单词 | declarer |
例句 | When you believe declarer will make his contract if he works out what to do, try to mislead him as to the actual distribution. Bridge: Bridge - World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-09-30T21:19:58Z That excellent declarer play by Gloria Bart gained her team 11 international match points on the board. Bridge: The Keohane North American Swiss Teams - Bridge 2011-12-09T23:23:49Z Now declarer had to judge what to do. 2010-01-30T05:25:00Z If East had held the diamond king, he would have had to put declarer in the dummy with the diamond queen to cash the last club for his contract. Bridge: Swiss Teams at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional - Bridge 2012-01-05T00:25:32Z After winning the first trick with his heart ace, declarer played a diamond to dummy’s ace and took the winning club finesse. Bridge: At the Goldman Pairs, Figuring Which Minor to Ruff 2010-06-02T22:24:00Z When an expert declarer is in a contract that looks hopeless, he will look for a winning layout. Bridge: Tom Hanlon Plays Smart Bridge at Gold Coast Congress 2012-03-10T00:20:00Z When declarer put up his queen, West immediately played low. Bridge: Spingold Knockout Teams in Philadelphia 2012-07-13T22:57:11Z This leaves declarer with eight top tricks but no way to endplay West for a ninth. Bridge: At the Slava Cup in Moscow, Leading Issues Swing Points 2011-03-04T23:56:15Z That would have destroyed declarer’s communications for the squeeze. Bridge: Bridge — Senior Trial Final for the World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-13T22:36:56Z Dummy’s club four was covered by the ten, jack and ace, so declarer claimed, conceding one more club trick. Bridge: A Tale of Two Eight-Card Fits, One Found, One Bypassed 2011-04-17T20:56:48Z However, if at Trick 12 anyone but declarer is on lead, declarer will take the last two tricks. 2010-01-13T23:58:00Z However, the declarer adopted a highly inferior line. Bridge: Board-a-Match Teams at Youth Congress in Croatia - Bridge 2011-08-28T22:26:42Z If the contract is four hearts by South, and West does not find a timely club shift, declarer will make only 650, not 680, losing one heart and one club. Bridge: Bridge — Alison Wilson and Chris Willenken Win Goldman Pairs 2013-05-31T22:24:37Z When you have four trumps, it is usually best to make declarer ruff something, to tap him. Bridge: Report From the Zhejiang Huamen Cup - Bridge 2011-09-29T00:29:50Z Even after the favorable start many declarers would fail by taking the trump finesse. Bridge: Remembering a Champion Who Had Great Table Presence 2011-06-01T22:43:17Z At the other table the Australian declarer went down two after a trump lead, so the Japanese team gained 14 international match points. Bridge: Two Kings Against a Slam Prove to Be Not Quite Enough 2011-02-16T23:23:28Z But that would be fatal here, giving declarer her ninth trick. Bridge: When the Choice Is Between No-Trump and a Major Suit 2010-10-10T20:45:00Z If, though, East had started with king-third of clubs, declarer would need two dummy entries: one to take the two club finesses and one to return to the dummy after unblocking the club ace. Bridge: Putting On the Squeeze at the Honors Club 2010-09-26T21:25:00Z Yes, if declarer had guessed clubs, he would have been all right. Bridge: An Impressive Defensive Move Online 2014-05-04T22:01:58Z And when West actually pitched a heart, declarer ruffed a heart and won the last three tricks in his hand. Bridge: Open Trials for the Bermuda Bowl 2013-06-14T21:08:24Z Note that if East had inserted the diamond nine at Trick 9, declarer would have covered with his queen. Bridge: Bridge - Open Pairs at the District 3 Winter Regional 2013-02-02T00:51:25Z When East discarded, declarer conceded down two, losing two diamonds and one club, for a flat board. Bridge: U.S.A. vs. Italy/England at Zhejiang Huamen Cup - Bridge 2011-09-25T21:51:03Z He tried the diamond king, which declarer ducked. Bridge: Two Endplays, Not One, Make a Contract 2010-06-04T23:03:00Z Declarer took his ace, played a diamond to dummy’s king and cashed the queen to give this position, with South needing three tricks: On the diamond jack declarer discarded a club. Bridge: Bridge Column: World Youth Congress in Croatia 2011-09-04T23:20:06Z It featured excellent declarer play at one table and defense at the other. Bridge: A Bridge Deal at the World Youth Teams Games 2012-08-10T23:29:21Z After drawing East’s last trump, declarer conceded a diamond trick. Bridge: UJA-Federation of New York’s Women’s Philanthropy Bridge 2013-05-24T21:15:22Z West went in with his queen and led the diamond queen, forcing declarer to ruff in the dummy. Bridge: Report From the Zhejiang Huamen Cup - Bridge 2011-09-29T00:29:50Z After conceding those tricks, declarer had to play clubs without loss. Bridge: Pair Gain High Score in Parkinson Foundation Event 2014-02-09T22:20:39Z With three top losers in the minors, declarer at first thought she would need the heart finesse to succeed. Bridge: Bridge Players Tom and Carol Sanders 2012-08-31T21:58:58Z If the opening lead had been a club, declarer would have needed a similar endplay to make his contract. Bridge: Bridge — Goldman Pairs at Eastern States Regional 2012-05-30T22:14:19Z If the defenders had stopped plugging away at clubs after one or two ruffs by declarer, the contract would have failed. Bridge: The Tapping Looked Good, but Happened to Backfire 2010-04-07T23:20:00Z But it was easy for declarer to put up his king, which dropped West’s queen. Bridge: Bridge: Buffett Cup in Omaha 2012-09-16T22:26:13Z But consider what would have happened if declarer had taken a heart finesse at Trick 2. Bridge - Yeh Brothers Cup in Japan 2013-05-12T21:32:38Z Boehm’s book covers the basic elements of declarer play and defense in 56 pages. Bridge: Bridge - Holiday Gift Books for Players 2012-11-11T23:32:14Z Some declarers just replied on the club finesse, making without difficulty. Bridge: Bridge - World Youth Teams Championships in Taicang, China 2012-07-29T21:41:03Z The percentage play is to cover with dummy’s queen, but after a pause, declarer called for a low heart. Bridge: Agustin Madala Wins the Goren Trophy 2013-12-20T22:26:22Z West’s club discard confirmed the position that declarer suspected. Bridge: Jordan Chodorow and Karen Allison Play at Bridge Base Online 2014-04-18T22:19:27Z Deft Declarer Play at Senior World Trials in Florida The diagramed deal featured perhaps the best piece of declarer play during the senior world championship trials in Orlando, Fla., earlier this month. Bridge: Deft Declarer Play at Senior World Trials in Florida 2013-07-26T20:54:27Z But North, never guessing that declarer had six diamonds, switched to a low trump. Bridge: An Underbid Works Badly, or So It Would Seem 2010-09-17T23:59:00Z This allowed West to exit with his diamond and catch declarer. Bridge: The District 3 Winter Regional - Bridge 2012-01-21T01:11:05Z South ducked in the dummy, and East won with his nine, which left declarer confident of the distribution of that suit. Bridge: Winners of the Truscott Board-a-Match - Bridge 2011-12-30T23:07:55Z East could win with his nine and return a trump, but declarer had the rest on a high crossruff. Bridge: At the Goldman Pairs, Figuring Which Minor to Ruff 2010-06-02T22:24:00Z Note that if West had ducked the first heart, won the second and returned a heart, he would have killed declarer’s communications. Bridge: One Deceived by Experience, the Other by the Heart Queen 2010-04-21T22:36:00Z With declarer also having an unavoidable heart loser, that was down one and 10 imps to the Netherlands. Bridge: Bridge — Netherlands Wins Yeh Brothers Cup 2013-04-26T23:41:44Z This meant that declarer won the last trick with the beer card, the diamond seven. Bridge: District 3 Winter Regional Hosts Young Bridge Players 2012-01-27T22:11:54Z After a lot of thought, declarer believed him, playing a trump to dummy’s jack and losing to East’s queen. Bridge: Cavendish Craftiness 2011-05-08T22:11:16Z Reading the cards correctly, declarer led the diamond eight from her hand. 2010-01-09T03:16:00Z When this held, declarer led a low diamond from the dummy. Bridge: Bridge at the District 3 Winter Regional 2014-01-31T22:50:05Z When Nunes returned a club to his partner’s ace, declarer inexplicably failed to unblock dummy’s king. 2010-02-15T00:56:00Z East would have normally put up her ace — third hand high — and returned the jack, but with the ten in the dummy, declarer would have a stopper even if he had only the queen. Bridge: First Time Together Leads to a National Title 2010-08-06T21:48:00Z Note that if East had led a club at Trick 2, declarer would have made the contract. Bridge: Prelude to the Championships Aids Charity 2010-04-04T22:02:00Z But declarer saw that he did not need to make any assumptions. Bridge: Landing an Overtrick via Some Dental Work 2011-07-10T20:57:21Z Now declarer couldn’t have done better than down one. Bridge: The Textbooks Were Right, Well, at Least This Time 2011-06-26T21:49:29Z Unless, of course, declarer guesses what West is doing. Bridge: Just When Should You Believe a Falsecard? 2010-12-17T23:39:22Z However, declarer cashed his club king, then played a club to dummy’s jack. Bridge: A Well-Executed Finesse, but Was It Worthy of a Prize? 2011-01-23T23:29:03Z East could see that declarer might be facing a bad heart break, so to put him on the spot immediately, she overtook with her diamond king and shifted to the club eight. Bridge: At the Spring Nationals, Titles, an Upset and a Smart Defense 2011-03-16T21:59:52Z If East threw another diamond, declarer would lead a winning club from the dummy, leaving East without resource. Bridge: Deft Deductions at New England Knockout 2010-02-19T23:39:00Z When East discarded, declarer played three rounds of diamonds. Bridge: Card-Reading Confidence From the Player of the Year 2011-01-26T23:56:01Z Note that if West had cashed his heart king at Trick 2, declarer would have discarded his last two diamonds on dummy’s heart queen and the third high club. Bridge: Knockout Teams at World Youth Open 2013-08-30T22:50:52Z If this took a finesse for declarer, it was something he could do himself. Bridge: No Flights to Reno, but a Flight C Victory 2010-04-14T23:20:00Z If declarer had now led a trump through West, he could have escaped for down one. Bridge: Bridge - Spring North American Championships 2013-05-05T21:01:19Z Moss was the only successful declarer in six clubs, but his team lost the match. Bridge: Card-Reading Confidence From the Player of the Year 2011-01-26T23:56:01Z However, declarer ran the club jack at trick two. Bridge: Bridge - Donn and Lee Win Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs 2011-12-02T23:38:02Z How should declarer continue after taking East’s jack with his ace? Bridge: Bridge - Holiday Gift Books for Players 2012-11-11T23:32:14Z So after ruffing the opening lead in the dummy, declarer cashed the diamond ace, happy to see the jack drop from West. Bridge: Women’s and Senior Trials Begin in Orlando 2013-07-12T21:37:44Z If the jack had not fallen, declarer would have shifted to clubs. Bridge: One Board, Two Big Swings 2010-03-21T21:38:00Z The declarers had to play the trumps without loss. Bridge: Italy Wins the European Team Open Title 2010-07-11T21:28:00Z Cronier won with his queen and switched to a low heart, which was good enough to defeat the contract because it removed declarer’s hand entry before the diamonds were unblocked. Bridge: The Textbooks Were Right, Well, at Least This Time 2011-06-26T21:49:29Z If declarer had put up dummy’s king, he would have made the contract. Bridge: Martin Fleisher Team Wins Roth Swiss Teams 2010-08-04T22:40:00Z West took that trick and continued with a third heart to declarer’s queen. Bridge: Bridge: Cavendish Invitational Tournament in Monaco 2012-10-14T21:23:29Z When East exited with a trump to dummy’s ace, declarer could take only four hearts and one club for down three. Bridge: Semifinal at World Computer-Bridge Championship 2011-11-13T22:38:14Z West won with his jack and shifted to a club, declarer taking the second round with dummy’s ace and playing a third round to West’s king. Bridge: The Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs Winners in Bridge 2012-12-01T00:53:30Z Looking at the North-South hands, this appears to be a reasonable contract, but the 6-0 trump break was fatal, and declarer eventually drifted down three. Bridge: Semifinals of the District 24 Grand National 2014-02-21T22:27:50Z As West had hoped, declarer now led a heart to dummy’s king, then played a heart to her jack. Bridge: At the Reisinger, Knowing What to Discard 2010-06-09T19:40:00Z When East ruffed, declarer overruffed and exited with his last diamond to West’s queen. Bridge: Unusual Results in a Rare Bridge Deal 2012-05-23T22:34:36Z When East ducked, declarer won with his king and confidently cashed two top diamonds, discarding a heart from the dummy. Bridge: A Choice From Many Potential Lines of Play 2011-10-14T23:02:18Z After winning with dummy’s six, South ruffed the club nine with his diamond king, but West overruffed with the ace and led his ten to pin declarer’s nine. Bridge: After a Losing Spade Lead, His Trumps Come to the Rescue 2010-09-24T22:59:00Z West did best to play his jack, but declarer won with dummy’s king, led a heart to his hand and ran the club ten when West played low. Bridge: In No-Trump, Playing to Keep the Long Suit Off the Lead 2010-10-03T21:18:00Z Suitably fooled, declarer continued with a heart to dummy’s king and cashed the ace, East’s club discard being a shock. Bridge: When Covering Means Losing, Try Ducking 2011-01-14T23:59:45Z West took the trick with his ace and returned a club, but declarer won with his five, played a diamond to dummy’s ten and ended with 11 tricks. Bridge: Tom Hanlon Plays Smart Bridge at Gold Coast Congress 2012-03-10T00:20:00Z There are many deals in which declarer would make his contract if he could peek at an opponent’s hand. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams at Spring Nationals 2012-04-06T21:45:19Z In the Nov. 25 column Kantar describes a deal with instructive points in bidding, declarer play and defense — as in the diagramed deal. Bridge: Winners at Fall North American Championships - Bridge 2011-11-27T22:25:18Z North took the opportunity to pass and make South the declarer. Bridge: Poland Triumphs at Spingold Knockout Teams 2013-08-14T21:32:18Z Often the answer to that question is in the affirmative, but occasionally the information will be more beneficial to the declarer, as in the diagramed deal. Bridge: U.S. Teams in Close Battles at Bridge Championships 2011-10-23T21:48:17Z After a heart lead, declarer can take two tricks in both majors to bring home an overtrick. Bridge: Pro-Am Tournament Raises $100,000 for Parkinson’s Disease 2014-02-02T21:54:40Z Each declarer won the first trick in his hand and attacked clubs. Bridge: The Textbooks Were Right, Well, at Least This Time 2011-06-26T21:49:29Z East reflexively put in the ten, worried that if he won with the ace and declarer had king-doubleton, he would give away a trick. Bridge: Bridge — Knockout Teams at the District 3 Winter Regional 2013-01-30T23:15:10Z West won with his queen, and declarer also conceded the club ace. Bridge: Bridge — Transnational Mixed Teams in Lille, France 2012-08-29T21:26:57Z Ada said that her husband’s strong point was declarer play. Bridge: Remembering Eric Paulsen, a World Champion 2013-09-11T22:02:46Z East won with his ace and led a club, but declarer ruffed and claimed. Bridge: Bridge: USA1 Team Chosen for 2011 Bermuda Bowl 2010-06-27T21:29:00Z Weiss found the best opening lead when he chose the heart eight, which attacked declarer’s communications. Bridge: No Flights to Reno, but a Flight C Victory 2010-04-14T23:20:00Z Instead she accurately led back a club, working to cut off declarer from dummy’s winners in the suit. Bridge: Bridge: SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2011-12-18T21:39:24Z West won with his ace and shifted to a diamond to cut declarer’s communications. Bridge: U.S. Victory at World Youth Open Championships 2013-08-28T21:55:38Z Then declarer ran the diamond ten and claimed plus 650 when it won. Bridge: Monaco Triumphs at Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams 2013-12-22T22:21:43Z Now the contract could have been defeated, but at the crucial point, declarer played a low club from dummy, and East failed to rise with the ace. Bridge: A Choice From Many Potential Lines of Play 2011-10-14T23:02:18Z Now declarer could have taken eight tricks by winning the first trick and attacking clubs. Bridge: The Textbooks Were Right, Well, at Least This Time 2011-06-26T21:49:29Z West wanted to shift to a trump to reduce declarer’s club ruffs in the dummy, but knew that was debatable from her actual holding. Jeff Westheimer at Mayfair House of Bridge in 1970 2014-02-07T22:58:50Z Here, though, six clubs was worse than the diamond finesse because the defenders could have kept declarer out of the dummy, so that he couldn’t have taken the finesse even when it was winning. Bridge: Bermuda Bowl Teams Have Online Practice Bout - Bridge 2011-09-21T22:28:38Z Then declarer can draw trumps, unblock his diamond honors and lead a heart to force an entry to the dummy. Bridge: A Common Error 2012-11-07T23:35:37Z If Paulissen had pitched a diamond and West had shifted to a trump, declarer would have won with dummy’s king, played a heart to his ace and taken the last trick with his club ten. Bridge: Cavendish Craftiness 2011-05-08T22:11:16Z Dummy had the ace-queen-ten of diamonds, declarer two diamonds and the club ten. Bridge: Bridge — Goldman Pairs at Eastern States Regional 2012-05-30T22:14:19Z When East discarded, declarer won with South’s ace, cashed the heart ace and tried to take the heart king. Bridge: Cardplay From the Hua Yuan Cup - Bridge 2011-09-17T00:36:39Z So the heart queen dropped, and declarer also took 13 tricks. Friday A/X Pairs at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2014-01-01T21:46:52Z When Hamilton was the declarer, he won the first trick with his heart king and took three rounds of diamonds, ending in the dummy. Bridge: Senior Swiss Teams in Atlanta 2013-09-06T21:17:22Z However, declarer did not have the communications for that line. Bridge: Bridge — Women’s Team Trial for the World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-06T22:50:33Z The declarer, who at 19 is the youngest winner of a world open silver medal, took 10 tricks. Bridge: Israeli Juniors, 3 for 3, Keep a Streak Alive 2011-11-04T22:23:33Z Then declarer trumped a diamond, establishing dummy’s nine, and led his club nine. Bridge: Women’s and Senior Trials Begin in Orlando 2013-07-12T21:37:44Z When declarer ruffed, he had fewer trumps than West. London Enjoys Its Own Night of the Stars 2014-03-02T23:46:38Z Reading the position perfectly, declarer led his club jack to tempt a cover if West had the queen. Bridge: Bridge - Senior Teams Trial for World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-17T22:27:52Z And if he shifts to clubs, declarer’s eight sets up. Bridge: The Vanderbilt Field Narrows in Louisville 2011-03-20T21:28:12Z Six diamonds would have luckily come home if played by East; if West had been the declarer, a heart lead ruffed by South would have been fatal. Bridge: Surprising Strength? Don?t Discount Offense 2010-03-20T00:24:00Z If declarer ruffs the first trick with dummy’s heart deuce, he can no longer make his contract, because he cannot get to his hand to draw East’s fourth trump. Bridge: Bridge: Strategies for the Bibliophile on Your Gift List 2011-11-20T21:54:32Z East won and returned a diamond, declarer winning and playing three more rounds of trumps. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams Final 2012-03-25T21:47:28Z When declarer cashed her last trump and discarded the club nine from the dummy, East was forced to part with the diamond. Bridge: Jordan Chodorow and Karen Allison Play at Bridge Base Online 2014-04-18T22:19:27Z Throwing up a smoke screen, declarer immediately led a heart toward the dummy. Bridge: In Bridge, Game of Chicago at Regency Whist Club 2012-09-28T22:50:15Z He finished 8 match points ahead of Joel Wooldridge of New York City, who was South, the declarer in three no-trump. Bridge: Bridge - SportAccord Mind Sports Games 2012-12-22T00:25:10Z Now, with East winning this trick if declarer discarded, Greco had to go down. Bridge: A Pretty Defense Rescues a Questionable Lead 2011-05-06T21:45:44Z Whatever West led, declarer had to win the remainder and collect an overtrick. Bridge: Unusual Results in a Rare Bridge Deal 2012-05-23T22:34:36Z At the other table, declarer drew trumps and relied on the diamond finesse to go down one. Bridge: Slam Swing at a Qualifier for Grand National Teams 2014-02-19T21:49:15Z But here, suppose declarer does gain a discard. Bridge: Argentines Take Lebhar Title Thanks to a Second-Day Surge 2010-03-15T04:57:00Z Misguessing, declarer put in his queen and had to lose a trump trick. Bridge: Italy Wins the European Team Open Title 2010-07-11T21:28:00Z Where East led a heart at Trick 3, declarer counted the high-card points. 2010-02-03T22:51:00Z When West ruffs, dummy overruffs, declarer trumps the last heart in his hand and takes the winning diamond finesse. Bridge: American Contract Bridge League and Barry Rigal 2012-11-23T22:13:39Z Now, declarer would have done best to run her clubs immediately, but she led the diamond queen. Bridge: Coming Up Big at the Whitehead Women’s Pairs 2014-04-09T21:01:33Z When East actually led a heart, declarer won with his king, drew two rounds of trumps ending in the dummy and ran the diamonds for plus 790. Bridge: Using a Side Suit to Control Trumps 2011-09-09T22:59:11Z The play’s first three acts were identical: club ruffed by declarer, heart to a defender. Bridge: The Tapping Looked Good, but Happened to Backfire 2010-04-07T23:20:00Z The opposing declarer ruffed, drew two rounds of trumps, cashed dummy’s top diamonds and ruffed a diamond. Bridge: Change Ahead for League Chief Executive 2011-02-06T22:32:55Z Now, though, declarer was not forewarned about the distribution. Bridge: Contract Advice for Declarer, Courtesy of the Overcall 2011-07-01T21:11:29Z The declarer, Jacobs, won with his jack and cashed the diamond king to see the 4-0 split. Bridge: As the Championships Begin, Revisiting a 2009 Highlight 2010-03-11T05:32:00Z Note, however, that West should have dropped his eight or nine under the ace to try to deflect declarer. Bridge: Life Master Pairs and Edgar Kaplan Blue Ribbon Winners 2013-12-15T22:04:41Z The one in the diagram shows that making an unexpected defensive play can deceive even a world-class declarer. Bridge: One Deal That Led to the USA-1 Bermuda Bowl Team 2013-06-16T21:20:35Z After West led his fourth-highest diamond, declarer saw that if he played on clubs to establish a ninth winner, he would probably lose three clubs and two diamonds or two clubs. Bridge: A Discard Proves Crucial in the Swiss Teams 2010-03-29T06:37:00Z Try not to give declarer his contract on a platter; make him work out what to do. Bridge: Michael Seamon and Alan Osofsky Win a Tournament 2012-02-24T23:52:29Z But East cashed the club queen and club ace, then played a club to her partner’s king, and declarer discarded diamonds from the dummy. Bridge: District 3 Winter Regional Hosts Young Bridge Players 2012-01-27T22:11:54Z Cheek, the declarer, won with dummy’s ace and led a heart to his queen, West taking his king and returning a heart to dummy’s ten. Bridge: In China, an Unfortunate Outcome From an Ill-Prepared Board 2011-04-29T22:13:59Z Dummy retained three diamonds, declarer the diamond nine and jack-eight of clubs. Bridge: Bridge Press Association Notes Winning Decision 2011-12-25T22:07:43Z He had to lead a club from his king into declarer’s ace-queen. Bridge: Keeping Count, Getting a Clue 2011-06-05T22:47:27Z Instead of returning a trump, East tapped declarer with the heart king. Bridge: For Rotating Partnerships, Flexibility Counts 2012-02-16T00:29:21Z After South jumped to three no-trump, the amateur sitting North decided to let the stronger player be the declarer. Bridge: A Case of Mistaken Identity For the King of Spades 2010-05-22T00:05:00Z Since this was the logical lead given the auction, declarer called for dummy’s queen and took East’s king with his ace. Bridge: Bridge: Labor Day Regional in Atlanta 2012-09-26T22:29:14Z When West led a diamond, declarer won in the dummy and ran the heart jack. Bridge: District 3 Winter Regional’s Friday Open Pairs 2014-01-29T22:18:48Z After West led the club ten, how did declarer plan the play? Bridge: United States Team Trials Continue in Orlando 2013-07-14T22:31:06Z Now declarer ran the heart jack and played a heart to her ten. Bridge: Cardplay From the Hua Yuan Cup - Bridge 2011-09-17T00:36:39Z He was the declarer in the diagramed deal on that Web site two months ago. Bridge: Using a Side Suit to Control Trumps 2011-09-09T22:59:11Z But his trumps were sitting under declarer’s length. Bridge: The Numbers Climb Online: A Score of 88.61 2010-04-23T21:33:00Z But when West logically chose a club, declarer now had a chance by setting up dummy’s club queen for a heart discard. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams at Spring Nationals 2012-04-06T21:45:19Z The Israeli declarer now played a club to his king. Bridge: Bridge - 14th World Youth Teams Championships Finals 2012-08-05T22:02:51Z Going back to the dummy with a club, declarer led the heart jack. Bridge: Bridge — Andrew Robson Given Order of the British Empire 2013-01-02T23:39:02Z The diagramed deal featured excellent declarer play and defense by Israeli players in Bulgaria. Bridge: A Championship Is Up for Grabs in Croatia 2011-08-21T21:31:49Z When West led another heart, declarer ruffed in her hand and strangely ran the diamond jack, losing to West’s king and going down one, having lost one trick in each suit. Bridge: Bridge — English Women Win at World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-26T21:59:03Z The third board is the diagramed deal, which has been rotated by 90 degrees to make South the declarer. Bridge: A Pretty Defense Rescues a Questionable Lead 2011-05-06T21:45:44Z After East’s nine forced out South’s ace, declarer ran her club tricks, West discarding the diamond seven. Bridge: 5th International Bridge Festival in Madeira 2012-11-09T23:29:16Z West could have cashed her second diamond to hold declarer to 11 tricks, but hoped to do better. Bridge: 5th International Bridge Festival in Madeira 2012-11-09T23:29:16Z West defended perfectly, winning with his ace and shifting to his diamond to destroy declarer’s communications. Bridge: Bridge - Buffett Cup in Omaha 2012-09-23T22:00:01Z Again a trump shift would have been lethal, but that was not so obvious with declarer’s holding hidden. Bridge: Bridge - Reisinger Knockout Teams in New York City 2012-06-03T22:27:12Z And four are on declarer play: “Dynamic Declarer Play, Parts I and II,” “Imagination” and “Practical Aspects of Declarer Play.” Bridge: From a Polish Pro: How to Play a Powerhouse 2010-04-28T23:31:00Z When the king dropped, declarer drew trumps and claimed for a flat result, taking the match into extra boards. Bridge: Bridge: Labor Day Regional in Atlanta 2012-09-26T22:29:14Z But if the missing aces were split, declarer had to be careful. Bridge: Winning a Title of Life Master but Not for Being 94 Years Old 2011-08-17T22:43:25Z When the queen dropped, declarer drew trumps ending with dummy’s eight and ran the diamonds to win all 13 tricks and the match. Bridge: Ever Waited for Partner to Act? Well, You Didn?t Wait This Long 2012-02-19T21:58:01Z Even if declarer had played a club to dummy’s king and finessed through East, the contract would still have been safe. Bridge: An Impressive Defensive Move Online 2014-05-04T22:01:58Z Note the big assist West gave to declarer. Bridge: Lebhar Imp Pairs at North American Championships - Bridge 2012-03-18T21:07:09Z If an opponent had redoubled, South would have had to start the defense with the ace and another club to hold declarer to nine tricks for minus 760. Bridge: Sometimes a Good Defense Saves the Game 2011-03-25T23:25:42Z East carefully led his heart queen, building up an entry for his partner and leaving declarer nothing better than winning with dummy’s ace and cashing the diamond queen for down two. Bridge: After a Lost World Title, a Board to Scrutinize - Bridge 2011-11-02T22:16:02Z Then declarer is likely to go wrong, discarding hearts, not diamonds, from the dummy as he draws trumps. Bridge: New Books for Advanced Bridge Players 2012-11-17T00:01:03Z When East played the club nine, declarer won with his king and, desperate for discards, played a diamond to dummy’s jack. Bridge: Which Defense Is Better: To Shift or to Force a Ruff? 2011-02-11T22:44:29Z So the defenders did not know about declarer’s club length. 2010-01-21T08:30:00Z His partner had passed, and he hoped that not bidding would result in declarer’s misjudging the distribution, which North or South would not do after a revealing heart pre-empt. Bridge: It?s the Big Swing, Part 2: How the Open Trial Was Lost 2010-07-09T22:14:00Z Now declarer had to lose a second club trick to go down one. Bridge: Quarterfinal Play in Hunt for Bermuda Bowl Slot 2010-06-24T00:07:00Z East won and shifted to a trump, West taking declarer’s queen with his king and returning the ten. Bridge: Bridge - The Spring North American Championships 2012-03-23T23:33:02Z But first, ask yourself how many tricks declarer will have. Bridge: V-Green, an Online Bridge Magazine 2012-06-15T23:15:31Z Instead of returning a diamond, Hampson led the club ten, forcing declarer to decide immediately what to do. Bridge: At the John Roberts Teams, East Forces the Issue 2010-05-30T21:11:00Z If declarer had won with dummy’s ace, he would have had several winning lines available. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams Winners in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-07T23:21:36Z But if they were 4-2, declarer needed first to lead through the opponent with honor-doubleton, which was surely East, given the auction. Bridge: Bridge - Don?t Overlook Defense in Your Game 2011-09-30T21:44:02Z To make the contract declarer must either come to her hand with a club to lead a trump toward dummy’s ten or, much more artistically, lead dummy’s last heart and discard her remaining diamond. 2010-01-21T08:30:00Z That was a textbook example of using a side suit to maintain trump control by making an opponent ruff and reduce his trump length to the same as declarer’s. Bridge: Using a Side Suit to Control Trumps 2011-09-09T22:59:11Z A trump coup occurs when declarer has a tenace in the trump suit over his right-hand opponent. 2010-01-13T23:58:00Z Often in this situation the opening leader knows that declarer is prepared for a lead of the overcaller’s suit. Bridge: Bridge - Jan Martel, Blackwood Award Winner 2012-07-08T21:21:41Z But even if West had switched to a club and declarer had misguessed diamonds, minus 100 would still have been a cold top. Bridge: A Vanderbilt Bridge Club Farewell 2010-06-13T22:11:00Z If the jack had dropped, declarer would have crossed to dummy’s club ten and led the diamond queen to establish 12 tricks. Bridge: Michael Seamon and Alan Osofsky Win a Tournament 2012-02-24T23:52:29Z After winning with her ace, what did declarer do next? Bridge: The Keohane North American Swiss Teams - Bridge 2011-12-09T23:23:49Z Before watching the video, though, work out what declarer must do if West, after winning the second trick with the heart queen, shifts to his diamond queen. Bridge: Bridge Deals Online to Learn From and Discuss 2013-12-27T22:43:05Z When West played low smoothly, declarer put up dummy’s king, and now had to lose two trump tricks. Bridge: U.S. Has Strong Teams at World Bridge Championships in Bali 2013-09-15T21:42:48Z In the first round against a top Canadian team, the opposition’s declarer, Sam Gold, reached a four-card ending and told Schuld that she was about to be the victim of a crisscross squeeze. Bridge: 47 Years Later, a Chance for a Rare Endplay 2011-04-01T21:35:38Z He pictured a deal in which declarer had solid hearts and her only problem was drawing trumps safely with a holding of ace-king-ten-fourth in her hand. Bridge: Australia vs. Turkey at 3rd World Youth Open Championships 2013-08-25T22:11:46Z Understandably, though, declarer did not do that, preferring to run the diamond jack. Bridge: Great Time for a Perfect Read 2011-06-19T22:22:25Z Now declarer drew South’s last trump and escaped for down one. Bridge: Americans Win at Europe Open 2011-06-29T22:02:03Z So declarer decided that East’s plays had been restricted by his having only a doubleton. Bridge: Deft Declarer Play at Senior World Trials in Florida 2013-07-26T20:54:27Z When West covered with his king, declarer claimed. Bridge: Aggressive Bid Leads to a Slam 2011-05-20T21:11:11Z Back to dummy with a heart to the king, declarer played a club to his six, cashed the king and claimed. Bridge: Pair Gain High Score in Parkinson Foundation Event 2014-02-09T22:20:39Z Understandably, though, declarer led a diamond to his queen and lost two diamond tricks to go down one. Bridge: Bridge — NEC Bridge Festival in Yokohama 2013-04-19T22:56:57Z What had the declarer, Steve Garner of Chicago, learned from the bidding and opening lead? Bridge: Would You Declare or Defend? 2010-08-20T20:41:00Z When that held, declarer led a club to his ace, cashed dummy’s three diamond winners and exited with a heart. Bridge: At Slava Cup in Moscow, Team Monaco Defeats Israel - Bridge 2012-02-26T21:01:22Z And when East threw a heart, declarer played a heart to dummy’s jack, then took the last two tricks in her hand. Bridge: 47 Years Later, a Chance for a Rare Endplay 2011-04-01T21:35:38Z It is a general rule that when you have four trumps, do not chase ruffs; instead, try to force declarer to ruff. Bridge: The Women’s Under-26 Trial for World Youth Teams 2014-01-22T22:36:27Z Now in the dummy, declarer played a low heart to his jack, and West matched his partner’s excellent play by ducking. Bridge: When Covering Means Losing, Try Ducking 2011-01-14T23:59:45Z The defense was also perfect, holding declarer to nine tricks, but plus 100 and plus 140 gave Italy/England 6 imps on the board. Bridge: Report From the Zhejiang Huamen Cup - Bridge 2011-09-29T00:29:50Z Do not make a revealing penalty double against a top declarer unless you anticipate at least down two. Bridge: Bridge - Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan 2013-01-13T22:05:22Z At first glance, it looked as though the lucky trump position would let declarer make his contract. Bridge: Bridge — A Defense Play by Jeremy Flint and Jonathan Cansino 2013-05-08T22:22:55Z Several declarers in three no-trump immediately played two rounds of diamonds, hoping that the ace was doubleton. Bridge: Bridge Play at the Second World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-15T22:45:00Z West returned a club, but declarer won in the dummy, ruffed the last club in his hand, overtook his remaining trump with dummy’s ace, cashed the diamond seven and claimed. Bridge: At the Long Island Fall Regional 2012-10-10T22:35:45Z Now, when South threw his diamond ten, West was squeezed in the red suits between dummy’s diamond four and declarer’s heart ace-queen. Bridge: A Misjudged Late Discard Unravels the Defense 2011-02-02T22:58:19Z West ruffed the third round, drew trumps and led a heart to his partner’s king, but declarer had eight tricks for plus 640. Bridge: Reisinger Board-a-Match at Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-12-04T22:33:26Z After errors by both sides, declarer came out on top with the aid of a coup en passant at Trick 12. Bridge: From the Vanderbilt in Reno, a European Success Story 2010-03-24T22:05:00Z It was clear to West that his side was outgunned and that bidding rated only to help the opposing declarer. Bridge: Inspired Play From an Award-Worthy Career 2011-07-17T21:28:44Z However, declarer noted that there were only 16 points missing. Bridge: A 92-Year-Old Former Champ Who Doesn?t Play by the Book 2011-09-11T22:14:31Z We can all see that declarer could have run that to dummy’s jack and made his contract. Bridge: At the Spring Nationals, Titles, an Upset and a Smart Defense 2011-03-16T21:59:52Z The diagramed deal was Board 14, rotated to make South the declarer. Bridge: The Spring Foursomes in Stratford-upon-Avon 2014-05-09T22:17:24Z After winning the first trick with the club ace, declarer cashed his diamond ace and heart ace, then led the heart queen and discarded a club from the dummy. Bridge: Tricky Road to Flight B Title at Spring Nationals 2010-03-31T22:56:00Z So declarer won the first trick with dummy’s diamond jack and immediately played a club to his ten. Bridge: A Bid Can Be Brave or Foolhardy, or Sometimes a Bit of Both 2011-03-13T22:00:42Z When the dummy came down, declarer, knowing that hearts were 6-1, expected to lose a trump trick to West, then to execute a minor-suit squeeze on West. Bridge: Rockwell Mixed Pairs 2014-03-28T21:50:44Z These declarers lost one heart, one diamond and three clubs. Bridge: Bridge Play at the Second World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-15T22:45:00Z Instead, declarer played low from the dummy and ruffed in his hand with the club seven. Bridge: West Dangles a Fatal Finesse Before Declarer, but in Vain 2010-08-13T20:55:00Z If he had led a club, declarer would have taken dummy’s queen and ace, then played a third round to endplay East again. Bridge: Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan - Bridge 2012-01-11T22:51:22Z The “perfect” example is when the contract is the same at two tables, one declarer takes all 13 tricks and the other loses all 13. Bridge: A Lead With a 24-Trick Difference 2012-05-21T04:14:02Z This was passed out, and declarer came home with an overtrick, taking two hearts, four diamonds and two clubs. Bridge: Bridge - Vanderbilt Knockout Teams Final 2013-05-03T23:25:19Z Then declarer cashed dummy’s heart ace, discarding the diamond ten from her hand. Bridge: If Declarer Has a Secret, Keep It 2010-03-26T21:22:00Z Note that if he had covered with his king, declarer would have won with his ace and played a diamond to dummy’s nine. Bridge: No Flights to Reno, but a Flight C Victory 2010-04-14T23:20:00Z On the first, the declarers in four hearts had to play a trump suit of Q-5-4-3-2 opposite A-10-7-6 for only one loser. Bridge: England Wins the European Women’s Bridge Championship 2012-06-22T21:36:00Z However, if the opponents win the auction, you have given the declarer a road map for the play. Bridge: Open Trials for the Bermuda Bowl 2013-06-14T21:08:24Z The defenders cashed their three minor-suit tricks, but declarer had the rest. Bridge: Gold Coast Congress Shows Upside of Being Down Under 2014-03-05T22:56:28Z But declarer would have discarded a diamond from dummy and ruffed in her hand. Bridge: Success at the Swiss Open Teams on Long Island 2010-05-02T21:03:00Z Now declarer had to play a club, when he would have benefited from the lucky lie. Bridge: Vanderbilt Knockout Teams in Dallas 2014-04-04T22:01:13Z West correctly continued to force declarer by playing another club. London Enjoys Its Own Night of the Stars 2014-03-02T23:46:38Z However, declarer found another way home, playing a club to dummy’s ace. Bridge: Bridge — Knockout Teams at the District 3 Winter Regional 2013-01-30T23:15:10Z Back to dummy with a club to the king, declarer led winning hearts. Bridge: Bridge — Buffett Cup in Omaha 2012-09-19T21:25:38Z When you make a revealing call and end on defense, you often help the opposing declarer. Bridge: Contract Advice for Declarer, Courtesy of the Overcall 2011-07-01T21:11:29Z That would not have worked well if declarer had taken the club finesse, which would have been marked, given the auction and the fact that East had a diamond honor. Bridge: Bridge - Jan Martel, Blackwood Award Winner 2012-07-08T21:21:41Z The declarers played a heart to their ace. Bridge: Bridge - 14th World Youth Teams Championships Finals 2012-08-05T22:02:51Z After another club ruff, declarer still had the heart king as her 10th trick. Bridge: From the Open Swiss, a Well-Executed Crossruff 2010-08-11T20:48:00Z Now West shifted to the club queen, pinning declarer’s jack. Bridge: The World Youth Congress in Croatia - Bridge 2011-09-02T22:43:52Z Then declarer led a diamond to his jack. Bridge: A Pretty Defense Rescues a Questionable Lead 2011-05-06T21:45:44Z Then declarer led a heart to her ace, cashed the heart king and ruffed a heart to get the news that East still held the queen. Bridge: Unlikely Slam for Vanderbilt Bridge Club Founders 2010-06-16T22:20:00Z So, since South has to make sure that East gets on lead only once, declarer ducks the first trick. Bridge: Bridge Deals Online to Learn From and Discuss 2013-12-27T22:43:05Z When the queen dropped, declarer drew the last trump and took the diamond finesse, which was a certainty through West, the opening bidder. Bridge: Bridge — NEC Bridge Festival in Yokohama 2013-04-19T22:56:57Z Usually for success in a pro-am, you want the pro to be declarer as often as possible. London Enjoys Its Own Night of the Stars 2014-03-02T23:46:38Z If dummy has a king-jack holding on your left, and you hold the ace, it is almost always right to play low in tempo when declarer leads the suit. Bridge: English Team Wins the Junior Camrose 2014-03-09T21:26:41Z The two declarers played on hearts, East getting in with his ace. Bridge: At the John Roberts Teams, East Forces the Issue 2010-05-30T21:11:00Z West saw that if he played low, he would be endplayed with his club queen, forced to lead away from his heart king into declarer’s ace-jack. Bridge: Defenders Put on a Clinic in the Science of Unblocking 2010-12-31T22:54:57Z When declarer played his deuce, West won with his jack and returned the club eight. Bridge: The Truscott Board-a-Match Teams - Bridge 2013-01-05T00:50:08Z However, if East had played low, declarer would have put up his queen. Bridge: Bridge - Don?t Overlook Defense in Your Game 2011-09-30T21:44:02Z However, declarer was convinced that the diamond ace was a singleton. Bridge: Bridge - World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-09-30T21:19:58Z The winners showed better bidding judgment and good declarer play in the diagramed deal. Bridge: Board-a-Match Teams at World Youth Open 2013-09-01T21:22:35Z If that was passed out, East would presumably lead the heart jack, and declarer would take the first 10 tricks. Bridge: A Memorable Moment for the Rare Six-Card Fit 2011-02-23T23:14:56Z Then West erred in taking the trick and not returning a diamond to destroy declarer’s communications. Bridge: Coming Up Big at the Whitehead Women’s Pairs 2014-04-09T21:01:33Z If West had a low singleton, not unlikely for his takeout double, declarer had to finesse his heart ten. Bridge: A 92-Year-Old Former Champ Who Doesn?t Play by the Book 2011-09-11T22:14:31Z Now declarer erred by drawing two rounds of trumps. Bridge: From the Lederer Memorial, a Look at a Long-Card Oddity 2011-01-19T23:16:42Z Perhaps the diagramed deal featured the best declarer play during the NEC Festival of Bridge, which ended last Sunday in Yokohama City, Japan. Bridge: Two Kings Against a Slam Prove to Be Not Quite Enough 2011-02-16T23:23:28Z If West had discarded a club, declarer would have pitched a diamond from dummy, run the clubs and taken the diamond finesse at the end. Bridge: Rockwell Mixed Pairs 2014-03-28T21:50:44Z When declarer has a two-suiter, and you have tricks in his side suit, a trump lead will usually be best. Bridge: Bridge - Fort Lauderdale Regional Play 2013-05-10T21:54:47Z West continued with a low heart, East winning with her ace and playing another heart to declarer’s king, a club being thrown from the dummy. 2010-01-09T03:16:00Z Then East could have regained the lead in diamonds and played a second heart to destroy declarer’s communications for the squeeze. Bridge: Bridge Players Tom and Carol Sanders 2012-08-31T21:58:58Z Here the finesse worked, and declarer claimed 10 tricks. Bridge: Bridge - Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan 2013-01-12T01:30:11Z This kept the unknown hand as declarer, often an advantage. Bridge: The World Youth Congress in Croatia - Bridge 2011-09-02T22:43:52Z That killed the diamond ruff and allowed the declarer, Frederic Wrang from Sweden, to escape for down three and gain 42 imps. Bridge: From the Cavendish, an Odd Contract in Hearts 2010-05-09T23:08:00Z Now, when West took declarer’s king with his ace, he immediately returned a club for his partner to ruff. Bridge: Bridge - Cavendish Invitational Tournament in Monaco 2012-10-22T04:40:05Z But in this case Zeckhauser felt that West would be almost sure to duck the king, because declarer with the king-jack would play his jack, not the king. Bridge: One Deceived by Experience, the Other by the Heart Queen 2010-04-21T22:36:00Z West now led the club five, covered by the ten and jack and ruffed by declarer. Bridge: A Few Big Boards Decide a Junior Teams Title 2011-04-10T21:42:09Z And it would not have helped declarer to let the club queen hold, because West would have led another club, and East would have played low. Bridge: Gaining an Edge With a Deschapelles Coup 2011-03-06T22:34:49Z If West had continued with a club, declarer would have had several routes to 10 tricks. Bridge: Bridge - SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2012-12-26T23:11:12Z West won and drove out the diamond queen, but declarer overtook his club queen with dummy’s king and could not be defeated. Bridge: Bridge — Jaime Ortiz-Patiño at the 1982 Bermuda Regional 2013-01-16T23:26:48Z Fooled by this play, declarer now led a heart to his ace and cashed the heart king, after which Morse had to get two trump tricks with his queen and eight. Bridge: At the Jacoby, Some Trickery Helps Out the Winners 2011-04-03T21:24:53Z West led the club five, which ran to declarer’s nine. Bridge: In Bridge, Game of Chicago at Regency Whist Club 2012-09-28T22:50:15Z If West had covered with the diamond queen, declarer planned to discard a heart from the dummy. Bridge: A Bridge Deal From the Long Island Fall Regional 2012-10-12T22:32:30Z And if the human’s robot partner becomes the declarer, the human takes over the reins. Bridge: Imp Pairs at Bridge Base Online 2013-05-17T22:37:38Z On the diamond jack East threw the heart queen, and declarer discarded his low heart. Bridge: Zach Garrison, 9, Is a Bridge Player to Watch 2012-02-12T23:45:20Z When the finesse worked, declarer led a diamond to his queen, noting the ten and jack appearing from East. Bridge: Silodor Open Pairs at the Spring Nationals 2014-04-16T21:30:13Z Not knowing that South had a heart void, East was worried that if he returned a diamond, declarer would claim the rest of the tricks. Bridge: Bridge — District 3 Winter Regional in Rye, N.Y. 2013-01-23T23:43:18Z You know partner has a very weak hand, and if your side ends on defense, entering the auction will help the opposing declarer to place the cards. Bridge: Bridge — Goldman Pairs at Eastern States Regional 2012-05-30T22:14:19Z However, methods like Stayman that search for a 4-4 fit suffer from one disadvantage: if a 4-4 fit is not found, the defenders have been given free information about declarer’s hand. Bridge: Bridge: An Opening Lead Is Steered by the Bidding 2011-10-09T22:17:57Z The declarer will usually play one trick better when warned about a bad trump break. Bridge: Bridge - Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan 2013-01-13T22:05:22Z First, before playing from the dummy at Trick 1, declarer should count his losers and winners. Bridge: A Common Error 2012-11-07T23:35:37Z The declarer had eight top tricks: two hearts, five diamonds and one club. Bridge: At the Reisinger, Knowing What to Discard 2010-06-09T19:40:00Z When declarer took the trick with dummy’s club ace and played a trump, West won with his ten and led his last trump, East carefully discarding a club. Bridge: Sometimes a Penalty Double May Make an Average a Top 2010-03-13T00:51:00Z Now, though, East won with his ten, cashed the club ace and exited with his low heart, leaving declarer with no chance. Bridge: One Deal That Led to the USA-1 Bermuda Bowl Team 2013-06-16T21:20:35Z He is a tremendous competitor, great declarer, fantastic player and a wonderful guy. Bridge: Inspired Play From an Award-Worthy Career 2011-07-17T21:28:44Z So declarer called for dummy’s diamond ten and went down one, losing the same four tricks as at the other table. Bridge: He Misplaced the Club Honors, So Misguessed the Diamonds 2010-07-23T23:24:00Z West led his fourth-highest heart, which declarer correctly won with dummy’s ace. Bridge: Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional in Manhattan - Bridge 2012-01-11T22:51:22Z If West had not covered with the ten, declarer would have discarded a heart from the dummy. Bridge: Women’s and Senior Trials Begin in Orlando 2013-07-12T21:37:44Z And if declarer crossed to dummy and led the second diamond, East had to play low again to defeat the slam. Bridge: Bridge - Roth Open Swiss Teams in Philadelphia 2012-07-27T22:28:43Z If so, declarer would be playing to ruff a club in the dummy. Bridge: Prevailing at the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams 2014-03-30T20:59:05Z If he led a club, declarer would get two tricks in the suit. Bridge: Quarterfinal Play in Hunt for Bermuda Bowl Slot 2010-06-24T00:07:00Z When declarer continued with a low heart, West played low. Bridge: Bridge - Italian Clubs Championships in Salsomaggiore 2012-10-28T21:35:21Z The declarer, Berk Gokce, ruffed and cashed his club ace to learn about the bad split. Bridge: Australia vs. Turkey at 3rd World Youth Open Championships 2013-08-25T22:11:46Z Now it was easy for declarer to lead a diamond to his ace and exit with his last heart. Bridge: Remembering Seymon Deutsch 2013-06-19T21:36:37Z The Indonesian declarer won with his ace, drew trumps and said that he would concede if West had the heart ten as well as the queen. Bridge: Facing an ?Impossible? Contract 2011-10-21T23:52:36Z At the other table declarer played a second diamond at Trick 3, so failed as described above. Bridge: Bridge Play at the Second World Mind Sports Games 2012-08-15T22:45:00Z Now declarer led a low heart from the dummy. Bridge: One Deceived by Experience, the Other by the Heart Queen 2010-04-21T22:36:00Z The defense was perfect, aided by one slip from declarer. Bridge: Routine Overcall Proves Unexpectedly Costly 2010-08-27T21:33:00Z But Dubinin knew that that could not happen here, because South would have also been the declarer in six no-trump. Bridge: Winning Play Was Found From a Pause in the Bidding 2011-01-29T00:10:32Z West won with his jack and led another heart, ducked to declarer’s ace. Bridge: U.S. Has Strong Teams at World Bridge Championships in Bali 2013-09-15T21:42:48Z Now, after declarer ditched the diamond seven, West was squeezed. Bridge: No High-Card Points, but a Decision to Make 2011-07-31T22:32:53Z Since the suit is breaking 4-2, declarer must ruff two hearts in his hand and therefore needs three dummy entries: two for the ruffs and one to reach the last heart. Bridge: Bridge - Holiday Gift Books for Players 2012-11-11T23:32:14Z The German declarer called for the club queen at Trick 2. Bridge: In Bridge, Second World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-08-17T22:39:22Z East won with his ten and played a diamond, but declarer put up his king to drop West’s queen and claimed. Bridge: Open Teams at Surfer?s Paradise Congress - Bridge 2012-03-11T22:16:21Z And when West tried another diamond, declarer ran it to her eight. Bridge: Bridge - SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2012-12-26T23:11:12Z Whatever declarer did now, he had to lose two more trump tricks for down two. Bridge: The Trial to Select USA-1 Bermuda Team 2013-06-07T21:43:11Z Now East led a low club, on which declarer discarded a heart. Bridge: Winners at Fall Nationals in Seattle - Bridge 2011-11-30T23:45:40Z Then, guided by East’s doubles, declarer played a heart to his queen, drew the last trump and claimed. Bridge: Semifinals of the District 24 Grand National 2014-02-21T22:27:50Z Even after the diamond-queen start, with the club queen in the slot, declarer won all 13 tricks. Bridge: Bridge - Fall Nationals in San Francisco 2012-12-09T22:15:23Z Now declarer, playing West for the diamond queen, led a club to his ace and ran the diamond jack. Bridge: Bridge - Eastern States Regional in Manhattan 2013-06-02T20:58:37Z When both dummy and declarer have weak side suits that can be stopped only by ruffing. Bridge: What?s the Better Fit? The 4-4 vs. the 5-3 2011-02-20T21:47:32Z One declarer won 11 tricks, the other only 7. Bridge: Deals of Great Disparity 2012-04-13T23:21:57Z To execute a trump coup declarer must have the same trump length as his right-hand opponent. 2010-01-13T23:58:00Z Also, if East did cover, declarer would have won with his ace, crossed to dummy and played another club toward his jack. Bridge: Anticipating Defensive Error Costs Tournament - Bridge 2011-10-02T21:05:27Z Now declarer called for the heart ten, but East covered with her jack and took the last trick with the nine to defeat the contract. Bridge: Bridge: SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2011-12-18T21:39:24Z When this was covered by East’s king, declarer won with his ace and continued with the heart eight. Bridge: To Start Trumps From Your Hand or Dummy? 2011-07-22T23:45:36Z West took his ace and led the heart ten, but declarer ruffed and cashed his last two trumps, bringing everyone down to six cards. Bridge: Would You Declare or Defend? 2010-08-20T20:41:00Z So declarer won with dummy’s ace, holding himself to 11 tricks. Friday A/X Pairs at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2014-01-01T21:46:52Z If he does, East should not play his king, knowing declarer has the ace and queen. Bridge: Bridge — European Team Championships in Dublin 2012-06-29T23:29:16Z At the table West ducked at Trick 2, thinking that he might cut declarer off from his hand. Bridge: Pointers for a Favorite Player, in Books or 365 Days a Year 2009-12-17T06:10:00Z At most tables, declarer won with the club ace, ruffed a club in the dummy, played a trump to hand and ruffed another club. Bridge: Bridge - San Francisco Fall Nationals 2012-12-08T00:12:12Z That entry can come only from hearts, but declarer must be careful. Bridge: A Common Error 2012-11-07T23:35:37Z If West had won with her ace and shifted to clubs, declarer would have been held to nine tricks. Bridge: French Women?s Team Wins at Ostend 2010-07-14T22:58:00Z But West actually shifted to a club, and declarer took his 10 winners. Bridge: A Memorable Moment for the Rare Six-Card Fit 2011-02-23T23:14:56Z When discarding, keep equal length with the dummy and declarer if you might take a late trick in the suit — but sometimes you must beware that this tips your hand. Bridge: Slam Swing at a Qualifier for Grand National Teams 2014-02-19T21:49:15Z But declarer was nervous that the lead was a singleton. Bridge: In Bridge, Looking Back to the 1996 World Transnational 2012-05-25T21:52:06Z Now Rosner found the killing club shift, which disrupted declarer’s lines of communication. Bridge: Remembering Warren Rosner, 3-Time National Champion 2013-09-08T22:00:39Z But declarer, hoping that East had the club king, discarded down to one diamond and two clubs. Bridge: Bridge - Eastern States Regional in Manhattan 2013-06-02T20:58:37Z We can see that declarer could have taken the trick in the dummy, drawn trumps, dropped the diamond queen and come home with an overtrick. Bridge: Bridge: Second World Mind Sports Games, in France 2012-09-02T22:10:17Z Notice that if Nunes had won with his ace and returned a trump, declarer would have taken the rest with that crossruff. Bridge: After a Losing Spade Lead, His Trumps Come to the Rescue 2010-09-24T22:59:00Z Since West could overruff declarer’s club four with his nine, South could take only his three top trumps and conceded down two. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams Final 2012-03-25T21:47:28Z And in an effort to get home, declarer lost control when trumps broke 4-1, and she went down four. Bridge: The Women’s Under-26 Trial for World Youth Teams 2014-01-22T22:36:27Z West might even have led the club king, forcing South into his hand, but West wanted declarer in the dummy. Bridge: West Dangles a Fatal Finesse Before Declarer, but in Vain 2010-08-13T20:55:00Z East shifted to a club, but declarer ruffed, drew trumps and ran the heart ten through West. Bridge: Bridge — Michael Kamil Wins Lazard Award 2012-07-11T22:37:26Z One declarer took 12 tricks and the other lost 12 tricks. Bridge: Unusual Results in a Rare Bridge Deal 2012-05-23T22:34:36Z East won with his ace, dropping declarer’s king, and returned a diamond. Bridge: Keeping Count, Getting a Clue 2011-06-05T22:47:27Z Now East shifted to the club jack, a deceptive card that fooled declarer but not West. Bridge: Martin Fleisher Is Bridge League’s Player of the Year 2013-12-18T22:36:47Z Worried that it had been with a doubleton, West tried to cash the heart king, ruffed by declarer. Bridge: It?s the Big Swing, Part 2: How the Open Trial Was Lost 2010-07-09T22:14:00Z When East ruffed, declarer overruffed, trumped the diamond three in the dummy and led the last heart. Bridge: Bridge — Andrew Robson Given Order of the British Empire 2013-01-02T23:39:02Z Yes, West ruffed, but declarer had everything under control. At the Lebhar Imp Pairs, a Declarer in Control 2014-03-23T22:51:53Z The declarer usually enjoys an advantage, but occasionally the defenders know more and can force declarer to guess. Bridge: Defenders Put on a Clinic in the Science of Unblocking 2010-12-31T22:54:57Z The diagramed deal was the second board, rotated to make South the declarer. Bridge: England vs. Russia-Netherlands at NEC Bridge Festival 2014-02-26T22:21:51Z The defenders could have taken four tricks if they had been careful, but it would have been easy to drop a trick, especially with South as the declarer after a transfer bid. Bridge: A Case of Mistaken Identity For the King of Spades 2010-05-22T00:05:00Z This contract came home with an overtrick, declarer losing one trick in each suit. Bridge: Board-a-Match Teams at World Youth Open 2013-09-01T21:22:35Z The declarer who found the right approach was Wei Seng Tan from Singapore. Bridge: Bridge - World Youth Teams Championships in Taicang, China 2012-07-29T21:41:03Z When declarer led the club seven at Trick 2, West had to cover with his jack. Bridge: Would You Declare or Defend? 2010-08-20T20:41:00Z But unwisely wishing to tap declarer, East took his ace and led another club, just as South wanted. Bridge: If You Know, but Shouldn?t, You Can?t Act on It 2010-04-10T00:23:00Z Instead declarer decided to play on hearts, cashing his ace and playing a second round to dummy’s queen, which was the correct percentage play, gaining against a doubleton or tripleton jack with East. Bridge: Bridge — Jaime Ortiz-Patiño at the 1982 Bermuda Regional 2013-01-16T23:26:48Z But if declarer can succeed by working out what to do, the defenders must falsecard. Bridge: One Deal That Led to the USA-1 Bermuda Bowl Team 2013-06-16T21:20:35Z Usually declarer should play the top of touching honors from the closed hand. Bridge: One Deceived by Experience, the Other by the Heart Queen 2010-04-21T22:36:00Z Was declarer going to win one or two heart tricks? Bridge: Norman Kay Platinum Pairs 2014-05-02T22:39:38Z Now declarer played a club to her king, knowing the queen would drop. Bridge: Unlikely Slam for Vanderbilt Bridge Club Founders 2010-06-16T22:20:00Z If she had discarded a diamond, declarer would have played a diamond to dummy’s jack and taken the last three tricks in her hand. Bridge: Coming Up Big at the Whitehead Women’s Pairs 2014-04-09T21:01:33Z West led his diamond deuce, which ran to declarer’s nine. Bridge: In Narrow Win, Perfect Timing 2010-04-16T23:51:00Z East took the trick with his ten and returned a club, but declarer won with dummy’s king and clicked on the diamond queen, which pinned West’s jack. 2010-01-11T08:07:00Z After declarer calls for dummy’s king, how should East plan the defense? Bridge: Some Books for the Stockings of Less-Experienced Players 2010-12-16T05:08:02Z West won with his queen, cashed the ace and played a third round to declarer’s king. Bridge: UJA-Federation of New York’s Women’s Philanthropy Bridge 2013-05-24T21:15:22Z West, after winning with his king, would have done best to shift to a club, forcing declarer to decide immediately what to do. Bridge: The Buffett Cup in Bridge to be Played in Omaha 2012-09-08T00:15:23Z After declarer won with dummy’s king, East signaled upside-down encouragement with his deuce. Bridge: At the Buffett Cup in Wales, a Defensive-Signaling Show 2010-09-19T21:20:00Z World Mind Sports Games in France One of the arts of defense is trying to make declarer think you hold one hand when you actually have something very different. Bridge: Bridge - World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-09-30T21:19:58Z West shifted to a club, but declarer won with her ace, drew trumps and claimed. Bridge: Bridge - Judi Radin at Trial for World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-10T22:24:14Z West took two tricks in the suit, but then had to lead away from the club king, giving declarer an overtrick. Bridge: Board-a-Match Teams at World Youth Open 2013-09-01T21:22:35Z If declarer takes a losing finesse that he is going to repeat, the defender usually should not win immediately; he should play low, leaving declarer with the impression that the finesse is winning. Bridge: District 3 Winter Regional’s Friday Open Pairs 2014-01-29T22:18:48Z To that end, declarer ruffed the club lead and played his diamond king. Bridge: If You Know, but Shouldn?t, You Can?t Act on It 2010-04-10T00:23:00Z West ducked, so declarer put up dummy’s king and claimed. Bridge: Europe and the United States Battle on Six Fronts in Wales 2010-09-16T04:30:00Z It seemed that declarer would win the opening lead as cheaply as possible, draw trumps and run the diamond ten to cruise home. Bridge: Bridge: Second World Mind Sports Games, in France 2012-09-02T22:10:17Z In some ways the diagramed deal was the best of them all, although, to be fair, declarer had one opportunity to ruin the story. Bridge: Bridge - Spring North American Championships 2013-05-05T21:01:19Z It would have been more interesting if North had been the declarer, because early on he could have led a club toward his singleton king, hoping West would not play his ace. Bridge: Facing Off at the Pairs Championship in Croatia - Bridge 2011-08-31T21:46:14Z When West returned a diamond to dummy’s ace, declarer cashed dummy’s club king to give this position: Now South played a club to her ace. Bridge: Defenders Put on a Clinic in the Science of Unblocking 2010-12-31T22:54:57Z When the queen did not drop, declarer had 10 top tricks. Bridge: The Buffett Cup in Bridge to be Played in Omaha 2012-09-08T00:15:23Z Once the heart finesse won twice, declarer could have made his contract by shifting to clubs and guessing that suit. Bridge: Bridge: Two Declarers, Two Distinct Finesses 2011-10-12T22:52:54Z The two declarers, Bill Haughie from Australia and Arnold Fisher from U.S.A.-1, played a club to dummy’s king, East winning with his ace. Bridge: Americans Move On at World Championships - Bridge 2011-10-19T23:53:54Z Instead declarer ruffed the club seven, trumped a diamond, ruffed a club, trumped a diamond and cashed the ace-king of hearts. Bridge: Sweden Wisn Tianjin Binhai Cup - Bridge 2011-09-18T21:22:27Z In the diagramed position East had to lead a low diamond, which would have disrupted declarer’s timing. Bridge: At the Open Championships, a Slow Start and a Big Finish 2011-06-24T23:32:53Z Seeing a chance that would not have occurred to many players; at Trick 2, declarer led the heart deuce from her hand. Bridge: Tubby Stayman Feted for Her Charity Work and Her Play 2014-02-16T22:10:09Z North led the heart king, holding declarer to 12 tricks. Bridge: Under-21 Trial on the Road to the Damiani Cup 2010-07-04T20:16:00Z In those deals, the defenders must try to be as deceptive as possible, forcing declarer to guess what to do. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams at Spring Nationals 2012-04-06T21:45:19Z If East had not cashed the club ace, declarer could have made his contract by leading the club king and club queen from his hand to pin West’s jack. Bridge: Bridge — District 3 Winter Regional in Rye, N.Y. 2013-01-23T23:43:18Z After winning with dummy’s club ace, declarer tried to cash the heart ace. Bridge: Bridge - Surprising Disparity at the Spring Nationals 2012-04-08T22:06:51Z East claimed, saying that after South ruffed and led a diamond, declarer would win with his ace and cash his last club. Bridge: Bridge Column 2011-09-07T22:30:13Z If they had split 3-2, declarer would have crossed to dummy’s diamond ace and taken the club finesse. Bridge: Putting On the Squeeze at the Honors Club 2010-09-26T21:25:00Z If West played his ten, South would drop the king on the second round; if West won with his king, declarer would next lead the jack from the dummy to pin the ten. Bridge: From Vanderbilt Teams, a Psychology Lesson 2010-04-11T21:51:00Z When declarer played low from the dummy, East did his part, ducking the trick to South. 2010-01-21T08:30:00Z When declarer ducked this trick, East shifted to the club nine. Bridge: Better Card Placement Thanks to the Bidding 2011-02-25T23:02:15Z Then declarer ran the diamond queen to East’s king. Bridge: England Takes the Peggy Bayer Trophy 2014-03-12T21:18:48Z Now declarer ruffed a club in the dummy. Bridge: Bridge — Russia Wins NEC Cup in Yokohama 2013-04-21T21:28:35Z Now declarer put West in with his diamond ace. Bridge: The District 3 Winter Regional in Rye Brook, N.Y. 2014-01-24T23:04:11Z Even if declarer were not willing to risk the club finesse, he could have played a club to the ace and ruffed a club, bringing down the king. Bridge: Bridge: Americans Win 2 Individuals at World Mind Games 2011-12-17T00:40:53Z East won with his ace, cashed the heart seven and led a diamond, leaving declarer with no chance. Bridge: Leading Your Weakest Suit Can Distract Your Opponent 2012-01-18T23:51:07Z Levin, during his speech at the Hall of Fame induction ceremony, said that Arnold was a steady, disciplined player and the best declarer he ever saw. Bridge: Russ Arnold?s Defense at Bermuda Bowl Semifinal - Bridge 2012-02-01T23:32:54Z East collected his two tricks and declarer had the rest. Bridge: Choosing Between Leading Partner?s Suit or Your Own 2011-04-13T22:27:51Z Believing him, declarer played dummy’s ten and took East’s king with his ace. Bridge: Bridge —_ Final Qualifying Flight A Tournament for District 24 2012-10-27T02:20:10Z You should realize that there is no advantage to your being on lead at Trick 3, and it might work much better for partner to push a diamond through declarer. Bridge: The Quick Choice May Not Be the Right Choice 2011-01-16T21:41:48Z Both Wests led the diamond eight, which the declarers confidently thought was a singleton. Bridge: Bridge - Judi Radin at Trial for World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-10T22:24:14Z East, knowing from the auction and play so far that declarer couldn’t have the ace, won with his queen, cashed the heart ace and played another heart to dummy’s jack. Bridge: Bridge at the District 3 Winter Regional 2014-01-31T22:50:05Z So declarer ruffed the heart, bringing down the ten. Bridge: Bridge — Transnational Mixed Teams in Lille, France 2012-08-29T21:26:57Z That excellent piece of declarer play gained 6 international match points for England. Bridge: With Sharp Declarer Play, England Wins the Junior Camrose 2011-03-02T21:57:07Z Usually defenders work to stop declarer from ruffing a loser in the dummy; here it was necessary to reduce dummy’s trump length by making it ruff. Bridge: Which Defense Is Better: To Shift or to Force a Ruff? 2011-02-11T22:44:29Z East won with her king and returned a club, which declarer ruffed. Bridge: Bridge Players Tom and Carol Sanders 2012-08-31T21:58:58Z The book aims at advanced intermediate players, with sections for declarers and defenders. Bridge: New Books on the Game 2013-12-13T22:48:55Z If East had played a club, declarer would have ruffed in the dummy and led diamonds. Bridge: Using a Side Suit to Control Trumps 2011-09-09T22:59:11Z With trumps breaking 2-2, there were no problems, but declarer wanted to try to get home despite unfavorable distribution. Bridge: A Powerhouse Hand at the Eastern States Regional 2010-06-06T21:58:00Z If declarer draws trumps, he cannot establish and run the clubs. Bridge: As the Championships Begin, Revisiting a 2009 Highlight 2010-03-11T05:32:00Z Or if declarer had played a heart to her king, she would have lost a diamond and a heart. Bridge: At the Open Championships, a Slow Start and a Big Finish 2011-06-24T23:32:53Z Here, declarer had to play an honor to save a trick, but he finessed his eight, perhaps thinking that North had a singleton ace. Bridge: The Trial to Select USA-1 Bermuda Team 2013-06-07T21:43:11Z When declarer led dummy’s heart, East could not stop South from winning one more trump trick for her contract — nicely done. Bridge: Machlin Women’s Swiss Teams 2014-04-11T21:19:00Z But he was worried that if South had the ace-jack, this lead would allow declarer to take a finesse he could not organize for himself. Bridge: West Dangles a Fatal Finesse Before Declarer, but in Vain 2010-08-13T20:55:00Z When a diamond was led, declarer would have overruffed East to avoid losing a trump trick. Bridge: A Misreading Benefits a Defender 2011-12-21T22:05:19Z When East shifted to a club, declarer won with his now-singleton ace, played a heart to dummy’s ten, took the diamond finesse twice and had nine tricks: four hearts, four diamonds and one club. Bridge: Houston Lone Star Regional?s Bracketed Teams - Bridge 2012-02-05T22:12:20Z Now look at the full deal from declarer’s point of view. Bridge: A Dandy Defensive Coup That Few Players Would Find 2011-05-27T21:46:59Z Dummy had the king-ten of diamonds, and declarer the club seven and diamond seven. Bridge: Winners of the Truscott Board-a-Match - Bridge 2011-12-30T23:07:55Z But when East ruffed with the club jack, declarer overruffed, trumped his heart loser in the dummy and conceded only two tricks: one heart and one club. Bridge: Which Defense Is Better: To Shift or to Force a Ruff? 2011-02-11T22:44:29Z Both declarers, with no fast hand entry to get to their diamond winners, had to play low from the dummy. Bridge: One Board, Two Big Swings 2010-03-21T21:38:00Z However, declarer led back the diamond jack, East winning and playing his last trump. Bridge: Bridge - The Spring North American Championships 2012-03-23T23:33:02Z Then, though, after East plays a diamond to West’s jack, West can lead his second club to destroy declarer’s communications. Bridge: Bridge Deals Online to Learn From and Discuss 2013-12-27T22:43:05Z When West led a heart, not a diamond, declarer took 12 tricks. Bridge: Bridge — Buffett Cup in Omaha 2012-09-12T21:03:22Z The answer went back to Trick 5, when declarer cashed the club queen. Bridge: Bridge ? Vanderbilt Knockout Teams at Spring Nationals 2012-04-06T21:45:19Z South bid two diamonds to show equal length in the majors, but North, not wanting to be the declarer in this debacle, redoubled again. Bridge: Lots of Bidding, and a Little Lost in Translation 2010-05-28T22:47:00Z If West had won with his king and cashed the ace, declarer would have unblocked dummy’s ten and taken the last two tricks with his queen-eight. Bridge: Bridge - Senior Teams Trial for World Mind Sports Games 2012-06-17T22:27:52Z Also note that if East had continued diamonds at the second and third tricks, declarer would have finessed in clubs through West, the danger hand, to keep him off the lead and gotten home. Bridge: An Impressive Defensive Move Online 2014-05-04T22:01:58Z When East helped by playing her queen, declarer won with his ace and immediately led a club to dummy’s queen, while he still had the heart jack as a dummy entry. Bridge: The Buffett Cup in Bridge to be Played in Omaha 2012-09-08T00:15:23Z West led the diamond jack, and declarer, needing two tricks, claimed. Bridge: Surviving a 5-1 Trump Break at USA Trials 2013-07-21T22:21:04Z If declarer had played low from the dummy, East would have covered with her nine. Bridge: Bridge: SportAccord World Mind Games in Beijing 2011-12-18T21:39:24Z Still unsure what to do, declarer led another heart and West played the nine. Bridge: Jim Becker A/X Pairs at the Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2013-12-29T22:00:29Z The declarers ran the club suit, discarding four hearts and carefully keeping all of their diamonds. Bridge: Bridge - Spingold Knockout Teams at Summer Nationals 2012-07-22T22:09:22Z Then North might have signed off in three no-trump, which would not have tested anyone’s declarer play. Bridge: Winners at Fall North American Championships - Bridge 2011-11-27T22:25:18Z When declarer ducked in the dummy, West shifted to the heart eight. Bridge: Lebhar Imp Pairs at North American Championships - Bridge 2012-03-18T21:07:09Z East, believing that declarer was faced with a guess, played low. Bridge: In Bridge, Game of Chicago at Regency Whist Club 2012-09-28T22:50:15Z By putting declarer into the dummy he would have to decide how to reach his hand to remove that final trump. Bridge: Bridge - World Mind Sports Games in France 2012-09-30T21:19:58Z Note that declarer was lucky with the diamond honor location. Bridge: Albert Dormer at the World Senior Pairs in 1990 2014-05-11T21:27:58Z After a natural sequence to three no-trump, West led a fourth-highest diamond deuce, which ran around to declarer’s nine. Bridge: Landing an Overtrick via Some Dental Work 2011-07-10T20:57:21Z His excellence as a declarer is highlighted by the diagramed deal. A Tireless Champion of the Game 2015-04-29T04:00:00Z He has long been recognized as one of the world’s greatest declarers, highlighted by his victory in the 1998 World Par Contest. New Member for American Contract Bridge League’s Hall of Fame 2015-04-24T04:00:00Z But declarer decided to take the heart finesse. A Deal From the Trials for the Venice Cup 2015-04-22T04:00:00Z Now declarer spent a long time deciding on her next move. Venice Cup Women’s Qualifying Unfolds 2015-04-19T04:00:00Z This type of play is called the dentist’s coup, in which declarer extracts a defender’s safe-exit cards before giving him the lead. Honors for Eddie Kantar, a Top Player and Teacher 2015-04-10T04:00:00Z West had three clubs, dummy held the diamond jack and club queen-jack, and declarer retained one heart and ace-doubleton of clubs. A Tireless Champion of the Game 2015-04-29T04:00:00Z If the clubs were running, there would be no problems, but declarer wondered about a bad club split. New Member for American Contract Bridge League’s Hall of Fame 2015-04-24T04:00:00Z That, however, lost to West’s queen, and Deas carefully returned the diamond king to strand declarer in the dummy. A Deal From the Trials for the Venice Cup 2015-04-22T04:00:00Z When declarer started trumps by cashing his ace, he could not recover. Familiar Victors at the Jacoby Swiss Teams 2015-04-08T04:00:00Z Now came the club king, and when East did not cover with the ace, declarer discarded his last diamond. Deception Again Wins the Day 2015-04-03T04:00:00Z Now declarer was nervous of playing another trump, for fear that East would take tricks with his queen and ten, then cash a heart trick for down two. Winning Defense at the Spring Nationals 2015-04-01T04:00:00Z When declarer won with dummy’s ace, East dropped the ten. Jacoby Swiss Teams Winners at the Spring Nationals 2015-03-29T04:00:00Z When declarer has to guess what to do, try to find passive plays that do not help her or him. A Deal From the Trials for the Venice Cup 2015-04-22T04:00:00Z He could have responded one no-trump, but judged that if his side could make three no-trump, it would be better if partner were the declarer. Familiar Victors at the Jacoby Swiss Teams 2015-04-08T04:00:00Z But West, thinking she had everything under control and wishing to cut down declarer’s trump tricks, led the diamond jack. A Deal From the Machlin Women’s Swiss Teams 2015-03-27T04:00:00Z Now declarer discarded a club on the diamond ten. Winning Defense at the Spring Nationals 2015-04-01T04:00:00Z Backing his judgment, declarer took the heart finesse and went down one. Spring North American Championships Winners 2015-03-25T04:00:00Z So leading a trump is usually the best start, aimed at reducing the number of ruffs the declarer can take in the shorter trump hand. Young Mixed Pair Wins Lebhar Imp Title 2015-03-20T04:00:00Z East shifted to a diamond, but declarer won with his ace and removed East’s last trump. Familiar Victors at the Jacoby Swiss Teams 2015-04-08T04:00:00Z What did declarer do after taking this trick with his ace? Boston-Area Bridge Duo Win the Baldwin North American Pairs 2015-03-15T04:00:00Z But expecting West’s lead to be from a strong holding, declarer played dummy’s nine. A Bridge Deal From the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams 2015-03-13T04:00:00Z At the table, declarer won the first trick with dummy’s diamond ace and discarded a club. The 20-20 Hindsight of an Instructive Deal 2015-03-04T05:00:00Z When back in her hand with a trump, declarer ran her diamond nine to bring out East’s ace. Young Mixed Pair Wins Lebhar Imp Title 2015-03-20T04:00:00Z East won with his ace and returned a club to declarer’s king. A Bridge Deal From the Peggy Bayer Tournament 2015-02-27T05:00:00Z East’s play was an error because he knew declarer had two dummy entries in clubs to set up and run the hearts. Boston-Area Bridge Duo Win the Baldwin North American Pairs 2015-03-15T04:00:00Z However, not expecting declarer to have a singleton, East exited with a heart to dummy’s king. A Bridge Deal From the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams 2015-03-13T04:00:00Z That way, declarer assures at most one club loser. The 20-20 Hindsight of an Instructive Deal 2015-03-04T05:00:00Z At the table, declarer ruffed the heart ace, drew trumps, played a diamond to dummy’s king and returned a diamond to his ace. A Deal for the Player Who Likes a Challenge 2015-02-22T05:00:00Z Also, if declarer were missing the diamond jack, he surely would have played low to dummy’s king, in order not to block the suit. NEC Bridge Festival’s Last-Day Pair Event 2015-02-20T05:00:00Z When the king dropped, declarer claimed 11 tricks. A Deal at the 2009 Baze Senior Knockout Teams 2015-02-13T05:00:00Z If so, East needed to hold up his diamond ace to cut off declarer from the dummy. A Credit to the Game Leaves a Legacy 2015-02-11T05:00:00Z Now declarer cashed his top trumps, then led the heart king from his hand. Seeing Art in the Diagramed Deal 2015-02-08T05:00:00Z East overruffed, yet a moment later declarer drew trumps and discarded his last heart on dummy’s fifth club to escape for down one. Geir Helgemo Plays at the Rosenblum Open Teams 2015-02-06T05:00:00Z With everything as favorable as could be, declarer had no trouble making his contract. At a Benefit Event, Pressure Takes a Seat at the Table 2015-02-01T05:00:00Z West would have had to lead a heart, and declarer’s hand would have been high. Bridge Big Hosts Online World Cup 2015-01-23T05:00:00Z At the third trick, declarer overtook his diamond queen with dummy’s king. A Credit to the Game Leaves a Legacy 2015-02-11T05:00:00Z Since the hearts were 3-3 and the club finesse was working, declarer seemed to have nine tricks: three hearts, one diamond and five clubs. Alternate Possibilities at Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2015-01-18T05:00:00Z And here, if West had led the heart ace and continued with a low heart, he would have held declarer to 10 tricks. A Deal From the Edgar Kaplan Winter Regional 2015-01-16T05:00:00Z Each declarer was able to discard a heart on dummy’s diamond ace. Informative Auction at World Mind Games in Beijing 2015-01-09T05:00:00Z After drawing East’s last trump, how did declarer assess the diamond position? Winning Solo at the SportAccord World Mind Games 2015-01-04T05:00:00Z East won and shifted to a diamond, but declarer won with his ace, played a club to dummy’s ace, finessed in clubs through East, then played a heart to dummy’s eight to get home. Israel Wins World Mind Games’ Open Teams Final 2014-12-28T05:00:00Z This left dummy, East and declarer with one trump each. Answering When Opportunity Knocks 2014-12-24T05:00:00Z After West’s club lead, declarer discarded a heart from the dummy and won with her ace. Quartet Wins Women’s Board-a-Match Teams 2014-12-19T05:00:00Z Looking at all 52 cards, would you pick the declarer or the defenders to triumph? Braving Injury to Advance at Fall Championships 2014-12-10T05:00:00Z But declarer won with dummy’s ace, drew two rounds of trumps, unblocked his diamond king, crossed to dummy with a trump and discarded his heart king on the diamond ace. Defending Champions Retain Baze Senior Knockout 2014-12-05T05:00:00Z Then declarer continued with a heart to dummy’s ten. Israel Wins World Mind Games’ Open Teams Final 2014-12-28T05:00:00Z He chose to trump in and shift to a diamond, but declarer ran that to dummy’s queen and claimed, conceding only two trump tricks. Answering When Opportunity Knocks 2014-12-24T05:00:00Z West would have ruffed and shifted to a heart, but declarer could have won with dummy’s ace and discarded her second heart on the club king. Two Titles Won at Bridge League’s Fall Championships 2014-11-30T05:00:00Z However, thinking that West had led from queen-ten-nine-fifth of diamonds, declarer played low from the dummy. Braving Injury to Advance at Fall Championships 2014-12-10T05:00:00Z Yes, declarer could have won with her ace and cashed the heart king to drop West’s jack and take nine tricks, but that was hardly clear. A Club Celebrates Being a Drawing Card 2014-11-23T05:00:00Z If declarer had played dummy’s queen, he would have escaped for down one, but was nervous about going down three if the finesse lost. A Deal From the District 3 Autumn Leaf Regional 2014-11-19T05:00:00Z If North, East and South had each held one heart and two diamonds, declarer would have exited with dummy’s trump to endplay East in diamonds. Answering When Opportunity Knocks 2014-12-24T05:00:00Z So here, East-West needed to hold declarer to nine tricks to win the point on the board. A Player Worth Remembering 2014-11-16T05:00:00Z If you picked the declarer, you were wrong at double dummy. Braving Injury to Advance at Fall Championships 2014-12-10T05:00:00Z When declarer ducked in the dummy, West continued with his diamond king. An Underdog Triumphs at the World Series 2014-11-05T05:00:00Z When declarer called for dummy’s ten, East played a suit-preference nine. Women’s Pairs Winners in World Bridge Series 2014-10-31T04:00:00Z No other declarer in hearts took more than 10 tricks. Answering When Opportunity Knocks 2014-12-24T05:00:00Z Instead, she found the only lead to hold declarer to nine tricks: the heart four. A Player Worth Remembering 2014-11-16T05:00:00Z However, West could have ruffed in with his heart queen and led his remaining trump to leave declarer with a losing diamond in his hand. Braving Injury to Advance at Fall Championships 2014-12-10T05:00:00Z East, knowing declarer could not reach the dummy, discarded his last two clubs. An Underdog Triumphs at the World Series 2014-11-05T05:00:00Z Here, it did not matter, because declarer had such strong heart spots. Americans Grab Medals at Red Bull Series in Sanya, China 2014-10-24T04:00:00Z Against one no-trump, West led the heart king, which declarer ducked. Red Bull Mixed Pairs at World Championships 2014-10-19T04:00:00Z When he led the heart king, declarer won with dummy’s ace and played a diamond herself to set up the key ruff. At the Arthur L. Loeb Cup, Amateurs Hold Their Own 2014-10-05T04:00:00Z East won with her ace and returned a diamond to declarer’s king. Bridge Play From the Arthur L. Loeb Cup 2014-10-03T04:00:00Z If declarer had called for dummy’s jack, he would have won 12 tricks. Commonwealth Nations Championship Yields a Lesson 2014-10-01T04:00:00Z Or if East shifts to his club, declarer will win in the dummy and trump a diamond in his hand. Wales in the Qualifying Stages at Commonwealth Nations 2014-09-28T04:00:00Z When declarer played a club, East put up his queen and South covered with her king. Red Bull Mixed Pairs at World Championships 2014-10-19T04:00:00Z When declarer cashed her final club, West could not have held both red suits. At the Arthur L. Loeb Cup, Amateurs Hold Their Own 2014-10-05T04:00:00Z East’s tactic of intentionally conceding a ruff-and-sluff is sensible when the defenders would like to undermine declarer’s trump control. A Deal From the Commonwealth Nations Bridge Championships 2014-09-24T04:00:00Z If declarer had taken the finesse, he would surely have made his contract. At Transnational Teams, Big Swings and a Close Call 2014-09-21T04:00:00Z It is unusual that a deal in which declarer only has to draw trumps should prove so interesting. Wales in the Qualifying Stages at Commonwealth Nations 2014-09-28T04:00:00Z But when declarer allowed South to win with her nine, that defender had no winning continuation. Red Bull Mixed Pairs at World Championships 2014-10-19T04:00:00Z Making a play so crazy that declarer will never take advantage of it, like West’s club eight here, is called a Grosvenor Gambit. Chairman’s Team Wins Commonwealth Championship 2014-09-19T04:00:00Z Four diamonds would probably have gone down one, declarer losing two hearts and two clubs. A Deal From the Commonwealth Nations Bridge Championships 2014-09-24T04:00:00Z At the other table, the French declarer won the first trick and played a diamond to dummy’s queen. France vs. U.S. at a World Mind Games Women’s Final 2014-09-14T04:00:00Z And declarer should have anticipated that West’s opening lead was a singleton, given that it was dummy’s bid suit. Wales in the Qualifying Stages at Commonwealth Nations 2014-09-28T04:00:00Z East took the trick and returned a diamond to declarer’s king. A Deal From the Cavendish Tournament in Monaco 2014-09-10T04:00:00Z To make the contract with this layout, declarer had to finesse his diamond queen. Chairman’s Team Wins Commonwealth Championship 2014-09-19T04:00:00Z Now declarer, a former world champion, correctly judging that East would be long in clubs, bravely played a club to his ten. Luck and Skill Prevail at Cavendish Open Pairs 2014-09-07T04:00:00Z If declarer takes a repeatable finesse that is losing, the defender should usually duck the first time. France vs. U.S. at a World Mind Games Women’s Final 2014-09-14T04:00:00Z The diagrammed deal was Board 18, rotated to make South the declarer. The Cavendish Invitational Opening Team Event 2014-09-05T04:00:00Z After another club ruff, declarer led dummy’s last diamond. A Deal From the Cavendish Tournament in Monaco 2014-09-10T04:00:00Z West took the trick and shifted to a diamond, but declarer won with dummy’s ace and cashed the two top clubs, discarding his diamond loser. Cagey Play Is a Winner at World Youth Championships 2014-08-31T04:00:00Z |
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