

单词 no-trump
例句 no-trump
At both tables the final contract was three no-trump. Bridge: At the World Youth Congress, Lifelong Lessons for Players 2011-04-08T22:08:45Z
Against three no-trump, West led the heart seven, which was second-highest from a relatively weak suit. Bridge: Leading the Honor at the Imp Pairs in Dallas 2014-04-13T21:25:08Z
Your lefthand opponent opens one club, which is either natural or a balanced hand with 12 to 14 points; your partner overcalls one heart; and the responder on your right jumps to three no-trump. Bridge: Choosing Between Leading Partner?s Suit or Your Own 2011-04-13T22:27:51Z
When Joel Wooldridge of New York City was South, he reached three no-trump after the given auction. Bridge: Yeh Brothers Cup in Yokohama, Japan 2013-05-01T21:53:36Z
Three no-trump will be preferable usually only if the short suit is opposite a strong holding. Bridge: A Tale of Two Eight-Card Fits, One Found, One Bypassed 2011-04-17T20:56:48Z
And if North-South found six or seven diamonds or six no-trump, the board was lost. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match at Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-04T22:33:26Z
North’s double was takeout, and South’s three no-trump natural. Bridge: Norman Kay Platinum Pairs 2014-05-02T22:39:38Z
Or if the contract had been three no-trump doubled, Cope would have won by 5. Bridge: Bridge — Gold Cup Semifinals in England 2012-12-14T22:53:46Z
North’s four no-trump was Last Train, saying he liked his hand but did not have enough to bid slam. Bridge: Card-Reading Confidence From the Player of the Year 2011-01-26T23:56:01Z
Perhaps Rothstein is the first person ever to use six no-trump as the unusual no-trump to show both minors, preparing for an apparent sacrifice at the seven-level. Bridge: Bridge - Reisinger Knockout Teams at Eastern States Regional 2012-06-01T22:02:04Z
At the other table East-West played in three no-trump, which could not be defeated. Bridge: The Winning Strategy of the Player of the Year 2011-12-11T21:45:54Z
On the third round he took a shot at three no-trump, confident he could run his partner’s diamond suit. Bridge: Better Card Placement Thanks to the Bidding 2011-02-25T23:02:15Z
He was sitting East, defending against two no-trump after the given auction. Bridge: A King Kills an Entry and Swallows a Queen 2010-07-16T22:52:00Z
Then the responder, with a four- or five-card major, had to pass unless he had sufficient values to play in four no-trump if no major-suit fit was found. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match at Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-04T22:33:26Z
If he had doubled again, his partner, Glubok, might have passed for plus 200 or converted to three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - Summer North American Championships 2012-07-15T21:10:29Z
Then East, after two passes, competed with four no-trump, showing his secondary diamond support. Bridge: As the Championships Begin, Revisiting a 2009 Highlight 2010-03-11T05:32:00Z
West started the defense against three no-trump with three rounds of hearts. Bridge: No High-Card Points, but a Decision to Make 2011-07-31T22:32:53Z
At the other table North-South played in three no-trump to lose the board. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match at Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-04T22:33:26Z
The match was immediately tied when Palmer made three no-trump and Letizia failed in four hearts. Bridge: A Three-Time Three No-Trump to Triumph 2010-07-30T22:34:00Z
One no-trump was forcing for one round, and two no-trump showed an invitational hand with 10 to 12 points. Bridge: The Vanderbilt Field Narrows in Louisville 2011-03-20T21:28:12Z
Then, after South showed clubs and North diamonds, South corrected to six no-trump. Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
Against three no-trump West led the club king. Bridge: Lebhar Imp Pairs at North American Championships - Bridge 2012-03-18T21:07:09Z
West would have done better to intervene with two no-trump, taking up much more bidding space and telling his partner that he had at least 5-5 in hearts and diamonds. Bridge: Pair Gain High Score in Parkinson Foundation Event 2014-02-09T22:20:39Z
North’s two no-trump was an artificial inquiry, typically based on a hand with game interest in partner’s major. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams at Spring Nationals 2012-04-06T21:45:19Z
Then North jumped to four no-trump to invite a slam. Bridge: A Bridge Deal With Lindsey Weinger 2014-02-14T22:30:03Z
On Board 62 both sides were in three no-trump. Bridge: Swedish Pair Wins Von Zedtwitz Title by Less Than a Board 2011-07-27T21:55:04Z
At the other table, when Rosenberg bid one diamond, West and East continued one heart — one no-trump — two diamonds — three diamonds — pass. Bridge: Bridge — Kranyak Team to Play on USA-1 at Bermuda Bowl 2013-06-09T21:27:38Z
Thursday’s column misstated the number of tricks by which two no-trump by West could have been defeated. Bridge: At the Slava Cup in Moscow, Leading Issues Swing Points 2011-03-04T23:56:15Z
Three clubs asked for a club stopper for no-trump. Bridge: Open Teams at Surfer?s Paradise Congress - Bridge 2012-03-11T22:16:21Z
If the opener bids one of a suit and the responder replies one no-trump, a double by the next player is for takeout. Bridge: Bridge - Eastern States Regional in Manhattan 2013-06-02T20:58:37Z
At the sixth table North cautiously overcalled one club with one no-trump, which ended the bidding. Bridge: Bridge - SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2012-12-26T23:11:12Z
But the alternatives of one no-trump and two clubs also had drawbacks, especially since North had promised only three clubs. Bridge: Reading a Suit-Preference Signal, Missing Another - Bridge 2012-01-15T22:39:46Z
Even so, three no-trump would have been a sensible, and more successful, choice. Bridge: Open Swiss Teams at District 3 Winter Regional 2014-01-26T22:20:31Z
It would have lost 16 imps if six no-trump had failed, and the whole tenor of the event would have been different. Bridge: Bridge - Roth Open Swiss Teams in Philadelphia 2012-07-27T22:28:43Z
But Dubinin knew that that could not happen here, because South would have also been the declarer in six no-trump. Bridge: Winning Play Was Found From a Pause in the Bidding 2011-01-29T00:10:32Z
At one table, though, I noticed South had opened three no-trump. Bridge: The Danger of a Little Learning 2011-07-08T22:57:51Z
Then, on the third round, he decided to sacrifice at the seven-level, bidding six no-trump to show long clubs and secondary diamonds. Bridge: Bridge - Reisinger Knockout Teams at Eastern States Regional 2012-06-01T22:02:04Z
With those two weak pointed suits, though, if the best contract is three no-trump, surely partner should be playing it. Bridge: U.S. World Championship Teams Decided in Orlando 2013-07-19T21:11:53Z
Do you pick three no-trump or four hearts? Bridge: Weighing a Tough Choice With a 5-3 Major Fit 2011-05-18T22:49:13Z
So with a balanced hand, utter the phrase “no-trump” as quickly as possible. Bridge: At the Game?s Highest Level, Communication Is Everything 2011-05-22T21:58:39Z
Five no-trump announced that all of the key cards were held and expressed interest in a grand slam. Bridge: Bridge - World Youth Teams Championships in Taicang, China 2012-07-29T21:41:03Z
At almost all tables South opened and closed the auction with one strong no-trump. Bridge: The Textbooks Were Right, Well, at Least This Time 2011-06-26T21:49:29Z
So here, when he replied four no-trump, North thought his partner had one key card, the heart ace or king. Bridge: Bridge — Swedes Win in Open Teams at World Mind Games 2012-08-24T21:36:50Z
Then South’s jump to three no-trump was a big overbid. Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
But he guessed perfectly by jumping to three no-trump. Bridge: Young Players From England Secure a Trophy 2011-02-27T22:19:36Z
He correctly anticipated that no-trump and hearts were likely to play for the same number of tricks, and if North had heart support, he could always retreat from no-trump. Bridge: A 92-Year-Old Former Champ Who Doesn?t Play by the Book 2011-09-11T22:14:31Z
At the first table South went down two in three no-trump, having no access to the dummy. Bridge: Passing Up Three No-Trump and Earning a Game Swing 2011-07-24T21:45:02Z
The rebid of one no-trump promised a good 16 to 18. Bridge: Bridge Play at the Second World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-15T22:45:00Z
South’s one no-trump, 15 to 17 points, was passed out. Bridge: First Time Together Leads to a National Title 2010-08-06T21:48:00Z
After South jumped to three no-trump, the amateur sitting North decided to let the stronger player be the declarer. Bridge: A Case of Mistaken Identity For the King of Spades 2010-05-22T00:05:00Z
One pair played in six clubs, and six stopped in six no-trump. Bridge: For 7-Level Contract in Russia, 7 Trumps Prove Sufficient 2010-02-27T01:00:00Z
The argument runs that you rarely win exactly eight tricks in no-trump. Bridge: Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Match 2013-12-06T22:18:06Z
To defeat three no-trump, West had to lead a high club, then continue with a low club at Trick 2, which would have cut South’s communication for the heart endplay. Bridge: Deft Declarer Play at Senior World Trials in Florida 2013-07-26T20:54:27Z
Presumably he was afraid his partner would make a bad diamond lead against one no-trump, but perhaps that would be the best start for the defense. Bridge: A $60,000 Payday for Parkinson?s Disease 2011-02-09T22:40:10Z
North then did well not to pass out three no-trump, which would have failed after a heart lead. Bridge: New Books on the Game 2013-12-13T22:48:55Z
What would you lead against three no-trump, given that it is a match-pointed pair game? Bridge: No Flights to Reno, but a Flight C Victory 2010-04-14T23:20:00Z
South succumbed by responding three no-trump without the normal values. Bridge: In Bridge, Chris Compton Offers an Unusual Deal 2012-02-03T23:29:15Z
There is no easy answer to that question, but you should steer toward three no-trump if the major suit can be established and run. Bridge: When the Choice Is Between No-Trump and a Major Suit 2010-10-10T20:45:00Z
The raise to four no-trump showed 28 or 29 points. Bridge: From a Polish Pro: How to Play a Powerhouse 2010-04-28T23:31:00Z
He finished 8 match points ahead of Joel Wooldridge of New York City, who was South, the declarer in three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - SportAccord Mind Sports Games 2012-12-22T00:25:10Z
If it had bid three no-trump on the final deal, which was given in Saturday’s column, it would have won. Bridge: Semifinal at World Computer-Bridge Championship 2011-11-13T22:38:14Z
North’s quantitative raise to four no-trump was also debatable. Bridge: World Computer-Bridge Championship - Bridge 2011-11-17T00:10:06Z
This would allow the auction to stop at the five-level — including in five no-trump — if two aces or key cards were missing. Bridge: Bridge: A Suit Break Affects the Odds 2011-10-08T00:59:33Z
Over two no-trump, the responder can use Stayman or a transfer below three no-trump. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match at Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-04T22:33:26Z
North’s choice of one no-trump would not appeal to everyone; but two clubs, especially if treated as forcing by a partnership, would also have drawbacks. Bridge: Bridge: SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2011-12-18T21:39:24Z
North, with a heart stopper, converted to three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge — Gold Cup Semifinals in England 2012-12-14T22:53:46Z
However, even if West had passed throughout, Rodwell would surely have still made three no-trump. Bridge: Houston Lone Star Regional?s Bracketed Teams - Bridge 2012-02-05T22:12:20Z
After a natural sequence to three no-trump, West led a fourth-highest diamond deuce, which ran around to declarer’s nine. Bridge: Landing an Overtrick via Some Dental Work 2011-07-10T20:57:21Z
If he had passed, one no-trump would probably have become the final contract and gone down one or two. Bridge: Bridge — Alison Wilson and Chris Willenken Win Goldman Pairs 2013-05-31T22:24:37Z
At the other table the Swedish South passed out three no-trump. Bridge: In Slam, With Enough Winners, Skip Esoterica - Bridge 2011-12-28T23:29:56Z
He might have responded one no-trump, hoping to rebid three clubs on the next round, going with his long suit. Bridge: When You Make a Falsecard, Do It Without Hesitation 2010-03-05T23:59:00Z
How should South plan the play in one no-trump after West leads the heart king, and East signals with the jack? Bridge: Bridge Deals Online to Learn From and Discuss 2013-12-27T22:43:05Z
He opened one no-trump, showing 15 to 17 points. Bridge: Silodor Open Pairs at the Spring Nationals 2014-04-16T21:30:13Z
Then at one table the Netherlands was in two no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - 14th World Youth Teams Championships Finals 2012-08-05T22:02:51Z
But when North introduced his diamond suit at the three-level, South took a shot at three no-trump. Bridge: At a New Zealand Event, Distracting the Defense 2010-06-18T21:29:00Z
Against three no-trump West led the club seven. Bridge: Bridge — World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-10-03T22:41:48Z
At the other table, South opened one no-trump, showing 15 to 17 points. Bridge: Board-a-Match Teams at World Youth Open 2013-09-01T21:22:35Z
Note that if McKellar had passed out two no-trump and been held to nine tricks, Rogoff would have won by 1 imp and played McKellar a third time for the event. Bridge: The Von Zedtwitz Double Knockout - Bridge 2011-12-24T02:01:16Z
At the other table three no-trump was bid and made. Bridge: Adam Kaplan?s Play at the Bermuda Regional - Bridge 2012-02-08T22:57:22Z
In this auction, one no-trump was forcing for one round; two clubs promised only a three-card suit; and North, who had planned to invite game, now jumped to four hearts because of the double fit. Bridge: Bridge: Two Declarers, Two Distinct Finesses 2011-10-12T22:52:54Z
At both tables South was in three no-trump against the lead of the club nine. Bridge: Deft Declarer Play at Senior World Trials in Florida 2013-07-26T20:54:27Z
On Board 7 Edgtton and Hung reached an unbeatable three no-trump. Bridge: Open Teams at Surfer?s Paradise Congress - Bridge 2012-03-11T22:16:21Z
Five no-trump announced that all four aces and the king-queen of hearts were held and expressed interest in a grand slam. Bridge: Aggressive Bid Leads to a Slam 2011-05-20T21:11:11Z
When you have a five-card major, a balanced hand and the values to open one no-trump, would you prefer to start with one of the major or with one no-trump? Bridge: U.S. World Championship Teams Decided in Orlando 2013-07-19T21:11:53Z
But West, perhaps wondering if South had bid one no-trump with ten-third of hearts, led a low heart at Trick 2. Bridge: Remembering Seymon Deutsch 2013-06-19T21:36:37Z
Then East would have rued not taking that one trick in three no-trump. Bridge: At One Table, Landing a Slam; At the Other, Going 0 for 13 2011-01-05T23:07:49Z
In this deal, many would let three no-trump make, although it is beatable. Bridge: A Method That Has Revolutionized Defense 2014-03-14T22:25:48Z
Then two no-trump indicated a balanced hand with at least a good 24 points. Bridge: A Powerhouse Hand at the Eastern States Regional 2010-06-06T21:58:00Z
But hoping that his partner had a stronger hand, he rebid five no-trump, pick a slam. Bridge: Deals of Great Disparity 2012-04-13T23:21:57Z
North’s second-round double was for takeout, and South’s two no-trump showed length in both minors. Bridge: Numerous Titles Are Awarded at World Championships 2010-10-17T22:35:00Z
So, you will often have to guess well between the major and no-trump. Bridge: Game in the Major or in No-Trump? 2011-02-19T00:48:03Z
They found the heart fit but ended in three no-trump. Bridge: A Tale of Two Eight-Card Fits, One Found, One Bypassed 2011-04-17T20:56:48Z
After two passes, your right-hand opponent opens two no-trump; lefty responds three clubs, Puppet Stayman; righty rebids three hearts, showing five cards in that suit; and lefty signs off in three no-trump. Bridge: Final of White House Junior International Teams 2014-04-23T21:34:40Z
And remember that if you open one no-trump with 15 to 17 points, the opener must have an unbalanced hand, often with a singleton. Bridge: Round Robin Teams at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional - Bridge 2012-01-08T22:52:30Z
When North continued with three diamonds, South, painted into a corner, gambled with three no-trump. Bridge: From the Vanderbilt in Reno, a European Success Story 2010-03-24T22:05:00Z
It was played in three no-trump four times, but the contract failed only once. Bridge: Bridge - Buffett Cup in Omaha 2012-09-23T22:00:01Z
Now South bid two no-trump to show his hand strength and type. Bridge: At Open Pairs in Rye Brook, N.Y. - Bridge 2012-01-22T22:38:47Z
Three no-trump would surely have made, but it was normal for South to correct to four hearts. Bridge: To Start Trumps From Your Hand or Dummy? 2011-07-22T23:45:36Z
At the other table South made one no-trump exactly, so the overtrick won the point on the board. 2010-01-09T03:16:00Z
What would you have led against six no-trump? Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
It is normal to sign off in five hearts, or to jump to six hearts or six no-trump. Bridge: Bridge: A Suit Break Affects the Odds 2011-10-08T00:59:33Z
Strange — six no-trump makes, but three no-trump fails! Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
The argument for the strong variety is the difficulty of showing that hand if you cannot bid one no-trump. Bridge: A Vanderbilt Bridge Club Farewell 2010-06-13T22:11:00Z
When Greenberg held the South cards, she overcalled two no-trump, aware that a singleton king will usually be as good as two low cards. Bridge: After a Weak Two-Bid, to Lurk or to Jump In? 2011-01-30T22:15:19Z
Five no-trump was a grand-slam try announcing partnership possession of all four aces, the heart king and the heart queen. Bridge: Final of White House Junior International Teams 2014-04-23T21:34:40Z
But it could easily have been 9 imps the other way if three no-trump redoubled had been made for plus 1,000. Bridge: A Perilous Double Comes Close to Backfiring 2011-04-27T21:44:03Z
But if Smith had made three no-trump, it would have been 10 imps to Larsen. Bridge: Bridge - Summer North American Championships 2012-07-15T21:10:29Z
The match was decided by three of the four boards in which one team played in three no-trump and the other in four of a major. Bridge: Open Teams at Surfer?s Paradise Congress - Bridge 2012-03-11T22:16:21Z
A 5-3 fit gives you more chance of survival against a 4-1 trump break, but also will provide an extra winner in no-trump. Bridge: Game in the Major or in No-Trump? 2011-02-19T00:48:03Z
Of course, especially in no-trump, when dummy has, say, jack-third, you will play low. Bridge: Norma Shelley Saratoga Regional 2013-06-21T22:35:30Z
Competing in a pair event at a New York Regional a few years ago, West passed as dealer, then doubled South’s response of one no-trump. Bridge: Disappointing Deal, Then a Surprise Ending 2011-04-20T21:42:51Z
After East passed, South rebid three hearts, asking for a stopper in that suit, and North ended the auction with three no-trump. Bridge: A Championship Is Up for Grabs in Croatia 2011-08-21T21:31:49Z
The problem for Lilienstein and Polowan was the convention that they used after West opened with one weak no-trump, showing 12 to 14 points. Bridge: At New England Knockout Team Regional, Rules Are Rules 2014-02-23T23:20:57Z
Normally it is correct to return partner’s lead in no-trump. Bridge: V-Green, an Online Bridge Magazine 2012-06-15T23:15:31Z
And note that three no-trump would have gone down because West would have led the heart three. Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
Even making one no-trump looked like a tall order. Bridge: Albert Dormer at the World Senior Pairs in 1990 2014-05-11T21:27:58Z
In the other room, South opened one no-trump, after which a competitive auction momentarily had East in four hearts, which would probably have gone down one. Bridge: Better Card Placement Thanks to the Bidding 2011-02-25T23:02:15Z
Partner rebids two no-trump, promising a good 22 to 24 points. Bridge: Bridge - Card-Table Romance Brings Marriage 2012-12-29T01:00:35Z
And he would have jump-rebid two no-trump with 17 or 18 points. Bridge: At the Game?s Highest Level, Communication Is Everything 2011-05-22T21:58:39Z
The modern style is to bid one no-trump, describing the strength and nature of the hand. Bridge: U.S. World Championship Teams Decided in Orlando 2013-07-19T21:11:53Z
At the other table North was in three no-trump after opening two clubs and rebidding two no-trump. Bridge: Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan - Bridge 2012-01-11T22:51:22Z
He might have bid two no-trump, which is an artificial inquiry that usually means the responder has game-invitational values in opener’s major. Bridge: Winners at Fall North American Championships - Bridge 2011-11-27T22:25:18Z
But South bid two no-trump, showing long diamonds and four clubs. Bridge: Martin Fleisher Team Wins Roth Swiss Teams 2010-08-04T22:40:00Z
In the given auction two no-trump was a game-forcing heart raise. Bridge: From Vanderbilt Teams, a Psychology Lesson 2010-04-11T21:51:00Z
What would you lead against three no-trump after that competitive auction? Bridge: Summer Bridge Championships to Open in Philadelphia 2012-07-06T21:51:13Z
Then, at his third turn, when South was able to invite game with a three-club rebid, North might have cue-bid three diamonds to ask his partner to bid three no-trump with a diamond stopper. Bridge: A Memorable Moment for the Rare Six-Card Fit 2011-02-23T23:14:56Z
And when South confirmed heart support, North jumped to four no-trump, Roman Key Card Blackwood. Bridge: A Slam Try and a Possible Way to Resist It 2011-04-06T21:05:12Z
If North had jumped immediately to three no-trump, South would have had to bid four hearts with three. Bridge: Weighing a Tough Choice With a 5-3 Major Fit 2011-05-18T22:49:13Z
Unusual Results in a Rare Bridge Deal In Monday’s column both Souths in a knockout match were in three no-trump. Bridge: Unusual Results in a Rare Bridge Deal 2012-05-23T22:34:36Z
Defending against three no-trump, you lead the heart jack. Bridge: Pointers for a Favorite Player, in Books or 365 Days a Year 2009-12-17T06:10:00Z
Or do you overcall two no-trump to show the value of your hand immediately? Bridge: After a Weak Two-Bid, to Lurk or to Jump In? 2011-01-30T22:15:19Z
Against three no-trump West led the heart queen. Bridge: At Slava Cup in Moscow, Team Monaco Defeats Israel - Bridge 2012-02-26T21:01:22Z
North, with six undisclosed points, raised to three no-trump. Bridge: A 92-Year-Old Former Champ Who Doesn?t Play by the Book 2011-09-11T22:14:31Z
At the second table three no-trump was played by North. Bridge: Leading Your Weakest Suit Can Distract Your Opponent 2012-01-18T23:51:07Z
The way the cards lay, three no-trump would have always made. Bridge: A Misreading Benefits a Defender 2011-12-21T22:05:19Z
But not expecting a vulnerable overcall to be made with a balanced hand, and now thinking three no-trump would be unmakable, South settled for three diamonds. Bridge: Bob Mosher and the Mosher Over No-Trump Method 2010-04-25T22:07:00Z
After that, South’s rebid of three no-trump was bizarre; what was wrong with four clubs? Bridge: World Computer-Bridge Championship - Bridge 2011-11-17T00:10:06Z
But North continued with four no-trump, asking her partner to choose a minor suit. Bridge: A Well-Executed Finesse, but Was It Worthy of a Prize? 2011-01-23T23:29:03Z
If you like to open one no-trump with a five-card major, consider using Puppet Stayman, which first asks opener to show a five-card major. Bridge: U.S. World Championship Teams Decided in Orlando 2013-07-19T21:11:53Z
After two passes East signed off in three no-trump. Bridge: A Double Game Swing Missed, a Title Won 2011-08-03T21:51:57Z
At most tables South ended in three no-trump. Bridge: In No-Trump, Playing to Keep the Long Suit Off the Lead 2010-10-03T21:18:00Z
East’s one no-trump showed 12 to 14 points. Bridge: Bridge: Night of the Stars Tournament Raises Money in London 2012-03-02T22:37:35Z
After two passes, East was not strong enough to jump to four no-trump. Bridge: Winners of the Roth Open Swiss Teams 2013-08-16T21:35:44Z
After North opened one no-trump, Mosher had 13 cards and some length in hearts, so he bid two hearts. Bridge: Bob Mosher and the Mosher Over No-Trump Method 2010-04-25T22:07:00Z
Then Sanborn brought home three no-trump while Disa made only two no-trump to gain 10 imps. Bridge: A Three-Time Three No-Trump to Triumph 2010-07-30T22:34:00Z
Now South, thinking there was a likelihood of a diamond ruff, converted to six no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - Roth Open Swiss Teams in Philadelphia 2012-07-27T22:28:43Z
South, with a maximum, had no hesitation in bidding three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge — Jaime Ortiz-Patiño at the 1982 Bermuda Regional 2013-01-16T23:26:48Z
In the diagramed deal, at the first table the Scottish South opened one no-trump, showing 12 to 14 points. Bridge: Young Players From England Secure a Trophy 2011-02-27T22:19:36Z
When North advanced with two no-trump, South had to treat that as a major-suit game-try, which it would be in Cappelletti. Bridge: If You Know, but Shouldn?t, You Can?t Act on It 2010-04-10T00:23:00Z
Your left-hand opponent overcalls three hearts, asking her partner to bid three no-trump with a heart stopper. Bridge: Those Clubs? Maybe Not So Useless After All 2011-01-12T22:39:47Z
Five no-trump asked North to pick a slam. Bridge: At the Game?s Highest Level, Communication Is Everything 2011-05-22T21:58:39Z
North inquired with two no-trump, South announcing a 4=4=0=5 maximum. Bridge: At the Game?s Highest Level, Communication Is Everything 2011-05-22T21:58:39Z
At the other table, Helness opened with a strong no-trump, which froze out his opponents. Bridge: From the Vanderbilt in Reno, a European Success Story 2010-03-24T22:05:00Z
If he was very short, three no-trump would probably have no chance. Bridge: Bridge - Senior Team Trial for the World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-08T21:21:57Z
It is more dangerous to overcall one no-trump than to open one no-trump because the responder is in a good position to double for penalty. 2010-01-09T03:16:00Z
The only lead to defeat three no-trump is the heart king. Bridge: At the Slava Cup in Moscow, Leading Issues Swing Points 2011-03-04T23:56:15Z
Three no-trump, I am guessing, was artificial, showing serious slam interest in hearts. Bridge: Bridge - European Team Championships in Dublin 2012-06-24T20:59:35Z
A few would begin with one no-trump, hoping that if partner transferred into hearts he had six. Bridge: Top Defense by Top Pair in Cromwell 2010-02-22T05:47:00Z
Over one no-trump, it was reasonable for North to raise to game. Bridge: Facing Off at the Pairs Championship in Croatia - Bridge 2011-08-31T21:46:14Z
The rest of the auction was natural, with North’s jump to three no-trump being unjustifiably exuberant. Bridge: Bridge — A Defense Play by Jeremy Flint and Jonathan Cansino 2013-05-08T22:22:55Z
In general prefer to lead a major, not a minor, against no-trump. Bridge: Pointers for a Favorite Player, in Books or 365 Days a Year 2009-12-17T06:10:00Z
At the other table in the match featuring the winners, the opposing South had taken 11 tricks in three no-trump. Bridge: A Single Deal Proves Crucial as a Title Is Defended 2010-12-01T23:03:00Z
The French North-South pair never sniffed at a slam, bidding one heart - two diamonds - three diamonds - three no-trump. Bridge: After Waging a Seesaw Battle, France Wins the Senior Bowl 2011-10-28T23:29:08Z
Several declarers in three no-trump immediately played two rounds of diamonds, hoping that the ace was doubleton. Bridge: Bridge Play at the Second World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-15T22:45:00Z
Left-hand opponent cue-bid three hearts, asking his partner to bid three no-trump with a heart stopper, which your right-hand opponent did. Bridge: At the Slava Cup in Moscow, Leading Issues Swing Points 2011-03-04T23:56:15Z
Probably several players opened two no-trump, which would have resulted in a final contract of three no-trump after North used Stayman. Bridge: Tricky Road to Flight B Title at Spring Nationals 2010-03-31T22:56:00Z
Perhaps North should have converted to six no-trump, a contract that would have depended on the opening lead. Bridge: A Common Error 2012-11-07T23:35:37Z
Then, on the next round, he bid three no-trump, offering a choice of game. Bridge: A Tale of Two Eight-Card Fits, One Found, One Bypassed 2011-04-17T20:56:48Z
North, with a high honor in his doubleton, might have eschewed Stayman and responded three no-trump. Bridge: Gaining an Edge With a Deschapelles Coup 2011-03-06T22:34:49Z
Because it is unusual when one of those games is three no-trump. Bridge: A Double Game Swing Missed, a Title Won 2011-08-03T21:51:57Z
You open one no-trump, 14 to 16 points. Bridge: Weighing a Tough Choice With a 5-3 Major Fit 2011-05-18T22:49:13Z
North continued with three no-trump and South bid four diamonds. Bridge: Bridge - Card-Table Romance Brings Marriage 2012-12-29T01:00:35Z
West intervened with one no-trump holding a hand too strong for the call. Bridge: Tough Deals Aplenty at Grand Nationals in Atlanta 2013-08-04T21:25:28Z
Returning partner’s opening lead is usually right in a no-trump contract, but not so often correct against a suit. Bridge: In Missouri, Card Playing for a Good Cause 2010-09-01T22:25:00Z
South was in three no-trump after a transfer sequence. Bridge: When Covering Means Losing, Try Ducking 2011-01-14T23:59:45Z
Five no-trump asked partner to choose a slam. Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
Yes, he was in the second position, when one tends to have a sound hand, but with two-thirds of three no-trump in his own hand, most players surely opened one club. Friday A/X Pairs at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2014-01-01T21:46:52Z
Then North might have signed off in three no-trump, which would not have tested anyone’s declarer play. Bridge: Winners at Fall North American Championships - Bridge 2011-11-27T22:25:18Z
At the end of the deal, he said, “Lindsey, great four no-trump bid and even better pass of six diamonds.” Bridge: A Bridge Deal With Lindsey Weinger 2014-02-14T22:30:03Z
North cue-bid three hearts, and South tried three no-trump because he had a heart stopper. Bridge: Italy?s Team Brings Home the Yeh Cup 2011-04-24T21:10:55Z
South’s two no-trump was an inquiry and North’s three diamonds showed a minimum hand with four hearts. Bridge: Agustin Madala Wins the Goren Trophy 2013-12-20T22:26:22Z
One no-trump would have been a slight underbid, usually indicating 11 to 14 points. Bridge: At Open Pairs in Rye Brook, N.Y. - Bridge 2012-01-22T22:38:47Z
The auction to three no-trump and the heart-six lead were the same at both tables. Bridge: Bridge ? 3 Titles Won at North American Championships 2012-03-28T23:54:29Z
Zimmermann won the match on the next board when Palau went down four in three no-trump, while Helness escaped the down one. Bridge: Bridge: Cavendish Invitational Tournament in Monaco 2012-10-17T22:25:38Z
Then, when North bid two no-trump, South raised to three no-trump. Bridge: Overtaking With the Ace, or Overthinking? 2011-06-22T22:52:21Z
This is one of the imponderables of bridge: You have the values for game with an eight-card major-suit fit; when should you play in three no-trump and when in four of the major? Bridge: Game in the Major or in No-Trump? 2011-02-19T00:48:03Z
Against three no-trump South led the diamond seven. Bridge: At One Table, Landing a Slam; At the Other, Going 0 for 13 2011-01-05T23:07:49Z
South was in three no-trump after showing a balanced hand with 15 to 17 points and no four-card major. Bridge: An Impressive Defensive Move Online 2014-05-04T22:01:58Z
It is very hard to defeat three no-trump. Bridge: Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Match 2013-12-06T22:18:06Z
After two passes, North took a shot at three no-trump. Bridge: A Bridge Deal at the World Youth Teams Games 2012-08-10T23:29:21Z
Then, when North bid three no-trump, that was ambiguous. Bridge: From the Venice Cup Trials, Subterfuge and a Big Swing 2011-06-15T21:45:42Z
So Lall, looking at five losers in the minors, passed out three no-trump. Bridge: Weighing a Tough Choice With a 5-3 Major Fit 2011-05-18T22:49:13Z
North was happy to raise to three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge — Goldman Pairs at Eastern States Regional 2012-05-30T22:14:19Z
After that, the momentum of the auction pushed Weinstein into three no-trump. Bridge: Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Match 2013-12-06T22:18:06Z
South opened one no-trump, showing 15 to 17 points. Bridge: A Slam Try and a Possible Way to Resist It 2011-04-06T21:05:12Z
A rebid of three no-trump would show 18 or 19 points with only three cards in the minor, or four low cards. Bridge: Leading Your Weakest Suit Can Distract Your Opponent 2012-01-18T23:51:07Z
Also, if partner, Robert Todd of Tallahassee, Fla., had the heart ace, the opponents would never get to three no-trump, thinking they would immediately lose five heart tricks. Bridge: Adam Kaplan?s Play at the Bermuda Regional - Bridge 2012-02-08T22:57:22Z
After North raised to three no-trump, East doubled — when you’re hot. Bridge: Martin Fleisher Team Wins Roth Swiss Teams 2010-08-04T22:40:00Z
How would you and your partner treat four no-trump in this auction, two diamonds being a transfer bid guaranteeing at least five hearts? Bridge: Bridge: A Suit Break Affects the Odds 2011-10-08T00:59:33Z
You will gain when three no-trump and four of the major have only nine winners and when you make the defense harder by hiding your five-card major. Bridge: U.S. World Championship Teams Decided in Orlando 2013-07-19T21:11:53Z
But if you bid, hoping to find a profitable sacrifice, surely it is best to show your two-suiter with a two-heart Michaels Cue-Bid or an unusual two no-trump, according to partnership preference. Bridge: Bridge — Goldman Pairs at Eastern States Regional 2012-05-30T22:14:19Z
In the given auction one no-trump showed 15 to 17 points. Bridge: At the John Roberts Teams, East Forces the Issue 2010-05-30T21:11:00Z
One no-trump might or might not have made; the play would have been complex. Bridge: Reading a Suit-Preference Signal, Missing Another - Bridge 2012-01-15T22:39:46Z
He would have opened one no-trump with 14 to 16 points. Bridge: At the Game?s Highest Level, Communication Is Everything 2011-05-22T21:58:39Z
Now, to be honest, North actually used Stayman over one no-trump and South denied a four-card major. Bridge: Bridge — Open Series at European Championships in Dublin 2012-06-20T21:28:14Z
You either raise to three no-trump or correct to three diamonds. Bridge: Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Match 2013-12-06T22:18:06Z
And being vulnerable, he did not want to jump to two no-trump. Bridge: Using a Side Suit to Control Trumps 2011-09-09T22:59:11Z
Against three no-trump doubled West led a diamond. Bridge: Bridge — Spingold Knockout Teams Final in Philadelphia 2012-07-25T21:06:58Z
With such a soft hand having half its points in quacks — queens and jacks — he should have preferred three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge: An Opening Lead Is Steered by the Bidding 2011-10-09T22:17:57Z
In the given auction one no-trump showed 15 to 17 points; four no-trump was quantitative, inviting a small slam; and six no-trump was automatic with a maximum 17 points. Bridge: Anticipating Defensive Error Costs Tournament - Bridge 2011-10-02T21:05:27Z
He bid four no-trump, asking his partner to pick the minor. Bridge: British Team Reaps Benefits of a Sacrifice 2010-02-18T00:33:00Z
South suggested six clubs; North continued with six hearts, offering a choice between hearts and no-trump; and South opted for six no-trump. Bridge: Deals of Great Disparity 2012-04-13T23:21:57Z
Well, if East had doubled three no-trump, the penalty would have been 500 and the gain 11 imps. Bridge: After a Lost World Title, a Board to Scrutinize - Bridge 2011-11-02T22:16:02Z
If Greco and Hampson had bid and made three no-trump, they would have finished second, not fourth. Bridge: Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Match 2013-12-06T22:18:06Z
After another flat board, Monaco gained 9 imps when a weak no-trump by Fantoni drew his opponents into the bidding and they suffered a 500-point penalty. Bridge: In Dallas, Echoes of an Olympiad 2014-04-02T22:16:26Z
Today, North would open one no-trump, and South would probably raise to three no-trump. Bridge: A Memorable Moment for the Rare Six-Card Fit 2011-02-23T23:14:56Z
He rebid three clubs, and his partner, Smith, converted to three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - Summer North American Championships 2012-07-15T21:10:29Z
South continued with three no-trump to deny four hearts, and North passed because he had a club stopper. Bridge: In China, an Unfortunate Outcome From an Ill-Prepared Board 2011-04-29T22:13:59Z
A 4-4 fit will provide at most four tricks in no-trump; but if it is your trump suit, often it will produce a fifth winner. Bridge: Game in the Major or in No-Trump? 2011-02-19T00:48:03Z
West could have bid two no-trump, a constructive overcall in any suit, or three clubs, a pre-empt. Bridge: Two Overcalls: One Worked, One Didn?t 2011-05-25T22:35:04Z
Assuming East was going to lead the club queen against one no-trump, that contract would probably have made exactly. Bridge: A $60,000 Payday for Parkinson?s Disease 2011-02-09T22:40:10Z
In the diagramed deal, for the analysts in the audience, what lead would defeat three no-trump by South? Bridge: At the Slava Cup in Moscow, Leading Issues Swing Points 2011-03-04T23:56:15Z
After North overcalled three clubs, South chose to advance with three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge — Von Zedtwitz Double Knockout 2012-11-21T22:22:34Z
North invited slam with his quantitative raise to four no-trump. Bridge: A Common Error 2012-11-07T23:35:37Z
He bid four no-trump, Roman Key Card Blackwood, and North’s five clubs promised one or four key cards. Bridge: Bridge — Swedes Win in Open Teams at World Mind Games 2012-08-24T21:36:50Z
When you have a 4-4 fit in a no-trump contract, you will get at most four tricks from the suit. Bridge: Bridge: An Opening Lead Is Steered by the Bidding 2011-10-09T22:17:57Z
Judging that his hand was too weak for two no-trump and too strong for three clubs, he passed. Bridge: Two Overcalls: One Worked, One Didn?t 2011-05-25T22:35:04Z
But when both sides played in one no-trump, Shark Bridge prevailed by 172 imps to 165. Bridge: Semifinal at World Computer-Bridge Championship 2011-11-13T22:38:14Z
Fourteen East-West pairs bid game, three no-trump or four hearts, and only one was allowed to make. Bridge: Catching an Indiscreet Overcall for 800 2011-05-13T21:00:13Z
But it would have been a tad strong to open one club and rebid three no-trump over the expected one-heart response. Bridge: They?re Glad They Didn?t Stop at Three 2010-03-01T05:42:00Z
North used a transfer bid, then jumped to three no-trump to offer a choice of games. Bridge: A Dandy Defensive Coup That Few Players Would Find 2011-05-27T21:46:59Z
The Greek North’s decision to use Stayman was bizarre, although one no-trump would probably have failed by one trick. Bridge: Looking Back at a Prizewinning Defense 2010-12-24T21:39:01Z
If he led that suit, three no-trump would fail by two tricks. Bridge: A Memorable Moment for the Rare Six-Card Fit 2011-02-23T23:14:56Z
At the table North and South knew four no-trump was natural but were not sure what to do next. Bridge: Bridge: A Suit Break Affects the Odds 2011-10-08T00:59:33Z
South shut his eyes and rebid three no-trump, which was passed out. A Turning Point at the Yeh Brothers Cup 2015-04-15T04:00:00Z
He could have responded one no-trump, but judged that if his side could make three no-trump, it would be better if partner were the declarer. Familiar Victors at the Jacoby Swiss Teams 2015-04-08T04:00:00Z
And on the next deal, Bocchi-Madala bid an excellent six no-trump that was not reached by Jacobus-Wold to gain another 11 imps. Spring North American Championships Winners 2015-03-25T04:00:00Z
When North continued with three no-trump, South jumped to five diamonds, no doubt hoping his partner would take this as showing strong diamonds, but North passed. Lederer Memorial Trophy Winners in London 2015-03-08T05:00:00Z
Three natural bids followed, resulting in the final contract of six no-trump. Winners of the Night of the Stars Charity Bridge Event 2015-03-06T05:00:00Z
On Board 63, Bakhshi and Gold reached three no-trump with 16 points opposite 7. A Deal From the 20th NEC Cup in Japan 2015-02-18T05:00:00Z
At the other table, the contract was three no-trump. A Deal at the 2009 Baze Senior Knockout Teams 2015-02-13T05:00:00Z
And because of it, West led the diamond five against the subsequent contract of three no-trump. Bridge Big Hosts Online World Cup 2015-01-23T05:00:00Z
So she had to choose between one no-trump and three no-trump. England Beats the Netherlands in the World Mind Games Final 2014-12-31T05:00:00Z
Burn thought for a while, then responded seven no-trump! Winners of the Night of the Stars Charity Bridge Event 2015-03-06T05:00:00Z
Most expert pairs use that cue-bid to show a solid minor suit, in principle stoppers in the other two unbid suits and asking partner to bid three no-trump with a stopper in the opener’s suit. Answering When Opportunity Knocks 2014-12-24T05:00:00Z
The rest of the auction was natural, three no-trump denying club support. What’s the Deal? Gifts for the Bridge Player 2014-12-14T05:00:00Z
In this case, the opposing South made three no-trump exactly. A Deal From the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams 2014-11-28T05:00:00Z
He was worried that if he made a negative double and his partner did not have four hearts, they might end in, say, five diamonds and go down when three no-trump had nine tricks. Bridge Books for Intermediate Players 2014-11-14T05:00:00Z
She mentioned that seven no-trump is called a dead slam in the Netherlands, because it cannot be defeated when played correctly. Winners of the Night of the Stars Charity Bridge Event 2015-03-06T05:00:00Z
Also, note that if South had bid one no-trump, not two clubs, to show equal length in the minors, there would have been at least two more calls at the one-level. Imaginative Auction at the Rosenblum Teams 2014-11-09T05:00:00Z
After a straightforward transfer sequence, South was in three no-trump. A Winning Pair at the World Bridge Championships 2014-10-29T04:00:00Z
In no-trump, when leading an opponent’s long suit, choose an honor only with at least four cards in sequence. Americans Grab Medals at Red Bull Series in Sanya, China 2014-10-24T04:00:00Z
Perhaps he was worried that his opponents would run to a makable six no-trump and hoped his partner would still find the winning lead. A Deal From the Red Bull World Bridge Series 2014-10-22T04:00:00Z
Against one no-trump, West led the heart king, which declarer ducked. Red Bull Mixed Pairs at World Championships 2014-10-19T04:00:00Z
He could have described his hand by overcalling two no-trump, but thought that was excessive at the prevailing unfavorable vulnerability. Commonwealth Nations Championship Yields a Lesson 2014-10-01T04:00:00Z
But if three no-trump had made, Canada would have gained 10 imps and won by 5 — it was that close. At Transnational Teams, Big Swings and a Close Call 2014-09-21T04:00:00Z
In the given auction, South opened one no-trump, indicating 11 to 14 points. Chairman’s Team Wins Commonwealth Championship 2014-09-19T04:00:00Z
The French North raised two no-trump to three no-trump. France vs. U.S. at a World Mind Games Women’s Final 2014-09-14T04:00:00Z
At the other four tables, the final contract was three no-trump. Luck and Skill Prevail at Cavendish Open Pairs 2014-09-07T04:00:00Z
Against three no-trump, West led the heart deuce, low from an even number of cards. The Cavendish Invitational Opening Team Event 2014-09-05T04:00:00Z
Now, East made a takeout double; South redoubled to indicate a good overcall; West advanced with two no-trump to show both minors with longer diamonds; and North at last jumped to four hearts. A Big Gain at World Youth Teams in Istanbul 2014-09-03T04:00:00Z
At the other table, East opened one heart, and South overcalled one no-trump, which was passed out. Youngsters’ Play at World Youth Teams Championships 2014-08-24T04:00:00Z
After that, five no-trump was presumably the Grand Slam Force. Winning Ways at the Spingold Knockout Teams 2014-07-27T04:00:00Z
This deal was also interesting at another table, where Michael Polowan of New York was the declarer in seven no-trump from the North seat. A Squeeze From the Von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs 2014-07-25T04:00:00Z
After a natural auction to three no-trump, West led a low diamond. Hall of Famers at the Summer North American Championships 2014-07-13T04:00:00Z
At the other table, the first two rounds of bidding were the same, but then Ilan Herbst passed out three no-trump. Dutch Women Win European Championship 2014-07-02T04:00:00Z
After South opens one heart, North does better to respond two no-trump, the Jacoby Forcing Raise, than to make a splinter bid with a singleton ace. The World Wide Bridge Contest Results 2014-06-13T04:00:00Z
After two passes, North balanced with four no-trump to show her minors. Biggest Master Point Winner at Eastern States Regional 2014-06-08T04:00:00Z
South rebid two hearts to indicate a balanced 11 to 13 points; and a few moments later, South was in six no-trump. A Late Rebound at USA-1 Trials in Phoenix 2014-05-25T04:00:00Z
Now West, knowing that his partner had not redoubled, thought that hearts might well play better than no-trump and continued with three hearts. The Game to Select USA-1 for the Bermuda Bowl 2014-05-23T04:00:00Z
Ideally, North-South would have reached three no-trump, but both Souths, after opening a 14 to 16 no-trump, were in four hearts. Semifinals in the Bridge Trial for the Bermuda Bowl 2014-05-16T04:00:00Z
Honours are ace, king, queen, knave, and ten of the trump suit; or the aces when no-trump is declared. Bridge Axioms and Laws 2011-11-26T03:00:16.523Z
At no-trump only the Aces count as honours. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer would not generally with such a hand declare no trump, especially as by making a no-trump declaration the dealer forfeits the advantage of holding the long trumps. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
At home, if I venture a light no-trump, and Joan, sitting on my right, exclaims well out of turn, "Oh! father," we all know that Joan has the no-trumper, and the play proceeds accordingly. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, 1920-09-29
Her play grew wilder and more erratic with each hand that was dealt, until at last a good no-trump call, completely thrown away by her disastrous tactics, brought the rubber to an end. The Moon out of Reach
In Bridge it is used principally at no-trump and its application is limited to an echo on the dealer's lead. Bridge Axioms and Laws 2011-11-26T03:00:16.523Z
There is a large percentage in favour of the success of an original no-trump make. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Four honours in hearts are to be preferred to any but a very strong no-trump declaration; but four aces counting 100 points constitute a no-trump declaration without exception. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
My partner went one no-trump, and I began to look up my five suit. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, 1920-09-29
Study the "no-trump" leads, and on the lead of any high card prepare to get out of your partner's way. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer, Z, makes it no-trump and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
As tricks are won by small suit cards in every no-trump hand, there is no method of estimating how many tricks your hand may be worth. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The Play of the Hand.—In a no-trump declaration the main object is to bring in a long suit. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
In the meantime the next player on the declaring list doubled the no-trump. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, 1920-09-29
The dealer, Z, makes it no-trump and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The score is 22 to 0 against the dealer, Z, who makes it no-trump. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
At no-trump the dealer's partner has a wider field for assistance, as any one good suit will help. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
In a no-trump declaration the opponents of the dealer should endeavour to find the longest suit in the two hands, or the one most easily established. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Z, the dealer, makes it no-trump, and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
At no-trump the best card of the suit led wins the trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer, in declaring no-trump, may assume that his partner's hand will contain an average amount of strength. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
As the adversaries have the lead and the privilege of doubling, a weak suit exposes the hand to some danger at no-trump. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
If in a no-trump hand the partners conjointly hold 3 aces, they score 30 for honours; if 4 aces, 40 for honours. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
On the rubber game, with the score very much against him, the dealer should declare no-trump. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
If there is a question between a diamond and no-trump declaration, the latter is usually preferable; for while the risk is greater the reward is double. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Otherwise, when the hand does not admit of a red or a no-trump declaration, the make should be passed. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The three different discards used by Bridge Players are: Strength, both with a trump and at "no-trump." Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The converse, to lead through strength, must be used with caution, and does not apply to no-trump declarations. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
The dealer should NOT declare no-trumps With a strong heart and a doubtful no-trump hand, Or When the game can be won with a trump suit. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
A no-trump make that is weak in the red suits, unless justified by the score, is unsound. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
A no-trump make that is weak in Hearts is liable to be doubled. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Strength, with a trump and weakness at "no-trump." Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
When the dealer has a choice of declarations, a sound heart make is to be preferred to a doubtful no-trump. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
As there are very few hands where it is advisable to double "no-trump" on general strength, it is necessary for the leader to know what suit to lead when his partner has doubled. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The discard of strength with a trump and weakness at "no-trump" is the one most commonly used. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
There are but few "no-trump" hands in which it is possible to make all the small cards of one's suit against the dealer—unless it be the suit first opened. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Weakness, both with a trump and at "no-trump." Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
A hand to be strong enough for a no-trump declaration should be a king and ten above the average with all the honours guarded and all the suits protected. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
In discarding at "no-trump," don't throw away all the cards of one suit: it exposes your partner's hand, and makes it easy for the dealer to tell how that suit is placed. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
At "no-trump"—when the dummy holds an honour—it is customary to finesse much deeper, hoping to catch the honour exposed on the table and so establish partner's suit. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
At "no-trump" the echo is used to encourage partner to continue that suit. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
This discard of weakness at "no-trump," while it has the advantage of saving all the cards of the long suit, which you may make, has also several disadvantages. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Declaring to the score is often overdone; an ordinary weak no-trump declaration carries with it small chances of three by tricks unless dummy holds a no-trump hand. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
If you are the leader at "no-trump," open your longest suit. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
Try to infer, from the dummy hand and your own, the high cards the dealer must hold to have declared "no-trump." Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer, Z, makes it no-trump, and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
If you adopt the strength discard, and wish to throw away your weak suit at "no-trump," do so by discarding first a high and then a lower card. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The score is 24 to 0 against the dealer, Z, who makes it no-trump. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer, Z, makes it no-trump, and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The dealer, Z, makes it no-trump, and A leads for the first trick. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
If the make is passed to dummy, four aces or three aces constitute a compulsory "no-trump" declaration; otherwise, dummy must declare the longest suit. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
The majority of "no-trump" makes are strong in three suits. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z
If you declare "no-trump" with but one ace the honours will probably be even; but you may find three aces against you. Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play with Illustrative Hands and the Club Code of Bridge Laws 2011-11-14T03:00:24.540Z




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