

单词 smooth-tongued
例句 smooth-tongued
Her story is told in a series of songs interspersed by a few unhinged rants and smooth-tongued chapter narrations. X Ambassadors push boundaries with new multimedia project 2021-09-24T04:00:00Z
Sometimes he’s conducting poetry workshops; sometimes he’s dealing with cultural attachés or smooth-tongued diplomats; sometimes he’s face to face with refugees in camps. A Traveler to Troubled Lands, Called to Bear Witness 2018-03-28T04:00:00Z
Every summer our towns are visited by smooth-tongued frauds who give free shows on the streets. Quacks and Grafters 2012-02-23T03:00:40.650Z
"Do you think I'd trust you for a single minute, you smooth-tongued hypocrite!" he screamed. The Bushranger's Secret 2012-02-09T03:00:14.847Z
Argus.—Discovery of gold.—No help for the Indian.—Withdrawal of the Hudson’s Bay Company to Vancouver.—The smooth-tongued Jesuits yet remain. A History of Oregon, 1792-1849 Drawn From Personal Observation and Authentic Information 2012-01-20T03:00:11.607Z
They are what shape political life in their nations far more enduringly than the smooth-tongued Tweeters and Facebookers --such as those in the Hazare movement -- whose revolution, however evanescent, will always be televised. Frustration Builds in China, India 2011-10-23T23:22:01Z
"It's all an imposition," is Mr. Lay's comment—but what a horde of smooth-tongued tricksters New England has to answer for! Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier 2011-08-06T02:00:04.917Z
Even the pitiless, revengeful heart of the man who stood there smilingly unfolding his horrible news was hardly prepared for the awful metamorphosis that came over the smug, smooth-tongued, purring parson at those words. Golden Face A Tale of the Wild West 2011-07-05T02:00:27.453Z
You never wrote anything of the kind, did you? you smooth-tongued, grey-headed old scoundrel! Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces; or, the Wedded Life, Death, and Marriage of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkaes, Parish Advocate in the Burgh of Kuhschnappel. 2011-05-20T02:00:42.297Z
Suppose, O smooth-tongued Seignior, you take a turn with the baby yourself, and see whether your arm tires. A New Atmosphere 2011-05-20T02:00:35.903Z
So he had been fooled by this smooth-tongued, fair-faced trash; and all his plans and schemes, and hungry longings and golden expectations, were to crumble into dust before treachery such as this! At Large 2011-03-27T02:00:14.907Z
And yet I suspected this smooth-tongued villain from the first. Osceola the Seminole The Red Fawn of the Flower Land 2011-03-22T02:00:20.123Z
He is no smooth-tongued prophet of easy greatness. The Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman 2011-02-26T03:00:49.377Z
“Curse Geoffrey Trethick for a smooth-tongued, heartless, brazen scoundrel!” cried the doctor, rising from his general calm state to a furious burst of passion. The Vicar's People 2011-02-25T03:01:16.160Z
You promise—so did he—the smooth-tongued villain! Who? 2011-02-09T03:00:47.380Z
And so this smooth-tongued, persuasive talker ran on and on while Chip, fascinated, in spite of her dislike of him, listened. The Girl From Tim's Place
You do not know the ways of the world, and of these gay, insidious, smooth-tongued gallants, born with the idea that every pretty face beneath them in station, forsooth, is to minister to their pleasure. By Birth a Lady
“You are going to blow up the place as that cursed smooth-tongued liar will not agree for you to work?” The Parson O' Dumford
Weston, a shrewd and smooth-tongued schemer, reading Hill at a glance, was not long in flattering that gullible man into a partnership and taking him and his money into camp, as it were. Rockhaven
Who among us has not learnt by this time to know, The most dangerous of wolves is the soft, smooth-tongued foe! Tales of Passed Times
He must, however, beware of a too common kind of swindler—the smooth-tongued man who offers to get a boy a place for a money consideration. Harper's Round Table, October 22, 1895
Nevertheless I see by your rudeness, that you are an honest fellow, as it is always said in Germany, that the Italians are all smooth-tongued scoundrels. Klytia A Story of Heidelberg Castle
It was not true, though it made Ferdinand very cordial for a time, and soon the relations between England and Spain resumed their usual course of smooth-tongued distrust and tergiversation. The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History
Readily yielding to this welcome invitation, he left his horse to the attendants, and followed the smooth-tongued flatterer into the castle. Tales from the German. Volume II. The Lichtensteins, The Sorceress, The Anabaptist
It may easily be guessed from this what class of persons found access to his intimacy, and how every smooth-tongued adventurer, every well-dressed and plausible-looking pretender to fashion, became his companion. The Daltons, Volume II (of II) Or,Three Roads In Life
“Most willingly, on my part,” said the smooth-tongued Bernard. Hansford: A Tale of Bacon's Rebellion
"Miss Demarest is not here," announced that buxom and smooth-tongued woman. Room Number 3 and Other Detective Stories
“But not—not——” Even smooth-tongued Mrs. Leland was at a loss. Cynthia's Chauffeur
Like many another bromide, the thought has grown on people that farmers are slow, uncouth, guileless, easily imposed on, ready to sign a promissory note for any smooth-tongued stranger who comes in for dinner. In Times Like These
That child does love you more than she loves her own life, but she is blinded by her infatuation for that smooth-tongued scoundrel. A Waif of the Mountains
No, she repeated passionately to herself, she was not afraid; and how she hated that smooth-tongued German, with the cold eyes and smiling lips! The Destroyer A Tale of International Intrigue
He is a smooth-tongued speaker, and, though not so old, may be compared to old Nestor,— ‘Experienced Nestor, in persuasion skilled, Words sweet as honey from his lips distilled.’ Patrick Henry
He is no smooth-tongued courtier, Philip; he has taken no lessons in the school of flattery, and for this he is cast aside and misused. Penshurst Castle In the Days of Sir Philip Sidney
That is so like a parcel of women, thinking every man who comes to the house and makes a few smooth-tongued speeches—is, in fact, civil—must be after a girl. Not Like Other Girls
This comes of listening to a woman and a smooth-tongued Tuscan at that. The Italian Twins
"What has she been about?" he mused, "has she been speaking to that smooth-tongued, stuck-up son of a ragamuffin." The Silver Lining A Guernsey Story
"Ho, hark to the smooth-tongued Medici!" he cried. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
These fellows pretend that your villain is often smooth-faced as well as smooth-tongued, and pleases the eye to the benefit of his mischievous ends. Marjorie
"Oh, I am glad," the smooth-tongued Tap rejoined. Colonial Born A tale of the Queensland bush
Let but the people hold the reins of empire, and the first smooth-tongued, slippery demagogue, the first bloody, conquering soldier, grasps them, and is the King, Dictator, Emperor, of Rome! The Roman Traitor, Vol. 1
He was handsome and smooth-tongued, but he was a scamp. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906
Now, it is seldom that a man is so well impressed with a smooth-tongued stranger as is his wife. The heart of happy hollow A collection of stories
The savages would have paid for them willingly, in skins and such like, and then suffered our men to depart in peace, had not that smooth-tongued hypocrite, Ignacio, been behind. Margaret Tudor A Romance of Old St. Augustine
But,” lowering her voice to a whisper, “leave that long-haired, smooth-tongued gentleman behind.” Helen and Arthur or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel
Being a clear-sighted woman, she may have suspected why the smooth-tongued young gentleman had praised his noble messmate. The Rival Crusoes
As he spoke, fixing his prominent eyes on her face, Mr. Head’s customer now suddenly felt an inexplicable shrinking from this smooth-tongued German-born man. Good Old Anna
Do you come to insult me, you smooth-tongued English lady? Olive A Novel
“Whew!” whistled Jim, “then that do explain the reason why that smooth-tongued feller said he would car’ her to the boat close veiled up for fear the men should see her.” Deep Down, a Tale of the Cornish Mines
The landlord was a trifle grayer, decidedly more portly, but was in other respects the same smooth-tongued, affable host that he was when Tode Mall ran hither and thither to do his bidding. Three People
The liveliest and brightest of all these was a tall, slim, black, elastic, smooth-tongued young girl, named Priscilla. A Jolly Fellowship
"Friends and fellow-countrymen glorious," the English were to the smooth-tongued Russian, as they drank each other's health. Vikings of the Pacific The Adventures of the Explorers who Came from the West, Eastward
Shakespeare is no comfortable theorist, no respecter of orthodox doctrine, no smooth-tongued approver of fashionable dogma. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage with Other Essays
Why, I have been completely disgusted, and that more than once, to hear women of the most exemplary character praise and hang upon the words of these smooth-tongued villains. Clemence The Schoolmistress of Waveland
And answering cries: "Down with the lisping, smooth-tongued Southerners!" The House of Walderne A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons' Wars
Adalbert assented and returned to the fortress with his smooth-tongued companion, took breakfast with him, and then set out with him for the diet. Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) The Romance of Reality, German
This discovery made, I hastened back to London to offer you my hand, but found you had married in the mean time a smock-faced, smooth-tongued carpenter named Sheppard. Jack Sheppard A Romance
Most of our softened words are due to the smooth-tongued Normans. Notes and Queries, Number 16, February 16, 1850
But how would he strike Mary Ellen,—this polished, smooth-tongued, handsomely dressed youth? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 82, August, 1864
"I have just stopped for a moment to express the hope that you are not ill, dearest," says smooth-tongued Dora, advancing toward her. The Haunted Chamber A Novel
The same attitude of double-dealing was adopted by the smooth-tongued Russian diplomats toward the Government of the United States. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
Out from the servient shoulders of some smooth-tongued Waiter it stares, into the scared dilating pupils of the White Satin Bride with her pledged hand clutching her Bridegroom's sleeve. The Indiscreet Letter
Fritz has nothing to be ashamed of that he was deceived by the smooth-tongued stranger. Pixy's Holiday Journey
"He is always that—smooth-tongued, until he has lured his victim to ruin!" retorted Ned, bitterly. Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road or, The Black Rider of the Black Hills
Percy.—I learn, my liege, we've got two glorious allies— Two most right honourable gentlemen— Aiding the smooth-tongued orator: Disease and Famine have espoused our cause, And the said traitor Elliot is their oracle. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV.
Atlas' smooth-tongued boy, whose will First trained to speed our wildest earliest race, And gave their rough hewn forms with supple skill The gymnast's grace. A History of Pantomime
"Aren't you too proud to be hanging on to a man who doesn't want you— a man that is a smooth-tongued sneak, with the heart of a rabbit?" The Firm of Girdlestone
I said:              "Flee these strangers, new-come; most of all flee this man,              Their leader smooth-tongued, the dissembler, the traitor!" The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 06 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty Volumes
In vain did Domanski, who was still by her side, warn her against the smooth-tongued envoy. Love affairs of the Courts of Europe
The man now called on was a smooth-tongued, tall, lean individual with shifty eyes, and a flow of talk of the coffeeshop variety. Jimgrim and Allah's Peace
What with roystering fellows and smooth-tongued gallants, and with silly, empty-headed hussies like that Giulietta, one has much ado to keep the best of them straight. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
While I ground, and pinched, and used these needy borrowers for my pleasure and profit, what smooth-tongued speeches, and courteous looks, and civil letters, they would have given me! Nicholas Nickleby
No, I am not,              For their sake—but because thou dost despair,              That, smooth-tongued traitor, glads my heart indeed! The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 06 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty Volumes
Ah! he's a smooth-tongued scoundrel, a rascal of the most dangerous kind, who richly deserves to be in jail. Baron Trigault's Vengeance
Poyser might sit down if he liked, she thought; she wasn't going to sit down, as if she'd give in to any such smooth-tongued palaver. Adam Bede
That first lying circular, that smooth-tongued slippery agent! The Jungle
"We can leg it at a trifle over nineteen knots," Captain Jones declared, as he picked up his cap, "and, anyway, anything's better than having one of those short-haired, smooth-tongued, blustering Germans on board." The Box with Broken Seals
Strange as it may seem, I had experienced some difficulty in ridding myself of the officious attentions of the smiling, smooth-tongued, extremely plausible waiter. The Four Faces A Mystery
It is no small matter to place yourself in the power of smooth-tongued hypocrites and impostors, who are anxious for your ruin, and whom you know to be capable of anything. Baron Trigault's Vengeance
He's a smooth-tongued rascal—absolutely a gentleman to look at and speak to. An Amiable Charlatan
"Oh, you always was a smooth-tongued scoundrel" Blodgett, just behind me, murmured under his breath. The Mutineers
My capital is in possession of the factions, who are industriously cutting each other's throats to settle which one of two smooth-tongued rascals shall be their President. The Strong Arm
Being a smooth-tongued varlet, he easily prevailed on her to elope with him, and they were privately married at Spank-town! Wolfert's Roost and Miscellanies
You lying, miserable, white-livered, smooth-tongued, poisonous reptile in human form. The Young Engineers in Arizona Laying Tracks on the Man-killer Quicksand
But the witch Catherine de' Medici sat in the smooth-tongued court like a spider in its web, spinning and spinning the meshes in which the hope of liberty was to be entangled. Literary and Social Essays
The temptation to dismiss this smooth-tongued Southerner, with the warmth of the south in his words, with the looks of an Adonis, ere Vaura should listen to his pleadings, was too much for him. A Heart-Song of To-day
There was danger that the smooth-tongued and convivial Joncaire would avail himself of the interval to ply the poor monarchs of the woods with flattery and liquor. Life of George Washington — Volume 01
Ay, so gentle and smooth-tongued was she, so glad to think she need not be a burden to others; she could pay for the doctor herself. Growth of the Soil
"Good afternoon, Aunt," said the smooth-tongued visitor, starting to enter without waiting for an invitation. Air Service Boys over the Atlantic
The pictures on the walls, magnificent and impressive even to her ignorant eyes; the hardwood floors, the wonderful furniture, the statuary and flowers, the smooth-tongued servants—all these things were an absolute revelation to her. The Governors
They will endure all, ere they would accept the protection of such a smooth-tongued hypocrite," answered the Major indignantly; "I would renounce them for relatives were it otherwise. Old Mortality, Volume 2.
In that country the smooth-tongued convert rapidly amassed a fortune. The Four Canadian Highwaymen or, The Robbers of Markham Swamp
I cannot question that," continued the smooth-tongued agent of darkness, "yet what you see are but the lower stages. Mr. World and Miss Church-Member A twentieth century allegory
Before this insidious flattery the skipper's wrath melted like snow before the sun, and by the time they reached port he would as soon have thought of hitting his own father as his smooth-tongued engineer. Many Cargoes
So, by a touch here and a hint there, there grows upon us the individuality of the smooth-tongued, ruthless, masterful, one-legged devil. Through the Magic Door
Good Sir Marmaduke in his sympathy had utterly forgotten both Berenger's French blood, and that he was the son of the very smooth-tongued interloper who had robbed his life of its first bloom. The Chaplet of Pearls
If you had had him, instead of that smooth-tongued imbecile Fanferlot, your case would have been settled long ago. File No. 113
Then did one of the smooth-tongued attendants speak to another group of pilgrims who also had just come from the King's Highway. Mr. World and Miss Church-Member A twentieth century allegory
He was no longer the light, amiable, smooth-tongued trifler, but a moody, reckless, desperate man, careless of every obligation and pursuit which had hitherto influenced the easy surface of his patrician life. Antonina
"You smooth-tongued traitor," quoth the Duke, with infinite malice, made angrier by his cousin's dignity. Love-at-Arms
There's not a woman of them all that an honest, plain Englishman has a chance with, when a smooth-tongued Frenchman comes round her! The Chaplet of Pearls
How I hate their smooth-tongued Jarl, and all their treacherous hides! The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
One of the experiences through which Albert had brought his hero was that of working as general assistant to a sharp, unscrupulous and smooth-tongued rascal who was proprietor of a circus sideshow and fake museum. The Portygee
He ain't so smooth-tongued as Parker used to be and he didn't treat Baxter and me as if Cape Codders was a kind of animals, the way some of the summer folks do. Cap'n Eri
He is a smooth-tongued dog that would argue the very devil out of hell. Love-at-Arms
When 'tis before your very eyes, how yonder smooth-tongued French impostor, after luring him back to his ruin beyond seas, is supplanting him even here, and your daughter giving herself over to the wily viper!' The Chaplet of Pearls
The charming and smooth-tongued Gondomar can hate, and can revenge, too. Sir Walter Raleigh and His Time
Now," murmured Ebbo to his brother, as the knight and lady seated themselves in full view, "now will the smooth-tongued fellow talk her out of her senses. The Dove in the Eagle's Nest
He is in debt to every merchant of the place—a smooth-tongued deceiver. Two Penniless Princesses
Be smooth-tongued, and the Englishman will withdraw from you as quickly as may be, walking sideways like a crab, and looking askance at you with panic in his eyes. Yet Again
How shall we keep ourselves from the smooth-tongued villain's throat? The Chaplet of Pearls
Then uprose smooth-tongued Nestor, the facile speaker of the Pylians, and the words fell from his lips sweeter than honey. The Iliad
Meanwhile do I sail along on uncertain seas; chance flattereth me, smooth-tongued chance; forward and backward do I gaze—, still see I no end. Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none
"A truce on your smooth-tongued speeches, citizen Chauvelin," she interposed firmly. El Dorado, an adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel
One of them was his son, the Captain; one was his daughter, Miss Bervie; and the third was that smooth-tongued old soldier, Major Mulvany. Little Novels
They tell their secrets to any one who politely expresses an interest, they will hand over their fortunes to the flattering stranger, to the smooth-tongued. The Foundations of Personality




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