

单词 caustic potash
例句 caustic potash
The fruits when triturated with a solution of caustic potash evolve a most unpleasant odour. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 3 "Helmont, Jean" to "Hernosand" 2012-04-14T02:00:23.707Z
In most of the experiments it was most convenient to use caustic potash. The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla With special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting 2012-03-28T02:00:22.660Z
Whatever sets up the electric disturbance, whether it be the action of sulphuric acid on zinc, or caustic potash on iron, etc., is called electromotive force, generally abbreviated E.M.F. Electric Bells and All About Them A Practical Book for Practical Men 2012-03-06T03:00:25.273Z
Lime deposits may be eliminated, or the salts may be precipitated in the form of non-adhering slimes, by introducing regularly a small amount of caustic potash or soda into the feed-water. Gas-Engines and Producer-Gas Plants A Practice Treatise Setting Forth the Principles of Gas-Engines and Producer Design, the Selection and Installation of an Engine, Conditions of Perfect Operation, Producer-Gas Engines and Their Possibilities, the Care of Gas-Engines and Producer-Gas Plants, with a Chapter on Volatile Hydrocarbon and Oil Engines 2011-12-28T03:00:31.087Z
The exciting fluid is a solution of caustic potash. Hawkins Electrical Guide, Number One Questions, Answers, & Illustrations, A Progressive Course of Study for Engineers, Electricians, Students and Those Desiring to acquire a Working Knowledge of Electricity and its Applications 2011-12-24T03:07:54.823Z
A solution of caustic potash or soda forms with gentianin a yellow solution, and the tincture of the root to which either of these alkalis has been added loses its bitterness in a few days. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 5 "Gassendi, Pierre" to "Geocentric" 2011-09-02T02:00:20.450Z
Other Cures.—Fontana, toward the end of the eighteenth century, was sure that he had discovered in caustic potash an absolute specific for snake poisoning. Psychotherapy 2011-06-19T02:00:20.053Z
Townsend obtained his ions in the hydrogen and oxygen given off when caustic potash is electrolyzed. The New Gresham Encyclopedia Volume 4, Part 2: Ebert to Estremadura 2011-04-14T02:00:56.200Z
All animal fibres are effectively dissolved by 10% solution of caustic potash or soda. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 10, Slice 3 "Fenton, Edward" to "Finistere" 2011-03-14T03:01:00.580Z
The best yield of chlorate was obtained when from 1 to 4% of caustic potash was present. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 2 "Ehud" to "Electroscope" 2011-01-29T03:00:23.777Z
This colouring matter, which is also sold as a paste, is an anthracene derivative, being formed by the action of caustic potash on β-amidoanthraquinone. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 8 "Dubner" to "Dyeing" 2010-12-26T03:00:17.840Z
Potassium chromate, K2CrO4, may be prepared by neutralizing a solution of potassium bichromate with potassium carbonate or with caustic potash. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Slice 7 "Bible" to "Bisectrix" 2010-12-20T17:12:05.780Z
To calculate the percentage of effective alkali from the above titrations, it must be first pointed out that in the case of caustic potash or soda aliquot portions are taken. Soap-Making Manual A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant.
The caustic alkalies are strong alkalies which have a powerful corrosive action on the skin, and the common ones are potassic hydroxide or caustic potash, sodic hydroxide or caustic soda, and lithic hydroxide. The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 1 A to Amide
The amorphous variety may be obtained from the crystalline form by dissolving it in caustic potash or soda or in solutions of alkaline sulphides, and precipitating the hot solution by dilute sulphuric acid. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 2 "Anjar" to "Apollo"
Since caustic potash is generated from the permanganate and is liable to act detrimentally on the fibre, it is advisable to add some magnesium sulphate to the permanganate bath in order to counteract this effect. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 8 "Dubner" to "Dyeing" 2010-12-26T03:00:17.840Z
Angelate of potassium has been obtained by treatment of the oil with caustic potash, and angelic acid may be isolated from this by treatment with dilute sulphuric acid. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 7 "Cerargyrite" to "Charing Cross"
At the present time the prices of glycerol and caustic potash are abnormally high, but the committee has considered that the methods adopted are for normal times and normal prices. Soap-Making Manual A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant.
From the latter it may be obtained by fusion with caustic potash when it is converted into carbazol-potassium, which can be easily separated by distilling off the anthracene. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 3 "Capefigue" to "Carneades"
When fused with caustic potash, it gives benzoic acid. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 2 "Anjar" to "Apollo"
A weak solution of pure or caustic potash operates very rapidly. Book Repair and Restoration
For the quantitative determination of the metal, the salts are precipitated by caustic potash, the precipitate washed, dried and heated, and finally weighed as the dioxide. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 7 "Cerargyrite" to "Charing Cross"
After separating the potassium chloride from the magnesium chloride and other substances found in Stassfurt salts the methods of manufacture of caustic potash are identical to those of caustic soda. Soap-Making Manual A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant.
Iodphenol is obtained by the action of iodine and iodic acid on phenol dissolved in a dilute solution of caustic potash. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 3 "Capefigue" to "Carneades"
It is of the nature of chitine; but boiling caustic potash has rather more effect on it than on true chitine; and I think boiling nitric acid rather less effect. A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia With Figures of all the Species.
Berthollet by the action of chlorine on caustic potash, and this method was at first used for its manufacture. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 3 "Chitral" to "Cincinnati"
A determinate weight of distilled water is usually put into the first bottle, and the other three have each a solution of caustic potash in water. Elements of Chemistry, In a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries
To carry out the process, the caustic potash and carbonate of potash are dissolved and placed in the kettle together with the soda lye, and the oils added. Soap-Making Manual A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant.
One dram of caustic potash or of hydrochloric acid may be given daily in the drinking water. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
The membrane of the ball falls to pieces in caustic potash, differently from the chitine membrane of the enclosed peduncle, and this shows that there is some difference in composition from ordinary cement. A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia With Figures of all the Species.
Our detective mixes the particle of blood-stained wood, or earth, or dust, or cloth fibres, with water and caustic potash, and filters it. The Harmsworth Magazine, v. 1, 1898-1899, No. 2
J. Rhea Barton, has applied the caustic potash to the extremities of the fragments of a broken tibia, after an artificial joint had fully formed. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
If you boil a sample in caustic potash, all the silk in it will dissolve, but the cotton will remain. Makers of Many Things
Swallowing of Corrosive Substances.—The œsophagus is damaged by the swallowing of strong chemicals, such as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, carbolic acid, or caustic potash. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The action of boiling caustic potash is very useful in cleaning the prehensile antenn�. A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia With Figures of all the Species.
More recently we have been using potash-lime, substituting caustic potash for caustic soda in the formula, and the results thus obtained are, if anything, more satisfactory than with the soda-lime. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
It is completely soluble in caustic potash, and precipitable again by any acid in the form of a white granular powder. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
It was thus found that 100 grammes of the oil require 0.34 gramme of caustic potash to neutralize the free acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885
Tannic acid, the neutral acetate of lead and caustic potash produce with it an abundant precipitate; the perchloride of iron colors it a dark green. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
Erasion.—The parts are thoroughly scraped with a curette, and a supplementary caustic application made, either with caustic potash or several days' use of the pyrogallic-acid ointment. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
I have, in repeated instances, applied to the ulcerated surface, caustic potash freely, allowing the dissolved caustic to penetrate to the very "core" by running into the orifices. An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Containing the New Discoveries and Improvements to the Present Time
It also gives off ammonia, when treated with caustic potash. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
It was thus found that 1,000 grammes of oil would require 195.5 grammes of caustic potash to convert it entirely into potash soap. Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885
I did not imagine, at the time, that the dust of the external air could find such free passage through the caustic potash and sulphuric acid. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
Thorough cauterization by means of caustic potash or the galvano-cautery; or, its extirpation by means of the curette or excision. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
It resists boiling in water or caustic potash solution for some minutes, and does not burn more quickly than cotton. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
Emollient poultices were now applied; these, however, did not prevent the formation of an abscess, which was opened by means of caustic potash. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
Free Acidity.—By the method indicated, it was found that 100 grammes of oil required 0.39 grammes caustic potash to neutralize the acid occurring in a free state. Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885
The air passes slowly through the cotton-wool, the caustic potash, and the sulphuric acid in succession. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
Upon the whole, the best method in the average case is to curette thoroughly, and supplement with momentary cauterization, with caustic potash, or with several days' use of the pyrogallic acid ointment. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Cotton prepared by treating with a solution of caustic potash or soda or certain other chemicals. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
Lye or alkalies, as caustic potash or soda: Vinegar, dilute sulphuric acid, and linseed tea, with opium, 3 drams. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The admixture of a little caustic potash with the caustic soda greatly improves the appearance of the resultant product, which is smoother and milder. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
The air was driven through two U-tubes, the one containing a solution of caustic potash, the other sulphuric acid. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
By the use of such caustics as caustic potash, chloride-of-zinc paste, pyrogallic acid, arsenic, and the galvano-cautery; and by operative measures, such as excision and erasion with the dermal curette, and by the x-ray. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
First prepared from indigo by means of caustic potash, found in coal, 1834. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
Soft soap made from caustic potash is generally used as it is less harmful than ordinary hard soda soap. Textiles and Clothing
Acids of Series II. may also be converted into saturated acids by heating to 300°C. with solid caustic potash, which decomposes them into acids of the stearic series with liberation of hydrogen. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
The action of strong solutions of caustic soda or caustic potash upon cellulose or cotton is somewhat different. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
Early excision or destruction with caustic potash, with subsequent antiseptic dressings; and internally the free use of stimulants and tonics. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Gamboge is likewise soluble in caustic potash, forming a red liquid, from which it is thrown down by acids. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
Bleaching powder, caustic potash or soda, and strong soap are not suitable for cleaning woodwork, because of the action of the alkali on paint and wood; they roughen the surface and discolor the paint. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
Fatty acids are readily saponified with caustic soda or caustic potash of all strengths. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
When boiled with weak caustic soda it melts but is not dissolved by the alkali; it can, however, be dissolved by boiling with alcoholic caustic potash. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
It may be bleached by boiling in caustic potash, and passing chlorine thru it until the resin is precipitated. Handwork in Wood
In order to do this, small pieces of the leaf should be boiled for about a minute in strong caustic potash, and then treated with acetic or hydrochloric acid. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
These comprise soda ash, soda crystals, caustic soda, silicate of soda, potash, caustic potash, soaps of various kinds, stale urine, ammoniacal compounds. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
The "saponification equivalent" is the amount of fat or oil in grammes saponified by 1 equivalent or 56.1 grammes of caustic potash. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
It is sometimes possible to distend or swell the flesh by utilizing a 1- to 3-percent solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as caustic potash. The Science of Fingerprints Classification and Uses
Tests.—Heated with caustic potash, it yields chloroform and potassium formate. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Owing to the toughness of the filaments, the finer structure of the lichens is often difficult to study, and free use of caustic potash is necessary to soften and make them manageable. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
Somebody says that when the Calvinists decided on sulphur they did not know the properties of caustic potash. John Ward, Preacher
Other methods have been suggested for the preliminary purification, e.g., silver oxide, silver carbonate and lead subacetate, and copper sulphate and caustic potash, but the lead subacetate alone with care gives satisfactory results. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
In the nævus the practical result of this reaction is that at the positive pole nitric acid, and at the negative pole caustic potash, both in a state of minute subdivision, make their appearance. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
Liquor Potassæ is a strong solution of caustic potash, and has a similar reaction. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
To study the embryo a series of young fruits should be selected, and the ovules carefully dissected out and mounted in water, to which a little caustic potash has been added. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
Strong caustic potash or soda dissolves silk; more easily if warm. The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing Lectures Delivered Before the Hat Manufacturers' Association
Greatly thickened patches may be softened by soap plasters or bathe the parts in ten or twenty per cent solutions of caustic potash and followed by a salve application. Mother's Remedies Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada
Strong chemical agents, such as caustic potash, nitric or sulphuric acid, may also induce local tissue necrosis, the general appearances of the lesions produced being like those of severe burns. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
Most fats contain a substance of an acid nature, and are decomposed by the action of bases such as caustic soda and caustic potash. General Science
Not an atom of carbonic acid could resist the caustic potash; and as for the oxygen, according to M'Nicholl's expression, "it was A prime number one!" All Around the Moon
Benzoate of potash results when chloride of benzoyle is treated with caustic potash. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Paint part under flesh with four parts caustic potash, six parts warm water. Mother's Remedies Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers of the United States and Canada
By some it is recommended that the local lesion should be freely excised; others advocate cauterisation of the affected part with solid caustic potash till all the indurated area is softened. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
Up to the moment of introducing the hydrofluoric acid, the leading tubes are attached to drying tubes containing fused caustic potash. Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
We have succeeded in forming a new battery with a single liquid and with a solid depolarizing element by associating oxide of copper, caustic potash, and zinc. Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884
When heated with an excess of caustic potash it should evolve no smell of ammonia, otherwise, it has been adulterated with sal ammoniac. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Carbonic acid was absorbed by caustic potash, as also was carbonic oxide, after having been oxidized to carbonic acid by heated oxide of copper, and the vapor of water was absorbed by concentrated sulphuric acid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
Prophylaxis.—Any wound suspected of being infected with anthrax should at once be cauterised with caustic potash, the actual cautery, or pure carbolic acid. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
In all of these the negatively charged element is of zinc, the positively charged element a mass of copper oxide, and the electrolyte a solution of caustic potash in water. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
Bromine solution is added drop by drop until the slight coloration is permanent, excess of bromine being got rid of by boiling for a minute or two with a little more caustic potash. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
These fatty acids are afterwards combined with ordinary caustic potash to produce the Naples soap. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
As the problem thus resolved itself into finding a way by which all interfering substances could be destroyed without affecting the graphite, it at once occurred to me to try the effect of caustic potash. Scientific American Supplement, No. 483, April 4, 1885
Place on the floor near where their holes are supposed to be a thin layer of moist caustic potash. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
In most of the experiments it was convenient to use caustic potash. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
Readings are taken thirty minutes from the time the nitro-cellulose is heated, and are taken at intervals of fifteen minutes for about four hours; fresh caustic potash is added every thirty minutes or so. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Mix these perfectly with the above-mentioned stearic or margaric acids, and carbonated alkali; then add a strong solution of caustic potash or soda, until a perfect saponification is produced. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
F. The conversion of the cyanide into the ferrocyanide is greatly facilitated by the presence of finely divided sulphuret of iron and caustic potash. Scientific American Supplement, No. 483, April 4, 1885
Barbicane took enough chlorate of potash and caustic potash for two months, as he feared unforeseen delay. The Moon-Voyage
In this case the fallen unripe fruit should be gathered up and burned, and the trees washed in winter with caustic potash and soda. Gardening for the Million
It is softened by alkalies, such as caustic potash or soda and ammonia, the parts first attacked being the commissures, then the frog, and afterwards the sole and wall. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
A sufficient quantity of chlorate of potassium and of caustic potash was placed at his disposal, together with provisions for eight days. From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon
To absorb it, it was necessary to fill some jars with caustic potash, and to shake them incessantly. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Nothing easier to do by means of chlorate of potash and caustic potash. The Moon-Voyage
Far the purpose of determining the melting point of the fatty acids, 10 grammes of oil were saponified with 5 grammes of caustic potash on the water bath; some water and alcohol being added. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
The soluble glass must be free from caustic potash. Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882
There were two things to be done then— first, to replace the absorbed oxygen; secondly, to destroy the expired carbonic acid; both easy enough to do, by means of chlorate of potassium and caustic potash. From the Earth to the Moon; and, Round the Moon
Would he obtain air by chemical means, in getting by heat the oxygen contained in chlorate of potash, and in absorbing carbonic acid by caustic potash? Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Thus, to analyze CO, a portion of the liquid is removed from the burette, then caustic potash is allowed to enter, and the process goes on as explained above. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
Such reactions will not succeed until the animal tissue has been treated with alcohol and macerated for some hours in a weak solution of caustic potash. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
Heating caustic potash to a white heat, and adding warm or hot water, produces explosion. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
It is nitric acid; the other is caustic potash, or, as it is sometimes labeled, lunar caustic. Rujub, the Juggler
In burns caused by lime, caustic potash, and other alkalies, soak the parts with vinegar diluted with water; lemon juice, or any other diluted acid. A Practical Physiology
Pure caustic potash is very soluble, and dissolves almost immediately, heating the water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
These two layers are sometimes well seen when a gland has been crushed or boiled in caustic potash. Insectivorous Plants
The following directions will produce an excellent soap for wool scouring: Fifty pounds of Greenbank pure caustic potash are put into eight gallons of soft water; the potash dissolves immediately, heating the water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
When it is required to cover an iron article with copper, it is first steeped in hot caustic potash or soda to remove any grease or oil. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
First clip the hair about the horns and wet the little loose button and apply caustic potash, in stick form, by rubbing it on the damp horn. One Thousand Questions in California Agriculture Answered
Dissolve twenty pounds of pure caustic potash in two gallons of water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
Potassium hydrate, caustic potash, is employed for the manufacture of soft soap. An Introduction to Chemical Science
I experimented for three years before I got just the right quantity of chloride of sodium solution and caustic potash mixture to curdle properly. Strictly business: more stories of the four million
Clear the article to be plated from all dirt and grease with whiting and a good brush; if there are cracks it may be necessary to put the article in a solution of caustic potash. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
Besides are you sure that your lye dip was caustic potash and not caustic soda? One Thousand Questions in California Agriculture Answered
Now pour the caustic potash lye into the melted tallow or oil, stirring with a flat wooden stirrer about three inches broad, until both are thoroughly mixed and smooth in appearance. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
Fritsche in the same year by the distillation of indigo with caustic potash developed a product which he also called aniline, the name being derived from the Portuguese word anil, meaning indigo. Forty Centuries of Ink or, a chronological narrative concerning ink and its backgrounds, introducing incidental observations and deductions, parallels of time and color phenomena, bibliography, chemistry, poetical effusions, citations, anecdotes and curiosa together with some evidence respecting the evanescent character of most inks of to-day and an epitome of chemico-legal ink.
If not sufficiently purified, a little hydrochloric or oxalic acid, or caustic potash may be put in the water, according as the stains are from grease or from ink. The Enemies of Books
The sulphate solution for covering iron should be prepared by adding it by degrees a little caustic potash, so long as the precipitate formed is re-dissolved. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
To determine the oxygen in the remaining gas, a portion of the caustic potash is allowed to flow out, and an aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid and potash is allowed to enter. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882




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