

单词 solacement
例句 solacement
The baron bids me ask you to remain with us a day or two, to share his hospitality, and, in the present circumstances, contribute to his solacement. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels, Vol. I (of 2) 2011-06-22T02:00:23.137Z
He chafed at the consolation which was but visionary; she, perhaps, in that visionary, ineffable solacement found a happiness greater than any reality could ever give. The Doctor's Family
The day makes room for the fruits of solacement which the night brings; 241 and the night gives a cup of the cordial of contentment to make good the promise of day to day. The Book of Khalid
Poetry followed the race into exile, and clave to it through all vicissitudes, its solacement in suffering, the holy mediatrix between its past and future. Jewish Literature and Other Essays
You cannot escape from it; you can but change your place in it without solacement except one moment's. The Map of Life Conduct and Character
Thus ever mourned he, comfortless; that so In after days the Master, in the glow Of morning-tide, the mother of the race Gave for his solacement. Lilith The Legend of the First Woman
He was, naturally enough, exceedingly put out, and vexed; and unhappily betook himself to a neighbouring tavern for 'spirituous' solacement—a very rare thing, let me add, for him to do. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 459 Volume 18, New Series, October 16, 1852
That he was a wine-bibler and gross liver; gluttonously fond of whatever would yield him a little solacement, were it only of a stomachic character, is undeniable enough. The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III
Many sad days were destined to pass over Israel before that future with its solacement of humor dawned. Jewish Literature and Other Essays
Hilary and the brethren bowed low at these gracious words, and thought within themselves: Of a truth this may be a woman, but she is no less an Angel for our strength and solacement. A Child's Book of Saints
Among the wretched children of misfortune, loved and aided by the saintly charity of Madame Swetchine, she was especially drawn to the solacement of deaf mutes. The Friendships of Women
All summer last, my one solacement in the form of work was writing, and sorting of old documents and recollections; summoning out again into clearness old scenes that had now closed on me without return. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II.
He has secret solacement in a latent belief that he himself is an exception. Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher
That he was a wine-bibber and good liver, gluttonously fond of whatever would yield him a little solacement, were it only of a stomachic character, is undeniable enough. In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays
He was, as Mr. Carlyle puts it, "gluttonously fond of whatever would yield him a little solacement, were it only of a stomachic character." Samuel Johnson
Add to my passion, love of her, each night; and, solacement Of      loves, the Resurrection be thy day of rendezvous! The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
The abbé entered from Lothario's chamber, and said to Wilhelm, "The baron bids me ask you to remain here to share his hospitality, and, in the present circumstances, to contribute to his solacement." The World's Greatest Books — Volume 04 — Fiction
And now within his sleep his anguished heart found solacement in slow and burning tears, and, sleeping yet, he wept full bitterly, insomuch that, sobbing, he awoke. Beltane the Smith
What becomes of all these birds that people the air and forest for our solacement? A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
And solacements there are withal: his Books he has about him; welcomer than ever in such seasons: Friends too,—he is not solitary; nor neglectful of resources. History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 20
Whilst we were talking, another damsel sang the following words of the poet: "Patience shall peradventure lead to solacement," quoth they; and      I, "Where's patience to be had, now he is gone away?" The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
For which if he found a kind of solacement and fame in some circles, it was surely at a dear rate! History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 17
Nay, we observe it is oftenest in the way of gifts and solacements that the King articulately communicates with these Committees or their Ritterschafts. History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 11
The greatest merit she has is that she has procured me the liberty of writing to you; which is the one solacement I have in your absence. History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 09
And indeed it is a solacement he has often longed for, in these dreary operations of his. History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 05
It is the sure symptom of Social Unrest: in such way, most infallibly of all, does Social Unrest exhibit itself; find solacement, and also nutriment. The French Revolution




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