

单词 friendlessness
例句 friendlessness
He told Colin this sometimes, when Colin would come home from school sullen, tired of the Abdominal Snowman, tired of pretending that his abject friendlessness didn't bother him. An Abundance of Katherines 2006-09-21T00:00:00Z
Both of them knew how the cycle of friendlessness would end. The Great Santini 1976-01-01T00:00:00Z
She changed schools and still endured “name calling” and being “judged,” and friendlessness. Amanda Todd’s “jailbait” blackmailer exposed 2012-10-16T20:55:00Z
Yet no feeling of loneliness or friendlessness oppressed him. A Gamble with Life 2012-04-11T02:00:33.587Z
It showed him more clearly than before her friendlessness, her isolation, her forlornness, and these things moved him. Sophia A Romance 2012-03-18T02:00:22.773Z
Yesterday's events, his friendlessness and helplessness, recurred to his mind in a rush of bitter memories. A Little Wizard 2012-02-15T03:00:38.160Z
At the afternoon concert felt a savage and tearful melancholy, a profound friendlessness. Julia Ward Howe 1819-1910 2012-01-24T03:00:23.377Z
Nothing but old age, with its increasing feebleness, and helplessness, and friendlessness. A Knight on Wheels 2011-12-24T03:08:07.830Z
Her spirit failed her; she hardly knew what an impracticable thing she was asking, how uselessly she was clinging, in her horror of friendlessness. Barnaby A Novel 2011-07-12T02:00:39.777Z
She told him all she knew of the fraud; told him of Rupert's friendlessness, his undesirable position at the Hold. Trevlyn Hold 2011-05-16T02:00:12.977Z
The tidings of his father's death had met him as he landed at Genoa, and overwhelmed him with affliction—such utter friendlessness was his—so bereft was he of all that meant kindred or relationship. Luttrell Of Arran Complete 2011-04-01T02:00:31.290Z
His body was faint with the burning heat and the foulness of all about him, and his soul was sick with loneliness and friendlessness and unutterable longing. The Secret Glory 2011-03-22T02:00:17.863Z
He was still in a strangely excited and gloomy condition; and this was aggravated by his friendlessness and the feeling that the hand of every man was against him. Mrs. Fitz 2011-02-14T03:00:38.317Z
But a moment back and she bewailed her isolation and friendlessness; and see, here were hundreds who would have resigned life in her behalf. The Martins Of Cro' Martin, Vol. I (of II) 2011-02-04T03:00:16.820Z
Among these youthful spirits and his old friends, the depressing influences of his late life and home—the poverty, the friendlessness—seemed to vanish, and his real disposition reasserted itself. The Home Life of Poe
I had acquaintances enough on the campus, but I was almost as friendless as he—for friendlessness, I think, is not so much a matter of other people's as of one's own habit of mind. The Seven-Branched Candlestick The Schooldays of Young American Jew
Poor Tony! in his friendlessness he was very grateful for very little. Tony Butler
Poverty, hunger, and friendlessness add to his exposed condition, while, in all probability, he inherits a tendency to indulgence or crime. The Dangerous Classes of New York And Twenty Years' Work Among Them
Her lot was like his own,—the same friendlessness, the self-same difficulty. One Of Them
She had not been happy with the outlaw, whom, in her ignorance and friendlessness, she had been induced to marry; and she was not now unhappy in his death. Tried for Her Life A Sequel to "Cruel As the Grave"
She spoke of her friendlessness, her misery; but, more than all, her consuming desire to be avenged on the man who had degraded her. That Boy Of Norcott's
Now, though Blondel was not a man, he supplied to my friendlessness the place of one. A Day's Ride A Life's Romance
His friendlessness and helplessness had appealed to the old woman's heart. Dusty Star
Hortense is deprived of both her parents, and is left in friendlessness and beggary in the streets of Paris. Josephine Makers of History
But Cynthia's heart was sadder than it had been in the days of her friendlessness and poverty. A Life Sentence A Novel
The arms of the world do indeed open on his arrival at St. Petersburg, but it is the cold embrace of want, of friendlessness. Lectures on Russian Literature Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoy
I had not even the slightest reason to suppose that she cared for me, save as a friend, in the midst of what otherwise she had said would be friendlessness. The House by the Lock
The old feeling of friendlessness had come back to her. Brooke's Daughter A Novel
Instead of dying in friendlessness and neglect, the Emperor Alexander of Russia stood at her bed-side; the most illustrious kings and nobles of Europe crowded her court and did her homage. Josephine Makers of History
If she could have killed it she would have done so; and she was prevented from contemplating this possibility only by the ignorance which inexperience and friendlessness imposed upon her. Coquette
I felt myself surrounded as with deserts of friendlessness, and the delight of my welcome was turned to ashes in my mouth. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 20 (of 25)
But it is a fact that as Finn plodded along through the wild bush to the south of Tinnaburra, he began to be haunted by a sense of isolation and friendlessness. Finn The Wolfhound
The dreadful crushing of the animal spirits, the ever-prevailing sense of friendlessness and homelessness consequent on this state of things began ere long to produce mortal effects on my constitution. Shirley
Her children, Hortense and Eugene, had been rescued from homelessness, friendlessness, and beggary only by the hand of charity, and were dependent upon that charity for shelter and for daily bread. Josephine Makers of History
My thoughts often return to him, as if he were still among the living, and then one feels one’s own loneliness and friendlessness again and again. My Autobiography A Fragment
Grief at the injury inflicted upon her husband and a feeling of friendlessness in a foreign land, had hastened her end. Where Strongest Tide Winds Blew
The portentous thunders of the approaching storm had given such warning to the Girondists, that many had effected their escape from Paris, and in various disguises, in friendlessness and poverty, were wandering over Europe. Madame Roland, Makers of History
But as it is, the man's poverty and friendlessness and meagerness of life render it difficult to find out vulnerable points of attack. Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
Perhaps not; but sorrow, friendlessness, death, give you a claim on every man who deserves the name. Little Folks (December 1884) A Magazine for the Young
Moreover, Lucy was forgiving by nature; and had she not been, the helplessness and friendlessness of the lonely soul before her would have presented a powerful plea for pity. The Wall Between
It is a pitiful fact that we are such dependent creatures that even the crooked laying of a cloth, and the coffee-stains and milk-stains and gravy-stains thereon, can add to our sense of friendlessness. The Chautauqua Girls At Home
The first thing that had moved him in the child was the friendlessness back of her spitfire offense. The Fighting Edge
This uneventful calling he had followed for many years, and the people had ceased to wonder at his eccentricities, his silence, and his friendlessness. A German Pompadour Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Grävenitz, Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg
An overwhelming sense of hopelessness, of friendlessness, sent him cringing to Morani's feet. The Return of Blue Pete
But the query always brought her back to the facts of her aunt’s friendlessness and 112 infirmity. The Wall Between
He had appealed to her in solemn verse from his prison in the name of his innocence and friendlessness. Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography
But a few years before, Josephine, in poverty, friendlessness, and intensest anguish of heart, had led her children by the hand through those halls to visit her imprisoned husband. Hortense Makers of History Series
Ever since he had come in sight of Valmy an uncomfortable sense of friendlessness had haunted him with the unreasoning horror of a nightmare, and Beaufoy's welcoming smile was like the wakening into sunshine. The Justice of the King
A month before, upon a quarter of such provocation, he would have flashed into fight; but cold, hunger and friendlessness had damped the tinder in him. Those Who Smiled And Eleven Other Stories
The want to which her children might be soon exposed, the danger of temptation which she had so dreaded for her husband, and the bitter feeling of utter friendlessness and loneliness, overcame her. Stephen Grattan's Faith A Canadian Story
My friendlessness aroused no pity in your hearts; I was only an unresisting target at which to throw a convenient stone. The Fighting Shepherdess
I hide what I can, in pity for his friendlessness.” The Heiress of Wyvern Court
He felt momentarily depressed by a sense of friendlessness. Phantom Wires A Novel
But the friendlessness of the stranger had touched his heart. Bohemian Days Three American Tales
The manifest friendlessness of the youth, his lack of training for so important a part, and the venality of his entourage, at once attracted birds of prey, and they have worked their will. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
She would be rescued from a life of toil and friendlessness, and have another protector besides her Bohemian of a brother. In the Yule-Log Glow, Book I Christmas Tales from 'Round the World
There many of these guilty men remain, month after month, and year after year, in friendlessness, and in silence, and in sorrow. The Child at Home The Principles of Filial Duty, Familiarly Illustrated
Added to this, was my knowledge of her condition; her friendlessness; her poverty; the pangs of unrequited love; and her expiring infant. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
"I see shame, friendlessness, wealth, and welcome," spoke the young man. Bohemian Days Three American Tales
There was a chill sense of friendlessness, of being alone in the world upon her. The Argosy Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891
Wherefore the tale I long have left untold I now, in lonely friendlessness grown bold, Send unto thee, for I must strive to say My love, or else prepare myself to slay. The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.)
Poverty cannot diminish her revenue, or friendlessness leave her unaccompanied, or privation of every external incitement consign her to the void of unoccupied powers. The Ladies' Vase Polite Manual for Young Ladies
I had been conscious only of a desire to help her, merging by degrees into pity for her friendlessness. Jacqueline of Golden River
There was no one on board that she knew, and, as each hour increased the distance from all familiar places, a feeling of friendlessness stole over her. Bluebell A Novel
Now, here came Bel Bree; with her story, and her little leather bag; her homelessness, her friendlessness. The Other Girls
Immediately then the thought came sweeping across me, what miserable friendlessness and loneliness are here revealed! The Piazza Tales
Disease is often the result of dissipation, poverty of indolence, friendlessness of selfishness. Expositions of Holy Scripture Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. St Matthew Chapters I to VIII
The fact that she was very nearly penniless troubled her very little; it was the homelessness—friendlessness—that frightened her. The Primrose Ring
His tawny cheek, like a date, spoke of the tropic, A wonderful atmosphere of proud friendlessness and scornful isolation invested him. Israel Potter
Success had not brought him happiness; the loss of Dan had been a blow to him, and she felt the friendlessness and isolation of this man whom men feared. A Hoosier Chronicle
I thought there was, and her friendlessness and helplessness touched me to the core of my heart. The Doctor's Dilemma
The noise and smoke about him were surely that of Chicago, and he was sitting in his room there in his normal condition of homelessness and friendlessness? Story of Chester Lawrence
Such a terror—not of cowardice, but of friendlessness—seized Isaac Masters, and a foreboding that he might possibly fail after all made his spine tingle. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, January, 1896
The loneliness and friendlessness of my position were presented to my mind with terrific reality. Strange Visitors
A very picture of friendlessness and helplessness is a widow. Quiet Talks on Prayer
I dare not tell her how dear she was to me, or ask her if she ever thought of me in her loneliness and friendlessness. The Doctor's Dilemma
A thousand names, that fondly live in the remembrance of our hearts, will he conjure up, and all will tell the same story of early want, and long neglect, and lonely friendlessness. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 329, March, 1843
Would she not come in time to shrink with positive loathing from this man whose offer of help she now felt so strangely tempted in her utter friendlessness to accept? The Way of an Eagle
The Discoverer of this Science could tell you of timidity, of self-distrust, of friendlessness, toil, agonies, and victories under which she needed miraculous vision to sustain her, when taking the first footsteps in this Science. Rudimental Divine Science
In the right of her calamity, in the right of her friendlessness, she was mine at last! The Woman in White
How long was this loneliness, this friendlessness to be my lot? The Doctor's Dilemma
She did not know enough about what poverty, moneylessness, and friendlessness mean in the actuality to a woman bred as she had been. The Price She Paid
It is true that he had urged her to marry Mallory; but now, in his lonesomeness and friendlessness, he felt almost as though she had been untrue to him. The Mucker
There were moments when I felt all the misery of my friendlessness, all the peril of my dreadful responsibility. The Moonstone
A feeling of homeless friendlessness swept over him in a sickening wave. Freckles
Poor and friendless, after all my father's far-seeing plans and precautions to secure me from poverty and friendlessness! The Doctor's Dilemma
Her obscure origin, her utter friendlessness, influenced people against her. Run to Earth A Novel
The murderers—there were two—were shortly afterwards arrested; tried, convicted, and sentenced to death, with a dispatch and inexorableness which—probably owing to their friendlessness—was somewhat unusual under the statutes of this State. The Secrets of the Great City
Every touch of this comforter's hand had been a sting; and he parted with him in that feeling of utter friendlessness involving a man who has taken counsel upon the confession of half his trouble. Indian Summer
Charity sighed, rising with a forlorn sense of friendlessness. We Can't Have Everything
Her heart went out to the lonely girl, deprived of her only protector, wretched under the triple load of poverty, friendlessness, and the curse of race. Senator North
But whether she was sorry for Ruth Fielding's friendlessness, or sorry because she was related to Jabez Potter, the young traveler could not decide. Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill Or, Jasper Parloe's Secret
Their silence assured him of their sympathy, and, as if that touch of friendlessness unlocked his heavy heart, he eased it by a full confession. On Picket Duty, and Other Tales
For the first time she felt that she had lost the feeling of friendlessness which for the last few weeks had constantly oppressed her. Jeanne of the Marshes
Without sympathy or counsel, without even the faintest knowledge of the world or its standards of morality to guide her, she accepted her isolation and friendlessness as a necessary part of her wrongdoing. Sally Dows
You took advantage of my misfortunes, my sorrow and friendlessness, to deceive me. He Fell in Love with His Wife
At length my lonesome friendlessness oppressed me so much that I took steps to mitigate it. When the World Shook; being an account of the great adventure of Bastin, Bickley and Arbuthnot
I know not if her friendlessness Did sometimes on her spirit press, But plaint she never made. Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell




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