

单词 palmately
例句 palmately
They are coarse perennial herbs with palmately or pedately lobed leaves. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 2 "Hearing" to "Helmond" 2012-04-25T02:00:53.567Z
Thallus rather narrow, mostly palmately or pinnately lobed. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Leaves.—One or two feet long, with from eleven to seventeen ovate, acuminate, prickly, somewhat palmately nerved leaflets. The Wild Flowers of California: Their Names, Haunts, and Habits 2012-02-17T03:00:37.163Z
The long-stalked leaves are arranged alternately, and are generally palmately lobed and veined. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 8 "Cube" to "Daguerre, Louis" 2012-01-31T03:00:17.257Z
If the leaves are simple the tree is a maple; if pinnately compound, of several leaflets, it is an ash; if palmately compound, of five to seven leaflets, it is a horse-chestnut. Trees Worth Knowing 2011-10-13T02:00:48.357Z
Characteristics of the Tree: Height, 80'-120'; diameter, 2'-4'; branches, low; bark, dark gray, shaggy, divided by long ridges; leaves, palmately 5 lobed, acute sinuses; fruit, double samaras, forming characteristic maple key. Wood and Forest 2011-03-01T03:00:42.647Z
Seed-coat usually wrinkled or scaly.—Perennials, with palmately cleft or dissected leaves, and showy flowers in racemes or panicles. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
All these terms may be modified by the words pinnate or palmate; thus—pinnately parted, pinnately divided, palmately parted, palmately divided, etc.; also by the adjectives once, twice, thrice, etc. The Wild Flowers of California: Their Names, Haunts, and Habits 2012-02-17T03:00:37.163Z
Palmatifid, -lobed, -sect, palmately cleft, or lobed, or divided. The Elements of Botany For Beginners and For Schools
Leaves palmately lobed, the terminal division not definitely stalked — 23. 22c. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves with palmate veining are palmately lobed or notched; those with pinnate veining are pinnately lobed or notched. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Leaves alternate, palmately veined or compound; tendrils and flower-clusters opposite the leaves. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Leaves.—Alternate; palmately three- to five-cleft, three to five inches across. The Wild Flowers of California: Their Names, Haunts, and Habits 2012-02-17T03:00:37.163Z
Correspondingly in the lower row, of palmately veined leaves, the first is palmately lobed, the second palmately cleft, the third palmately parted, the fourth palmately divided. The Elements of Botany For Beginners and For Schools
Trees, with broad, palmately veined and lobed leaves, and minute flowers in dense spherical heads. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
So leaves may be palmately lobed, cleft, parted or divided, and pinnately lobed, cleft, parted or divided. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Cyme peduncled, radiant in n. 2; drupe light red, acid, globose; stone very flat, orbicular, not sulcate; leaves palmately veined; winter-buds scaly. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
The pileus is coriaceous, soft, erect, palmately branched from a common stalk; pubescent, purplish-brown; branches flat, even, tips fimbriated, whitish. The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Its Habitat and its Time of Growth
The Mode of Lobing or Division corresponds to that of the veining, whether pinnately veined or palmately veined. The Elements of Botany For Beginners and For Schools
Shrubs, climbing by tendrils or hold-fast roots, with palmately lobed or palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers in panicles or flattened clusters; petals and sepals each 4 or 5; fruit a berry. 1a. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves usually deltoid, sometimes heart-shaped with serrate margin and gummy buds, rarely palmately lobed. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Pods 9 or more, sessile, many-seeded.—Smooth perennials with palmately parted and cut leaves, like Ranunculus, and large solitary terminal flowers. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Leaves peltate, palmately cleft in 7 or 9 lobules, lanceolate, serrate. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
But if the division goes still further, or if the degree is variable, we simply say that the leaf is decompound; either palmately or pinnately decompound, as the case may be. The Elements of Botany For Beginners and For Schools
Herbs, climbing by tendrils, with alternate palmately lobed leaves and imperfect flowers; staminate flowers in showy clusters, with 5-6 petals and 3 stamens; pistillate flowers small. 1a. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Lower leaves palmately 3-lobed, and heart-shaped at base, upper ones ovate, all with entire margin; fruit with juicy pulp covering the 4 seeds 66. Clerodendron.    w. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Carpels few, stipitate, several-seeded.—Perennial herbs, with palmately multifid radical leaves, the scape bearing a single large yellow flower surrounded by an involucre of a single leaf. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Such leaves are said to be palmately veined. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
Pedate, like a bird's foot; palmate or palmately cleft, with the side divisions again cleft, as in Viola pedata, &c. The Elements of Botany For Beginners and For Schools
Leaves palmately veined, about as broad as long; juice somewhat milky 2b, in URTICACEAE, p. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves palmately lobed; fruit small, one-seeded, berry-like drupes in large clusters, with flattened stones, or large rounded clusters of flowers without stamens or pistils; shrubs rather than trees 47. Viburnum.    w. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Otherwise nearly as Baptisia.—Perennial herbs, with palmately 3-foliolate leaves and foliaceous stipules, not blackening in drying, and yellow flowers in terminal racemes. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Aconite   Various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having   tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large   hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. Mother's Remedies Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada
Those leaves are 'pinnately compound' and 'palmately compound' according as their leaflets are arranged like a feather or like the palm of your hand. Ethel Morton's Enterprise
Leaves palmately veined, or at least with a pair of prominent lateral veins from the base — 70. 69b. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves broadly heart-shaped, palmately veined with 5-7 ribs, and with an apparently entire margin, dark green above, somewhat glaucous beneath. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Cotyledons thick and fleshy.—Herbs, with palmately 1–15-foliolate leaves, stipules adnate to base of the petiole, and showy flowers in terminal racemes or spikes. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
They are usually of great size, and are either pinnately or palmately many-cleft. The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Section P and Q
Leaves: Opposite, on slender petioles; lower ones rounded, 2 to 4 in. broad, palmately cut into 2 to 5 lobes; upper leaves narrower, 3-cleft or 3-toothed. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
Leaves broad and palmately lobed; stem thorny 1a, in ARALIACEAE, p. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves large, deciduous, alternate, palmately 3- to 5-lobed, deeply heart-shaped at base, the margin entire, the lobes acute; smooth or slightly hairy; leafstalk about as long as the blade. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Trees, with alternate palmately lobed leaves, sheathing stipules, and monœcious flowers in separate globose heads. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
It has a soft, spongy stem, eighteen or twenty feet high, crowned with a tuft of large, long-stalked, palmately lobed leaves. The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Section P and Q
It is a pretty twining evergreen, with the leaves placed on long slender petioles, and palmately divided into usually five leaflets. Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs
Flowers in umbels; leaves palmately compound ARALIACEAE, p. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves long-petioled, more or less ovate to cordate, serrate, palmately 3-ribbed, much darker on the upper surface; both sides slightly roughened with scattered hairs. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Pistils 1–5, forming many-seeded pods in fruit.—Leaves palmately divided or cut. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
The compound leaves correspond to these modes of venation; they are either pinnately or palmately compound. Outlines of Lessons in Botany, Part I; from Seed to Leaf
Leaves: Heart-shaped, palmately ribbed, dark green, thin, on stout petioles. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
Flowers minute, subtended by palmately cleft axillary bracts 1a, in EUPHORBIACEAE, p. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Deciduous trees or sometimes shrubs, with opposite, palmately compound leaves with serrated, straight-veined leaflets. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Leaves often palmately divided; bracts and stipules often present. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Leaves long-petioled, simple, thick, palmately cleft, with 7 serrate lobes; old leaves smooth, the young with woolly bases. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Leaves: Alternate, variable, sometimes very large, broad, hastate, ovate, or heart-shaped, wavy-toothed, lobed, or palmately cleft; upper leaves smaller, lance-shaped, entire. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
Leaves palmately cleft; flowers 15 mm. wide or larger 6a, in RANUNCULACEAE, p. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Trees, or rarely shrubs, with simple, opposite, and almost always palmately lobed leaves, which, in our species, are always deciduous. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Embryo coiled in a flat spiral.—Twining rough perennials, with stems almost prickly downward, and mostly opposite heart-shaped and palmately 3–7-lobed leaves, with persistent ovate stipules between the petioles. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Leaves palmately veined and strongly 3-lobed, broadly wedge-shaped or truncate at base, the spreading lobes mostly toothed on the sides and entire in the notches; petiole with 2 glands at the apex. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Leaves: Opposite, on slender petioles; lower ones rounded, 2 to 4 in. broad, palmately cut into 2 to 5 lobes; upper leaves narrower, 3-cleft or 3- toothed. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
Aquatic plants, with usually large and floating leaves which are round or elliptical and palmately veined. 1a. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Leaves small, smooth, palmately parted into 5 to 9 quite regularly serrated lobes. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Tall perennial; leaves long-petioled, the lower rounded, palmately lobed, the floral wedge-shaped at base, 3-cleft, the lobes lanceolate; upper lip of the pale purple corolla bearded.—Waste places, around dwellings. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Trees with alternate, simple, large, palmately lobed leaves. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Leaves: From the root, long-petioled, rounded, palmately veined, cleft into 2 divisions. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
Leaves broadly ovate to nearly circular, frequently cordate at the base, and always palmately veined or lobed — 20. 16a. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State
Herbs, shrubs, or trees, with pinnately or palmately compound leaves; here including Acanthopanax with palmately cleft leaves. Trees of the Northern United States Their Study, Description and Determination
Pistils 1–4; the slender style arising from near the base; achenes included in the tube of the persistent calyx.—Low herbs, with palmately lobed or compound leaves, and small corymbed greenish flowers. The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Including the District East of the Mississippi and North of North Carolina and Tennessee 2012-04-12T02:00:30.140Z
Three long-petioled leaves, which grow in a whorl at the top of the low stem, are palmately divided into five thin, ovate, pointed, and irregularly toothed leaflets. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
The firm bluish-green leaves, palmately divided into from five to seven oblong, irregularly saw-edged segments, the upper leaves seated on the stem, the lower ones long-petioled, help us to identify this common weed. Wild Flowers An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors
Trees, with opposite palmately compound leaves, and showy white or yellowish flowers in panicles in spring; sepals 5; petals 4 or 5; stamens about 7; fruit a smooth brown nut. 1a. The Plants of Michigan Simple Keys for the Identification of the Native Seed Plants of the State




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