单词 | pleuropneumonia |
例句 | Incubation.—The time which elapses between exposure to the contagion of pleuropneumonia and the first appearance of the symptoms of this disease varies greatly with different individuals and with different outbreaks of the disease. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Occasionally, owing to the intensity of the inflammation or bad treatment, pneumonia and pleuropneumonia terminate in mortification, which is soon followed by the death of the animal. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse Of these organisms the largest is that which produces pleuropneumonia in cattle, and this alone has been cultivated. Disease and Its Causes This occurs in tuberculosis, pleuropneumonia of horses and pneumococcus infection. Common Diseases of Farm Animals In general, the distinction between pleuropneumonia and bronchopneumonia is not difficult to make. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle During the slaughter of cattle for pleuropneumonia careful examinations of the carcasses were made for tuberculosis. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Contagious pleuropneumonia is an acute contagious disease of horses manifesting itself either as a croupous pneumonia or a pleuropneumonia with complications in the form of serous infiltrations of the subcutaneous tissues and tendons. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse The air tubes usually contain more or less soft, creamy, or cheesy pus or a turbid fluid quite different from the loose, fibrinous casts of acute pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Stables where horses having pleuropneumonia have been kept should be cleaned and disinfected by spraying the floors, stalls and walls with a four per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant. Common Diseases of Farm Animals Prevention and treatment.—The prevention of pleuropneumonia, as of other contagious diseases, consists in keeping animals so that they will not be exposed to the contagion. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle It is much better than any test known for pleuropneumonia when that disease was eradicated. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle If, therefore, pleuropneumonia exists in a locality the owner of healthy cattle should make every effort to keep his animals from coming near affected ones or which have been exposed. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Those diseases of which the cause is unknown or imperfectly worked out are pleuropneumonia, rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, rabies, cowpox, malignant catarrh, and dysentery. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Give the cause and treatment of contagious pleuropneumonia. Common Diseases of Farm Animals The contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle is a specific, epizootic disease which affects bovine animals, and from which other species are exempt. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle It matters not whether we regard the bands between the lobules or the varying shades of the lobules themselves as the marbling, provided either or both are peculiar to contagious pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Among these are included pleuropneumonia, rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease, rabies, cowpox, and tuberculosis. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Some authorities look upon these bands as constituting the so-called "marbling" of pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In the chronic form, marked symptoms of pleuropneumonia and chronic inflammation of the intestine are common. Common Diseases of Farm Animals The views of pathologists differ as to the nature of the earliest changes in pleuropneumonia, and it is not within the scope of this work to present controverted or imperfectly developed theories. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle When pleuropneumonia is discovered by these means, the entire herd should be slaughtered as soon as the formalities of appraisement can be arranged. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle The history of the contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle can not be traced with any certainty to a period earlier than the beginning of the eighteenth century. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Furthermore, there are certain kinds of pneumonia which present some resemblances to pleuropneumonia and which may therefore be confused with it in some of its phases. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle The symptoms of pericarditis may not be recognized at the very beginning when the disease occurs as a complication of influenza, or infectious pleuropneumonia. Common Diseases of Farm Animals With some cattle diseases, such as anthrax, rinderpest, and pleuropneumonia, preventive inoculation is resorted to in some countries. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle If a strictly parasitic organism, like the contagion of pleuropneumonia, it might be completely extirpated in this way. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle When thoroughly stamped out it does not reappear; and if imported animals continue to be properly inspected and quarantined, we have every reason to believe that pleuropneumonia will never again be seen in this country. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Transverse section of the principal lobe in a case of acute pleuropneumonia, illustrating the different kinds of hepatization or consolidation of the lung. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle It is frequently met with in influenza, contagious pleuropneumonia, hog-cholera and rheumatism. Common Diseases of Farm Animals These are the main features of the lung disease caused by contagious pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Some authorities are inclined to consider these variations in color on the same cut surface as the so-called marbling of pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle It must not be inferred from this statement that these interlobular changes are necessarily the same as those in pleuropneumonia, although to the naked eye they may appear the same. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Appearance of a cow's lung affected with contagious pleuropneumonia when sections or slices are made of it and cut surfaces examined. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Transverse section through the right principal lobe in a case of acute pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In 1886 pleuropneumonia was discovered in some of the large distillery stables of Chicago and among cows on neighboring lots. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In the foregoing description we have taken as a type the acute pleuropneumonia in its fully developed phase, which can scarcely be mistaken for any other disease. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In contagious pleuropneumonia the exact reverse is the case, the diseased portions being very much larger than the healthy. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle This variation of color is regarded by some as the real marbling characteristic of pleuropneumonia, while the whitish bands penetrating the lung tissue in all directions constitute the true marbling according to other observers. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle The filling up of the interlobular spaces with fibrin and connective tissue of inflammatory origin is not thus limited to pleuropneumonia, but may appear in a marked degree in other lung diseases. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In contagious pleuropneumonia the large principal lobe of one side is most frequently affected, and a symmetrical disease of both lungs is very rare, if, in fact, it has ever been observed. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle Other kinds of lung disease, because of certain features common to most lung diseases of cattle, may be confounded with pleuropneumonia. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle In pleuropneumonia the diseased and healthy portions are either sharply divided off, one from the other, or else they shade into each other by intermediate stages. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle It has been confounded with the later stages of pleuropneumonia, with parasitic diseases of the brain, the lungs, the intestines, and with actinomycosis. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle |
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