单词 | Bk |
例句 | Examples are also to be found in Montaigne, Bk. ii. ch. The World As Will And Idea (Vol. 1 of 3) 2011-12-29T03:00:18.017Z The thought of love as the harmonizing bond between diverse elements is dealt with more poetically in Troilus and Criseyde, Bk. Astronomical Lore in Chaucer 2011-10-13T02:00:42.860Z The enemy ... to them.—Azurara's reference here is to Livy, Bk. The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea Vol. I 2011-04-02T02:00:10.597Z "The car to convey me to town has arrived; and with loves to dear Lu and yourself, I am, as ever, yours, "Bk. Sir Brook Fossbrooke, Volume II. 2011-02-18T03:00:19.343Z Spanish MS. cited by Prescott, Bk. i. chap. iii.; Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru 2011-01-02T03:00:21.577Z Which thing is also made clear and is exhibited by means of rods sticking together, Bk. On the magnet, magnetick bodies also, and on the great magnet the earth a new physiology, demonstrated by many arguments & experiments So too the Reconciliation of the Florentines by the Cardinal Latino, Bk. Villani's Chronicle Being Selections from the First Nine Books of the Croniche Fiorentine of Giovanni Villani Bk Government vessel, foundering of, in Lake Ontario, 69. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History "Once more, then, I ask, let me tell Lionel you will receive him; and believe me faithfully your old friend, "Bk. Sir Brook Fossbrooke, Volume II. 2011-02-18T03:00:19.343Z Prescott, Bk. iii. chaps. v. vi., and Appendices viii. ix. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru 2011-01-02T03:00:21.577Z A copy of Latin verses before Table of Bk. Catalogue of the Books Presented by Edward Capell to the Library of Trinity College in Cambridge Compare with Milton's lines in 'Paradise Regained,' Bk. Six Centuries of English Poetry Tennyson to Chaucer Bk Entertains distinguished guests at Navy Hall, 57. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History And see especially his Logic, Bk. vi. chap. vii. The Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart., K.C.S.I. A Judge of the High Court of Justice Bk. xi. was composed after the condemnation of L. Opimius in B.C. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors The quoted passage is in the Odyssey, Bk. Selections from the Poems and Plays of Robert Browning The following is a passage taken from the Institutes of Marcian, Bk. A Source Book for Ancient Church History Index: Bk In command of marines in expedition to Baltic, 24, 29; organizes Rifle Brigade, 25. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History A good instance is his account of the conversion of the Britons under King Lucius, in Bk. Mediæval Wales Chiefly in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: Six Popular Lectures In the second book of his de Divinatione, following the Academic or agnostic school, he himself confutes his brother Quintus' argument for divination contained in Bk. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus Anglo-Saxons, their name, 28, vocabulary, 29, national poetry, Bk. i. c. iii., A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance It is of primary importance not merely for the history but for the dogmatic discussions on the doctrine of the Church, Bk. A Source Book for Ancient Church History Index: Bk Withdraws from British alliance, 23; murder of, 30. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History The development of Parliament in the period is described in Smith, History of the English Parliament, I., Bk. The Governments of Europe Bk. ii. contemplates accidental pleasures arising from contrivance and design, emotion and passion, such as sorrow, pity, terror, and indignation. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 Angevin England, literature of, Bk. ii. c. ii., iii., iv., A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance II, the doctrine of the sacraments, the idea of opus operatum as applied to them, Bk. A Source Book for Ancient Church History Index: Bk His staunch support of British rule, 87. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History More specialized treatment will be found in Smith, History of the English Parliament, I., Bk. The Governments of Europe In spite of his belief that Milton's blank verse was a mistake, making for looseness and incorrectness, he borrowed lines and images from it, and in Bk. Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697) Britain, 65 ff., in France, 78, in England after the Conquest, Bk. ii. c. iii., A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance In other words, the Old and New Logic are prescribed studies; the Ethics, and Topics, Bk. Readings in the History of Education Mediaeval Universities Index: Bk Gave instructions in matter of deserters enlisted in Chesapeake, 83; recalled, 85. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History This is quoted from Daniel's Civil War, Bk. ii, stanza 7. Selections from Wordsworth and Tennyson As good an example as any of his independence of mind can be seen in a note on Bk. Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697) See his section 'Of Memory' in his Holy State, 1642, Bk. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles Prof. Skeat was the first to point out that this piece is an imitation of The Faerie Queene, Bk. ii, Canto X, stanzas 5-19. The Rowley Poems Bk Brother of Sir Isaac Brock, 15; killed in a duel, 70. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History We shall see in the first chapter of Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 See "Frederick the Great," Bk. i. chap, ii., and "Heroes." The Nuttall Encyclopædia Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge Fire of Love, Bk. i. cap. xvi. p. Mysticism in English Literature Now this cannot be effected by the mere arrangement of words; by the metaphorical use of them it may.' return Footnote 7: On Life and Poetry of Homer, wrongly ascribed to Plutarch, Bk. The Spectator, Volume 2. Bk Name at first given to king's battery in Quebec citadel, 94. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Further, Zayton was, as we see from this chapter, and from the 2nd and 5th of Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 See Carlyle's "Frederick" for a graphic account of him and his schemes, specially in Bk. xii. chap. ix. The Nuttall Encyclopædia Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge The story is told in full in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Bk. The Rape of the Lock and Other Poems I. Footnote 1: Iliad, Bk ix. return to footnote mark Footnote 2: Menippus was a Cynic philosopher of Gadara, who made money in Thebes by usury, lost it, and hanged himself. The Spectator, Volume 2. Bk Flags hung there at half-mast on declaration of war against Great Britain, 208. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History The manuscript includes 68 chapters, the first of which is devoted to the City of Lob and Sha-chau, corresponding to our Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 The temper of Cowley here referred to is especially shown in his Essays, as in the opening one 'Of Liberty,' and in that 'Of Greatness,' which is followed by the paraphrase from Horace's Odes, Bk. The Spectator, Volume 1 Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essays So the portents described by Virgil as following on the death of Caesar are told again by Manilius at the end of Bk. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius The first four lines are from Bk. ii. The Spectator, Volume 2. Bk Of the 6th Regiment, assumes command on death of General Hunter, 69; leaves Canada, 73. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History This is the proper spelling, not choir; see Bk. Palamon and Arcite The blunders Polo made in saying that the name of the city, Suju, signifies in our tongue "Earth" and Kinsay "Heaven" show he did not know the Chinese characters, but we read in Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 If he had been at the pains to reflect on what I had said, Bk. An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 1 MDCXC, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books 1 and 2 A figure suggested perhaps by Horace, Odes, Bk. Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America Bk United States schooner carrying Hull's stores and baggage, captured, 218. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History There is another way of putting it in Memorabilia, Bk. Cyropaedia: the education of Cyrus A fuller account of these vessels is given at the beginning of Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 Prints depend from the brass rails above them, behind are fixtures full of white packages containing, as inscriptions testify, Lino, Hd Bk, and Mull. The Wheels of Chance: a Bicycling Idyll The remaining books of the "Hellenica" were clearly written after that expedition, since reference is made to it quite early in Bk. Hellenica Index: Bk First in American continent made in Canada, 48. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History But the work was not then finished; for, at the end of Bk. The Danish History, Books I-IX A plan of Ayas will be found at the beginning of Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 Bk His able administration of the government of Canada, 37; first canals made under his orders, 48. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk His mission to the New England states, 120; use made of his letters, 120; referred to in message of Madison to Congress, 186, 187; sells his letters to United States government, 187. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Brother of Sir Isaac, a London merchant, 70; disastrous failure of, 161-164; his letter to his brother Isaac, 165. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Five years later G. F. Lassen found, at Copenhagen, a fragment of Bk. vi believed to be written in North Zealand, and in the opinion of Bruun belonging to the same codex as Kall-Rasmussen's fragment. The Danish History, Books I-IX Of the Uíghúr character we give a specimen in Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 Bk At entrance to Niagara River, lighthouse, dockyard, and a fort at, 58. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk First seat of government of Upper Canada, 57. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk 26th Regiment, stationed at Fort Niagara, 57. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Its history, 54-56; its transfer to United States, 56; rations issued from, to Loyalists, 58; silenced by Fort George, 309. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Compare allusions to this horse trade in ch. xv. and in Bk. The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 Index: Bk In command of expedition to the Baltic, 24; signals Nelson at Copenhagen to leave off action, 28. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk His victory at Copenhagen, 24-31; ignores signal to cease firing, 28. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Drowned in foundering of the Speedy, 69. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Becomes civil administrator with title of president on departure of Sir R.S. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Editor of, forced to apologize to Legislative Assembly, 93; opinions expressed in, 93, 116. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Description and early history of, 99, 100; centre of fur trade, 100. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Resort of fur traders, 53; United States fort, captured by Captain Roberts, 211. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Brother of Sir Isaac, becomes chief magistrate of Guernsey, 70. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk British minister at Washington, premature announcement of, with respect to orders-in-council, 120. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk United States secretary of war, his confident prediction of conquest of Canada, 215. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk New fort planned by General Hunter, 59. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk On Niagara River, a mile and a half above the falls, 58; end of carrying-place, and a transport post, 58-59; had a blockhouse enclosed with palisades, 59. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Brother of Sir Isaac, served in Royal Americans, 6; death of, 7, 70. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Private of 41st, first man killed in War of 1812, 236. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Near Fort Niagara, massacre of British troops at, 55. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Editor of, arrested by order of the Legislative Assembly, 93. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Falls under displeasure of Legislative Assembly, 93. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Enlists deserters from British ships on board Chesapeake, 83, 85. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Followed by capture, 60; three shot, 63; two shot, 134; from United States regiments of the line to the Canadian side, 281. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Takes command of troops at Montreal, 115; commander of forces in Canada, 157. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk His defence of Quebec and liberal policy towards French-Canadians, 36. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Tract of land on, purchased by Lieutenant-Governor Hunter from Indians, 65. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Made by Napoleon; sequestered all American vessels arriving in France as British property or under British protection, 122. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Establishes independent republic in St. Domingo, 39, 40; death of, 40. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Grants made near Niagara to previously disloyal persons, 64. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Sent to England to oppose division of Canada into two provinces, 49. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk British corvette, fired on by United States frigate President, 173. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Quartered in Quebec and Montreal, 74; disaster to, by shipwreck, 74. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Cession of by France to Spain, 38; re-ceded to France, 38; purchased by United States, 42; acquisition of, changes attitude of United States towards Great Britain, 43. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Recommended as chaplain of Glengarry corps, 97. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk The centre of society in Canada, 46; defective state of fortifications, 75; defences of in early years of nineteenth century, 89, 90, 94. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk Population of, 49; commerce, 50; lack of public buildings, 50. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Bk British war vessel, mutiny of crew, 11. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Index: Bk Takes command of expedition to Holland, 15, 21. The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History |
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