

单词 Teller
例句 Teller
Strauss fired back furiously that his science advisors, Professors Lawrence and Teller, thought the assumptions underlying Rabi’s findings baseless. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The hardliner, naturally, was Teller, who reminded his Livermore colleagues on the panel that a test ban struck at the heart of the lab’s very purpose. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Besides Teller, they included Mark Mills, a bespectacled thirty-eight- year-old theoretician from Caltech who had joined Livermore the previous year and risen quickly to become one of Ernest’s most trusted aides. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The quandary deepened in mid-1950, when it became evident that the solution to a vexing technical issue in hydrogen bomb design rested on the collaborative work of Teller and the Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller continually disturbed the peace at Los Alamos, where uncertainties about the lab’s role in postwar research already had the staff on edge. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Yet the assumption that Lawrence and Teller would work together in unalloyed harmony turned out to be an instance of hope triumphing over reality. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Dean refused to intercede, and within a week Teller made good on his threat. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The three-year test moratorium had been a difficult period for Livermore, now under the leadership of Edward Teller. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
“It was obvious,” Teller said later, “that Oppenheimer did not want to support further weapons work in any way.” Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
“I neither can nor will do so,” Oppenheimer told Teller. Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
A few weeks before Greenhouse, Bradbury had tried to mollify the willful physicist by creating a semiautonomous thermonuclear division at Los Alamos, giving Teller authority over 25 scientists. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller’s contribution was a warning that the United States could never devise a foolproof monitoring regime to guard against clandestine testing by the Soviets. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller saw the lab as a reflection of his own brimming self-esteem—as a huge laboratory staffed with name physicists working in lockstep according to his handcrafted research strategy. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller, irrepressibly voluble on his favorite subject, joined them for the drive back to Albuquerque, prattling all the way about the essential requirements of a program to build the Super. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
When Lawrence and Teller arrived back at Livermore, they were greeted by letters bearing his congratulations. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Three years had passed since Bradbury had offered an almost identical defense to the AEC’s Colonel Fields, but Teller had never ceased carping about Los Alamos. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
This task fell to the beleaguered York, who served as their go-between, shuttling between Berkeley and Chicago, where Teller had set up his Super lab in exile. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Their conversations with Teller validated Alvarez’s impressions about the lack of progress on the Super. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
For Teller, however, it replicated the unfocused dithering he had been grousing about. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Contemplating the grand tour of Lawrence and Alvarez and the resurgent electioneering of Teller for the Super, Oppenheimer aired his doubts to Conant in a letter affectionately addressed to “Uncle Jim.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller moved on to Ithaca, New York, to enlist Cornell’s Hans Bethe in the Super project, and afterward reported to Alvarez that he “felt he could count on Bethe.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Like Dean, Norris Bradbury could not conceive of Teller’s helming a major lab of his own. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The idea that America required a second weapons laboratory to supplement Los Alamos originated with Edward Teller and was driven by two factors. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
On October 21 Briggs presided over the so-called Uranium Committee’s first meeting, with Szilard, Teller, and Eugene Wigner, another emigre Hungarian physicist, on hand as technical advisors. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
With Teller’s dawning realization that he might not be slotted in for the role of supreme authority at Livermore, his old habit of undermine-and-conquer returned. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
When he finally was able to scrutinize the draft, he found that it bore all the flaws of Teller’s oratorical style: it was too long, too argumentative, and too emotional. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
He cited the conclusion of Lawrence and Teller that “several score of inspection stations would be required to monitor testing in the Soviet Union,” not the dozen or so proposed by Stassen. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller’s viewpoint was shared by Lewis Strauss, who was struggling at the White House to hold the line against Stassen’s lobbying for an international agreement on nuclear weapons. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Lawrence’s position as doyen of the Rad Lab and Teller’s as the indispensable genius of thermonuclear technology made compromise impossible. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Before a cheerful crowd that included Lawrence and Gordon Dean, the “well-lubricated” Teller dropped a bombshell, declaring that he would have nothing to do with the new lab. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller believed a promising option to fuel a Super bomb would be to use tritium, a superheavy isotope of hydrogen. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
When Teller said that Fermi would need tens of thousands of dollars to build a preliminary reactor to test conditions for a chain reaction, Adamson responded scornfully. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller’s obsessive personality created a managerial dilemma for Norris Bradbury, the able Berkeley-trained physicist who had succeeded Oppenheimer as Los Alamos director. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Dean rejected this audacious plan, in part because he was unconvinced that a second lab was needed at all, much less on Teller’s megalomaniacal scale. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Lawrence, for his part, was inclined to call Teller’s bluff, for his putative partner was already proving entirely too fractious for his taste. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
At the lab Edward Teller showed him a design for a far more powerful atomic weapon. Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
The concept appealed to both Teller and Lawrence, who understood that public alarm about fallout could threaten the lab’s existence. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The program, Teller told them, “had essentially not been of any magnitude worthy of the name.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Edward Teller detected the same emotional bond, to his intense distaste. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Several news publications looked into the predictions of powerful yet clean nuclear weapons made by Lawrence, Teller, and the president and determined they were talking fantasy. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
In other words, Teller was to have no formal authority at Livermore but was granted the implicit authority to direct its thermonuclear research program as he saw fit. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Upon returning to Berkeley later that day, Ernest asked Teller to leave Chicago and help him establish the second laboratory. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
From some of the nation’s leading scientists would come denunciations of Oppenheimer, veiled and overt, among them Edward Teller’s assertion that “I personally would feel more secure if public matters would rest in other hands.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The reasons, York surmised, were Teller’s association with Livermore and the AEC’s “absurdly strict secrecy policy,” which prevented the issuance of even a simple clarification of the roles of the two laboratories. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
An accurate picture emerged only in 1954, when Norris Bradbury was granted permission to counter Teller’s public charges that Los Alamos had dragged its feet on the Super. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
When the oath controversy erupted, Teller, a brilliant theoretician, had just agreed to leave the University of Chicago for a faculty post at UCLA. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Lawrence, Teller, and Mark Mills appeared before the subcommittee on Thursday, June 20. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller produced the first draft and brought it to Lawrence’s home on the Sunday before Election Day, just as Ernest was bidding farewell to guests with whom he had shared a liquor-fueled country club outing. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The arrangement with Teller, York reflected, was “peculiar,” but it did the job: “None of the strained relationships that had surrounded Teller at Los Alamos developed at Livermore.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The blast proved the feasibility of a controlled thermonuclear device so decisively that Teller claimed paternity immediately, wiring back to Los Alamos, “It’s a boy.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
At Tellers invitation, Lawrence and Alvarez flew into Albuquerque, landing before dawn and arriving in Los Alamos at ten in the morning. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
With Alvarez standing by, he put through a call to Edward Teller, who then was still at Los Alamos weighing UCLA’s offer to join its physics faculty. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
His most important question was whether the mercurial and messianic Teller could manage anybody. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
No one who knew Teller would have expected him to submit meekly to Lawrence’s authority. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Their approaches to physics were divergent: Lawrence was an experimentalist nonpareil, Teller a profoundly intuitive theorist. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Meanwhile Lawrence, Teller, and Alvarez pitched in with appeals to the Pentagon and influential members of Congress. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
“We were told to lie down oil the sand, turn our faces away from the blast, and bury our heads in our arms,” remembered Edward Teller, who was on Compana Hill. Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
Teller’s departure from Los Alamos failed to quell interest in a second laboratory. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Answers for Ms. Teller in math class as she asked us to describe a cylinder. Patina 2017-08-29T00:00:00Z
In Livermore’s organizational chart, Teller would be designated as one of several members of the Scientific Steering Committee, but in recognition of his “obvious special status,” he was awarded veto power over the committee’s decisions. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller’s intellect was indispensable at Los Alamos, but his presence was intolerable. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Finally, tiring of his unending battles with Teller over research policy, in September 1951 Bradbury appointed Marshall G. Holloway, a Los Alamos veteran with a no-nonsense administrative style, as head of the thermonuclear division. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The second factor was Teller’s inability to get along with anyone who doubted either the need for a crash H-bomb program or the likelihood of its eventual success. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The impetus was the publication of a highly sensationalized book, The Hydrogen Bomb: The Men, The Menace, The Mechanism, by journalists James Shepley and Clay Blair Jr., which accepted Teller’s version of events as gospel. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Hoping to soften the blow by delivering his decision in person, Teller received a sympathetic hearing from Sproul and a few other administrators. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
After York’s departure for the Pentagon, Lawrence had agreed to name Teller as lab director for a single year, with the proviso that Mills would then take over permanently. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Notwithstanding Tellers grousing, Los Alamos actually was making significant progress on the Super. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The technological issues, Teller acknowledged, were far from being solved; indeed, it was unclear they even could be solved. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
But the success of Los Alamos seemed to make Teller even more insistent about a second laboratory. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
For the first time since Eisenhower took office, the views of Strauss, Lawrence, and Teller were balanced by learned voices on the opposite side of the nuclear debate. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
“The first thing I noticed,” remembered Edward Teller, “was that we were all going to be locked up together for better or for worse.” Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
The question of a second lab, furthermore, had become a proxy for the question of what to do with Edward Teller. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
As harsh as his feelings were, however, Teller’s split with Ernest would not last long. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The arrangement worked, Dean recalled a few years later, “because of Teller getting along very well with Dr. Lawrence.” Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Yet this view fails to reckon with the persuasive powers of Ernest Lawrence and Edward Teller, which played the crucial role in creating momentum for the H-bomb. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Informed by Bradbury that his role would be limited to “coordinating” with Holloway, an infuriated Teller again threatened to resign. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller’s talk filled him with “the greatest misgivings,” he would recall. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
A few months after the press conference, Teller, wounded at being shunned by former friends and colleagues over his continued bellyaching, finally attempted to set the record straight in an article for Science. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Outside the White House, Lawrence and Teller barely moved the needle of debate. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
The petition served to draw Lawrence and Teller back into the public debate. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Teller warned the others on the hill to be careful of sunburn. Bomb 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
To hear Teller talk, it was only because of his personal efforts that there was any program at all. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Plainly skeptical but unwilling to engage in a colloquy with a wheedling Teller, Fermi pleaded that he was too tired from the flight to give him a hearing, much less a commitment. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
“You know what that means?” he told Edward Teller, a fellow Hungarian emigre. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Lawrence drove Edward Teller out to Livermore during the first week of February, hoping that Teller would become the instrument of his hopes to create a permanent foothold for Livermore in the thermonuclear program. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Ms. Teller says "perpendicular" and "hypotenuse" like her life depends on it. Patina 2017-08-29T00:00:00Z
These outbursts forced Bradbury into a repetitive routine of pleading with Teller to stay and persuading him that he was loved. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Strauss made the most of his influence over Lawrence by urging him to appoint Teller to the task force and keep thinkers of the Oppenheimer stripe off it. Big Science 2015-07-07T00:00:00Z
Add the sensual Ms. Jagger in an advertising campaign shot by the photographer Juergen Teller, and palladium seems well on the way to being positioned as a more edgy alternative to the other precious metals. Palladium Takes Less Traveled Road to Find Distinction 2012-12-06T16:48:50Z
How, for example, does Teller survive for 10 minutes in the "underwater coffin of certain doom"? Penn and Teller 2010-07-16T21:15:00Z
“Five days after breaking his neck, he was down in his basement,” says Teller. Why 'Bleed For This' Is More Than Just Another Boxing Movie 2016-11-17T05:00:00Z
The praise seems particularly meaningful to Teller, 27, who has been eager to establish himself as a serious actor since graduating from the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute at New York University in 2009. 'Whiplash' director, stars march to a friendly beat — off-screen 2014-10-08T04:00:00Z
Woodley was previously seen as George Clooney's daughter in The Descendants and starred last year in the dystopian fantasy Divergent, in which Teller also appeared. O'Connell up for rising star Bafta 2015-01-07T05:00:00Z
The director shot his last feature – Penn and Teller Get Killed – in 1989. Bonnie and Clyde director Arthur Penn dies aged 88 2010-09-29T17:03:00Z
Q: I was a fan of the late, great show you did with Teller, which we have to call “BS” because we are a family newspaper. Q & A with Penn Jillette: Crackpot hippies, politics and why the best tricks are no secret 2020-08-27T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller, now 29, and Ms. Watson, 26, may well have mustered the chemistry necessary to pull off the wistful romance at the center of “La La Land.” Fates in Filmmaking: Who Were the Wallflowers at the ‘La La Land’ Dance? 2016-12-01T05:00:00Z
Pazienza, played by "Whiplash" star Miles Teller, went on to become a five-time world champion despite being told by doctors he would never box again. Boxing movies deliver a punch in 'The Bleeder,' 'Bleed for This' 2016-09-15T04:00:00Z
Like Teller’s character in Whiplash, the artists Gosling and Stone portray are big dreamers trying to make it in an industry where constant rejection is the norm. Damien Chazelle on La La Land: 'Los Angeles is full of people chasing dreams' 2016-09-08T04:00:00Z
Can he give fans a satisfying finale for the haunted antihero Jax Teller? Sons of Anarchy Watch: Out With A Bang 2014-12-10T05:00:00Z
Even Teller brings a shade of mystery to his idiot co-star. Perspective | ‘The Sparks Brothers’ digs into the cult of the rock duo. A deeper dive is even more fulfilling. 2021-06-17T04:00:00Z
And now, when they seek volunteers from the audience to come onstage, they relegate them to a chair at the end of the stage, well away from Jillette or Teller. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
Teller grew up in Florida, where his musical influence was more laid back. 'Whiplash' director, stars march to a friendly beat — off-screen 2014-10-08T04:00:00Z
A Documentary by Teller Explores the Magic of Vermeer A picture may be worth a thousand words, and Teller, the nonspeaking partner in the illusionist team of Penn & Teller, is a man of few. ArtsBeat: A Documentary by Teller Explores the Magic of Vermeer 2013-07-29T16:49:26Z
The summer season will only bring three new shows to the Great White Way: new musical Amazing Grace, magicians Penn and Teller, and the transfer of Off-Broadway smash Hamilton. Broadway Box Office 6/15: 'Fun Home' And 'An American In Paris' Have Best Week Ever 2015-06-15T04:00:00Z
Penn & Teller started slowly, as they reunited an act whose first Las Vegas show began in 1993, in deference to the wishes of its performers as well as to state and local health regulations. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
Just as Mr. Teller’s “Whiplash” character, Andrew, yearns to move from ensemble jazz class to Lincoln Center, Mr. Teller, having just broken out, is already hungry for more. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Teller’s Pazienza doesn’t see his return to the ring as one choice of many he might make; for him, it is the only one. Why 'Bleed For This' Is More Than Just Another Boxing Movie 2016-11-17T05:00:00Z
Starring Miles Teller and Analeigh Tipton, it ties the requisite "meet-cute" to the current state of sexual affairs in a wired world, where casual encounters with complete strangers are easy to arrange. 'Two Night Stand' a one-act sex comedy that grows cold too soon 2014-09-25T04:00:00Z
But the magic on the shows was amazing – Penn and Teller are geniuses. Saturday interview: Dynamo, the magician who walks on water 2012-07-06T23:05:33Z
Up-and-coming magicians do their best to impress illusionists Penn & Teller in the new reality competition "Wizard Wars." TV This Week Aug. 17 - 23: 'Doctor Who' on BBC America 2014-08-15T04:00:00Z
As he demonstrated last year in the moving coming-of-age indie “The Spectacular Now,” Mr. Teller is capable of much more than the wisecracking, laid-back charm he exudes so naturally. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Yet Mr. Ponsoldt ably charts a journey through the high stakes of adolescence, with both Sutter and Mr. Teller showing great promise. Movie Review: In ‘The Spectacular Now,’ Growing Pains Precede Graduation 2013-08-01T21:23:20Z
Miles Teller: The big hall was pretty impressive. Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller on Playing Lovers, Enemies, Celebrities 2013-07-31T15:56:42Z
The biggest impact, however, was delivered by magicians Penn & Teller On Broadway, as they conjured almost $1 million in their first week on the boards. Broadway Box Office 7/13: Penn & Teller Pull Box Office Gold Out Of A Hat 2015-07-13T04:00:00Z
“I asked Juergen Teller to do the pictures — and we put it all together.” Style: Outsider Art Finds Its Place in Fashion 2011-01-10T13:50:04Z
Sony Classics’ “Whiplash,” starring Miles Teller, Focus Features’ “Kill the Messenger” and The Weinstein Company’s “St. Vincent” will also open in limited release.  'Gone Girl' likely to top box office for second weekend 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
“It was very honest, it was very natural,” Teller said. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
One photographer who seems to have a lot of freedom with his advertising work is Juergen Teller. On the Runway: Q & A: Philip-Lorca Di Corcia 2011-02-11T15:44:28Z
All this Ms. Braunig renders in paint with earnest attentiveness, creating something like a Bonwit Teller window display by a Salvador Dalí descendant. Art in Review: SASCHA BRAUNIG 2011-04-14T20:27:01Z
“People like clean narratives with good guys and bad guys but when you do that you erase whole histories,” Teller Ornelas said. Sierra Teller Ornelas on the Roots of ‘Rutherford Falls’ 2021-04-21T04:00:00Z
Chazelle's next movie will likely be "La La Land," a romantic musical set in Los Angeles, with Teller and Emma Watson attached to star. Director Damien Chazelle orbiting Neil Armstrong biopic 'First Man' 2014-09-23T04:00:00Z
But for a man who regularly submits himself to naked self-portraits in the most undignified positions, Mr. Teller is unexpectedly prey to performance anxiety. A Modeling Rite of Passage, Unmasked 2017-11-23T05:00:00Z
“I said ‘No.’ ” said Teller of the weed guy at the movie. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
For its first 40 minutes or so, “Bleed for This,” the “based on a true story” boxing picture directed by Ben Younger and starring Miles Teller, follows the sports-movie-comeback-narrative playbook with extreme fidelity. Review: ‘Bleed for This’ Is a Boxing Movie That Gets Boxing 2016-11-17T05:00:00Z
In mid-March, Mr. Farquhar was in Las Vegas for a spot on “Penn & Teller: Fool Us.” What if They Could Make the Pandemic Go Poof? 2020-10-31T04:00:00Z
On Tuesday Penn & Teller supervised proceedings live; at later performances they will be replaced by a recording. Dance Review: Pilobolus Puts 4 Decades of Dance on Display 2013-07-10T21:43:59Z
But like Penn & Teller deconstructing the secrets of magic while hiding some new ones, she just found a new way to fool you. Best Comedy of 2020 2020-12-15T05:00:00Z
But Hernandez confirmed that Teller was arrested and charged with public drunkenness. Miles Teller Was Arrested and Charged With Public Intoxication in San Diego 2017-06-19T04:00:00Z
The CW also has an interesting section dedicated to magic, with shows like "Masters of Illusion" and "Penn and Teller: Fool Us." The 9 best free streaming services worthy of downloading 2021-01-09T05:00:00Z
Miles Teller will lead the team as Mr. Fantastic, who can stretch his body into incredible lengths. Everything You Need to Know About the New Fantastic Four Movie 2015-01-27T05:00:00Z
The latest trailer for "Fantastic Four" offers the most robust look yet at Miles Teller and his costars flexing their superhero powers. 'Fantastic Four' trailer: A superhero stretch for Miles Teller & Co. 2015-04-20T04:00:00Z
And amateur magicians try to fool Penn & Teller. What’s on TV Thursday: ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ and ‘Penn & Teller’ 2017-11-30T05:00:00Z
Mr. Teller said the accident focused his ambition, but, for a long time, he worried that the scars would crash his career. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Meanwhile, Chavez only realized she was "actually a comedy writer" some time after joining the writing staff of "Rutherford Falls," when showrunner Sierra Teller Ornelas told Chavez she was funny. "There's so many Natives who are jokesters": Native comedy redefines patriotism & busts stereotypes 2021-07-04T04:00:00Z
Miles Teller was arrested and charged with public intoxication in San Diego early Sunday morning, police said. Miles Teller Was Arrested and Charged With Public Intoxication in San Diego 2017-06-19T04:00:00Z
“It is justifiable because of the convenience factor,” said Mr. Teller, a partner in Eos, a personal-care products company. Airport Noise is Raising Hackles in the Hamptons This Summer 2014-07-25T04:00:00Z
At Cannes, I moderated a conversation with Miles Teller, who stumbled through three forgettable “Divergent” movies and the atrocity of “Fantastic Four” before finding his footing again. Robert Pattinson as "The Batman" tells Hollywood stars: Choose your directors first 2019-06-03T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller has said he woke up on the ground, covered in blood. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
In one fell swoop, ITV and the BBC axed their respective Saturday night magic shows, The Magicians and Penn & Teller: Fool Us. TV magic shows: now you see them, now you don't 2012-07-05T11:19:34Z
Elgort and Teller, who starred in “The Fault in Our Stars” and “Whiplash,” respectively, are much bigger stars than they were when the series debuted. The fall of “Divergent”: The final film will bow on TV — here’s why it matters 2016-07-24T04:00:00Z
Penn Jillette, the more verbal performing partner of Teller, explained the origins of the film in a statement. ArtsBeat: A Documentary by Teller Explores the Magic of Vermeer 2013-07-29T16:49:26Z
Their television show, “Penn & Teller: Fool Us!,” started its fourth season on July 13. What the Magician Penn Jillette Can’t Travel Without 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
On my wall are a number of images by Juergen Teller. Snap happy 2013-05-19T18:30:00Z
Mr. Teller and Mr. Simmons work through a lively and complicated duet of aggression, suspicion and unspoken complicity, with spellbinding results. In ‘Whiplash,’ a Young Jazz Drummer vs. His Teacher 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
Hill stars alongside Miles Teller in War Dogs, the true story of childhood friends who exploited a government procurement opportunity to land a $300 million contract to supply the Afghan army in 2007. Jonah Hill Really Didn't Like Being Mocked by a French TV Presenter 2016-09-16T04:00:00Z
Teller: As an actor, JK has such control over his voice which is such a powerful tool. Whiplash stars drum up Oscar hopes 2015-02-20T05:00:00Z
“You won’t find me strolling around in a supermarket without a mask for a while,” Teller said in an interview. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
I finally bought a computer after Teller and I had our show Off Broadway, and within 24 hours of getting a computer, I wrote two stories that were published. Penn Jillette Lives on Hot Baths and Cold Watermelon 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
Teller: For me, my mum says this will always be her favourite movie because she gets to watch her kid play music. Whiplash stars drum up Oscar hopes 2015-02-20T05:00:00Z
In the Teller pictures of Hotel Il Pellicano, people from a new generation of hotel guests seem far less preoccupied than their predecessors were with appearing soigné and chic. Fashion Review: The Theater of an Italian Summer 2011-06-22T20:21:31Z
The presence of Penn & Teller in the audience was a sort of insurance policy, reassuring us that we were seeing what they were seeing. Disillusioned with The Magicians 2011-01-17T14:26:03Z
Young actress Shailene Woodley, praised for her performance in "The Descendants" last year, and her co-star Miles Teller won the Special Jury acting prize in "The Spectacular Now." "Fruitvale," "Blood Brothers" win top awards at Sundance 2013-01-27T04:42:03Z
And while you probably still won’t understand how Penn and Teller do what they do, even when they explain it you, it’s still a good idea to keep focused on the flesh-and-blood tricksters. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
She also remains a kind of one woman Penn and Teller, constantly calling our attention to her process and somehow making that a revelatory tactic a trademark sleight of hand. With "Douglas," Hannah Gadsby is a comedy pioneer with her whimsical, meticulous show about autism 2020-06-05T04:00:00Z
I emailed Teller to see if he thought I should buy it. Penn Jillette Lives on Hot Baths and Cold Watermelon 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
Teller, who is allegedly against vaccinations, has thus brought production of the show on the making of "The Godfather" movies to a halt, according to the Mail. Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
“It has made tonight’s performance so much more part of my DNA,” Ms. Teller said on the afternoon of the premiere, after listening to Mr. Puts describe his evolution as a composer. After Decades of Music, Tanglewood Talks 2019-07-31T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller photographed Ruby Jean Wilson, the 18-year-old model who opened and closed the spring 2012 Marc Jacobs' runway show, in the designer's geometric print dress surrounded by backdrops of sight-bending mirrors. On the Runway Blog: Fashion News We're Reading Now 2012-11-20T22:27:40Z
On set or off, Mr. Teller does not lack for confidence, and he seems to be enjoying his rise, dating the model Keleigh Sperry and earning laughs on the talk show circuit. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
“I think if you got either Teller or I to be completely honest, we would probably tell you that what we’re doing in the Penn & Teller show is writing.” Penn Jillette Lives on Hot Baths and Cold Watermelon 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
The opening-night films include a documentary, “The Green Prince,” about a Palestinian man who became an Israeli spy, and “Whiplash,” starring the young actor Miles Teller. John Cooper’s Stealth Direction of Sundance Film Festival 2014-01-14T23:12:16Z
Women’s Basketball championship; and the actor Miles Teller talking to a Philadelphia Eagles player at the Super Bowl. Lip Readers Apply Their Skill to Celebrity Conversations 2023-06-14T04:00:00Z
Casting himself as Truth Teller In Chief, he doubled down: “I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper,” he said. How Trump attacks the media, and why that distorts reality 2016-07-24T04:00:00Z
In the most persuasive stuff, such as Matthew Donnelly's Fortune Teller, the magic is heavily and openly underlined with irony. This week's new exhibitions 2011-07-08T23:08:45Z
My relationship to magic is my relationship to Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
In “A Couple of Eccentric Guys,” Calvin Trillin follows the illusionists Penn and Teller in their earlier days, as they captivate and enchant new audiences. The Standup Life 2014-08-25T04:00:00Z
Like Andrew, Mr. Teller has never been content with being just another face in the band. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Stepping into the role of Pazienza, Miles Teller notes that the boxer’s dedication was remarkably steadfast. A Comeback King Fights His Way Back Into the Ring 0002-11-29T05:00:00Z
Emily Teller, of Westford, Mass., said she had particularly enjoyed watching Ms. Fleming and Mr. Gilfry sing the new piece at a dress rehearsal — and then discuss it over a lunch. After Decades of Music, Tanglewood Talks 2019-07-31T04:00:00Z
Responding to White’s appearance, Teller said, “That is just gratuitous stunt casting.” ‘S.N.L.’ Season Premiere Weighs in on Its Own Trump Sketch 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
Teller, Mara, Bell and Jordan will play those roles respectively in the latest entry in the franchise, which will 'reboot' the property by recreating the 'origin stories' of the characters. Kebbell linked to Fantastic Four role 2014-04-02T10:12:36Z
"Penn & Teller on Broadway" has also recouped its investment, which was about $2.9 million. 'Hamilton' musical making a mint on Broadway 2015-08-12T04:00:00Z
“Vinny sent me a signed photo of himself in the mail, and it’s him in his underwear doing a boxing pose,” says Teller. Why 'Bleed For This' Is More Than Just Another Boxing Movie 2016-11-17T05:00:00Z
Miles Teller isn't exactly the good guy in most of the movies he features in, and well, it turns out he might not have been acting. Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
He was a sickly child and a life-long invalid, but an inveterate traveller, living his final years in Samoa, where he was known as "Tusitala" – the Teller of Tales. Poem of the week: Christmas at Sea by Robert Louis Stevenson 2012-12-24T09:00:14Z
When Teller, also casually dressed in jeans and a sweater, took the microphone, the "Whiplash" star gazed out over the Dolby audience, where the seats held giant, cardboard placards with the stars' faces on them. Inside the Dolby Theatre as stars rehearse for the Oscars 2015-02-20T05:00:00Z
Mod is the theme of Marc Jacobs' new ad campaign, and photographer Juergen Teller delivers. On the Runway Blog: Fashion News We're Reading Now 2012-11-20T22:27:40Z
The agency’s profile describes itself as the “Princess of Puns,” “Teller of Travel Tips” and “Admirer of Alliteration.” The funniest travel account on Instagram is run by the TSA. seriously. 2022-03-29T04:00:00Z
As his reputation grew, Penn and Teller tried to coax him on to “Fool Us” and succeeded only after agreeing to let Wind perform without having to dupe the hosts. ‘He Must Have Superpowers’: Asi Wind and His Sublime Card Tricks 2022-10-20T04:00:00Z
And this summer’s Broadway run by Penn & Teller used the cellphones of audience members for an opening trick. Turn Off Your Devices? Sometimes Plays Turn Them On 2015-11-21T05:00:00Z
Teller is surprisingly levelheaded and grounded, thanks in part to his family. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
But he was able to secure the pair only after encountering challenges with Ms. Watson and Mr. Teller. Fates in Filmmaking: Who Were the Wallflowers at the ‘La La Land’ Dance? 2016-12-01T05:00:00Z
Mr. Teller plays a Rhode Island boxer who wins two world title fights, then breaks his neck in a car accident. Fall Movie Release Schedule 2016-09-16T04:00:00Z
So there was something strangely uplifting about Penn & Teller's obvious delight and bafflement. Disillusioned with The Magicians 2011-01-17T14:26:03Z
And then after the show, Teller and I will always meet everybody in the audience who wanted to meet us and shake their hand and so on. Q & A with Penn Jillette: Crackpot hippies, politics and why the best tricks are no secret 2020-08-27T04:00:00Z
Teller, 27, has been playing drums since he was 15; he did most of the riff work, and that blood on the drum skin is his. Review: Whiplash Moves to the Beat of a Driven Drummer 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
Teller said a sentence to me that seemed insane. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
“Honestly, we just want to get out of the house,” Olivier said as they waited to enter Penn & Teller. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
When Bonwit Teller opens in Boston, Bill describes the process in detail, including the anti-Semitic missteps of the marketing campaign. Bill Cunningham: An Enigma in a Blue Sanitation Worker’s Jacket 2018-09-06T04:00:00Z
Harris walked from his dressing room to the stage in briefs with Miles Teller, who starred as a drummer in Whiplash this year, imitating the Birdman drummer in the background. Watch Neil Patrick Harris Reenact "Birdman"'s Underwear Scene 2015-02-22T05:00:00Z
Just days before the opening of the exhibition, video footage surfaced of Mr. Teller asking the “Go-See” subjects questions about self-image and the fashion industry. A Modeling Rite of Passage, Unmasked 2017-11-23T05:00:00Z
Boxers like him, says Teller, “fight because they don’t know how to do anything else.” A Comeback King Fights His Way Back Into the Ring 0002-11-29T05:00:00Z
Maybe this is because my father read copiously to me and my siblings when we were kids, from the Childcraft series, “Tellers of Tales” and “The Jungle Book.” He’s Played Churchill and Lear. But for John Lithgow, Audiobooks Test His Mettle. 2019-10-24T04:00:00Z
Like Mr. Fantastic, Mr. Teller has his own dramatic origin story. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Paul Toenniges Double Bass I play the bass for an hour before Penn & Teller shows. Penn Jillette Lives on Hot Baths and Cold Watermelon 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
He thanked his co-star Miles Teller for being a person he wanted to "slap in the face", referencing a memorable scene in the film. Boyhood takes Golden Globe honours 2015-01-11T05:00:00Z
“You step into the box, he beats you to death, and the audience, at that moment, laughs,” Teller said. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
"He went to jail," Hernandez said, adding that Teller was taken to jail after being turned away from a detox center because "he was uncooperative with the staff." Miles Teller Was Arrested and Charged With Public Intoxication in San Diego 2017-06-19T04:00:00Z
“I really like the fact that Teller is going to do Needles in our show here,” Mr. Jillette said. Penn and Teller, Reconjured on Broadway 2015-06-17T04:00:00Z
Born in Pennsylvania, raised in New Jersey and Florida, Mr. Teller grew up in a stable family and, he said, was never the kid who needed “acting as therapy.” Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Following a successful pilot in January, Penn & Teller: Fool Us will be returning for a full series, again presented by Jonathan Ross. ITV1 to launch Perspectives arts strand 2011-03-31T12:45:48Z
Penn and Teller, who sprang to fame in the 1980s by appearing to reveal the secrets behind tricks, thereby breaking the magical code of omerta, are the old guard in this pairing. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
But the intellectual love of magic comes completely from Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
“Two nights ago we made a change in Needles,” Teller said. Penn and Teller, Reconjured on Broadway 2015-06-17T04:00:00Z
So, my whole relationship with magic starts really with Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
You seem to have a tremendous amount of respect for the grind, the hardest working people, because you and Teller are that way, and you proceed to apply that across your life. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
The duo's 30-year partnership has yielded multiple Emmy nominations, an appearance on The Simpsons – and, of course, their hit 1990s Channel 4 series, The Unpleasant World of Penn & Teller. What to see in summer 2010 2010-05-23T20:30:00Z
They all liked the recent magic programme by Penn and Teller, too. My TV hero: Daniel Roche on Seth MacFarlane 2011-08-29T20:00:01Z
Penn and Teller, who turn up on TV so often that you might think they live inside your set, are among the judges as four on-the-rise magicians compete against four more established ones. 'Wizard Wars,' on Syfy, Lets Magicians Compete 2014-08-18T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller settled on one of her in her London home. On the Runway: Gathering Photos of Kate Moss 2011-05-13T16:34:21Z
Teller plays an ambitious musician in Whiplash and will soon be seen as Reed Richards, aka Mr Fantastic, in superhero adventure Fantastic Four. O'Connell up for rising star Bafta 2015-01-07T05:00:00Z
“So they named him Teller. Working in television is just the continuation of his art form.” Sierra Teller Ornelas on the Roots of ‘Rutherford Falls’ 2021-04-21T04:00:00Z
In August, Fox will release "Fantastic Four" with Miles Teller, Kate Mara and a host of other young stars in the superheroic group. 'Fantastic Four:' How modern studios want us both to forget and remember 2015-06-10T04:00:00Z
Penn and Teller are historians of magic and their respect for those who are operating within such traditions is palpable, even when they are not fooled by the acts. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
For all the energy of photographer Juergen Teller’s images, it is the face off between the family and the weird and wondrous art that creates the artistic tension. Style: Outsider Art Finds Its Place in Fashion 2011-01-10T13:50:04Z
I Can Do That The Harlem Globetrotters, illusionists Penn & Teller and performance group AiRealistic appear in the premiere of this celebrity talent series. Tuesday's TV highlights: 'Texas Rising' and more 2015-05-25T04:00:00Z
“I don’t always drink in my underwear, but when I do, I tell everyone it’s a Finnish tradition,” said Miles Teller, the 33-year old actor, on Twitter on March 19. Getting Tipsy at Home in Your Underwear 2020-04-03T04:00:00Z
But none of this is lingered on in Matthew Dennison’s elegant but somewhat glancing new biography of Dahl, subtitled “Teller of the Unexpected.” A Rosier View of Roald Dahl 2023-01-17T05:00:00Z
Perhaps the greatest feat of prestidigitation performed by Mr. Posner and Teller is the deft manner in which they manage to divert attention from the production’s deficiencies in the acting department. ‘The Tempest,’ á la Steampunk, in Cambridge, Mass. 2014-06-02T04:00:00Z
Would-be Houdinis try to pull the wool over the eyes of two of magic's biggest stars in the new series "Penn & Teller: Fool Us." TV This Week July 27 - Aug. 2: 'The Honorable Woman' on Sundance 2014-07-25T04:00:00Z
The standout among the younger performers is Miles Teller, whose to-the-screen-born poise and controlled nervous energy make a jolting contrast to the pouts and droopiness of some of the other secondary male leads. Review: ‘Insurgent’ Brandishes a Tougher Shailene Woodley 2015-03-19T04:00:00Z
The images, by a stellar lineup of fashion and art world luminaries, including Chuck Close, Juergen Teller and Annie Leibovitz, showcase not only Moss’s preternatural beauty but also her undeniable versatility. T Magazine: Kate the Great 2010-11-26T23:03:00Z
Among them were an Hermès men’s accessories kit and a skateboard emblazoned with a racy image of Stephanie Seymour by Juergen Teller. Scene City: A Fashion Event Is Cleared for Takeoff 2011-03-30T23:04:07Z
Though it’s been four decades since they first teamed up, Penn and Teller are looking terribly of-the-moment these days. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
At least Teller has the decency never to speak. Five atheists who ruin it for everyone else 2012-08-04T14:01:00Z
Teller has a knack for playing a sympathetic jerk in those movies, as well as in That Awkard Moment and the Divergent series. Everything You Need to Know About the New Fantastic Four Movie 2015-01-27T05:00:00Z
The event’s moderator, the Danish writer Janne Teller, suggested that some of the victors of the Great War had published books that painted it in a more heroic light. ArtsBeat: A Great War Reading List at PEN World Voices Festival 2014-05-02T18:57:31Z
No, the basic story and the cast here are not as good, and Jackson Teller has nothing on Walter White or Nucky Thompson as far as character depth. 'Sons of Anarchy' 'Greensleeves' recap: eyes open 2014-10-22T04:00:00Z
The title figure — well, one, anyway — is Tim Jenison, a scientist, inventor and restless hobbyist with deep pockets and famous friends, including Penn Jillette, who produced the movie, and Teller, who directed. Movie Review: ‘Tim’s Vermeer’ Chronicles an Attempt to Make One 2014-01-30T23:17:13Z
And let’s not overlook another show featuring the omnipresent duo, “Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” which began in Britain and was brought to the United States by CW last month. 'Wizard Wars,' on Syfy, Lets Magicians Compete 2014-08-18T04:00:00Z
Did you seek out any advice from your Whiplash co-star Miles Teller who is playing Mr. Fantastic in Fantastic Four this summer? Melissa Benoist: Playing Supergirl Taught Me 'Not to Take Any Crap' 2015-07-11T04:00:00Z
Penn & Teller: Fool Us The reality competition is back for a second season. Monday's TV highlights: 'Chasing Life' and more 2015-07-05T04:00:00Z
Mr. Chazelle, who also declined to comment, cut Mr. Teller loose and went with Mr. Gosling, who had become available. Fates in Filmmaking: Who Were the Wallflowers at the ‘La La Land’ Dance? 2016-12-01T05:00:00Z
Penn and Teller sit and watch a succession of acts whose prize for fooling them as to how the trick is done will be to appear in their Las Vegas show. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
Filmgoers who have only seen Mr. Teller’s frisky bro comedies like “21 & Over,” or his bawdy romantic comedy “Two Night Stand” might be surprised by his bravado. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
In public, Dragon meanwhile remained the taciturn Teller to Tennille’s bouncy, bowl-cut-sporting Penn. He was the captain, but she was always the cruise director. Farewell, my muskrat love: Captain and Tennille divorce 2014-01-23T20:16:00Z
It stars "Footloose" star Miles Teller and Justin Chon who was in "The Twilight Saga." Activists slam US studio for filming in China city 2011-10-30T11:35:18Z
Simmons, and his acolyte, a terribly impressive Miles Teller as Andrew, on drums. 'Whiplash' scorches the screen with its passion and fury 2014-10-15T04:00:00Z
Teller said he was drawn to the duality of his character's emotions. 'The Spectacular Now' spotlights young love like it used to be 2013-08-01T23:41:08Z
“What Tim has done is given us an image of Vermeer as a man who is much more real,” Teller concluded. The Fullest View of Vermeer Still Leaves Plenty to the Imagination 2023-02-03T05:00:00Z
As the magician Penn Teller puts it in the piece, Robbins “takes a low crime and turns it into an art form.” The Top Twenty-Five Most-Read Archive Stories of 2019 2019-12-30T05:00:00Z
I have been following you and Teller for years. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
He also was honored by a slew of critics groups for his charismatic turn opposite Miles Teller. Oscars 2015: J.K. Simmons wins supporting actor for 'Whiplash' 2015-02-22T05:00:00Z
Both Woodley and Teller supported the decision for their characters not suffer serious consequences for drinking and driving. 'The Spectacular Now' spotlights young love like it used to be 2013-08-01T23:41:08Z
Then when I was still in high school, 17 or 18, I met Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
Scarred or not, Mr. Teller’s wide-open, trembling performance won him a battery of roles. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
“Penn & Teller on Broadway” grossed $1.4 million last week, improving its financial performance in a week when most shows were down, according to figures released Monday by the Broadway League. No Trick: 'Penn & Teller' a Broadway Hit 2015-08-10T04:00:00Z
Now, these are people who just spoke with Teller four minutes before this, face to face. Q & A with Penn Jillette: Crackpot hippies, politics and why the best tricks are no secret 2020-08-27T04:00:00Z
Las Vegas magic act Penn and Teller are coming to town, for five nights in London this July. What to see in summer 2010 2010-05-23T20:30:00Z
If the nominee list includes Ms. Stone and Mr. Gosling — as the handicappers at Gold Derby, an entertainment honors site, predict — how will Mr. Teller and Ms. Watson react? Fates in Filmmaking: Who Were the Wallflowers at the ‘La La Land’ Dance? 2016-12-01T05:00:00Z
If they can pull off a trick that leaves the duo mystified, they get to open for Penn and Teller in Vegas. Tonight's TV highlights 2011-01-07T07:59:00Z
The night before, Teller was awarded IMDB's Starmeter prize, given to the actor most talked about and searched for on the movie website. Toronto Film Festival 2014: Reporter's diary - Part 2 2014-09-10T04:00:00Z
“A political impression that no one asked for,” Teller said. ‘S.N.L.’ Season Premiere Weighs in on Its Own Trump Sketch 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
I mentioned this to Mr. Robbins, and to his fellow illusionist, the director of “Play Dead,” Teller, after I was exhumed and we had dinner. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
Teller, star of the forthcoming Paramount+ series "The Offer," has tested positive for COVID, the Daily Mail reports. Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
“Penn and Teller: BS” was the title of this team’s long-running series on Showtime, devoted to the exposure of professional frauds. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
Van Der Put performed on ITV's Penn and Teller's Fool Us last year and his act has inspired a Ukrainian performer who has reproduced the act almost precisely, but with one crucial difference. Seven days on stage: 1 million viewers could bring the Olivier awards back to terrestrial TV 2012-05-25T14:32:48Z
The Rio in Las Vegas serves as home to the Penn & Teller magic show and the Chippendales show.  'Duck Dynasty' musical aiming for Las Vegas in 2015 2014-11-13T05:00:00Z
So was it entirely smart, in the short term, for Teller to diss “Divergent”? Maybe not. Miles Teller explains his 'Divergent' diss 2014-09-24T04:00:00Z
In "The Offer," Teller plays Al Ruddy, the filmmaker behind the "Godfather" movies in a dramatized portrayal of Ruddy's behind-the-camera work. Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
Even so, Simmons himself is "terrific, giving some shape, dimension, and sandpaper edges to a character that's little more than a writer's construct," and Teller, with his combination of "braggadocio and vulnerability," is "marvelous." 'Whiplash': Miles Teller music drama drumming up strong reviews 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
Looks for Everyone, All Mixed Together Juergen Teller, the photographer, was there in the front row of the Marc by Marc Jacobs show wearing a T-shirt and onion-skin running shorts. | Fast Fashion: At Marc by Marc Jacobs Show, Looks for Everyone 2012-09-11T23:19:40Z
Teller had copyrighted it as a pantomime in 1983, but hadn’t revealed the underlying mechanism. Hat. Rabbit. Spy Cam? Claims of Skulduggery at a Hot Magic Show 2017-07-24T04:00:00Z
Miles Teller plays Andrew Neiman, the kind of student who practices until sweat pours and hands bleed. What’s on TV Thursday: ‘Puffs’ and ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ 2018-10-18T04:00:00Z
Teller is perhaps known best for having an increasingly long list of films clogging his credit list. 'Two Night Stand' a one-act sex comedy that grows cold too soon 2014-09-25T04:00:00Z
There should be a mark of correction on Penn and Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
All Teller and I ever wanted to do was put together weird tricks for people, and we've been doing that since we were children. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
So “Mayans M.C.,” about another gang that figured in “Sons,” is a sequel, and one that feels very much aimed at people who already know who Jax Teller was. Review: ‘Mayans M.C.’ Motors Down a Familiar Road 2018-09-03T04:00:00Z
Fortunately, he had someone he could call: Sierra Teller Ornelas, who oversees “Rutherford Falls.” ‘Reservation Dogs’ Uses Humor, Not Magic, to Conjure Native Culture 2021-08-06T04:00:00Z
Fact: Like his character in the film, Miles Teller did actually play the drums until his hands bled. Oscars 2015: Best picture nominees 2015-01-15T05:00:00Z
Juergen Teller's recent work is the subject of a show called Woo at the ICA in London, opening on 23 January. Geraldo de Barros: master of montage 2013-01-18T18:29:55Z
Mr. Teller recently caught flak online for admitting that his supporting role in the young-adult franchise “Divergent” was not as satisfying. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
“So seeing that magic principle suddenly unlock this 350 year old mystery was amazing to me,” Teller told Beth Hanna of the Thompson on Hollywood blog. Tim’s Vermeer: Unlocking an Old Master’s Mystery 2014-01-31T16:57:33Z
Before that, he will play the middleweight boxer Vinny Pazienza, who, like Mr. Teller, suffered an awful car accident, which, in Mr. Pazienza’s case, broke his neck but did not end his career. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Teller and I actually discuss when we’re working on magic tricks. Q & A with Penn Jillette: Crackpot hippies, politics and why the best tricks are no secret 2020-08-27T04:00:00Z
Boxers like this, says Teller, “fight because they don’t know how to do anything else.” Why 'Bleed For This' Is More Than Just Another Boxing Movie 2016-11-17T05:00:00Z
Much of this patiently achieved success flows from Miles Teller’s winning, seemingly effortless performance as Sutter, in all his laziness and charm, open-mindedness and fatalism, always with a glimpse of the unease beneath. Movie Review: In ‘The Spectacular Now,’ Growing Pains Precede Graduation 2013-08-01T21:23:20Z
Teller said that when he went back a second time to see Mr. DelGaudio’s show during its initial run last year, in Los Angeles, he was “watching for every little possibility.” Hat. Rabbit. Spy Cam? Claims of Skulduggery at a Hot Magic Show 2017-07-24T04:00:00Z
Michael B. Jordan, his co-star in “That Awkward Moment,” “The Fantastic Four” and an untitled heist film, said detractors might say Mr. Teller didn’t pay his dues. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
He is always interesting, and he has plenty in development, including an Amazon TV series called Too Old to Die Young, starring Miles Teller, about samurai criminals in LA. Nicolas Winding Refn: 'Cinema is dead. And now it is resurrected' 2018-07-09T04:00:00Z
He worked in department stores in high school, including Bonwit Teller, at the time Boston’s most soigné retailer. Bill Cunningham, Style Maven, Leaves Behind a Memoir and It’s ‘a Real Dilly’ 2018-08-20T04:00:00Z
Then I met Juergen Teller and I knew I wanted to work with him within five minutes. 11 Women on Phoebe Philo’s Céline Era 2018-03-01T05:00:00Z
Simmons jokes about wanting to hit Miles Teller again, all signs that these are stories we'll hear again on Oscar night. Screen Actors Guild Awards 2015: Seven things to watch for 2015-01-25T05:00:00Z
Miles Teller, who plays his partner, maintains just enough humanity to bring the audience along. These are TIME's Most Anticipated Movies of the Summer 2016-05-25T04:00:00Z
Miles Teller said the next day, reflecting on the hormone-heavy red carpet crowd that came out to Seattle’s Pacific Place the night before for the screening of his new film, “Divergent.” Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
In a video interview, Teller Ornelas explained how her parents’ choices inspired her to pursue her dreams and why it’s important to have more than one Native writer and Native actor on her show. Sierra Teller Ornelas on the Roots of ‘Rutherford Falls’ 2021-04-21T04:00:00Z
But wait: The subtitle of Danielle Teller’s new novel is “The Untold Story of Cinderella’s Stepmother.” Review | Twice-told tales: Jo Nesbø, Madeline Miller and others revive classic stories 2018-02-16T05:00:00Z
The telecast will also include videos that fans submitted of themselves trying their hand at the magic that Penn and Teller shared in the previous installment of “Try This at Home.” What’s on TV Monday: A Penn and Teller Special and ‘Good Deeds’ 2020-07-27T04:00:00Z
Since graduating from New York University in 2009, Mr. Teller has appeared in nine films. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Speaking from her home in Los Angeles last week, Teller Ornelas, who is also Mexican-American, said she had known she wanted to be a TV writer by the second grade. Sierra Teller Ornelas on the Roots of ‘Rutherford Falls’ 2021-04-21T04:00:00Z
“The Leftovers” never shied away from the uncanny, but ultimately its take on “magic” is more like Teller’s. ‘The Leftovers’ Series Finale Recap: Over There 2017-06-04T04:00:00Z
Teller ... against all odds works the hell out of a hairstyle that's a centimeter or two shy of a Mike Brady perm-a-fro. As "Godfather" origin stories go, "The Offer" is so bad it's criminal 2022-04-29T04:00:00Z
“Penn & Teller: Merry Fool Us,” The CW Penn & Teller bring their usual quirky magic tinged with comedy and add a bit of yuletide cheer. Here is Salon's curated guide to Thanksgiving weekend TV 2019-11-28T05:00:00Z
After the “Fantastic Four,” Teller has signed on to star in “Bleed for This,” a film based on the true story of boxer Vinny Pazienza, which is executive-produced by Martin Scorsese. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
He was back the other night with his wife, Karen, for Penn & Teller. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
That is "Whiplash," with an amazing Miles Teller on drums, a terrifying J.K. 'Whiplash,' exquisite and painful, hits all the right notes 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
Instead, the spoof — called “Send Something Normal” — was hosted by Teller, who offered the participants $100 million if they could provide a normal reply to a woman’s DM on Instagram. ‘S.N.L.’ Season Premiere Weighs in on Its Own Trump Sketch 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
What's happening is concealment and misdirection, as Teller demonstrates with a neat routine involving a vanishing cigarette, which he first performs, then flips around to reveal its artifice to the crowd. Penn and Teller 2010-07-16T21:15:00Z
Yet despite being in the anonymous, cathedral-size Marquis, “Penn & Teller on Broadway” feels almost as intimate as a sidewalk game of three-card monte. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
If Penn and Teller are today’s most famous conjuring duo, the co-authors of this book are their scholarly equivalents. Review | How do they do that? ‘The Secret History of Magic’ is a study of deception as art 2018-07-17T04:00:00Z
Ever since Penn and Teller burst on the scene, every magician seemed to be deconstructing illusions while doing them. Is Originality Even a Worthy Ambition Anymore? 2023-06-28T04:00:00Z
If his long-running Penn & Teller engagement, at the Rio, affords him a comfortable living, Jones' annual engagement at the Green Mill in Chicago gives him a chance to stretch creatively. From Mahalia tribute to Penn & Teller's pianist, a rich weekend in Chicago jazz 2011-05-19T11:40:00Z
Teller tried to rebut him: “Well, I heard they rarely put the host in cold opens, so when they do, it is special,” he said. ‘S.N.L.’ Season Premiere Weighs in on Its Own Trump Sketch 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
“He said he was using a different method, but that makes no difference to the public,” Teller said of the other magician. Hat. Rabbit. Spy Cam? Claims of Skulduggery at a Hot Magic Show 2017-07-24T04:00:00Z
And Teller, whose capabilities are showcased in better pieces, doesn't justify the story's focus on his producer. As "Godfather" origin stories go, "The Offer" is so bad it's criminal 2022-04-29T04:00:00Z
Legendary magician Penn Jillette, along with his longtime partner Ray Teller, are currently in their sixth season of their show "Fool Us" on the CW. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
He added that, as soon as the scene ended, the “sensitive young artist” would disappear, and Mr. Teller’s “swagger and confidence would come right back, and he’d start giving me trouble.” Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
“No one does that,” Teller said, and there’s a reason: “It’s really hard.” Penn and Teller, Reconjured on Broadway 2015-06-17T04:00:00Z
Hollywood has spent a decade trying to make Miles Teller happen, most recently as wingman to Tom Cruise in “Top Gun: Maverick.” Who Is Austin Butler and What Does He Want? 2022-05-25T04:00:00Z
Teller is a terrific actor, and he does a creditable job of playing the protagonist, Andrew Neiman, who’s nineteen and idolizes Buddy Rich. “Whiplash” Gets Jazz All Wrong 2014-10-13T04:00:00Z
Teller ended the meeting by standing up in a huff, but his attempt at a dramatic exit was marred by the fact that he was wearing Rollerblades. How “Silicon Valley” Nails Silicon Valley 2016-06-09T04:00:00Z
In the intense film, out Friday, Teller plays a college conservatory student who aspires to be the next Buddy Rich. 'Whiplash' director, stars march to a friendly beat — off-screen 2014-10-08T04:00:00Z
“If you want to write a piece for the piano, you can write a piece for the piano,” Teller said. Hat. Rabbit. Spy Cam? Claims of Skulduggery at a Hot Magic Show 2017-07-24T04:00:00Z
When reached by The Times on Wednesday, Teller explained what happened. Miles Teller explains his 'Divergent' diss 2014-09-24T04:00:00Z
One of Teller’s portraits of me, looking mad, was pasted to the wall in his recent ICA exhibition. Snap happy 2013-05-19T18:30:00Z
The true story of American boxer Vinny Pazienza's return to the ring after a car crash gets a big screen adaptation in "Bleed for This", a new drama starring Miles Teller and Aaron Eckhart. Actor Teller enters the ring for boxing drama 'Bleed for This' 2016-11-03T04:00:00Z
A source told the outlet, "Miles Teller is not vaccinated. He wouldn't even get the test. Now he's brought the virus to the set and the whole set had to shut down." Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
“I guess we look alike,” Mr. Teller said. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Sunday; $25; 312-360-0234 or jazzshowcase.com Mike Jones: Though perhaps best known as house pianist for illusionists Penn & Teller in Las Vegas, Jones stands as a formidable soloist in his own right. From Mahalia tribute to Penn & Teller's pianist, a rich weekend in Chicago jazz 2011-05-19T11:40:00Z
And his chemistry with the shorter, sweeter Teller remains based, ingeniously and reassuringly, in comic archetypes: that of Mutt and Jeff, or Laurel and Hardy. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
“He’s stronger than any of us,” Teller says. The New 'Fantastic Four' Trailer Takes Us Back to the Beginning 2015-07-14T04:00:00Z
She's like Penn and Teller, revealing her magic while creating new magic at the same time. Hannah Gadsby’s “Nanette”: The stunning Netflix special that made Louis C.K.’s comedy irr... 2018-07-02T04:00:00Z
Magicians Penn and Teller: the duo are auditioning acts for their Vegas show in new series Fool Us. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
Neither Teller nor Mr. Robbins believes in an afterlife, and this, after all, makes the idea of death something less than a romantic or spiritual proposition. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
Magician Teller of Penn and Teller is 65. Celeb birthdays for the week of Feb. 10-16 2013-02-07T06:02:09Z
“Whiplash” demonstrates an intensity that filmgoers have not yet seen from Mr. Teller. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
“Really?” said Teller, 63, who is best known as the smaller, silent partner of Penn Jillette. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
"Went down to SD to see my buddy before he deployed. I wasn't arrested I was detained bc there was no evidence to charge me with a crime," Teller tweeted Monday. Miles Teller Was Arrested and Charged With Public Intoxication in San Diego 2017-06-19T04:00:00Z
Five cameras recorded Jenison each day in San Antonio, for footage that Teller, usually in Las Vegas where he and Penn perform, would monitor each night. Tim’s Vermeer: Unlocking an Old Master’s Mystery 2014-01-31T16:57:33Z
Early next year, he and Mr. Chazelle will reunite for “La La Land,” a musical love story, in which Mr. Teller will sing and dance with Emma Watson. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
Penn & Teller: Fool Us The challenge of baffling the comedy-magician duo continues in this new episode. Wednesday's TV Highlights: 'Legends' on TNT 2014-08-19T04:00:00Z
With an eye toward Teller, Hamm replied, “Sometimes they need to bring in a real celebrity when the host isn’t that famous.” ‘S.N.L.’ Season Premiere Weighs in on Its Own Trump Sketch 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
However, Teller's publicist disputed the claim, telling the Mail their facts were "incorrect" but declining to say more. Miles Teller gets COVID after allegedly refusing vaccine & halts “Godfather” spinoff filming: report 2021-09-03T04:00:00Z
The production has also retained Teller, the traditionally nonverbal partner in the illusionist team of Penn & Teller, as a creative consultant. ‘The Exorcist’ on a Los Angeles Stage 2012-06-22T00:23:01Z
Where Penn and Teller's is studiobound and conventional, Dynamo appears to seek out either gormless drunks, or those operating at the point where celebrity meets twattery. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
I did mention that you and Teller have been doing this since you were kids, right? Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
The former, a fact-based comedy starring Jonah Hill and Miles Teller as Miami stoners who become arms dealers, will open March 11. Ben Affleck thriller 'The Accountant' books January release date 2015-05-19T04:00:00Z
Another potential crowd pleaser this summer is the Broadway return of Penn & Teller, whose latest show is opening in July for a limited engagement. Summer promises to be hot on Broadway with three big openings 2015-06-15T04:00:00Z
The new special "Penn Jillette's Street Cred" finds the chattier half of Penn & Teller pounding the pavement in search of talented street performers. TV This Week, Nov. 30-Dec. 6: 'Peter Pan Live!' and more 2014-11-28T05:00:00Z
“Some people get on this Earth and are like: I really want to put my stamp on it,” Mr. Teller said. Miles Teller Looks Beyond ‘Whiplash’ 2014-10-02T04:00:00Z
His father was a corset company executive, and his mother was a senior saleswoman at Bonwit Teller; her customers included Rose Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich and Mary Martin. Marvin S. Traub, Who Made Bloomingdale’s a Home of Style, Dies at 87 2012-07-11T20:48:19Z
The unctuous Jonathan Ross comperes, the audience know their place, and at the end Penn and Teller perform a trick of their own. Trick questions: Dynamo and Penn and Teller have brought very different magic styles to our screens 2011-07-29T09:44:00Z
Juergen Teller, one of Corinne Day's peers, and now the most globally successful photographer of all the young iconoclasts of that time, concurs. Corinne Day 2010-09-04T23:07:00Z
He once wrote a short story, for example, that his longtime partner, Teller, thought would make a good magic trick, so they turned it into a bit called King of Animal Traps. Penn Jillette Lives on Hot Baths and Cold Watermelon 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
“I lost both my parents six or seven years ago,” Teller said. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
Fortune Teller When Mr. MacDonald bought the Buffalo Bills sombrero after they first met, he had the friends she was traveling with sign it. Those Lucky Coins Paid Off 2022-03-11T05:00:00Z
Watch Penn and Teller here, for example, lambast the anti-vaccine movement on their Showtime series. Will Olympics spread measles? 2012-07-26T15:50:00Z
Nobody was laughing; rather, they were noticing Teller’s burgeoning skill. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
Here was Teller, handing his weapon to the soldier checking him in. When Adam Schumann went to war, he didn’t foresee its horrors — or a movie about his life 2017-10-19T04:00:00Z
She visited both design houses and shopped for leather goods at Mark Cross, cashmere at Brooks Brothers, suits at Bonwit Teller and gloves and scarves at Hermès. Remembering Mary McCarthy’s Style 2012-10-19T22:52:01Z
So it’s encouraging when a gallery tries to reconstruct, however loosely, one of those networks, as Susan Teller does in “Peggy Bacon and Her Circle.” Art in Review: ?PEGGY BACON AND HER CIRCLE? 2011-08-04T22:00:07Z
Miles Teller, 26, who starred in last year's Sundance hit "The Spectacular Now" and this year's film festival favorite "Whiplash," is Jason's best buddy, the funny, affable Daniel. 'That Awkward Moment' - romantic comedy film enters the man cave 2014-01-29T22:51:31Z
“Kate takes life to the full extent,” said Mr. Teller, the photographer. A Few Words With Kate Moss, Fashion’s Garbo 2012-11-05T18:07:07Z
In your memoir, A Curious Mind, you describe decades of “curiosity conversations” with luminaries from Beyoncé to Edward Teller. 10 Questions With Brian Grazer 0002-11-29T05:00:00Z
His JW Anderson show, incubated in collaboration with the photographer Juergen Teller, focused on the awkward, experimental condition of being a teenager. Post-Lockdown Paris? Think Youth and Sex. 2021-06-29T04:00:00Z
Many of the tricks, too, are familiar, including the priceless segment in which Teller swallows one sewing needle after another, and Penn’s climactic fire-eating routine. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
"It was a lot of work all the way around and Josh carried a lot of the weight," Teller said. Josh Trank works to defy 'Fantastic Four's' doomsayers 2015-07-08T04:00:00Z
In a production office on West 54th Street, Teller pointed to a poster promoting “Penn & Teller,” an Off Broadway show staged at the Westside Arts Theater in 1985. Penn and Teller, Reconjured on Broadway 2015-06-17T04:00:00Z
To make room for his tower, Trump razed Bonwit Teller and, in the process, destroyed a pair of Art Deco friezes that curators at the Metropolitan Museum of Art had wanted to preserve. Trump left his mark all over New York. Some in the city would like to erase it. 2015-10-06T04:00:00Z
And Teller’s very well educated, very articulate; the most talented, smartest person I’ve ever met. Q & A with Penn Jillette: Crackpot hippies, politics and why the best tricks are no secret 2020-08-27T04:00:00Z
Always respecting the audience, something we spoke about earlier, always exposing parts of tricks, and yet here you turn the tables on yourself and try to have people fool you and Teller. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
Penn Jillette's Street Cred One half of the magic duo Penn & Teller seeks out top-notch street performers in this hidden-camera special. Wednesday's TV Highlights: Jackie Evancho in a PBS Special 2014-12-02T05:00:00Z
“We just did 421 days without a live show,” he said, referring to the forced sabbatical that stretched through the end of April, his silent partner, Teller, finally back at his side. Headliners and Headdresses Return to Las Vegas. Will Tourists Follow? 2021-06-10T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller isn’t apologizing for indulging in what some may call an extravagance. Airport Noise is Raising Hackles in the Hamptons This Summer 2014-07-25T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller did not leave on his own accord. Fates in Filmmaking: Who Were the Wallflowers at the ‘La La Land’ Dance? 2016-12-01T05:00:00Z
“For me, I have a wide palate and as an actor, I want to feel like I can do everything,” Teller said. Miles Teller Does not need weed, is not ready for marriage 2014-03-12T21:49:33Z
As Andrew fights for a spot on Fletcher's studio band, Teller fights his way into the actor he is meant to be. 'Whiplash,' exquisite and painful, hits all the right notes 2014-10-09T04:00:00Z
But while “Mayans” may be set in a post-Jax Teller world, the show hasn’t yet found a place in it. Review: ‘Mayans M.C.’ Motors Down a Familiar Road 2018-09-03T04:00:00Z
Penn Jillette, left, and Teller appear at the “Penn & Teller On Broadway” preview performance at 54 Below on Friday, June 26, 2015, in New York. Broadway Box Office 7/13: Penn & Teller Pull Box Office Gold Out Of A Hat 2015-07-13T04:00:00Z
“It’s very difficult to describe how she kept herself so on top of her game,” the photographer Juergen Teller said recently during a break from shooting a new Marc Jacobs campaign. A Few Words With Kate Moss, Fashion’s Garbo 2012-11-05T18:07:07Z
The magician and author Penn Jillette performs live shows with his partner, Teller, in Las Vegas 46 weeks of the year. What the Magician Penn Jillette Can’t Travel Without 2017-07-19T04:00:00Z
Revel in the absurdity as Jonah Hill and Miles Teller play a serious subject for laughs in “War Dogs.” What’s on TV Sunday: Jonah Hill in ‘War Dogs’ and ‘The White Queen’ Marathon 2017-04-09T04:00:00Z
Because of the nature of the story, Chazelle was conscious of how he behaved on set — he was especially complimentary and relatively calm, Teller said. 'Whiplash' director, stars march to a friendly beat — off-screen 2014-10-08T04:00:00Z
On May 6, the comedy duo Penn & Teller kicks off the new season at Boston’s Symphony Hall, the home the Pops share with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. High note: Lockhart marks 25 years as Boston Pops conductor 2020-02-26T05:00:00Z
It cost north of $45 million to produce, and teams Jonah Hill with Miles Teller. 'Ben-Hur' Flops With $11.4 Million, 'Suicide Squad' Still on Top 2016-08-21T04:00:00Z
Up-and-coming illusionists perform their best acts in hopes of fooling the duo Penn & Teller to earn a coveted spot in their Las Vegas show. What’s on TV Monday: ‘Salvation’ and ‘Ballet 422’ 2018-06-25T04:00:00Z
Or, perhaps, Groucho and Harpo, with Penn playing the sardonic, scamming motormouth to Teller’s devilishly angelic silent partner. Review: ‘Penn & Teller on Broadway’ Explores the Illusions of Technology 2015-07-12T04:00:00Z
Teller had a childhood sickness, and he was five years old, and they got him a magic kit. Penn Jillette does the math: America's next big magic star will be a woman 2019-07-04T04:00:00Z
Teller: I think it's awesome the film ends with a climax. Whiplash stars drum up Oscar hopes 2015-02-20T05:00:00Z
“That changed the entire writing of the show,” Teller said. I?m Not Really a Corpse. I Just Played One Onstage. 2011-03-04T00:24:08Z
“Five days after breaking his neck, he was down in his basement,” Teller says. A Comeback King Fights His Way Back Into the Ring 0002-11-29T05:00:00Z
Tributes on Saturday came from all walks of life, from Hollywood star Miles Teller posting photos of himself with Buffett to former U.S. ‘Margaritaville’ singer Jimmy Buffett, who turned beach-bum life into an empire, dies at 76 2023-09-02T04:00:00Z
Benny Safdie makes a memorably sweaty and argumentative Edward Teller, an early proponent of the hydrogen bomb who has his own shifty role to play in Oppenheimer’s postwar tribulations. Review: Christopher Nolan's gripping, despairing 'Oppenheimer' ponders history and the future 2023-07-19T04:00:00Z
Make sure your pets are not exercising outside, said Dr. Teller. How to Keep Pets Safe From Wildfire Smoke 2023-06-07T04:00:00Z
Physicist Edward Teller wanted to focus their attention on building a fusion bomb. Why Nuclear Fusion Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis 2023-06-05T04:00:00Z
He was also replaced by Miles Teller in the TV series The Offer, a drama about the making of The Godfather. Armie Hammer: US actor will not be charged with sexual assault 2023-06-01T04:00:00Z
In February, burglars ransacked the Studio City home of Miles Teller while the actor was traveling in Paris. JoJo Siwa's Tarzana home burglarized while dancer-YouTuber was on a cruise 2023-05-16T04:00:00Z
But Dr. Teller said that she expected a growing number of practices to offer virtual options. The Virtual Vet Will See You Meow 2023-04-07T04:00:00Z
If your pet is stumbling or acting more lethargic than usual, you should also reach out to your veterinarian, said Dr. Lori Teller, the president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. How to Keep Pets Safe From Wildfire Smoke 2023-06-07T04:00:00Z
Copperfield and other magicians, including Teller of “Penn & Teller,” gathered to celebrate with her when she turned 100 last August. Gloria Dea, Las Vegas magician who vanished into obscurity, dies at 100 2023-03-20T04:00:00Z
Cruise reprises his role as “Maverick,” taking on a leadership and mentor role for supporting cast members Miles Teller and Glen Powell. How (and where) to watch Oscar-winning films (mostly) online 2023-03-13T04:00:00Z
Outside of the theater in the lobby Miles Teller hung by the bar with his wife, while Bill Nighy took a quick bathroom break. Inside the Dolby: What you didn’t see on TV on Oscars night 2023-03-13T04:00:00Z
Teller and his wife, model and Lime Tree Productions Chief Executive Keleigh Teller had flown to Paris to celebrate the actor’s 36th birthday. Miles Teller's L.A. home was ransacked while he celebrated his birthday in Paris 2023-02-27T05:00:00Z
For more: “Teller of the Unexpected,” a biography of Dahl released this year, sidesteps controversy while capturing his grandiose, tragedy-specked life. Your Tuesday Briefing 2023-02-21T05:00:00Z
Big names making a splash this year: Melissa McCarthy sings a jingle for Booking.com, Miles Teller dances to hold music for Bud Light and Adam Driver makes multiples of himself for Squarespace. Super Bowl ads keep it light by using nostalgia and stars 2023-02-10T05:00:00Z
Teller’s testimony came on the ninth day of a trial triggered by a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of Tesla shareholders alleging Musk misled them with tweets in August 2018. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
The portrayal proves to be one of the dazzling centerpieces of a production of myriad illusions that has convinced me that Shakespeare wrote “The Tempest” with Teller, of Penn & Teller fame, in mind. Perspective | In this ‘Tempest,’ a misshapen, two-headed monster steals the show 2023-01-26T05:00:00Z
Keleigh Teller documented moments from their Parisian getaway on TikTok, inlcuding a lavish dinner at the Eiffel Tower’s Le Jules Verne and a stay at the Four Seasons George V Paris. Miles Teller's L.A. home was ransacked while he celebrated his birthday in Paris 2023-02-27T05:00:00Z
Tom Cruise reprises his role as “Maverick,” taking on a leadership and mentor role for supporting cast members Miles Teller and Glen Powell. How (and where) to watch Oscar-nominated films online 2023-01-24T05:00:00Z
Cruise takes on a leadership and mentor role for supporting cast members Miles Teller and Glen Powell. How (and where) to watch the AP Top 25 Movies online 2023-01-20T05:00:00Z
Teller was summoned to the stand Wednesday by Musk’s lawyers in an attempt to substantiate and elaborate upon the billionaire’s testimony. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
The intertwining of two bodies is an earthy rather than ethereal illusion, one that folds neatly into Teller and Posner’s enchanted-isle conceit. Perspective | In this ‘Tempest,’ a misshapen, two-headed monster steals the show 2023-01-26T05:00:00Z
While Miles Teller was wining and dining in Paris last week, burglars were ripping off his home in Los Angeles. Miles Teller's L.A. home was ransacked while he celebrated his birthday in Paris 2023-02-27T05:00:00Z
A new biography, “Roald Dahl, Teller of the Unexpected,” sidesteps the ugly side of the children’s book author while capturing his sometimes tragic life. Betting on Gotham 2023-01-19T05:00:00Z
Initially, robbers switched their attentions from bank branches to Automatic Teller Machines, with such attacks peaking at 18 in 2016. No cash, no bank heists in Denmark; criminals now go online 2023-01-03T05:00:00Z
As he watched the two men happily conclude their meeting, Teller said, “It was my sense they made a handshake deal to proceed” with taking Tesla private. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
On Penn & Teller’s “Fool Us,” a TV show in which magicians attempt to perform a trick that the duo can’t figure out, Tamariz is often invoked by name. The Man Who Made Spain the Magic Capital of the World 2023-01-02T05:00:00Z
“I don’t know if it’s a loss of humanity, but it is a little weird,” Teller said. The ‘moment of humanity’ when a cart drives off and an NFL game goes on 2022-12-22T05:00:00Z
The physicist Edward Teller had long advocated a crash program to devise such a weapon, and told the 1954 hearing that he mistrusted Oppenheimer’s judgment. J. Robert Oppenheimer Cleared of ‘Black Mark’ After 68 Years 2022-12-16T05:00:00Z
Savoonga Creek was flooding and didn’t have snow cover, nor did the town of Teller northwest of Nome, where snow this time of year is used for drinking water, Thoman said. December serving up baked Alaska and warming most of Arctic 2022-12-05T05:00:00Z
“He is the type of CEO who likes to absorb his communications,” Teller said. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
For Teller, the story posed a tantalizing question: What would make a magician give up magic? At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
After Cleveland Browns guard Wyatt Teller prays for an injured player, he starts to ask himself questions meant to regain focus: What’s the opponents’ defense? The ‘moment of humanity’ when a cart drives off and an NFL game goes on 2022-12-22T05:00:00Z
At a news conference on Monday, Michael J. Allen, the district attorney for El Paso and Teller Counties, which includes Colorado Springs, reiterated the importance of moving forward with bias-motivated charges. The suspected gunman faces hate-crime charges. Here’s what that means in Colorado. 2022-11-21T05:00:00Z
Pro Bowl right guard Wyatt Teller had to be pulled in the first half with a calf injury that kept him out of the previous two games. Browns reeling, at loss to explain terrible trip to Miami 2022-11-14T05:00:00Z
Even so, Teller likened his job to an air traffic controller confronted with “a lot of problem solving” at all hours. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
That decision fascinates Teller, who has been devoted to magic since age 5. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
Ward missed three games with a concussion while Teller sat for two games with a calf injury. Browns LB Owusu-Koramoah, TE Njoku out against Dolphins 2022-11-11T05:00:00Z
Pro Bowl cornerback Denzel Ward and Pro Bowl right guard Wyatt Teller returned to practice Monday as Cleveland ended its extended break, which signaled the unofficial halfway point of the 2022 season. Ward, Teller practice as Browns get healthier from bye 2022-11-07T05:00:00Z
Teller also missed last week’s game with a strain. Browns TE Njoku, CB Ward, RG Teller out against Bengals 2022-10-29T04:00:00Z
“Most of my waking hours were working,” Teller said, a grueling schedule that led him to stop working for Musk in 2019. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
After he and Teller had committed to the play, Teller drew on his knowledge of magic history to suggest Willard the Wizard as a touchstone for the show’s aesthetic and illusion. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
“I’ve been coming to every playoffs forever,” Teller said on the field, the celebration roaring around him. Phillies’ World Series run leads wild run of Philly success 2022-10-27T04:00:00Z
A first-time Pro Bowl selection, Teller missed the past two games with a calf injury. Ward, Teller practice as Browns get healthier from bye 2022-11-07T05:00:00Z
Teller got hurt in the first quarter of last week’s 38-15 loss to New England. Browns RG Teller likely out against Ravens with calf injury 2022-10-19T04:00:00Z
“I was pretty tired and it was time to do something else,’ Teller said. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
Willard toured the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression, dressed in a dusty tuxedo, doing fabulous magic tricks on a truck, Teller says. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
Cleveland also lost Pro Bowl guard Wyatt Teller to a calf injury in the first half and did not return. Brissett, Browns handed most lopsided loss of season by Pats 2022-10-16T04:00:00Z
Browns: Pro Bowl RG Wyatt Teller left in the second quarter with a calf injury and did not return. Patriots bury Browns, Belichick ties Halas with 324th win 2022-10-16T04:00:00Z
During the open locker room period Wednesday, Teller was in a walking boot and said he would sit out this week. Browns RG Teller likely out against Ravens with calf injury 2022-10-19T04:00:00Z
Sam Teller, who worked closely Musk from 2014 to 2019, detailed a series of meetings that his former boss held with representatives from Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
The fact that Teller knew the raspy-voiced musician made the choice easier. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
Teller’s remarkably prescient words are quoted in investigative journalist Geoff Dembicki’s new book “The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change.” Review | A dark tale of money corrupting politics — and destroying the climate 2022-10-06T04:00:00Z
Haver’s young bear wants to go into theater, while Teller’s version wants to be a dancer — both to the chagrin of their disapproving, glasses-wearing fathers. 'Wild coincidence' or 'parallel thinking': YouTuber defends 'SNL's' Charmin Bears bit 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
Teller doesn’t think the injury is as severe as a similar one in 2020, when he missed three games. Browns RG Teller likely out against Ravens with calf injury 2022-10-19T04:00:00Z
Among other things, Teller said he sometimes had to “soften” Musk’s blunt emails. Ex-aide says Elon Musk had ‘handshake deal’ for Tesla buyout 2023-02-01T05:00:00Z
Posner and Teller’s “Tempest” debuted in Las Vegas in 2014, and incarnations of the show subsequently ran in Boston, Chicago and Costa Mesa, Calif. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
“This year, I was in a movie called ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’” Teller told the audience in his opening monologue. 'SNL' premiere goes meta for Peyton Manning cold open, parodies Nicole Kidman AMC ad 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
The Season 48 premiere of ‘Saturday Night Live’ was hosted by ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ star Miles Teller with musical guest Kendrick Lamar. 'Wild coincidence' or 'parallel thinking': YouTuber defends 'SNL's' Charmin Bears bit 2022-10-05T04:00:00Z
“Every story is going to be unique,” said Dr. Lori Teller, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association. How to Evacuate With Pets 2022-09-26T04:00:00Z
The wave of another magic wand passes over Prospero’s enchanted isle, courtesy of a real magician — the redoubtable Teller, of Penn and Teller renown. Perspective | This fall, theaters whet our appetites with an impressive buffet 2022-09-08T04:00:00Z
Along the way, Teller and Posner say, the production has borne out their belief that breathtaking magic can meld smoothly with theatrical storytelling. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
“Oh good, a Trump sketch,” Teller’s Peyton Manning remarked dryly at the top of the show. 'SNL' premiere goes meta for Peyton Manning cold open, parodies Nicole Kidman AMC ad 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
Equally important, Congress passed the Teller Amendment to the resolution, which stated that the United States would not annex Cuba following the war, appeasing those who opposed expansionism. U.S. History 2014-12-30T00:00:00Z
You could consider speaking to your vet about what might be appropriate for your pet, Dr. Teller said. How to Evacuate With Pets 2022-09-26T04:00:00Z
“Last year, I thought we were going to go to the Super Bowl,” Teller said Friday at training camp. Pro Bowl guard Teller aiming for Browns turnaround 2022-08-05T04:00:00Z
“Audiences are very capable of shifting from one kind of entertainment to the next,” says Teller. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
Pretending to nearly break character, Teller replied in his Manning voice, “Well, I heard they rarely put the host in the cold open, so when they do, it is special.” 'SNL' premiere goes meta for Peyton Manning cold open, parodies Nicole Kidman AMC ad 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
While the Teller Amendment ensured freedom for Cuba, President McKinley was reluctant to relinquish the strategically useful prize of the Philippines. U.S. History 2014-12-30T00:00:00Z
But other indicators — excessive vocalization or dangerous attempts to break out of confinement — might require medical attention, Dr. Teller said. How to Evacuate With Pets 2022-09-26T04:00:00Z
“When you look at last year, I don’t think there was one time that our starting five finished a game together,” Teller said. Pro Bowl guard Teller aiming for Browns turnaround 2022-08-05T04:00:00Z
And yet, it seems to be,’ ” Teller says. At Round House Theatre, a literally magical ‘Tempest’ 2022-11-29T05:00:00Z
“You think I’m an idiot?” barks a bank robber played by Teller. 'SNL' premiere goes meta for Peyton Manning cold open, parodies Nicole Kidman AMC ad 2022-10-02T04:00:00Z
“A balloon ascension and fireworks will be features of the occasion, while the evening will be devoted to dancing,” reported The Lewiston Teller and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. With his lavish hotel atop Steptoe Butte, celebrity homesteader Cashup Davis elevated the Palouse experience 2022-08-05T04:00:00Z
Last week, franchise newcomer Miles Teller revealed to Entertainment Tonight that he’s “been having some conversations with” Cruise about a potential third “Top Gun” movie. Mickey Rourke has 'no respect' for Tom Cruise amid 'Top Gun' success: 'I don't care' 2022-07-12T04:00:00Z
She does not have her Vegas show yet, she said, but, “we have some connections with Penn & Teller.” The Explosive Ambitions of Kate the Chemist 2022-07-11T04:00:00Z
She currently hosts the magic competition show “Penn & Teller: Fool Us.” ‘How I Met Your Mother’ star Alyson Hannigan asks $18 million for Encino compound 2022-06-27T04:00:00Z
Against the odds, Butler had emerged as the unlikely favorite to land the role over more established names like Harry Styles, Miles Teller and Ansel Elgort. ‘Elvis’ and Austin Butler feel the temperature rising 2022-06-21T04:00:00Z
The Lewiston Teller and Seattle Post-Intelligencer pronounced: “A peep through the big telescope is worth the 25 cents charge for admission.” With his lavish hotel atop Steptoe Butte, celebrity homesteader Cashup Davis elevated the Palouse experience 2022-08-05T04:00:00Z
Teller’s lead performance is characteristically layered and complex. Review: Chris Hemsworth, Miles Teller and 'Top Gun' director unite for the good-enough 'Spiderhead' 2022-06-16T04:00:00Z
So he strapped into an L-39 Albatros jet, the same aircraft Miles Teller, Glen Powell and their castmates trained in to prepare their minds and bodies for the real thing. How 'Top Gun: Maverick' made those groundbreaking aerial scenes soar 2022-06-05T04:00:00Z
“Top Gun: Maverick” actor Miles Teller had previously been announced as the honorary starter. Country star Blake Shelton named Indy 500 grand marshal 2022-05-26T04:00:00Z
Maverick is even estranged from his surrogate son, Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster, played by Miles Teller, whose main feat is looking a lot like his father, Maverick’s old wingman whose death Maverick blames on himself. ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ review: The danger zone has never felt so dangerous (and worth watching) 2022-05-25T04:00:00Z
Teller will wave the green flag for “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing” at Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday. Need for speed: Indy 500 tabs ‘Rooster’ to wave green flag 2022-05-24T04:00:00Z
There’s the return of “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins, while Miles Teller, who plays Goose’s son, recorded a live rendition of “Great Balls of Fire.” New this week: Dinosaurs, Def Leppard and ‘The Responder’ 2022-05-23T04:00:00Z
Mr. Powell initially tried out for the role of Rooster, the tough guy son of Maverick’s former wingman Goose — a part that went to Miles Teller. Hollywood’s Last Real Movie Star 2022-05-20T04:00:00Z
“When I die,” my mother always told us, “I want my ashes sprinkled down Fifth Avenue, from Bergdorf’s to Bonwit Teller.” ‘My Father and I Decided We Should Try to Honor Her Wishes’ 2022-05-15T04:00:00Z
By Thursday evening at least 120 people from 40 residences evacuated the area, the Teller County Sheriff’s Office posted on Facebook. New Mexico governor seeks more US aid for wildfire response 2022-05-14T04:00:00Z
Critics said the movie offers thrilling flight scenes, an emotional story and strong performances by supporting cast including Miles Teller, who plays the son of Goose, Maverick's partner who died in the original 1986 film. Movie critics gush over Tom Cruise's return in 'Top Gun' sequel 2022-05-12T04:00:00Z
Whiplash star Miles Teller plays Rooster - the son of Maverick's former partner Goose. Top Gun: Maverick - Critics praise 'thrilling' sequel 2022-05-12T04:00:00Z
And even Goose is back, by way of his son, the similarly mustachioed Miles Teller, who is strikingly similar looking to Anthony Edwards, the actor who played the doomed wingman in the first film. Review: ‘Top Gun’ sequel a welcome trip to the danger zone 2022-05-12T04:00:00Z
This was well after the scandal-plagued Armie Hammer dropped out as “Godfather” producer Al Ruddy, to be replaced by Miles Teller. Robert Evans wouldn't approve of the man playing him on TV. He would be wrong 2022-05-05T04:00:00Z
Mr. Teller, who left Mr. Musk’s employment in 2019, didn’t respond to requests for comment. ‘I Don’t Really Have a Business Plan’: How Elon Musk Wings It 2022-05-03T04:00:00Z
“I’ve talked to really acclaimed and accredited filmmakers who made an incredible film and then assumed that they would be able to make whatever they wanted to next. And they couldn’t,” said Teller. ‘The Offer’ recreates wild drama behind ‘The Godfather’ 2022-04-25T04:00:00Z
So that was Teller’s design for a hydrogen bomb. Lost Women of Science Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4: Netherworld 2022-04-21T04:00:00Z
“Everybody has a Jerusalem in their head,” said Matthew Teller, the author of “Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City.” Rare Overlap of Holy Days Shows Jerusalem’s Promise and Problems 2022-04-17T04:00:00Z
And “Rutherford Falls” co-creator Sierra Teller Ornelas tweeted, “This may seem like a small papas thing, but all we hear is ‘you folks have no stars to build projects around’. No Oscars invite for Rachel Zegler? Original 'West Side Story' star won't have it 2022-03-21T04:00:00Z
Mr. Musk was sometimes joined at the factory by Sam Teller, a de facto chief of staff, who had a sleeping bag there, a person who visited said. ‘I Don’t Really Have a Business Plan’: How Elon Musk Wings It 2022-05-03T04:00:00Z
“If he believed in somebody and if he told you he had your back, he did. He had it until the very end,” said Teller. ‘The Offer’ recreates wild drama behind ‘The Godfather’ 2022-04-25T04:00:00Z
The hydrogen bomb was the brainchild of Edward Teller, another Hungarian-born theoretical physicist. Lost Women of Science Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4: Netherworld 2022-04-21T04:00:00Z
The interview subjects are divided into “Legends,” “Truth Tellers,” “Culture Makers,” “Trendsetters” and “Visionaries.” How a brand consultant-turned-designer-podcaster became the antidote to Joe Rogan 2022-02-22T05:00:00Z
Some educators, including Allie Teller, an elementary school counselor, were dismayed by the district’s decision. Social and emotional learning is latest flashpoint in the education wars 2022-02-21T05:00:00Z
“We did not meet up to the hype,” right guard Wyatt Teller said. Browns falter, fall way short of huge expectations, playoffs 2022-01-10T05:00:00Z
In December, just days after winning the Heisman, Bryce showed up at Mike Teller’s gym, Secret Trainer Basketball in Pasadena, just to say hi and get some shots up with his middle-school basketball coach. Bryce Young is ready for his big moment: How his father guided him there 2022-01-10T05:00:00Z
Just like Steve Jobs, Edward Teller got a lot of people to carry out his vision. Lost Women of Science Podcast, Season 2, Episode 4: Netherworld 2022-04-21T04:00:00Z
Rookie right tackle James Hudson III went on the list, joining right guard Wyatt Teller and left tackle Jedrick Wills Jr., who tested positive earlier. Postponement gives Browns practice, more time before Raiders 2021-12-18T05:00:00Z
Teller had seen a reduction in behavior issues and incidents in the several years since her school started using the curriculum. Social and emotional learning is latest flashpoint in the education wars 2022-02-21T05:00:00Z
Rookie James Hudson III was added to the reserve/COVID-19 list, joining right guard Wyatt Teller and left tackle Jedrick Wills Jr. on a list that reached two dozen players – and 12 starters. NFL reduces testing for asymptomatic vaccinated players 2021-12-18T05:00:00Z
“He’s so humble, he just walks in, and the other players kind of freak out, but he doesn’t act like he’s big-time at all,” Teller said. Bryce Young is ready for his big moment: How his father guided him there 2022-01-10T05:00:00Z
Rookie James Hudson III was added to the COVID-19 list, joining right guard Wyatt Teller and left tackle Jedrick Wills Jr. on a list that reached two dozen players – and 12 starters. NFL reduces testing for asymptomatic vaccinated players 2021-12-18T05:00:00Z
“He just had this incredible cadence and demeanor,” said Teller Ornelas, who is Navajo and Mexican American. How a new wave of Native stories took a 'sledgehammer' to Hollywood's closed doors 2021-12-14T05:00:00Z
And on Tuesday, Teller tweeted that he is "vaccinated and have been for a while." Taylor Swift, Blake Lively show Miles Teller support as actor shuts down fans' speculation he's unvaccinated 2021-11-17T05:00:00Z
Miles Teller and Taylor Swift star in the music video for “I Bet You Think About Me,” directed by “Gossip Girl” alum Blake Lively. Taylor Swift impersonator on the star's 'SNL' performance: 'I was sobbing and I know I wasn’t alone' 2021-11-16T05:00:00Z
The visual accompaniment, released Monday morning, stars real-life spouses Keleigh Sperry and Miles Teller as a bride and groom at a lavish wedding upon which Swift wreaks havoc. Blake Lively directs Taylor Swift, Miles Teller in 'I Bet You Think About Me' video 2021-11-15T05:00:00Z
Cleveland committed $104 million in contract extensions to guards Joel Bitonio and Wyatt Teller, two versatile, athletic run blockers who make the Browns’ powerful running game go. Browns, Patriots enter key matchup with uncertainty at RB 2021-11-11T05:00:00Z
“I think there’s a lot of power to a character who is unapologetically Native and unapologetically inhabiting the space,” said Teller Ornelas. How a new wave of Native stories took a 'sledgehammer' to Hollywood's closed doors 2021-12-14T05:00:00Z
Teller himself cleared up rumors of not only his vaccination status, but seemingly also his stance on vaccines in general. Taylor Swift, Blake Lively show Miles Teller support as actor shuts down fans' speculation he's unvaccinated 2021-11-17T05:00:00Z
“It’s like for every good news, there’s something bad that happens,” said guard Wyatt Teller, who Tuesday signed a four-year, $56.8 million contract extension. Browns RB Chubb tests positive for COVID-19, could miss Patriots game 2021-11-09T05:00:00Z
While Teller’s character strives to enjoy the ceremony, he can’t help but become distracted as the singer schemes with the child guests, delivers a crowd-pleasing speech and ruins his wedding cake. Blake Lively directs Taylor Swift, Miles Teller in 'I Bet You Think About Me' video 2021-11-15T05:00:00Z
Bitonio and Teller are at their best on plays in which they pull — go to the other side of the line — to deliver blocks. Browns, Patriots enter key matchup with uncertainty at RB 2021-11-11T05:00:00Z
But even now, renowned magicians such as Herrmann are seldom mentioned in the same breath as, say, Harry Houdini or Penn & Teller. A new show aims to make an antiquated notion — that women in the variety arts don't exist — disappear 2021-11-09T05:00:00Z
Fox News has reached out to a rep for Teller. Taylor Swift, Blake Lively show Miles Teller support as actor shuts down fans' speculation he's unvaccinated 2021-11-17T05:00:00Z
Teller has developed into one of the NFL’s best interior linemen during three seasons after coming over in a trade from Buffalo. Browns, G Teller agree to 4-year $56.8 million extension 2021-11-09T05:00:00Z
Dr. Wellerstein quotes Edward Teller, a main architect of the hydrogen bomb, as announcing at a 1954 meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission that his laboratory was working on two superbomb designs. When the Soviets Set Off the Biggest Nuclear Bomb, J.F.K. Didn’t Flinch 2021-10-30T04:00:00Z




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