jin’s ‘Little Gods’ is an ambitious, formally complex debut 2020-01-17T05:00:00Z
Throughout the decades, this modern music chart has reflected ephemeral trends and cultural revolutions alike, along with moments where the space-time continuum warped and let weirdness through. The top 15 modern rock #1 hits that actually stand the test of time 2018-08-31T04:00:00Z
In one remarkable dream sequence, we see Kaczynski seemingly shooting through the space-time continuum, looking small and terrified and like the kind of man who would kill to feel a sense of control. ‘Ted K’ Review: An Eerie Descent 2022-02-17T05:00:00Z
Pearsall's is one of the stories in Garfield's lovely ramble through space-time from cartography's birthplace, the great library of Alexandria, to the Californian HQ of Google Maps. Simon Garfield: a life in books 2012-09-28T21:55:09Z
He's crafted an artistic rendering of one of these space-time portals — which, incidentally, are theoretically possible. Object Lesson: A space-time wormhole by Glenn Kaino at Honor Fraser 2015-01-27T05:00:00Z
Our being and life locate on this space-time continuum. Our godless brains: Emerging science reveals mind-blowing alternatives to a higher power 2014-04-26T20:00:00Z
For Noé, some acts of violence are as equally capable of shattering worlds as glitches in the space-time continuum. Twenty Years Later, ‘Irreversible’ Still Shocks 2023-03-07T05:00:00Z
With adjacency poking holes in space-time, everything gets muddled. The Adjacent by Christopher Priest – review 2013-06-26T09:56:10Z
Not the Trump/Pence kind, the Louis Vuitton-by-Nicolas-Ghesquière kind, dressed up in little silk dresses with maxi shoulder impact, printed with splotches of robots and classical statuary like rips in the space-time continuum. Louis Vuitton’s Future Shock 2018-10-03T04:00:00Z
Floating in midair as if they oozed out of a wormhole in the space-time continuum, the sculptures radiate shades of chartreuse, neon pink and aurora borealis green. Art Rooted in Nature Blooms at TEFAF 2023-03-02T05:00:00Z
For this one, stay with space-time as a fabric—a stretched one, like a trampoline. What 'Interstellar' Got Right and Wrong About Science 2014-11-07T05:00:00Z
That may not make sense, given the logic of the space-time continuum, but it works just fine in fiction because, well, it’s fiction. Tom Cruise Battles Invaders in ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ 2014-06-05T04:00:00Z
Those people do their crying at different and irreconcilable points on the space-time continuum; now we know how water got from place to place in the universe. “Interstellar”: Christopher Nolan’s grand space opera tries to outdo “2001″ 2014-11-04T05:00:00Z
On my first night, I fortified myself with a cocktail at my favorite Manhattan bar, Jimmy’s Corner, a scruffy, boxing-themed joint tucked into a wrinkle in Times Square’s space-time continuum. A Critic’s Tour of Literary Manhattan 2012-12-14T17:13:34Z
“There is something timeless about someone so moved by love and grief that they want to change the space-time continuum to get their lover back,” Ms. Chavkin said. Her ‘Great Comet’ Glowed. Now She’s Heading to ‘Hadestown’ 2019-03-27T04:00:00Z
Or who make a wrong turn on a business trip and muck up the space-time continuum. Review | ‘Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams’ is a companion anthology to the new TV show 2018-01-03T05:00:00Z
The movie is replete with such purposeful disjointedness, the better to articulate space-time dissociations. Exploring Afrofuturism in Film, Where Sci-Fi and Mythology Blur 2018-03-13T04:00:00Z
On the pretext of performing usability testing for Sparkle Dungeon 5, she is taught “power morphemes” — ways to condense layers of meaning into abstract sounds that can bend real-world physics, shattering glass and folding space-time. A Gamer Learns to Weaponize Sounds in This Genre-Bender 2022-02-07T05:00:00Z
And far away for him included the deepest recesses of space-time, a place no one before even knew existed. Peter Forbes: rereading Einstein's collected papers 2013-06-21T09:00:02Z
With its unknown creatures and lush forests, Skull Island occupies a different space-time. "Godzilla vs. Kong": Monster movies evoke adventure but also "dangers" of tropics 2021-04-10T04:00:00Z
The stories are full of the musings of these scientist-philosophers as they navigate relationships, grief and the space-time continuum — fitting, as Singh herself is a physicist. Review | Best new science fiction and fantasy this month 2018-02-08T05:00:00Z
But December is not just for remorseful capitalists and ghosts busting the space-time continuum — it’s also for giving, with several opportunities to help your favorite companies or organizations. Theater to Stream: Holiday Specials Edition 2020-12-02T05:00:00Z
My jokes were straining and full of strategies; his were effortless—not jokes at all but bulletins from a complicated man travelling through a particularly funny band of the space-time continuum. Garry Shandling’s Benevolent Spirit 2016-03-26T04:00:00Z
Are these clones an elaborate trick engineered by an enemy country, or do they represent a fundamental glitch in the space-time continuum? Review | Hervé Le Tellier’s ‘The Anomaly’ has already sold a million copies in France. It should take off here, too. 2021-11-30T05:00:00Z
It’s a young person, and now a slightly older — but not much, in terms of the space-time continuum — asking questions. John Lydon, Angry Older Man, Reflects on Life as an Angry Young Man 2017-03-27T04:00:00Z
Inside, you see the parlor room where the great thinker might have scribbled notes on the space-time continuum. In Switzerland, a musician searches for the ‘Holy Grail’ of instruments 2015-03-16T04:00:00Z
The place that would become Dave Thomas Circle “isn’t necessarily a mistake on a map,” says Berg, the L’Enfant biographer, “but it might as well be a wrinkle in space-time.” What’s a Wendy’s doing there? The story of Washington’s weirdest traffic circle. 2017-12-25T05:00:00Z
These witty extensions bring the poem to descriptive life while reinforcing the concept of unity between insect and human, the sheet on the washing line and space-time itself. Poem of the week: Things I Say to Myself While Hanging Laundry by Ruth Stone 2011-08-01T09:17:06Z
It evokes tunneling to extract resources in mines, but also space-time wormholes, said Gueye, who trained as an astrophysicist. In Dakar, African Art Speaks in All Its Voices 2022-06-15T04:00:00Z
An added complication is that recent research confirms Einstein’s original conjecture that gravity exists as ripples in the curvature of space-time that propagate as a wave, traveling outward from the source. Our godless brains: Emerging science reveals mind-blowing alternatives to a higher power 2014-04-26T20:00:00Z
Time is a constant concern on “Divers”: historical time, space-time, the human life span, and the rise and fall of romances, cities and cultures. With ‘Divers,’ Joanna Newsom Is Clinging to Her Every Word 2015-10-01T04:00:00Z
The creatures he designed were sent on dangerous, exploratory missions through space-time to gather data for the Company and often wound up dead or gravely injured. Review | In Jeff VanderMeer’s ‘Dead Astronauts,’ time travelers try to rescue a ruined world 2019-12-04T05:00:00Z
That's the tunnel in the space-time continuum that connects two disparate points — and a plot device for countless works of science fiction from "Star Trek" to "Contact" to "Interstellar." Object Lesson: A space-time wormhole by Glenn Kaino at Honor Fraser 2015-01-27T05:00:00Z
Animated shows like “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” sometimes ignore the space-time continuum entirely, opting for freezing a family in time and either killing them off or resurrecting them, as the situation demands it. “Portlandia” and “Archer” grow up: How the cool kids’ shows got even better 2015-01-07T05:00:00Z
His previous novels, especially 2009’s superb “Everything Matters!,” are similarly concerned with the intersection of life, death and the space-time continuum. A man becomes impossibly pedantic and gets a reality TV show in 'The One-Eyed Man' by Ron Currie Jr. 2017-03-24T04:00:00Z
The Leftovers in Tom Perrotta’s new novel are “the losers who’d been left behind” when their family members and friends are mysteriously whisked away by God or some random kink in the space-time continuum. Books of The Times: ?The Leftovers? by Tom Perrotta - Review 2011-08-24T22:00:16Z
The lonely protagonists of his drawings often contend with huge space-time expanses all around. Remembering Saul Steinberg 2014-10-08T04:00:00Z
That will require Cooper to leave his two children behind, not to mention take on the perilous task of traveling through space-time via a wormhole. 'Interstellar': Trailer for Christopher Nolan sci-fi epic launches 2014-05-16T04:00:00Z
The book consists of illustrations of what Dr. Thorne likes to call the “space-time storms” predicted by general relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravity, alternating with his own explanations of the physics, which appear in verse. ‘Vortenses’ and the Storms of Space-Time 2023-11-07T05:00:00Z
At the heart of LIGO's success is its ability to measure the stretching and squeezing of the fabric of space-time on scales 10 thousand trillion times smaller than a human hair. LIGO surpasses the quantum limit 2023-10-23T04:00:00Z
"Our formalism shows that the observed change in the energy of the pulse is due to a curved space-time the pulse experiences. In such cases, energy conservation is locally violated," Ornigotti says. Accelerating waves shed light on major problems in physics 2023-10-20T04:00:00Z
But he also received what he calls “gifts” during that surrealistic rupture in the space-time continuum. Luis Alfaro's post-pandemic play 'The Travelers' takes aim at the souls of saints and sinners 2023-09-28T04:00:00Z
While friction tries to keep the disk together, the twisting of space-time by the spinning black hole wants to rip it apart. Black holes eat faster than previously expected 2023-09-20T04:00:00Z
Gravity has causal powers, warping the fabric of space-time, and thereby attracting anything with mass. What Does It ‘Feel’ Like to Be a Chatbot? 2023-09-08T04:00:00Z
However, nothing is simple about forever altering the space-time continuum. Review: In sci-fi thinker 'Aporia,' altering the past has personal consequences 2023-08-11T04:00:00Z
Scientists said that, so far, the results were consistent with Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes how matter and energy warp space-time to create what we call gravity. The Cosmos Is Thrumming With Gravitational Waves, Astronomers Find 2023-06-28T04:00:00Z
These musicians represent a moment in time for music that will never come around again — a singular ripple in the space-time continuum of history. Commentary: The Tina Turner musical takes on new resonance after the powerhouse performer's death 2023-06-16T04:00:00Z
"Black holes are extreme general relativistic objects that affect space-time around them," Kaaz said. Black holes eat faster than previously expected 2023-09-20T04:00:00Z
Stanley Deser, a theoretical physicist who helped illuminate the details of gravity and how it shapes the space-time fabric of the universe, died on April 21 in Pasadena, Calif. He was 92. Stanley Deser, Whose Ideas on Gravity Help Explain the Universe, Dies at 92 2023-05-08T04:00:00Z
Regardless of their celebrity, all contributors were paid at the same rate per word, so Trotsky received $106 for his entry on Lenin, while Einstein earned $86.40 for his shorter piece on space-time. Review | As Wikipedia dominates, an homage to the encyclopedia 2023-02-26T05:00:00Z
But unlike other types of waves, these ripples stretch and squeeze the very fabric of space-time, warping the distances between any celestial objects they pass by. The Cosmos Is Thrumming With Gravitational Waves, Astronomers Find 2023-06-28T04:00:00Z
How do dark matter, dark energy, gravity and space-time fit in? Where is Physics Headed (and How Soon Do We Get There)? 2023-01-24T05:00:00Z
When I read the scene with you in a bathroom filled with bloody gauze, as a mom, I desperately wanted to rupture the space-time continuum and carry you out of there. Fixing foster care wouldn't actually be that hard — or that expensive 2022-12-04T05:00:00Z
Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity had elegantly captured how mass and gravity bend the fabric of space-time. Stanley Deser, Whose Ideas on Gravity Help Explain the Universe, Dies at 92 2023-05-08T04:00:00Z
Researchers simulated a pair of black holes in a quantum computer and sent a message between them through a shortcut in space-time called a wormhole. Your Thursday Briefing 2022-12-01T05:00:00Z
But the gravitational-wave background could also be coming from something else, like hypothetical cracks in space-time known as cosmic strings. The Cosmos Is Thrumming With Gravitational Waves, Astronomers Find 2023-06-28T04:00:00Z
That year Einstein and his colleague, Nathan Rosen, showed in a paper that shortcuts through space-time, connecting pairs of black holes, could exist. Physicists Create ‘the Smallest, Crummiest Wormhole You Can Imagine’ 2022-11-30T05:00:00Z
In other words, the incomprehensibility of space-time can feel small and Monday night can last forever. Review | Jeff Parker’s jazz sounds cool, clarifying and totally real 2022-11-25T05:00:00Z
The telescope helped radio astronomers win a Nobel Prize in Physics for their observations of a pair of pulsars emitting gravitational waves, the ripples in space-time that had been predicted by Einstein. Requiem for a Telescope 2022-10-28T04:00:00Z
On one side is the Einstein who in 1915 conceived general relativity, which describes gravity as the warping of space-time by matter and energy. Black Holes May Hide a Mind-Bending Secret About Our Universe 2022-10-10T04:00:00Z
On the album opener, “Code,” Hutchings delivers his emphatically stippled phrases as if sending a message across space-time, perhaps in Morse. Perspective | Rosalía, Pi’erre Bourne and Eyehategod are coming. Mask up! 2022-09-09T04:00:00Z
On modern ideas about multiverses and how such bubbles of space-time might collide. Astronomy 2016-10-13T00:00:00Z
I found myself drawn to forums and articles on space-time and the theory of determinism. Student Voices: Why the educational system is flawed, and what to do about it 2022-07-31T04:00:00Z
It’s so massive that it bends space-time, leaving us with a cosmic magnifying glass, bringing faint galaxies even farther away into focus. Here’s how the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope stack up to Hubble’s epic shots 2022-07-12T04:00:00Z
That theory predicted that space-time could bend, expand, rip, quiver like a bowl of Jell-O and disappear into those bottomless pits of nothingness known as black holes. Black Holes May Hide a Mind-Bending Secret About Our Universe 2022-10-10T04:00:00Z
The result is a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, where the warped space-time acts a bit like a magnifying glass, amplifying our view of even more distant galaxies behind the clusters. Here’s the first full-color image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope 2022-07-11T04:00:00Z
Picture the fabric of space-time as a sheet of plastic wrap pulled tight, and Earth as a tennis ball dropped into its center. Astronomers capture first image of supermassive black hole at our galaxy's center 2022-05-12T04:00:00Z
Ripples in space-time can create bright spots, much like ripples on the surface of a swimming pool create patterns of bright spots at the bottom of the pool. Hubble Space Telescope Spots Earliest and Farthest Star Known 2022-03-30T04:00:00Z
“Gardening can be understood as a form of space-time medicine,” writes Stuart-Smith, a psychiatrist based in England who created the Barn Garden, in Hertfordshire, with her husband, Tom Stuart-Smith, a landscape designer. Why gardening offers a ‘psychological lifeline’ in times of crisis 2022-04-01T04:00:00Z
In the midst of it all, Canlis’ famous salad — romaine, mint leaves, croutons, a simple and Caesar-like dressing — lands on the table as if shoved through an unwanted fissure in the space-time continuum. Restaurant review: Canlis’ first female chef is cause for all kinds of celebration 2022-03-17T04:00:00Z
You’re just going to enjoy yourself, exploring whether the grass really is greener on the other side of the space-time continuum. Perspective | Past-life experience: If you could pick any time to live in, when would it be? 2022-02-06T05:00:00Z
The ball will create a slight curve in the film, just as our relatively modest-sized planet does to space-time. Astronomers capture first image of supermassive black hole at our galaxy's center 2022-05-12T04:00:00Z
I’ve read that space-time does not evolve, it simply exists, and maybe the same is true of love. L.A. Affairs: Here's a toast to a new year and a new chance at love 2022-01-22T05:00:00Z
“That … in general relativity, can be understood, actually, as the effect of space-time curvature,” Roura told Space.com, referring to one of Albert Einstein’s most famous theories. In a First, an ‘Atomic Fountain’ Has Measured the Curvature of Spacetime 2022-01-17T05:00:00Z
Would he funnel us back through the space-time continuum to Fun City? Is New York Ready for the Mayor of Swagger? 2022-01-07T05:00:00Z
Will it be epic, or an unfortunate rip in the space-time continuum? 10 new Seattle-area bars and restaurants food critic Tan Vinh is excited about for 2022 2021-12-30T05:00:00Z
For example, a summary of “Not Today: The Nine Habits of Extreme Productivity” is available on the app, forming a set of productivity takeaways so dense it could bend space-time. Just How Optimized Can Your Life Be? 2021-11-24T05:00:00Z
The famous German scientist was working with Besso to test his theory of the relationship between gravitation and the space-time curvature by examining the anomaly of the planet Mercury’s orbit. Rare Einstein manuscript that ‘almost miraculously’ survived sold for more than $13 million in Paris auction 2021-11-22T05:00:00Z
Black holes are difficult to study directly, as most are quite far from Earth and the space-time around them is highly distorted. The spinning disks around black holes may be giant gold forges 2021-11-18T05:00:00Z
A space-time contact is defined as someone who was detected through cell-phone surveillance as having spent over 10 minutes in an area 875 yards wide by 875 yards long with an infected person. China tests port-destroying bomb 2021-11-10T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time that are produced when large masses accelerate. Astrophysicists Unveil Glut of Gravitational-wave Detections 2021-11-10T05:00:00Z
In his General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein predicted that objects of large mass, things like black holes or stars, would distort space-time around them. Astronomers observe a distant solar system that looks a lot like ours will after the sun explodes 2021-10-20T04:00:00Z
Needless to say, Strange’s magical mulligan tampers with the “entire stability of space-time,” as he puts it in the trailer, leading to a story that will undoubtedly include appearances by characters from Spider-Man’s past. These 21 movies are getting Hollywood’s hopes up — and people talking — this fall 2021-10-06T04:00:00Z
Might tear a hole in the space-time continuum. NFL Week 1 roundtable: Can Rams, Chargers end up in Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium? 2021-09-09T04:00:00Z
Regarding the intrusive electronic surveillance, the state-run China Daily reported that new COVID-19 restrictions include a process that identifies “space-time contacts” in a bid to rapidly find people at risk of infection. China tests port-destroying bomb 2021-11-10T05:00:00Z
Against that backdrop the tune "almost tore a hole in the space-time continuum", declared The Guardian's Michael Cragg. Sarah Harding: Remembering the Girls Aloud star's life and career 2021-09-05T04:00:00Z
Those waves were generated by a collision of two stellar-size black holes — punctures in the space-time fabric created when the most massive stars explode as supernovas at the end of their lives. A Black Hole Feasted on a Neutron Star. 10 Days Later, It Happened Again. 2021-06-29T04:00:00Z
Black holes are objects or realms in space-time where gravity is so great that not even light can escape. What to Name a Bunch of Black Holes? You Had Some Ideas. 2021-05-27T04:00:00Z
“Everything will wash down the central vortex, flashing spectacularly bright, the last desperate blasts of concentrated light in the cosmos, until all vanishes in a darkening silent storm in space-time.” What Do You Call a Bunch of Black Holes: A Crush? A Scream? 2021-04-22T04:00:00Z
“Either we’re in some sort of weird space-time continuum or the nominee is exceptionally capable,” he said. Young confirmed as OMB deputy director 2021-03-23T04:00:00Z
Their existence was once doubted, but astronomers now agree that the universe is speckled with them, like potholes in space-time. Hunting for a Giant Black Hole, Astronomers Found a Nest of Darkness 2021-02-26T05:00:00Z
They can act and improvise with humans in four-dimensional space-time. TV hasn't forgotten the Muppets. And it never should 2021-02-19T05:00:00Z
But managing your garden’s space-time continuum is an essential aspect of maximizing the yield of fresh food from a small garden. Grow your budding garden know-how with tips from ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Great Vegetables’ 2021-02-14T05:00:00Z
General relativity renders gravity in a new light: Instead of thinking of it as a force, general relativity describes gravity as a bending or warping of space-time. Time travel for travelers? It’s tricky. 2020-12-28T05:00:00Z
From these perches they will watch for the gamma ray bursts that emanate from the merger of ultradense objects, events that also generate gravitational waves, ripples in space-time. China launches gamma ray–hunting satellites to trace sources of gravitational waves 2020-12-10T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time that are released by accelerating masses, in particular when two massive objects spiral into each other and merge. What 50 Gravitational-wave Events Reveal about the Universe 2020-11-02T05:00:00Z
Black holes are gravitational potholes in space-time predicted by general relativity, Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity. A Black Hole’s Lunch: Stellar Spaghetti 2020-10-17T04:00:00Z
Anyons can ‘remember’ how they have moved around each other, as if they formed braids in space-time. Vaughan Jones (1952–2020) 2020-09-28T04:00:00Z
Thirty years and $1 billion in the planning and making, the three laboratories use laser light, bouncing between mirrors in L-shaped arms, to detect submicroscopic stretching and compressing of space-time as gravitational waves pass by. These Black Holes Shouldn’t Exist, but There They Are 2020-09-02T04:00:00Z
A coda deals with the most recent experiments on entanglement, involving satellites, and nods to complex theoretical work that connects entanglement to the nature of space-time. When quantum physics met psychiatry 2020-08-25T04:00:00Z
The conspirators responsible for aiding in both the known and as yet unknown Trump crimes must be held accountable for their part in this brain-melting tangent in our political space-time continuum. Don't cry for Kellyanne Conway: Like the whole corrupt Trump enterprise, she must pay 2020-08-25T04:00:00Z
One such goal is measuring gravitational waves — little ripples in the curvature of space-time. Measuring ripples in the curvature of space-time 2020-07-26T04:00:00Z
That the future isn’t fixed, that our fates can still somehow be altered, is at the core of the space-time continuum as depicted in “Back to the Future.” Has 'Back to the Future' aged well? Our critics take a closer look at a summer fave 2020-07-16T04:00:00Z
Only confrontations between the most massive denizens of the universe can shake space-time enough to be noticed by these antennas. These Black Holes Shouldn’t Exist, but There They Are 2020-09-02T04:00:00Z
News of that event only recently reached Earth, in the form of space-time ripples known as gravitational waves. A Black Hole’s Lunch Provides a Treat for Astronomers 2020-06-24T04:00:00Z
Typically such an event would leave no visible trace, just a shuddering of space-time — gravitational waves — and a bigger black hole. Two Black Holes Colliding Not Enough? Make It Three 2020-06-25T04:00:00Z
In his General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein predicted that objects of large mass, things like black holes or stars, would distort space-time. Astronomers discover a new super-Earth thanks to a gravitational miracle 2020-05-20T04:00:00Z
Too much mass in one place causes space-time to sag beyond its limit, trapping even light on a one-way tunnel to eternity. Deep in the Cosmic Forest, a Black Hole Goldilocks Might Like 2020-05-06T04:00:00Z
The event offers the first unmistakable evidence from these faint space-time ripples that one black hole was spinning before the merger, giving astronomers rare insight into this key property. Black hole collision, funding disruption and Mars rocks 2020-04-21T04:00:00Z
The facilities detect faint ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves, caused by massive cosmic collisions such as black-hole mergers. How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the world's biggest physics experiments 2020-03-30T04:00:00Z
Too much in one place would cause space-time to sag without limit. Infinite Visions Were Hiding in the First Black Hole Image’s Rings 2020-03-28T04:00:00Z
Dror and his team realized that these cosmic strings would most likely create very slight ripples in space-time called gravitational waves. “Cosmic String” Gravitational Waves Could Solve Antimatter Mystery 2020-03-03T05:00:00Z
Black holes are the unwelcome consequence of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which explains gravity as the warping of space-time by mass and energy, much as a heavy sleeper sags a mattress. Deep in the Cosmic Forest, a Black Hole Goldilocks Might Like 2020-05-06T04:00:00Z
The newspaper said the gift will support the center’s research into gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time produced by the massive collision of two black holes. $10M gift to California university for ‘wonders’ of science 2020-03-01T05:00:00Z
The death dance of a white dwarf star and a pulsar reveal relativistic frame dragging — also known as the Lense-Thirring effect — in which a fast-spinning object distorts the fabric of space-time around it. Daily briefing: Genetically engineered gut microbes can protect honey bees 2020-01-30T05:00:00Z
It describes gravity as the warping of space-time by mass and energy. Infinite Visions Were Hiding in the First Black Hole Image’s Rings 2020-03-28T04:00:00Z
“You gotta make dead-on accounting for both. Don’t you know nothing about space-time?” The bar at the end of whenever 2020-01-28T05:00:00Z
These waves are disturbances in space-time that are generally caused by accelerated masses, such as black holes or neutron stars, colliding with each other. Mysterious burst of gravitational waves hit Earth, baffling astronomers 2020-01-22T05:00:00Z
She is part of the worldwide collaboration to detect the ripples in space-time that result when massive bodies accelerate. Cosmic vibrations sensed from unusual star merger 2020-01-07T05:00:00Z
The pulsar’s metronome-like radio emissions showed researchers how this extreme relativistic system pulls space-time around it, causing the pulsar’s orbit to wobble exactly as predicted by general relativity. Daily briefing: Genetically engineered gut microbes can protect honey bees 2020-01-30T05:00:00Z
The glowing ring of radiation, emitted by tortured matter spinning through warped space-time, is already iconic. The science stories that shaped 2019 2019-12-22T05:00:00Z
I threw in that last just in case the guy was coming from some really distant space-time. The bar at the end of whenever 2020-01-28T05:00:00Z
In the statement, experts note that the discovery of LB-1” fits nicely” with another breakthrough in astrophysics – the detection of ripples in space-time caused by black hole collisions in distant galaxies. Giant black hole 'should not even exist,' stunned scientists say 2019-11-29T05:00:00Z
When black holes merge, they despatch vibrations across the fabric of space-time - so-called gravitational waves. Stars align for epic space missions 2019-11-27T05:00:00Z
The key seems to be a force called vacuum pressure which is caused by fluctuations in the fabric of space-time at a sub-atomic level. 5,000 'fibre-optic eyes' to probe Dark Energy 2019-10-28T04:00:00Z
He said that living in space-time continuum in an apparent human body is a bit like wearing a diving suit. Genesis P-Orridge shares their vision for 'gender evolution,' possibly for the last time 2019-10-23T04:00:00Z
From here, each season brought some new anomaly to the world, including giant alien cubes and vast volcanoes, all seemingly part of a fissure in space-time. Fortnite has reached The End – changing video game storytelling for good 2019-10-14T04:00:00Z
On September 14, 2015, the first detection of these ripples in space-time was made by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration, revealed months later to deserved global fanfare. The Gravitational-Wave “Revolution” Is Underway 2019-09-12T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s advance consisted in the realization that Euclidean coordinates were not the most useful representation of space-time in the presence of mass/energy. Opinion | Readers critique The Post: What New Age politics — and coverage of it — gets us 2019-08-16T04:00:00Z
"I get bored by 'X-Men 37', in which Cardboard Man battles Franchise Girl up in the sky and rips a hole in the space-time continuum," he said. Mark Steyn: 'The Hunt' film is 'the liberal twitterstorm fantasy' taken to the next level 2019-08-08T04:00:00Z
“Today’s clocks show us how we share time. But my clocks will show that we don’t share time: my clocks show that every person’s space-time is different.” How to build a clock that detects gravity 2019-08-04T04:00:00Z
According to the calculations, the gravitation was too weak to bend space-time enough to cause any physical damage. Into darkness 2019-06-11T04:00:00Z
Figure 1 | Modelling black holes in the laboratory. a, An astrophysical black hole is characterized by an extremely warped region of space-time. Quantum simulation of black-hole radiation 2019-05-28T04:00:00Z
It was hard to convince the UK to care about space-time and gravity as the U-boats were sinking food transports, and thousands of young lives were lost for meagre gains in Flanders, Belgium. The man who made Einstein world-famous 2019-05-23T04:00:00Z
And let’s add the degree of difficulty and restrict this question to something relating to your film, to avoid you making a dent in the space-time continuum. Inventing the inventive "See You Yesterday" kids: "I wanted to show a different side of the 'hood" 2019-05-17T04:00:00Z
But if time is just another dimension of space-time, as Einstein said, it’s a strange one-way dimension. For a Split Second, a Quantum Computer Made History Go Backward 2019-05-08T04:00:00Z
Could space-time have bent enough in here to affect light like this? Into darkness 2019-06-11T04:00:00Z
This is all a headache, but when I stop trying to apply any sort of logic to magical space-time travel in a fictional film, I’d say overall I enjoyed the execution of the heist. What Avengers: Endgame did right and wrong 2019-05-02T04:00:00Z
In 2016, scientists revealed ripples in space-time caused by black holes colliding — the first-ever detection of the phenomenon known as gravitational waves. See a black hole for the first time in a historic image from the Event Horizon Telescope 2019-04-10T04:00:00Z
“What you’re looking at is a ring of fire created by the deformation of space-time. Light goes around, and looks like a circle.” Black hole pictured for first time — in spectacular detail 2019-04-09T04:00:00Z
“Black holes are extremely dense pockets of matter, objects of such incredible mass and miniscule volume that they drastically warp the fabric of space-time,” explains the National Science Foundation, on its website. First ever black hole image revealed 2019-04-10T04:00:00Z
These objects are so dense that it’s thought that they actually leave an imprint on the surrounding space-time, warping gravity and creating strange effects on their surroundings, which scientists are still trying to understand. Scientists are about to unveil the first images of a supermassive black hole 2019-04-09T04:00:00Z
Unapologetically drawing on historical tradition and even modern philosophy, Smolin proposes a new set of principles that applies to both quantum mechanics and space-time. A realist takes on quantum mechanics 2019-04-08T04:00:00Z
The elements of space-time are events—the ultimate expression of locality—and each of these is caused by events in their past. Space: The Final Illusion 2019-04-04T04:00:00Z
On his forthcoming release “On Time Out of Time,” composer William Basinski samples the sound of two black holes colliding, creating more energy than all the stars in the universe and a rift in space-time. Stars collide — literally — in William Basinski’s newest musical composition 2019-02-19T05:00:00Z
Einstein’s general theory of relativity beautifully weaves space and time together into a four-dimensional fabric, known as space-time, and equates gravity with warps in that fabric. A Different Kind of Theory of Everything 2019-02-19T05:00:00Z
The discovery knocked the world on its head, confirming for the first time the existence of gravitational waves, and of those dead pits of space-time, black holes. In Science, as in Sports, the Sidelines Matter 2019-02-15T05:00:00Z
The result was an unprecedented network architecture, or what the Loon team nicknamed “Minkowski,” after the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski that translated Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity into a geometric representation of space-time. Alphabet’s Loon sets its sights on the satellite industry 2019-01-31T05:00:00Z
In 2015, LIGO’s US detectors discovered gravitational waves — ripples in space-time, formed in this case by the collision of two black holes — whose existence was predicted by Albert Einstein. CRISPR-baby scientist, German publishing deal and hunger strike 2019-01-22T05:00:00Z
I cracked a line about disrupting the space-time continuum. This rich homemade hot chocolate is the ultimate snow day treat 2019-01-14T05:00:00Z
Some researchers are attempting to wean physics off of space-time in order to pave the way toward this deeper theory. A Different Kind of Theory of Everything 2019-02-19T05:00:00Z
More recently, the gravitational wave observatory Ligo has detected ripples sent out across space-time when pairs of black holes collide. Scientists close to first sighting of black hole in the Milky Way 2019-01-11T05:00:00Z
A global network of atomic clocks could be used to detect flaws in the fabric of space-time that could explain dark matter. Daily briefing: Chemist sent mercenaries to save her PhD student from ISIS 2018-12-13T05:00:00Z
Black-hole bounty Astronomers have announced the detection of four new gravitational-wave events — ripples in the fabric of space-time created by cataclysmic cosmic events. Black-hole bounty, Ebola emergency and UK science minister resigns 2018-12-04T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that are usually caused by two objects rotating around each other. Ancient black hole collision is the most massive researchers have ever observed 2018-12-03T05:00:00Z
Currently, to predict how particles morph and scatter when they collide in space-time, physicists use a complicated diagrammatic scheme invented by Richard Feynman. A Different Kind of Theory of Everything 2019-02-19T05:00:00Z
There is little doubt about the existence of black holes: the phenomenally dense objects distort the fabric of space-time in their vicinity, causing objects and light to appear to swerve off course. Scientists close to first sighting of black hole in the Milky Way 2019-01-11T05:00:00Z
If Earth passes through one of these ‘topological defects’, shifts in the clocks’ workings might indicate that dark matter is an artefact of space-time wrinkles that formed as the early Universe cooled. Daily briefing: Chemist sent mercenaries to save her PhD student from ISIS 2018-12-13T05:00:00Z
Their exquisite laser labs observed the ripples in space-time from this gargantuan collision on 29 July 2017. Monster black hole merger detected 2018-12-03T05:00:00Z
Stars crest the steep fold in space-time before tipping over the edge and sinking into the same inkwell that our ship plunges into, drowning. How it feels to be swallowed by a black hole 2018-11-20T05:00:00Z
The biggest missing piece is that distorting space-time as described by Dr. Alcubierre requires something not known to exist: matter with an energy density less than zero. Where’s Our Warp Drive to the Stars? 2018-11-20T05:00:00Z
Never mind the recent, staggering discovery of gravitational waves: ripples in space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago, and which indicate the universe is peppered with black holes that shred and swallow stars. Does the Universe Still Need Einstein? 2018-11-20T05:00:00Z
But as a series of dubious and risky events unfold, it’s revealed that the cave is home to a unique space-time continuum in which time passes more slowly than it does above ground. Review: 'Time Trap' not nearly the sci-fi adventure it could have been - Los Angeles Times 2018-11-01T04:00:00Z
In Einstein’s universe, light follows curves in space-time created by the presence of objects with mass. Black-hole chronicles: chasing the gravitational beast 2018-10-16T04:00:00Z
In other words, in the Senate’s space-time continuum, it’s essentially last week. McConnell designs gambit to handle other issues in Senate, while advancing Kavanaugh nomination 2018-10-04T04:00:00Z
But with the hypothetical addition “exotic matter,” this sci-fi invention actually fits within the confines of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes gravity and the bending of space-time by matter. Where’s Our Warp Drive to the Stars? 2018-11-20T05:00:00Z
The late anthropologist David Maybury-Lewis suggested that time in Indigenous Australian culture is neither cyclical nor linear; instead, it resembles the space-time of modern physics. About time: why western philosophy can only teach us so much 2018-09-25T04:00:00Z
Their proof also makes some assumptions about the nature of space-time. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Future observations of S2 might confirm other Einstein predictions, such as how the spinning black hole drags space-time around with it. Milky Way's Black Hole Provides Long-sought Test of Einstein's General Relativity 2018-07-26T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s theory says the fabric of the universe is not simply space, but a more complex entity called space-time, which is warped by the presence of heavy objects. Einstein’s theory of relativity passes yet another test 2018-07-26T04:00:00Z
He called this system space-time, and it's the model of the Universe that we use today. How to build a real time machine 2018-07-10T04:00:00Z
In Einstein’s unique imagination, there was a reason: gravity is not a force that acts on all of these particles in some fantastically fine-tuned manner, but is simply an effect of space-time geometry. General relativity verified by a triple-star system 2018-07-03T04:00:00Z
Their proof, the first part of which was posted online last November, takes place in Schwarzschild space-time—closer to the original, more difficult setting for the problem. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Maybe the customers are so upset it caused a rift in the space-time continuum? Trump's latest Harley-Davidson criticism defies the laws of time 2018-07-03T04:00:00Z
The president who slipped into office through a tear in the space-time continuum cemented right-wing control over all three branches of government. Opinion | Local Girl Makes Good 2018-06-30T04:00:00Z
But Einstein also thought it was possible to warp space-time, creating a "bridge". How to build a real time machine 2018-07-10T04:00:00Z
The constituents of matter follow universal paths in a space-time that is curved by massive bodies, such as Earth or the Sun. General relativity verified by a triple-star system 2018-07-03T04:00:00Z
Yet it wasn’t until 1993 that mathematicians managed to prove that if you wiggle flat, empty space-time, you eventually get back flat, empty space-time. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
And that explains everything: matter, space-time, and, yes, you too. A Theory with No Strings Attached: Can Beautiful Physics Be Wrong? [Excerpt] 2018-06-11T04:00:00Z
A whole generation was pumped and primed to tune in, turn on and transcend the whole dreary space-time continuum as we knew it. ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Is Still the ‘Ultimate Trip’ 2018-05-10T04:00:00Z
The generally accepted view is that the Universe is an unchanging "block" of space-time; this idea arises directly from Einstein's equations. How to build a real time machine 2018-07-10T04:00:00Z
Because quantum sensors are so sensitive, they excel at picking up extremely weak signals such as gravitational waves, the space-time ripples that were recently detected for the first time. Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’ spotted in objects almost big enough to see 2018-04-25T04:00:00Z
The fit between the coordinate system and space-time has to be good at the start and remain good throughout. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Every generation has its art, music, literature, crystallizing narratives and mesmerizing forces that define who we are in the space-time continuum. Rage and wonder in 1968: The year war came through the TV and I felt pieces of childhood ending 2018-04-20T04:00:00Z
Even Albert Einstein’s relativistic space-time — an elastic manifold that contorts so that local times differ depending on one’s relative speed or proximity to a mass — is just an effective simplification. The illusion of time 2018-04-15T04:00:00Z
How they can win They find a hole in the space-time continuum and skip right from the first round of the playoffs to the third round. The Stanley Cup playoffs: all 16 contenders reviewed and ranked 2018-04-11T04:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time. Dozen black holes at galactic centre 2018-04-04T04:00:00Z
One of the main difficulties with stability proofs has to do with keeping track of what is going on in four-dimensional space-time as the solution evolves. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Along with his many achievements, Stephen Hawking also contributed to the widespread misunderstanding of physics by insisting that space-time is four-dimensional. Opinion | How will we remember Stephen Hawking? 2018-03-23T04:00:00Z
But strictly speaking, Strominger says, the theorem states only that two similar black holes can be “transformed” into each other by a handful of mathematical relations called diffeomorphisms, which relabel the coordinates of space-time. Hawking’s final quest: saving quantum theory from black holes 2018-03-20T04:00:00Z
Likewise, astronomers are confident that the volume of space-time within range of our telescopes -- what astronomers have traditionally called 'the universe' – is only a tiny fraction of the aftermath of our big bang. Cosmic Thinker Worries about the Ends of Science and Humanity 2018-03-17T04:00:00Z
Hawking's scientific claim to fame was his revelation that the universe began in a singularity, an infinitely dense point of space-time. Stephen Hawking, Famed Physicist, Dies at 76 2018-03-14T04:00:00Z
To prove that solutions to Einstein’s equations settle down into a stable state after being perturbed, mathematicians must keep careful track of the ripples in space-time that are set in motion by the perturbation. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
In their picture of cosmic history, space-time is like a globe of the Earth. Stephen Hawking’s Beautiful Mind 2018-03-14T04:00:00Z
Perhaps, he suggested, there was never a start and would be no end, but just change — a constant transition of one “universe” giving way to another through glitches in space-time. Stephen Hawking, physicist who came to symbolize the power of the human mind, dies at 76 2018-03-14T04:00:00Z
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, himself a pop icon, said Hawking's importance was to make us see and think more deeply about the essence of space-time and existence. Pop icon Stephen Hawking took on movies, music, 'The Simpsons' and the complexities of the universe 2018-03-14T04:00:00Z
These space-time fluctuations might give rise to wormholes, which could link one region of space-time with another one very far away, or to “baby universes.” My Alarming, Inspiring Encounter with the Late Stephen Hawking 2018-03-14T04:00:00Z
And in space-time, as on Earth, it’s hard to find a coordinate system that works everywhere. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Perhaps, he suggested, there was never a start and would be no end, but just change – a constant transition of one “universe” giving way to another through glitches in space-time. Stephen Hawking, physicist who came to symbolize the power of the human mind, dies at 76 2018-03-13T04:00:00Z
Stephon Alexander Photo: Brown University Dr. Murry discovers that certain frequencies also allow him to tear the fabric of space-time and travel to far away worlds. The physicist who melded the science and fiction of A Wrinkle in Time 2018-03-12T04:00:00Z
In the process, they’ve accidentally created a tear in space-time that helps facilitate their actions from the far future, even as it changes around them. The Gone World is a brilliant, complicated novel about the consequences of time travel 2018-03-03T05:00:00Z
"I have to tell you, I wouldn't know the difference between a warp-core breach and the space-time continuum if they got into bed with me," he said. The film academy honors unsung innovators at the annual Scientific and Technical Awards 2018-02-11T05:00:00Z
General relativity famously describes space-time as something like a rubber sheet. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
“Every time they test it, they risk ripping open the membrane of space-time, smashing together multiple dimensions, shattering reality. And not just on that station. Everywhere!” The Cloverfield Paradox should have been a comedy, and almost is 2018-02-05T05:00:00Z
Not only the bodily interior, but quantum forces of space-time are affected. The Mysterious Interior World of Exercise 2018-01-24T05:00:00Z
But they’re not done: In October, scientists announced the finding of two dead stars colliding — not only hearing the ripples in space-time they made, but confirming the event visually with powerful telescopes. What We Learned in 2017 2017-12-07T05:00:00Z
And partly it’s the show’s “slightly ramshackle Britishness, in the very idea of an amazing space-time machine which looks like a beaten up old box.” Who’s next: End of an era as “Doctor Who” gets a new star 2017-12-23T05:00:00Z
You give the equations information about curvature and energy at each point, and the equations tell you the shape of space-time in the future. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
First theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916, gravitational waves are kinks or distortions in the fabric of space-time caused by extremely violent cosmic events. In a First, Pictures Show Gravitational Waves Being Born 2017-12-20T05:00:00Z
The circle argued that Einstein’s ideas on space-time, for instance, sounded the death knell for philosopher Immanuel Kant’s concept of space and time as forms of intuition. How Viennese scientists fought the dogma, propaganda and prejudice of the 1930s
We learned that we could see a source of ripples in space-time. What We Learned in 2017 2017-12-07T05:00:00Z
The blink drive operated outside the parameters of conventional space-time and — for safety’s sake — outside the gravity wells of core human worlds. The palimpsest planet
Consider the case of flat, empty Minkowski space—the simplest of all space-time configurations. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
But actually snagging the waves proved elusive for decades, because the amount by which they distort space-time on Earth is minuscule—on the order of a fraction of the width of an atomic nucleus. In a First, Pictures Show Gravitational Waves Being Born 2017-12-20T05:00:00Z
Or If the Bus is coterminous with all space-time, you may wonder, what if I travel in time as well as space? The Everywhere Bus : Nature : Nature Research 2017-10-24T04:00:00Z
Since then, the collaboration has identified three more black hole collisions and has brought on a third gravitational wave detector near Pisa, Italy, to better pinpoint the sources of these minute distortions in space-time. Scientists detect gravitational waves from a new kind of nova, sparking a new era in astronomy 2017-10-16T04:00:00Z
The cosmic crash, which took place 130 million light years from Earth, rattled space-time. Trump, Weinstein, Kirkuk: Your Monday Evening Briefing 2017-10-16T04:00:00Z
Rather than accepting the geometry of space and time as fixed, Einstein explained that we actually inhabit a four-dimensional reality called space-time whose form fluctuates in response to matter and energy. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
Scientists, starting with Einstein, figured that when two neutron stars collide they would produce a gravitational wave, a ripple in the universe-wide fabric of space-time. What cosmic crash confirmed: Einstein was as good as gold 2017-10-16T04:00:00Z
This, of course, left us with a new problem — what to do with a corpse that is coterminous with all space-time. The Everywhere Bus : Nature : Nature Research 2017-10-24T04:00:00Z
The cosmic crash-up, which rattled space-time, took place 130 million light years from Earth. Ophelia, Kirkuk, Bowe Bergdahl: Your Tuesday Briefing 2017-10-16T04:00:00Z
Gravitational waves caused by violent events send ripples through space-time that stretch and squeeze everything they pass through by a tiny amount - less than the width of an atom. Dead star merger ripples across space 2017-10-16T04:00:00Z
Informally, this means that if you wiggle a black hole, space-time will shake at first, before eventually settling down into a form that looks a lot like the form you started with. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
These new facilities will enable researchers to match up those gravitational waves with electromagnetic signals and perhaps one day even particles of matter from some of the cataclysms that send measurable ripples through space-time. Global networks of small telescopes will chase companion signals of gravitational waves 2017-10-12T04:00:00Z
Picking up on a profound but under-developed idea by theoretician Paul Dirac, he found a way of reformulating quantum mechanics in terms of a 'sum over paths' between points in space-time. Theoretical physics: When the doer met the dreamer : Nature : Nature Research 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Albert Einstein predicted in his 1915 general theory of relativity that distortions in gravity would travel through space-time like a shock wave. Three Americans win Nobel Prize in physics for gravitational wave discovery 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s general relativity says that gravity is caused by heavy objects bending space-time. AP Explains: Why gravitational wave researchers won a Nobel 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
To describe how the shape of space-time evolves, you need a coordinate system—like lines of latitude and longitude—that tells you which points are where. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
He argued that every object in the Universe warps the space and time around it, and when an object moves, it creates ripples in this space-time — gravitational waves — a bit like ripples in a pond. Nobel Prize in physics awarded to three scientists for the detection of gravitational waves 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
He coined the shorthand “it from bit” for the concept that every entity — every particle, every field and even space-time — derives its meaning from ideas in information theory. Theoretical physics: When the doer met the dreamer : Nature : Nature Research 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
That discovery, which was announced in February 2016, opened up a new field of astronomy, in which scientists listen to the space-time vibrations emitted by some of the Universe’s most cataclysmic events. Gravitational wave detection wins physics Nobel 2017-10-02T04:00:00Z
When two black holes collide you get “a storm in the fabric of space-time … vortices of twisting space fighting with each other,” Thorne said. AP Explains: Why gravitational wave researchers won a Nobel 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s field equations describe the evolution of the shape of space-time. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
By the time gravitational waves reach us from the distant events that spawn them, they distort space-time by an utterly minuscule amount. Gravitational Waves Won the Physics Nobel Prize—Here's Why 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, pronounced in 1916, suggested that matter and energy would warp the geometry of space-time the way a heavy sleeper sags a mattress, producing the effect we call gravity. 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to LIGO Black Hole Researchers 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
The distortions in space-time are an inevitable consequence of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, and propagate across the Universe almost unimpeded. Gravitational wave detection wins physics Nobel 2017-10-02T04:00:00Z
And when massive but compact objects like black holes or neutron stars collide, their immense gravity causes space-time to stretch or compress. AP Explains: Why gravitational wave researchers won a Nobel 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
You need a coordinate system that allows you to measure distances and identify points in space-time, just as lines of latitude and longitude allow us to define locations on Earth. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
This U.S. facility consists of two identical L-shaped detectors in Washington state and Louisiana, each of which employs lasers and mirrors to measure tiny changes in space-time made by passing gravitational radiation. Gravitational Waves Won the Physics Nobel Prize—Here's Why 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
But its inclusion in the collaboration allows scientists to triangulate the origin of these space-time ripples with greater precision. Gravitational wave from black hole collision 1.8 billion light-years away sensed in U.S. and Italy 2017-09-27T04:00:00Z
Einstein proposed that objects — from planets to people — warp the space-time around them. A fourth gravitational wave has been detected — and we've pinpointed its location better than ever before 2017-09-27T04:00:00Z
Other essential tools include space-time, in which the reference frame includes time as well as space; proper time; and four-vectors, special kinds of paths and objects in space-time. Relativity: Final ascent of physics : Nature : Nature Research 2017-09-19T04:00:00Z
But it’s not easy to find a coordinate system that works at every point in space-time and then continues to work as the shape of space-time evolves. To Test Einstein's Equations, Poke a Black Hole 2018-08-27T04:00:00Z
These cosmic cataclysms are so energetic they radiate gravitational waves, which we can directly observe as distortions in the otherwise tough, stiff fabric of space-time. Gravitational Waves Won the Physics Nobel Prize—Here's Why 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Such a detection could mark a new era of astronomy: one in which phenomena are both seen by traditional telescopes and ‘heard’ as vibrations in the fabric of space-time. Rumors Swell Over New Kind of Gravitational-Wave Sighting 2017-08-24T04:00:00Z
When a wave passes, space-time is warped in such a way that it will seem as though the mirrors are getting closer and farther away from the source of the laser. A fourth gravitational wave has been detected — and we've pinpointed its location better than ever before 2017-09-27T04:00:00Z
Such a detection could mark a new era of astronomy: one in which phenomena are both seen by conventional telescopes and ‘heard’ as vibrations in the fabric of space-time. Rumours swell over new kind of gravitational-wave sighting 2017-08-23T04:00:00Z
It took Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, published in 1915, to show that warped space-time would be enough to explain Mercury’s unusual path. Three times scientists learned something from solar eclipses—and three times they were tricked 2017-08-17T04:00:00Z
Put simply, gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time produced by the most violent phenomena the cosmos can offer – things like exploding stars, collisions between ultra-dense neutron stars or merging black holes. Gravitational Waves Won the Physics Nobel Prize—Here's Why 2017-10-03T04:00:00Z
Under this theory, big gravitational masses like stars and planets warp the fabric of space-time, bending light as it travels through the universe. What Solar Eclipses Have Taught Us About the Universe 2017-08-09T04:00:00Z
And when these objects move, they create ripples in space-time, just like how a moving boat creates ripples in a pond. A fourth gravitational wave has been detected — and we've pinpointed its location better than ever before 2017-09-27T04:00:00Z
There was also a representation of the motion of the planets in the solar system, the signal from a rotating neutron star, gravitational waves stretching the space-time. Meet the scientist who turns data into music—and listen to the sound of a neutron star 2017-07-21T04:00:00Z
The imbalance is negligible except when the warping of space-time is extreme — like next to a black hole or the moment after the Big Bang. An Experiment in Zurich Brings Us Nearer to a Black Hole’s Mysteries 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
That’s because detecting these space-time ripples is an incredibly delicate process, one that involves measuring tiny changes in the positions of objects spread across vast distances. This probe paved the way for studying gravitational waves from space — and now it’s been shut off 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
The only explanation was that the mass of the sun was bending space-time and curving the stars’ light. What Solar Eclipses Have Taught Us About the Universe 2017-08-09T04:00:00Z
In this case, Ligo’s detectors were picking up the ripples sent out across space-time following the violent collision of a pair of black holes more than a billion years ago. Tying loose ends? Gravitational waves could solve string theory, study claims 2017-07-05T04:00:00Z
In this film, the River God starts tampering with the fabric of space-time. Neill Blomkamp on his next short film, Firebase, and life in a virtual simulation 2017-06-28T04:00:00Z
In this Weyl semimetal system explored in the experiment, a difference in temperature is analogous to the warping of space-time, and a magnetic field separates electrons into the opposite spins. An Experiment in Zurich Brings Us Nearer to a Black Hole’s Mysteries 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
In reality, everything that moves causes ripples in space-time — from a person walking down the street to an orbiting planet. This probe paved the way for studying gravitational waves from space — and now it’s been shut off 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
Even though these black hole mergers are extremely powerful, the ripples they induce in the fabric of space-time are fantastically small. Europe selects grand gravity mission - BBC News 2017-06-20T04:00:00Z
A long time ago in a star cluster far, far away … two curiously massive black holes collided and became one, unleashing a torrent of energy that kinked the fabric of space-time itself. Bizarre Black Holes Revealed by New Space-Time Ripples
Black holes were an entirely unwelcome consequence of his theory of general relativity that ascribes gravity to the warping of space-time geometry by matter and energy. Cosmic Vibrations Felt From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away 2017-06-01T04:00:00Z
Einstein theorized that objects actually leave imprints on the space-time around them — and when objects move, they create ripples in space-time, similar to how a moving object creates ripples in a pond. A third detection of gravitational waves is changing our understanding of black holes 2017-06-01T04:00:00Z
The religious space-time that Johnson explores is real, robust and resilient, and inevitably, it impinges on the everyday world of commerce and politics. Opinion | Flourishing spirituality in China, apart from traditional Western dogma 2017-05-19T04:00:00Z
By looking for tiny perturbations in these light beams, the trio hope to catch the warping of space-time that is generated by cataclysmic events such as the merger of gargantuan black holes. Europe selects grand gravity mission - BBC News 2017-06-20T04:00:00Z
The idea was to measure the distortions of space-time caused by gravitational waves by timing how long laser light took to travel between mirrors in an interferometer. Ronald Drever (1931-2017) : Nature : Nature Research 2017-04-18T04:00:00Z
Massive enough to send shivers through space-time itself, yet perfectly invisible, it lurks in the darkness like a monster from a child's nightmare — felt but unseen. What does a black hole look like? Astronomers are on a quest to find out. 2017-04-05T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s theory, which ascribes gravity to the elasticity of space-time geometry, proclaimed a dynamic universe. Ron Drever, Physicist Who Helped Confirm Einstein Theory, Dies at 85 2017-03-15T04:00:00Z
A place where space itself vibrated as twisting balls of tangled yarn, with every nine strands born of a differing space-time flaw, arising from 'strings', the real agents of time and space. Proton : Nature : Nature Research 2017-03-07T05:00:00Z
The sensing in 2015 of ripples in the fabric of space-time generated by merging black holes is seen as one of the major breakthroughs of our time. Gravitational waves pioneer Ron Drever dies - BBC News 2017-03-08T05:00:00Z
He co-invented several important techniques to directly detect gravitational waves — ripples in space-time created by accelerating masses. Ronald Drever (1931-2017) : Nature : Nature Research 2017-04-18T04:00:00Z
Being able to sense the subtle warping of space-time that occurs as a result of cataclysmic events offers a completely new way to study the Universe, one that does not depend on traditional telescope technology. Gravity probe exceeds performance goals - BBC News 2017-02-18T05:00:00Z
Albert Einstein built his general theory of relativity — in which mass warps the geometry of space-time — on this branch of mathematics. Long-awaited mathematics proof could help scan Earth's innards 2017-02-09T05:00:00Z
This storm of negativity triggered one of those Westbrook moments when he seems to pop out of space-time. The Misunderstood Genius of Russell Westbrook 2017-02-01T05:00:00Z
We cannot escape the little chunk of the space-time continuum we ride on, and many things are not going to be revealed until time does its job.” Films that look back at post-war America like 'Fences' and 'Hidden Figures' are digging deeper this year 2017-01-17T05:00:00Z
The waves are ripples in space-time caused by two massive black holes that crashed into each other more than 1 billion years ago. The Top 10 Science Stories of 2016 2016-12-30T05:00:00Z
About a century ago, Albert Einstein proposed the existence of ripples in the fabric of space-time - as an outcome of his Theory of General Relativity. Amazing science stories from 2016 - BBC News 2016-12-21T05:00:00Z
In Einstein’s space-time, curvature produces gravitational lensing, a phenomenon familiar to astronomers, in which the path of light bends around massive objects such as stars. Long-awaited mathematics proof could help scan Earth's innards 2017-02-09T05:00:00Z
Two giant detectors in the United States had picked up signs of gravitational waves — wrinkles in space-time imagined by Albert Einstein but never before directly witnessed. Nature’s 10 2016-12-18T05:00:00Z
On 11 February, researchers announced that they had finally sensed the ripples in the structure of space-time known as gravitational waves — capping a decades-long quest. 2016 in news: The science events that shaped the year 2016-12-15T05:00:00Z
The detection of ripples in space-time and a famous cat-based paradox are featured in a list of the physics advances of 2016. 'Dead or alive' cat in physics top 10 - BBC News 2016-12-13T05:00:00Z
Maybe the links between Sade’s “No Ordinary Love” and the space-time jumps in “Star Trek,” or the story behind werewolf transformations at the DMV, have eluded you so far. Habit forming: The longtime comedy troupe launches its final series of shows 2016-11-14T05:00:00Z
“Is it not possible that consciousness, like space-time, has its own intrinsic degrees of freedom, and that neglecting these will lead to a description of the universe that is fundamentally incomplete?” Why It Could Be Your Fault if Your Team Loses the World Series 2016-11-02T04:00:00Z
Alcubierre presented calculations that produce a bubble in space-time in which one end is expanding and the other is contracting. Inside the Quest for a Real ‘Star Trek’ Warp Drive 2016-10-29T04:00:00Z
Einstein fuses space and time into space-time, then treats Newton's space as nothing more than the gravitational field itself. Theoretical physics: Windows on the weird : Nature : Nature Research 2016-10-04T04:00:00Z
Ligo operates several labs around the world that fire lasers through long tunnels, trying to sense warping in the fabric of space-time. 'Dead or alive' cat in physics top 10 - BBC News 2016-12-13T05:00:00Z
By far the biggest physics story of 2016 was the first observation of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time first predicted by Einstein. Nobel prize in physics 2016 to be announced - live 2016-10-04T04:00:00Z
When two black holes or neutron stars in a binary system spiral towards each other, their massive size causes ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves. Revealing the unseen Universe : Nature : Nature Research 2016-09-27T04:00:00Z
Unfortunately, actually creating space-time with such a curve — that is, a time machine — may be impossible, an idea formulated in Stephen Hawking's “chronology protection conjecture”. Physics: Finding the time : Nature : Nature Research 2016-09-27T04:00:00Z
The instantaneous speed of the same particle, X, is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity of X at that instant in space-time. Will Women Play Major League Baseball? (And Not Just on TV) 2016-09-22T04:00:00Z
But in a game that’s modeling three-dimensional space, where we tolerate the drudgery of holistic ambulation, they complement the sense of having come unstuck in space-time. Review: If You Love David Lynch You Have to Play 'Virginia' 2016-09-22T04:00:00Z
She nudges him away from investigating the granular structure of space-time. Try catch throw : Nature : Nature Research 2016-09-07T04:00:00Z
By stretching and compressing space-time, a gravitational wave creates interference. Universe rings a bell: Professors help prove Einstein theory 2016-07-17T04:00:00Z
General relativity interprets gravity as the warping of space-time. Expansion of early Universe modelled in unprecedented detail 2016-06-23T04:00:00Z
The cataclysm triggered cosmic shockwaves that rippled through the geometry of space-time itself, ultimately passing through Earth on September 14, 2015. Ancient Stars Unleashed a Space-Time Tsunami Felt on Earth
The gravity of large objects warps space and time, or “space-time” as physicists call it, the way a bowling ball changes the shape of a trampoline as it rolls around on it. For the second time ever, scientists detected gravitational waves from colliding black holes 2016-06-15T04:00:00Z
And when these massive objects move, they create undulating space-time ripples, or gravitational waves, kind of like creating ripples in a pond. Scientists have detected gravitational waves for the second time 2016-06-15T04:00:00Z
As in the first event, the detectors sensed an oscillating stretching of space-time, the signal, according to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, of massive objects in violent motion. LIGO detects another black hole crash 2016-06-15T04:00:00Z
Detecting gravitational waves — ripples in space-time that result from objects moving through the Universe — is a very difficult process that involves measuring tiny variations in the positions of objects. Scientists are one step closer to detecting gravitational waves from space 2016-06-08T04:00:00Z
There is currently enormous excitement around gravitational waves - the ripples in space-time generated in cataclysmic cosmic events, such as the merger of black holes and the explosion of giant stars. Gravity space mission passes big test - BBC News 2016-06-07T04:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are the ripples in the pond of space-time. For the second time ever, scientists detected gravitational waves from colliding black holes 2016-06-15T04:00:00Z
General relativity changed all that by combining space and time into a single concept, space-time. Scientists have detected gravitational waves for the second time 2016-06-15T04:00:00Z
They map the mathematics of space-time processes in quantum theory to simple, flexible wiring patterns. How Visionaries in Visualization Moved Science Forward 2016-05-06T04:00:00Z
Albert Einstein predicted gravitational waves, which are ripples in the fabric of space-time, in his theory of relativity. Toledo astrophysicist publishes book exploring the universe 2016-05-01T04:00:00Z
Lasers fired between these spacecraft would sense ripples in space-time generated by much more massive objects than the black holes seen by Ligo. Gravitational wave mission passes 'sanity check' - BBC News 2016-04-18T04:00:00Z
Which is not possible in this space-time dimension. The saddest campaign in America: Why John Kasich’s bid for the GOP nomination is completely & utterly hopeless 2016-04-14T04:00:00Z
The catch is, they might be stuck in the past, and forced to "bounce around the space-time continuum indefinitely." Time Traveling Bong's first trailer features Ilana Glazer running from a T. rex 2016-04-07T04:00:00Z
But those famous ripples in space-time are well beyond Mr Middlemiss's small, silicon sensor. Small, cheap gravity gadget to peer underground - BBC News 2016-03-30T04:00:00Z
He was there to promote a product, officially, but it seemed important to him that I felt that was secondary to the fact that we were two people sharing a sliver of space-time. Garry Shandling's 'The Larry Sanders Show' is where the new age of television really began 2016-03-24T04:00:00Z
Honda once again manages to bend the space-time continuum to expand its trunk room. Video Review: The Honda Civic Touring Is Packed With Technology and Space 2016-03-24T04:00:00Z
The signal also provided researchers with the first empirical test of general relativity beyond regions — including the space around the binary pulsar — where there is comparatively little space-time warping. The black-hole collision that reshaped physics 2016-03-22T04:00:00Z
Johnson is quick to point out the theoretical problems - it would effectively invert Einstein's accepted model of universal space-time and create a runaway physics nightmare. Project Greenglow and the battle with gravity - BBC News 2016-03-22T04:00:00Z
The news, confirming a 1915 theory of Albert Einstein about the ripple effect of space-time, generated tributes to the achievements of human reason. At Its Heart, Science Is Faith-Based Too 2016-03-03T05:00:00Z
Because gravitational waves stretch and compress space-time, the observatory hopes to be able to see passing waves by using the lasers to detect minute changes in the distance between the freefalling cubes. Successful test drive for space-based gravitational wave detector 2016-02-24T05:00:00Z
On 11 February, it finally delivered, when project scientists reported finding signals of the space-time ripples known as gravitational waves. Young scientists poised to ride the gravitational wave 2016-02-15T05:00:00Z
These are theoretical bumps or wiggles in space-time that vibrate and produce gravitational waves. How scientists will keep searching for gravitational waves 2016-02-13T05:00:00Z
Here’s how scientists tracked down a billion-year-old cosmic collision and proved Einstein’s space-time prediction. Instead of Repairing Flint's Water System, Replace It 2016-02-12T05:00:00Z
If, as Einstein predicted, gravitational waves squish and stretch the fabric of space-time, then the length of the L arms should stretch and contract slightly when gravitational waves pass through. Montana State researchers among those proving Einstein right 2016-02-12T05:00:00Z
The sound of the collision from a billion light-years away is the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago. Your Friday Briefing 2016-02-12T05:00:00Z
Here, Weiss uses a prop to demonstrate how gravitational waves stretch and compress the fabric of space-time. LIGO announces gravitational-wave detection — in pictures 2016-02-10T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves, first postulated by Albert Einstein in 1916 as part of his theory of general relativity, are extraordinarily faint ripples in space-time, the continuum that combines both time and three-dimensional space. Breakthrough: Scientists detect Einstein’s gravity ripples 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
He thought there were invisible “gravitational waves”, ripples in space-time produced by some of the most violent events in the cosmos – exploding stars, colliding black holes, perhaps even the Big Bang itself. The Discovery of Gravitational Waves Is a Whole New Chapter for Science 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Any object moving through the space-time fabric causes waves or ripples in that fabric. Gravitational Waves and Why Their Discovery Is Such a Big Deal 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity, which described how gravity warps and distorts space-time. Gravitational Waves Discovered: Top Scientists Respond 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
It was a monstrous collision, so big that it literally shook the fabric of space-time. Gravitational waves: Ripples in space-time detected for first time 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Sensitivity is crucial because the stretching and squeezing of space-time by gravitational waves is incredibly tiny. Breakthrough: Scientists detect Einstein’s gravity ripples 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Sensitivity is crucial because the stretching and squeezing of space-time by these gravitational waves is incredibly tiny. Scientists detect Einstein-predicted gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
And since every moving object moves through space-time, it will also follow the distortions caused by objects with big mass. Gravitational Waves and Why Their Discovery Is Such a Big Deal 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Major breakthroughs included the detailed picture of the asymptotic structure of space-time, and the introduction of the concept of matched asymptotic expansions. Gravitational Waves Discovered: Top Scientists Respond 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicts that any cosmic event that disturbs the fabric of space-time with sufficient force should produce gravitational ripples that propagate through the Universe. Einstein's gravitational waves found at last 2016-02-10T05:00:00Z
When massive objects like black holes or neutron stars collide, they send gravitational waves across the universe, stretching space-time or causing it to bunch up like a fishing net. Breakthrough: Scientists detect Einstein’s gravity ripples 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Einstein instead proposed that objects actually warp the space-time around them, creating gravitational "pull." Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
In this model, anything with mass distorts the space-time fabric. Gravitational Waves and Why Their Discovery Is Such a Big Deal 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Not only were the calculations long and tedious, but theorists found they needed a much more sophisticated understanding of the structure of space-time itself. Gravitational Waves Discovered: Top Scientists Respond 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
The collaboration operates a number of labs around the world that fire lasers through long tunnels, trying to sense ripples in the fabric of space-time. Gravitational waves from black holes detected - BBC News 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
"Gravitational waves are literally ripples in the curvature of space-time that are caused by collisions of heavy and compact objects like black holes and neutron stars," Ashtekar said. Ripple effect: scientists await word on gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Planets and stars are the bowling ball; space-time is the blanket. Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Building on work published in 1905, the theory of general relativity tied together that what we commonly consider to be separate entities – space and time – into what is now called "space-time". Gravitational Waves and Why Their Discovery Is Such a Big Deal 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
These hypothetical defects in the curvature of space-time, which may or may not be related to string theory, would be infinitesimally thin but would stretch across cosmic distances. Gravitational waves: 6 cosmic questions they can tackle 2016-02-08T05:00:00Z
Anticipation is building ahead of a "status report" from an international effort to detect ripples in space-time. 'Update' due on gravitational waves - BBC News 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time — the four-dimensional concept in which time and space are combined into one continuum. Einstein’s theory about gravitational waves could be confirmed today 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
When objects move through the Universe, they also warp space-time as they go. Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
All our theories of space are formulated on the assumption that spacetime is smooth and nearly flat, so they break down at the singularity, where the curvature of space-time is infinite. Stephen Hawking’s Reith lecture: Annotated transcript - BBC News 2016-01-26T05:00:00Z
And in a way, there’s some truth to that: the president and the Republican presidential field don’t seem to occupy the same place on the space-time continuum. The dystopian nightmare that only Republicans can see 2016-01-15T05:00:00Z
Gravitational waves are concentric ripples that squeeze and stretch the fabric of space-time. 'Update' due on gravitational waves - BBC News 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Whenever an object — any object, really — moves throughout the Universe, it creates these space-time ripples that move outward. Einstein’s theory about gravitational waves could be confirmed today 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
But Einstein's theory combined space and time together into one four-dimensional model called space-time. Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
These are ripples in the fabric of space-time that, according to Einstein’s theory, are produced by cataclysmic events such as the merging of two black holes or two neutron stars. Gravitational-wave rumours in overdrive 2016-01-11T05:00:00Z
Einstein's theory states that a mass - especially one as big as a black hole - bends space-time. Event horizon snapshot due in 2017 - BBC News 2016-01-07T05:00:00Z
These are ripples in the fabric of space-time that are produced when black holes collide and stars explode. Seeking gravitational waves in space - BBC News 2015-12-02T05:00:00Z
It will test the technologies needed to detect gravitational waves - the warping of space-time produced by cataclysmic events in the cosmos. Lisa Pathfinder set to test space 'ripples' technology - BBC News 2015-12-02T05:00:00Z
Smaller objects like asteroids act like the marble when near a bigger mass: they following the curvature of space-time the larger object creates. Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
Others have pursued a way of adding quantum bittiness to the fabric of space-time under the rubric of “loop quantum gravity”. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
But he also proposed the presence of gravitational waves, essentially ripples of energy that distort the fabric of space-time. The hunt for Albert Einstein's missing waves - BBC News 2015-11-24T05:00:00Z
The space-time he conjured turned out to be far more frisky than he had bargained for back in 1907. A Century Ago, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Changed Everything 2015-11-24T05:00:00Z
These processes put massive strains on the fabric of space-time, pushing and stretching it so that ripples of gravitational energy radiate across the universe. Will this European satellite confirm Einstein’s last unproven idea? 2015-11-21T05:00:00Z
The mirrors are used to measure how gravitational waves warp space-time. Scientists have finally proven Einstein’s century-old theory about gravitational waves 2016-02-11T05:00:00Z
It is an outgrowth of an outgrowth of the standard model with various added features that seem as though they would help in the understanding of space-time and which its proponents find mathematically beguiling. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
Once in freefall, “the challenge is to isolate this little cube from everything around it, so the only thing it sees is space-time”, says McNamara. Freefall space cubes are test for gravitational wave spotter 2015-11-16T05:00:00Z
Gravity was not a force transmitted across space-time like magnetism; it was the geometry of that space-time itself that kept the planets in their orbits and apples falling. A Century Ago, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Changed Everything 2015-11-24T05:00:00Z
Entanglement is the essential ingredient that knits space-time together into a smooth whole — not just in exotic cases with black holes, but always. The quantum source of space-time 2015-11-15T05:00:00Z
The work could one day have applications for understanding how space-time curves, says Agol, who has previously received the Clay prize and other established maths prizes. Mega science prize split between 1,370 physicists 2015-11-08T05:00:00Z
There was talk of “wormholes” in space-time that could connect seemingly distant parts of the universe. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
The follow-up mission would track the largest objects in the Universe, including mergers between supermassive black holes and collisions between galaxies, by the space-time ripples that they create. Freefall space cubes are test for gravitational wave spotter 2015-11-16T05:00:00Z
In fact, most cosmologists agree today that not quite all motion is relative and that space-time does have an existence independent of matter, though it is anything but static and absolute. A Century Ago, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Changed Everything 2015-11-24T05:00:00Z
Ultimately, he found, reducing the entanglement to zero would break the space-time into disjointed chunks, like chewing gum stretched too far. The quantum source of space-time 2015-11-15T05:00:00Z
Maybe it's because he knows a thing or two about the space-time continuum that the rest of us civilians don't, but it sometimes seems as if Neil deGrasse Tyson is everywhere at once. 'StarTalk's' Neil deGrasse Tyson on 'patriotic' Edward Snowden, finding the geek within 2015-10-22T04:00:00Z
Gravity is not a force; it is a distortion of space-time. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
She said it was a bad idea to mess with the space-time continuum.” Prime time : Nature : Nature Publishing Group 2015-10-20T04:00:00Z
In 1998 astronomers discovered that dark energy, acting just like the cosmological constant, seems to be blowing space-time apart, just as in de Sitter’s universe. A Century Ago, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Changed Everything 2015-11-24T05:00:00Z
“I felt that I had understood something about a fundamental question that perhaps nobody had understood before,” he recalls: “Essentially, what is space-time?” The quantum source of space-time 2015-11-15T05:00:00Z
It would take something akin to a shift in the space-time continuum to wrench it from his grasp. Hamilton has world title at his feet 2015-10-11T04:00:00Z
The problem was that, in order to build a theory on this insight, Einstein needed to be able to create those descriptions in warped four-dimensional space-time. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
These are incredibly subtle ripples in space-time generated by cataclysmic events such as the merger of monster black holes. Lisa Pathfinder physics probe sent to spaceport - BBC News 2015-10-08T04:00:00Z
The experiment that should finally detect ripples in the fabric of space-time is up and running. Advanced Ligo: Labs 'open their ears' to the cosmos - BBC News 2015-09-18T04:00:00Z
According to general relativity, gravitation originates from the interplay between massive objects and the malleable fabric of space-time. Hunt for gravitational waves to resume after massive upgrade 2015-09-14T04:00:00Z
Lisa Pathfinder is a fundamental physics experiment that will test the technology needed to detect gravitational waves - what are sometimes referred to as ripples in the curvature of space-time. Lisa Pathfinder: Gravity quest set to go into orbit - BBC News 2015-09-04T04:00:00Z
Einstein found that the curvature of space-time near the sun explained Mercury’s behaviour very nicely. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
It’s not an actual wormhole, it’s not creating a real path in space-time that connects two points. Physics Week in Review: August 22, 2015 2015-08-22T04:00:00Z
They describe the warping of space-time that occurs when masses accelerate. Advanced Ligo: Labs 'open their ears' to the cosmos - BBC News 2015-09-18T04:00:00Z
The new wormhole isn't a space-time wormhole per se, but is instead a realization of a futuristic "invisibility cloak" first proposed in 2007 in the journal Physical Review Letters. Magnetic Wormhole Created in Lab 2015-08-21T04:00:00Z
Space and time became space-time, or just spacetime - the cosmic fabric into which we are all woven. Just How Resilient Is Spacetime? 2015-08-19T04:00:00Z
Einstein’s equations predict that when masses accelerate around each other they will create ripples in space-time: gravitational waves. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z
Progress in intensity forecasting lags because the factors and space-time scales associated with intensity changes are not as well-resolved by the models. 10 Years Later, Did We Learn Anything from Hurricane Katrina? 2015-08-14T04:00:00Z
Einstein described space-time as a smooth fabric distorted by objects in the universe. Quantum Geopolitics 2015-07-31T04:00:00Z
“Under the rip scenario, dark energy gets stronger and you get this wild expansion that essentially rips space-time apart,” he added. Not with a bang, but with a Big Rip: how the world will end 2015-07-02T04:00:00Z
For example, what Newton's more approximate physics calls 'the force of gravity' is really a consequence of the distortion or warping of space-time by mass - altering what the shortest paths are through a region. Just How Resilient Is Spacetime? 2015-08-19T04:00:00Z
Objects falling free, like rays of light, follow straight lines through space-time. The most beautiful theory 2015-11-25T05:00:00Z




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