

单词 supervene
例句 supervene
Such circumstances shall include, but not belimited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike,industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civilcommotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any othercircumstances amounting to force majeure. Terms and conditions: The Jake and Dinos Chapman Colouring Competition 2010-08-03T20:30:00Z
They “supervene” on physical phenomena, as philosophers say, but are not reducible to them. Free Will Is Real 2019-06-08T04:00:00Z
“Indeed, the attorney general’s job, at times, is to tell the president ‘no’ because of the supervening demands of the law,” Starr wrote. Kenneth Starr: “Stop the wildly inappropriate attacks on the attorney general” 2017-07-27T04:00:00Z
Indeed, the attorney general’s job, at times, is to tell the president “no” because of the supervening demands of the law. Opinion | Kenneth Starr: Mr. President, please cut it out 2017-07-26T04:00:00Z
Machine translation necessarily supervenes on previous human effort; otherwise there wouldn’t be the parallel corpora that the machines need to do their work. Is Translation an Art or a Math Problem? 2015-06-04T04:00:00Z
Five minutes more of this excitement and heart disease might have supervened. Franz Liszt 2012-05-22T15:16:50.923Z
Downstairs he told Colonel Mandeville: "He may pull through if meningitis does not supervene." A Soldier's Son 2012-04-27T02:00:37.640Z
As a matter of fact, they speak favourably of the use of tare before undertaking painful operations, so that the patient may be put to sleep until "loss of consciousness and feeling" supervenes. The Life of Mohammad The Prophet of Allah 2012-04-25T02:01:04.030Z
And she slowly waved her parasol round the horizon as though defying a "feature" to supervene from any point of the compass. Mariquita A Novel 2012-04-24T02:00:19.737Z
Twenty-four hours later, inflammation of the eye supervenes, and the sight is gone, and the eye lost. Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia An account of an Englishwoman's Eight Years' Residence amongst the Women of the East 2012-04-18T02:00:15.997Z
Scarcely, however, had the pope and emperor felt their positions assured, and preparations had been thus made to take advantage of the situation, when a catastrophe supervened which defied all human calculation. A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume II 2012-04-18T02:00:12.957Z
But he left the house holding a very strong belief that meningitis would supervene. A Soldier's Son 2012-04-27T02:00:37.640Z
Should peritonitis supervene after the operation on account of bacillary infection, the bowels should be quickly made to act by repeated doses of Epsom salts in hot water. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 3 "Helmont, Jean" to "Hernosand" 2012-04-14T02:00:23.707Z
That the young woman had expensive tastes he did not suppose, and he had great and not ungrounded confidence in his own power of repression of any taste not to his mind, should any supervene. Mariquita A Novel 2012-04-24T02:00:19.737Z
For the Spirit from heaven instantly supervenes and is upon the waters, hallowing them out of itself, and being so hallowed they drink up a power of hallowing.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 5 "Hinduism" to "Home, Earls of" 2012-03-25T02:00:05.717Z
The night before toothache had deprived him of sleep, an attack of fever supervened, and six months of harsh imprisonment had left him little physical endurance. A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages; volume II 2012-04-18T02:00:12.957Z
If the feeding of a liberal allowance of grain be suddenly commenced, fatal diarrhœa will often supervene. Sheep, Swine, and Poultry Embracing the History and Varieties of Each; The Best Modes of Breeding; Their Feeding and Management; Together with etc. 2012-03-21T02:00:35.167Z
She waited patiently for a pause to supervene. Fickle Fortune 2012-03-20T02:00:13.167Z
The typhoid state may supervene in either, and in both the febrile movement is remittent in character. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
The question, what becomes of these philanthropic tradesmen after their ultimate impoverishment, which of course must speedily supervene, is a fruitful subject for the investigation of some inquisitive mind. Doesticks, What He Says 2012-03-14T02:00:27.940Z
A perfect Cure supervenes sometimes, at the very Moment when Death was expected. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
Great cleanliness must be observed; the diet should be reduced; and every precaution taken against the inflammation, which is sure to supervene. Sheep, Swine, and Poultry Embracing the History and Varieties of Each; The Best Modes of Breeding; Their Feeding and Management; Together with etc. 2012-03-21T02:00:35.167Z
Society is not a brand-new order of things supervening upon and superseding a state of nature, where the individual was entirely self-supporting. Hegel's Philosophy of Mind 2012-03-07T03:00:14.327Z
Tympanites occasionally rapidly supervenes upon the occurrence of perforation, and must then, of course, be treated with due reference to the latter condition. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
If dry weather supervenes these holes frequently dry at the edges, and the leaves appear as if eaten out. Disease in Plants 2012-03-01T03:00:22Z
Finally, having endured this hot State, four, five or six Hours, he falls into a general Sweat for a few more: upon which all the Symptoms already mentioned abate, and sometimes Sleep supervenes. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
When the inflammation extends to the mucous lining of the larynx and the pharynx, some degree of fever usually supervenes, accompanied by cough, and some loss of appetite. Sheep, Swine, and Poultry Embracing the History and Varieties of Each; The Best Modes of Breeding; Their Feeding and Management; Together with etc. 2012-03-21T02:00:35.167Z
You cannot absolve psychology as if it stood independent of ethics or religion, nor can aesthetic considerations merely supervene on moral. Hegel's Philosophy of Mind 2012-03-07T03:00:14.327Z
In some cases the symptoms of cerebral disturbance are greater in degree, and in these coma may soon supervene upon delirium. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Other troubles supervened, and when he arrived in England he found his picture in such a state that he was compelled to abandon it and begin again. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 8 "Hudson River" to "Hurstmonceaux" 2012-02-24T03:00:27.173Z
Whenever this Method has not been observed, and the Accidents described § 223 supervene, the Distemper must be treated like an Inflammation in its first State, and all must be done as directed § 225. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
Apply a piece of wet leather, taking care to ease the limb when swelling supervenes. Sheep, Swine, and Poultry Embracing the History and Varieties of Each; The Best Modes of Breeding; Their Feeding and Management; Together with etc. 2012-03-21T02:00:35.167Z
They all said there was atrophy of the muscles of the left leg, and predicted that complete paralysis would surely supervene. Quacks and Grafters 2012-02-23T03:00:40.650Z
When, however, stupor supervenes in bad cases, the pupils are frequently as much contracted and the conjunctiv� as much injected as in the latter disease. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
How and whence to these thoughts, these strong probabilities, the ascertaining vision, the intuitive knowledge may finally supervene, can be learned only by the fact. Transcendentalism in New England A History 2012-02-18T03:00:16.210Z
If the Distemper rises to a violent Degree indeed, a Delirium and Convulsions supervene. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
A sheep will occasionally be seen to limp; but its condition will scarcely be affected, and dangerous symptoms will rarely supervene. Sheep, Swine, and Poultry Embracing the History and Varieties of Each; The Best Modes of Breeding; Their Feeding and Management; Together with etc. 2012-03-21T02:00:35.167Z
The statute-book was rent in pieces; anarchy threatened to supervene; England prepared to take possession again. My Lords of Strogue, Vol. I (of III) A Chronicle of Ireland, from the Convention to the Union 2012-02-15T03:00:34.177Z
According to Murchison, paralysis does not supervene until several weeks after the commencement of convalescence. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Though so great was the surprise, so striking the effect upon Sir Robert's supporters that for a few seconds something like silence supervened. Chippinge Borough 2012-02-15T03:00:32.210Z
Swoonings, which supervene in the Course of other Diseases, never afford a favourable Prognostic; as they denote Weakness, and Weakness is an Obstacle to Recovery. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
And one and all--Arthur Wolfe even reluctantly consenting--admitted that stringent measures were imperative, or anarchy would surely supervene. My Lords of Strogue, Vol. II (of III) A Chronicle of Ireland, from the Convention to the Union 2012-02-15T03:00:26.817Z
He might have told of the encounter at the time, but for the home calamity that supervened upon it; that drove away other topics. A Life's Secret A Novel 2012-02-13T03:00:17.060Z
The sleeplessness of the early stages may continue, and the condition known as coma vigil not infrequently supervenes. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Financial distress supervened, and the popular discontent culminated in revolution. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 8 "Cube" to "Daguerre, Louis" 2012-01-31T03:00:17.257Z
In the Beginning of putrid Diseases, they also denote an Oppression at Stomach, or a Mass of corrupt Humours; and they cease as soon as an Evacuation supervenes, whether by Vomit or Stool. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
We trusted, therefore, that extremely lenient legislation would supervene, upon its very opposite. Dealings with the Dead, Volume I (of 2) 2012-01-17T03:00:17.977Z
A fever broke out in the neighbourhood, which she caught; and a different illness also supervened. A Life's Secret A Novel 2012-02-13T03:00:17.060Z
The confusion of intellect or delirium continues in bad cases until death supervenes or until the establishment of convalescence. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Soon dysentery supervened, and on the 12th of January 1519 he passed away in the sixtieth year of his age. The First Governess of the Netherlands, Margaret of Austria 2012-01-10T03:00:13.777Z
Swoonings which supervene in Diseases, accompanied with great Evacuations, are cured like those which are owing to Weakness; and Endeavours should be used to restrain or moderate the Evacuations. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
This was the moment for discussing literature; a stage which always supervenes in every afternoon or evening party in Madrid. Froth 2011-12-28T03:00:38.123Z
Imagine the delicious freshness of one's second year supervening upon the jaded sensibilities of seventy-seven. The King of Schnorrers Grotesques and Fantasies 2011-12-28T03:00:34.587Z
Usually, malignant scarlet fever exhibits its severe type from the first, but cases sometimes occur which seem mild and favorable for a few days, when severe symptoms suddenly supervene. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Even Astræa brightened, and grew better; her fretfulness was disappearing, and a tone of contentment and cheerfulness supervening upon it. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 15, August, 1851 2011-12-27T03:00:07.217Z
Hæmorrhages of the Nose, supervening in inflammatory Fevers, commonly prove a favourable Crisis; which Bleeding we should carefully avoid stopping; except it becomes excessive, and seems to threaten the Patient's Life. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
Both the age of puberty and that of the menopause may supervene earlier or later according to local conditions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 7 "Gyantse" to "Hallel" 2011-12-26T03:00:11.613Z
It came in direct train of action from that "Yes, Roly" that Maggie had heard, separated from it by the days of high fever, the mind wandering, that almost immediately supervened. The Happy Warrior 2011-12-18T03:00:18.863Z
But in a great many cases, sooner or later in the course of the disease, drowsiness supervenes. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
To escape the penalty assigned thereto by the disposition of this decree, in vain does he turn to an excuse drawn from supervening provocation. The Old Yellow Book Source of Robert Browning's The Ring and the Book 2011-12-08T03:00:22.847Z
Sometimes it also happens that both these Diseases are combined at once in the same Person; and that one supervenes before the other has finished its Course, which makes the Case very perilous. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
When they rise, they seem perfectly bewildered, till they regain the flock, when they continue to feed well, till another paroxysm supervenes. A Treatise on Sheep: The Best Means for their Improvement, General Management, and the Treatment of their Diseases. 2011-12-04T03:00:03.890Z
In the weeks of frost that had supervened there were still traces in the ice of that midnight tragedy. The Heath Hover Mystery 2011-12-01T03:00:22.357Z
It is often observed among the prodromata of the disease, and when these are absent supervenes directly after the chill. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Rumours of disaster spread among the ranks, and wild panic supervened. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 12, Slice 4 "Grasshopper" to "Greek Language" 2011-11-28T03:00:19.517Z
But such Convulsions as supervene, either when Eruption having already occurred, suddenly retreats, or strikes in, according to the common Phrase; or during the Course of the Fever of Suppuration, are greatly more terrifying. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
Besides, although commercial prosperity often accompanies war, reaction is certain to supervene. Islam Her Moral And Spiritual Value A Rational And Pyschological Study 2011-11-25T03:00:15.820Z
The heavy snowfall which had supervened upon the arrival of the doctor and the police inspector at Heath Hover had lasted a couple of days, and had utterly obliterated all and every trace. The Heath Hover Mystery 2011-12-01T03:00:22.357Z
In cases where grave nervous symptoms supervene and the typhoid condition is developed the facies assumes all the characteristics of that state. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Thus, it has a reasonable regard for the contingencies of another life should it supervene. English Secularism A Confession Of Belief 2011-11-24T03:00:50.030Z
For when any of these Evacuations supervene, the Fever vanishes; the Patient resumes his Strength, and perfectly recovers. Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health 2012-03-10T03:00:11.780Z
There she died last Friday evening, having improved in her cardiac symptoms, but pneumonia supervening a week ago. The Letters of William James, Vol. II 2011-11-24T03:00:48.427Z
Well, without haste and without rest, mine has done so, and with the prospect of what I have called the rectification, a sense of great relief, a great lapse of awkwardness, supervenes. The Letters of Henry James, Vol. II 2011-11-18T03:00:26.730Z
Later, when the stage of stupor supervenes, it is very important to see that the patient obtains a full supply of water. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
They seem to serve as a drain or outlet for the morbid fluids of the body, and whenever they are obstructed, local or general disturbance is sure to supervene. The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
But a change for the worst supervened, and after four days of intense suffering, sweetly and patiently borne, Mary died, and Godwin was again alone. The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume I (of 2) 2011-11-10T03:00:08.903Z
A severe illness, during which his life was despaired of, supervened; and, though an elastic nature recovered, it still retained traces of this "maddening misery." The Legendary and Poetical Remains of John Roby author of 'Traditions of Lancashire', with a sketch of his literary life and character 2011-11-07T02:00:18.317Z
Thus upon periods of mild monotony there supervene periods of complexity, diversity, and severity. Climatic Changes Their Nature and Causes 2011-10-28T02:00:24.840Z
Complications may arise, the strength may fail, the secretions may become too abundant, and asphyxia may ensue; emphysema may show itself, or catarrhal pneumonia may gradually supervene. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
Suppose locked-jaw to have supervened from an attack of acute indigestion: would it not be more rational to restore the lost function? The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
Misgivings deepened as we drew near; alarm supervened. Thirty Years in Australia 2011-10-25T02:00:27.397Z
Later still, the Royal justices in eyre supervened. The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond: A Picture of Monastic Life in the Days of Abbot Samson 2011-10-18T02:00:19.523Z
In this case our theory regards any morphological changes which afterwards supervene as due to the independent variability which will sooner or later arise under the physiological isolation thus secured. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol 3 of 3) Post-Darwinian Questions: Isolation and Physiological Selection 2011-10-18T02:00:18.363Z
In nearly one-half of the cases glanders supervenes on the cutaneous symptoms. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
When interrupted, disease, indeed, supervenes; but unless the circumstances are particularly unfavorable, the physiological state will soon be restored. The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
When it does supervene it usually affects the upper parts of both ears, and may then eat its way down until, in extreme cases, it has entirely consumed two-thirds of the tissue of both ears. Darwin, and After Darwin, Volume 2 Post-Darwinian Questions: Heredity and Utility 2011-10-16T02:00:14.153Z
His wound had bled considerably during the journey; but the effusion had stopped when the faintness supervened. Guy Fawkes or The Gunpowder Treason 2011-10-15T02:00:27.517Z
A long reign of anarchy, in the course of which the lovers of the race must see their visions of good disappear, would supervene, and this he could not contemplate with equanimity. Recollections and Impressions 1822-1890 2011-10-15T02:00:25.820Z
With the advance of the disease dyspnoea supervenes, and nervous disorder is shown by the extreme weakness, anxiety, sleeplessness, troubled dreams, nocturnal delirium, dilated pupils, and even coma. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
At what period after the animal has calved does the disease generally supervene? The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
The epileptiform habit does not supervene until some considerable time after the operation; it is then transitory, lasting only for some weeks or months. Darwin, and After Darwin, Volume 2 Post-Darwinian Questions: Heredity and Utility 2011-10-16T02:00:14.153Z
Remorse would then supervene—remorse for the pain and anguish I had occasioned my fond and worthy parents, and for the misery my waywardness had brought upon myself. The Emigrant's Lost Son or, Life Alone in the Forest 2011-10-13T02:00:39.777Z
When the arteriosclerosis in the peripheral arteries reaches a stage where endarteritis obliterans supervenes, there is usually no chance for a compensatory or collateral circulation to be established. Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: with Chapters on Blood Pressure, 3rd Edition. 2011-10-11T02:01:07.890Z
At any period there may supervene manifestations of the an�sthetic type, which makes the so-called mixed variety, in which either form may predominate. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
In the table which I have given respecting question 2, the reader will recollect that I stated that puerperal fever supervened in five cows immediately after parturition. The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
Other higher modes supervene when the course of evolution is traced further upwards. Spencer's Philosophy of Science The Herbert Spencer Lecture Delivered at the Museum 7 November, 1913 2011-09-25T02:00:15.883Z
He was conscious again of the awful stillness of death that supervened. The Chalice Of Courage A Romance of Colorado 2011-09-22T02:00:25.630Z
Afterwards, when a certain amount of imperfection had supervened between me and that perfect look, these explanations did present themselves, yes, in crowds, but not then. The Debit Account 2011-09-21T02:00:33.753Z
The peculiarity of dumb or paralytic rabies in dogs is that the last or paralytic stage supervenes at once on the prodromata, without any intervening period of acute delirium and fury. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
I have known many cases, in addition to those already given, where the parturient process was prolonged for hours in consequence of the animal's being milked, in whom fever supervened almost immediately afterwards. The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
Thus, both in New England and in New York, there supervened a period of divided councils and enfeebled administration, and this at the precise moment when the colonies were about to encounter new perils. Count Frontenac Makers of Canada, Volume 3 2011-09-09T02:01:02.147Z
The woman was doomed, no mortal could survive her wounds, but she might linger for days while high fever and inflammation supervened. The Chalice Of Courage A Romance of Colorado 2011-09-22T02:00:25.630Z
During all the illness which supervened on the paralysis, Blucher could seldom, if ever, be prevailed on to leave his master’s bedside, and every one who approached the patient was eyed with extreme suspicion. Aileen Aroon, A Memoir With other Tales of Faithful Friends and Favourites 2011-09-08T02:00:20.773Z
In acute cutaneous glanders or farcy, premonitory symptoms resemble those of ordinary acute glanders, which indeed is usually present as well, and always supervenes before farcy terminates in death. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
At what period after the animal has calved does the disease generally supervene? The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
There had been a slight hæmorrhage, but a sudden collapse had supervened. The life and teaching of Karl Marx 2011-09-03T02:00:19.203Z
When none of these unfavourable conditions supervene it may be seen at nearly any time when the air is clear and the depression of the sun below the horizon more than 20�. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 5 "Gassendi, Pierre" to "Geocentric" 2011-09-02T02:00:20.450Z
While the treasury was deliberating, a new postmaster general supervened, who was quite prepared to face the idea of colonial postal systems over which he ceased to have control. The History of the Post Office in British North America 2011-08-31T02:01:37.743Z
This will go on for months, or even for years, and recoveries occasionally take place, while in other cases, and especially when the conditions of life are bad, acute glanders supervene. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
As the disease advances, general debility supervenes, accompanied with a weakness of the hind extremities. The American Reformed Cattle Doctor 2011-11-14T03:00:19.813Z
Long before I reached the camp the cheering and all sounds of exultation had ceased, and a strange stillness supervened. The Claw 2011-08-31T02:01:30.563Z
An awkward little silence supervened and once more Brouillard dragged his watch from its pocket. The City of Numbered Days 2011-08-31T02:01:25.807Z
I recognised but too truly the sensations that supervened. In a Glass Darkly, v. 2/3 2011-08-25T02:00:31.597Z
This is in correspondence with what occurs in other septic diseases, and accounts for the albuminuria and interstitial nephritis which often supervene in the advanced stages. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
To shew how frequently insanity supervenes on parturition, it may be remarked, that from the year 1784 to 1794 inclusive, 80 patients have been admitted, whose disorder shortly followed the puerperal state. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
Then a period of abject despair supervened, in which I cared not a rap what became of me. In Strange Company A Story of Chili and the Southern Seas 2011-08-16T02:00:46.397Z
When insanity supervenes on epilepsy, of where the latter disease is induced by insanity, a cure is very seldom effected: from my own observation, I do not recollect a single case of recovery. Observations on Insanity With Practical Remarks on the Disease and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-14T02:00:24.997Z
It is, however, when something in the shape of theological instruction supervenes that the supernatural becomes a problem for the young intellect. Children's Ways 2011-08-11T02:00:16.473Z
When gangrene supervenes the prognosis is almost hopeless, but an effort should be made to save the patient's life by the administration of potassium chlorate and of an increased amount of stimulus. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
She had then been mad about four months, and her disorder was stated to have supervened on the birth of a child. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
They would 88 give way to those who seemed to be more seriously wounded than themselves, and the latter would recover, while from the slighter wounds gangrene would supervene from delay. The Women of the Confederacy 2011-08-05T02:00:53.333Z
The persons who attended related, that he had been disordered eleven months, and that his insanity shortly supervened to a violent fever. Observations on Insanity With Practical Remarks on the Disease and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-14T02:00:24.997Z
But good nature supervened; he came close to Taras, laying a hand upon his shoulder. For the Right 2011-08-01T02:00:10.250Z
When the attack is more severe hypostatic congestion is very likely to supervene. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
The two younger have been mothers, and in both insanity has supervened on childbearing. 7th.—J. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
And if remorse had eventually supervened, he would have buried it in the confessional or in the bottle. The Chief Justice A Novel 2011-07-27T02:00:28.873Z
Then, for some terrible moments, from the manner in which he nursed his injured member, agony seemed to supervene and shut out every other emotion. The Men Who Wrought 2011-07-26T02:00:16.320Z
Brighter days once more supervened, but they were bitterly cold, ushering in a fresh fall of snow and a dismal twilight of the heavens, which seemed determined to last. For the Right 2011-08-01T02:00:10.250Z
Underhill believes measles to be most fatal when it supervenes soon after delivery, while those who are confined during the course of the malady stand a better chance of recovering from it. A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I Volume 1: Pathology and General Diseases 2012-03-17T02:00:54.097Z
When insanity supervenes on epilepsy, or where the latter disease is induced by insanity, a cure is very seldom effected. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
The superhuman supervened, proceeding along the lines of human action; and this, like the powers whereby His other works were wrought, came from the Father in answer to prayer. Pastor Pastorum 2011-07-25T02:00:14.597Z
He displayed a mild wonder that German characters supervened the signature. The Men Who Wrought 2011-07-26T02:00:16.320Z
Her ravings, indeed, appeared to lessen, the feverish agony grew calmer, and she began to take food; but to her friends the supervening apathy seemed worse than what had gone before. For the Right 2011-08-01T02:00:10.250Z
After a few days the doctor said that unless an attack of weakness supervened, the danger was over for the present, though he did not conceal from her that the disease was incurable. On the Cross A Romance of the Passion Play at Oberammergau 2011-07-17T02:00:33.887Z
I may, however, safely relate, that in many instances, paralytic affections have in a few hours supervened on cold bathing, especially where the patient has been in a furious state, and of a plethoric habit. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
At last exhaustion supervened, and she lay perfectly silent and motionless. Only a Girl: or, A Physician for the Soul. 2011-07-13T02:00:14.230Z
Then the full force of what he read percolated heavily through his fog of prejudiced incredulity, and virtuous indignation supervened. The Men Who Wrought 2011-07-26T02:00:16.320Z
Patches of cultivation, with a few buildings, then supervened. Scenes and Andventures in the Semi-Alpine Region of the Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas 2011-07-10T02:00:18.883Z
Very soon after supper he had petitioned to be taken to bed, and then unpleasant if not serious symptoms had been no long time in supervening. The Coward A Novel of Society and the Field in 1863 2011-07-08T02:00:16.223Z
She had also laboured under a similar attack seven years before, which, like the present, supervened upon the birth of a child. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
The tropical water was warm, or numbness would have supervened, and claimed its victim long before the day should dawn upon the face of the deep; and, realising this too, again he felt thankful. The Red Derelict 2011-07-05T02:00:30.143Z
He said the ball is in the pylorus, and that noble organ being injured, death, unless a miracle ensue, must supervene. The International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 3, October, 1851 2011-07-02T02:00:11.323Z
Then he died suddenly of blood-poisoning, supervening upon a badly mutilated arm torn by one of his own saws. The Trail of the Axe A Story of Red Sand Valley 2011-06-27T02:00:56.823Z
It is only to be regretted that these brilliant qualities are often tarnished by the corruption which administrative venality and rapacity, supervening upon long military occupations, have insensibly diffused through all classes of the population. Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c. 2011-06-25T02:00:14.203Z
The persons who attended, related, that he had been disordered eleven months, and that his insanity shortly supervened to a violent fever. Observations on Madness and Melancholy Including Practical Remarks on those Diseases together with Cases and an Account of the Morbid Appearances on Dissection 2011-08-23T02:00:29.227Z
His thirst was insatiable, but he had no appetite, the functions of the bladder and intestines were impeded, then diarrhœa supervened, accompanied with dry, fetid, and sometimes bloody excreta. On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment 2011-06-24T02:00:18.093Z
But should the seizure not supervene for some months or years afterwards, the external wound having in the meantime completely recovered, there remains on this question a considerable element of doubt. A Statistical Inquiry Into the Nature and Treatment of Epilepsy 2011-06-21T02:00:28.890Z
Occasionally fright by a burglar may cause a distinct tremulousness that supervenes whenever the patient thereafter is wakened suddenly at night. Psychotherapy 2011-06-19T02:00:20.053Z
Inflammation of the lungs then often supervened, usually with a fatal result. The White Hecatomb And other Stories 2011-06-15T02:00:22.103Z
People often change their opinions in this world, especially when fortune disappears, and want of money and care supervene. The International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 2, September, 1851 2011-06-14T02:00:20.590Z
Three hours later a second stroke supervened, and stilled his heart for ever. The Squire's Daughter 2011-06-13T02:00:25.710Z
To be sure, the statute of Great Britain, literally construed, so provided, but the law of nations had supervened, and rendered that statute no longer applicable. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah, on the Charge of Piracy, in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York 2011-06-05T02:00:10.927Z
Just as soon as consciousness of the task supervenes his power of co-ordination fails and stuttering begins. Psychotherapy 2011-06-19T02:00:20.053Z
As entire quiescence now supervened, the Germans came to the conclusion that the attack must be intended for the following day. The Franco-German War of 1870-71 2011-05-26T02:00:14.447Z
He recorded his vote at the County Council election on January 24th, and caught a chill; congestion of the lungs supervened, and this attack was the immediate cause of his death. Norfolk Annals A Chronological Record of Remarkable Events in the Nineteeth Century, Vol. 2 2011-05-25T02:00:19.650Z
This," said the professor of the healing art, "is a case of genuine nervous apoplexy, supervening on an undue determination of blood to the head, and a plethora of the vessels. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces; or, the Wedded Life, Death, and Marriage of Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkaes, Parish Advocate in the Burgh of Kuhschnappel. 2011-05-20T02:00:42.297Z
There are circumstances in the history of every nation, when the law of nations supervenes upon the statutes and controls their literal interpretation. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah, on the Charge of Piracy, in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York 2011-06-05T02:00:10.927Z
He was much alarmed and feared an attack of brain disease, but nothing of the kind supervened. Psychotherapy 2011-06-19T02:00:20.053Z
But by force of his supervening personal grievance against the sex, Strindberg's anti-feminism became in the long run the fixed pole about which gravitated his entire system of social and ethical thought. Prophets of Dissent : Essays on Maeterlinck, Strindberg, Nietzsche and Tolstoy 2011-05-17T02:00:20.900Z
In acute cases the disease may run a very rapid course, coma frequently supervening a few days before death, but chronic cases may live for ten to twenty years. The New Gresham Encyclopedia Volume 4, Part 1: Deposition to Eberswalde 2011-04-14T02:00:57.977Z
So soon as the body has been supplied, mental lethargy supervenes, and desires to tyrannize; physical life overlaps and conceals the spiritual, and men live the life of beasts. Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science 2011-04-14T02:00:40.453Z
And since besides the essential perfection which a being has by virtue of its substantial form it may have accidental perfections by reason of supervening accidental forms, these, too, are formal causes. Ontology or the Theory of Being 2011-04-01T02:00:38.727Z
Occasionally the phlegmatic have three or more ruptures of brain arteries before death supervenes. Psychotherapy 2011-06-19T02:00:20.053Z
This insight is the higher reason, the divine love, supervening to save him. Three Philosophical Poets Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe 2011-03-20T02:00:33.357Z
A granular and fatty degeneration supervenes, and the fibres waste. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 10, Slice 3 "Fenton, Edward" to "Finistere" 2011-03-14T03:01:00.580Z
The view held is that decomposition had supervened or was taking place—probably from one or more of the causes enumerated in the preceding paragraphs. The Preparation of Plantation Rubber 2011-03-09T03:00:40.870Z
The actus or perfecting principles of which we have spoken so far are all conceived as presupposing an existing subject on which they supervene. Ontology or the Theory of Being 2011-04-01T02:00:38.727Z
It may be objected to this—that insanity, which so often occurs in the one case, would supervene in the other; but I rather think not. Nuts and Nutcrackers 2011-03-08T03:00:45.687Z
They succeeded in wounding, not in killing the Gothic king, whose death supervened in his one hundred and tenth year from the joint effects of his wound and fear of the Hunnish invasion. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 7 "Equation" to "Ethics" 2011-02-27T03:00:31.973Z
But more fighting promptly supervenes, and, save in such a passing episode as the lovely leave-taking of Hector and Andromache, the poem moves on through a magnificent medley of fighting, plotting, and speech-making. The Bridling of Pegasus Prose Papers on Poetry 2011-02-26T03:00:51.130Z
The tackiness which might supervene would make the handling of such bales unpleasant, even if it did not affect the internal rubber. The Preparation of Plantation Rubber 2011-03-09T03:00:40.870Z
The accidental realities which supervene on its essence, and thus alter its perfection within the limits of its kind or species, are what we call qualities. Ontology or the Theory of Being 2011-04-01T02:00:38.727Z
On the fourth day he died; the symptoms becoming more and more aggravating, until coma supervened to delirium. The International Monthly, Volume 5, No. 4, April, 1852 2011-02-23T03:00:33.760Z
Delirium, I have little doubt, will supervene, for he is fearfully excited, and, alas! there is no earthly comfort for him. Jasper Lyle 2011-02-19T03:01:11.070Z
In her own mind, obduracy and coldness had supervened to the first states of disappointed affection. The Home Mission 2011-02-12T03:00:30.217Z
He must likewise avoid the reprobation of the one God or gods, in whom according to his knowledge or superstition he may believe; but in this case the additional fear of divine punishment often supervenes. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, Vol. I 2011-01-17T03:00:49.523Z
"Not now, perhaps, but you can a few months later, when other things have supervened." Parlous Times A Novel of Modern Diplomacy 2011-01-13T03:01:14.887Z
Her constant and growing fear was of the time when she should be called by Bellingham—and nothing would supervene to save her. She Buildeth Her House 2011-01-04T03:01:05.167Z
The little chap had taken a chill, pneumonia had supervened. London Days A Book of Reminiscences 2011-01-03T03:01:01.297Z
"If no feverish symptoms supervene we shall soon have the young lady quite well." Englefield Grange or Mary Armstrong's Troubles 2011-01-01T03:00:27.980Z
But the sight of the warship’s consort only gave him pain now as he lay in his berth or reclined helplessly on deck, suffering from the serious fever which supervened. Commodore Junk 2010-12-20T17:12:13.450Z
Terrific convulsions then supervened, so violent in character as to break the bed upon which he was placed. Food Poisoning
For if the pleasure of virtuous activity is a supervening end beyond the activity, it becomes a supervening end beyond the happiness of virtuous activity, which thus ceases to be the final end. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 5 "Arculf" to "Armour, Philip"
An arbiter who has accepted office may be compelled by an action in court of session to proceed with his duty unless he has sufficient cause, such as ill-health or supervening interest, for renouncing. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 4 "Aram, Eugene" to "Arcueil"
The cause is unquestionably to be found in that neglect of the experimental study of the problem of species which supervened on the general acceptance of the Darwinian doctrine. Catholic Churchmen in Science
After taking his opium for a long time, such a degree of costiveness would sometimes supervene, as seemed almost to defy the combined powers of both nature and art. Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders Cogitations and Confessions of an Aged Physician
The animal becomes weak and listless, the temperature falls and death supervenes in a few hours, being immediately preceded by delirium, convulsions or coma. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 2 "Anjar" to "Apollo"
The wax dropped from his fingers and in the supervening darkness a numb fright gripped him by the throat. The Valiants of Virginia
Setting his affairs in order, therefore, he prepared to set sail for Spain, and was just on the point of doing so when death supervened. The History of Cuba, vol. 1
This condition does not occur at first, but gradually supervenes in the course of a number of weeks. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Slice 4 "Bradford, William" to "Brequigny, Louis"
Its autonomy supervenes on its efficaciousness; it does not precede its efficaciousness. Creative Intelligence Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude
The remaining causes are occupation, especially that of a jockey, and traumatism, the condition being very likely to supervene after accidents involving the condyles of the femur. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Slice 3 "Borgia, Lucrezia" to "Bradford, John"
And then once more the waltz-strain supervened and in the yellow parlor joy was again unconfined. The Valiants of Virginia
Growth is checked, vitality depressed, intelligence stunted; hideous deformities may be produced, sight and hearing may be destroyed, and the central nervous system may be involved, with results similar to those which supervene in adults. Stand Up, Ye Dead
Although it is quite clear that, in reasoning to this end, other interests than those of Ukraine supervene, it is nevertheless worth while to examine this point of view in order to expose its falsity. Memorandum to the Government of the United States on the Recognition of the Ukrainian People's Republic
In such cases the barometer will remain depressed for a considerable time, unless another storm supervenes speedily, or the wind sets in from the N. W. 4th. The Philosophy of the Weather And a Guide to Its Changes
It struck Lafcadio, and in consequence of the inflammation supervening he lost the sight of an eye. Lafcadio Hearn
Silence supervened; the silence of the flooding moonlight, the stark hills and the gently lapping waters. The King of Arcadia
Such was the custom, lest friends should remove the crucified before death supervened. The Expositor's Bible: The Gospel of St John, Vol. II
If one new cause was permitted to supervene, differing in kind and energy from any before in operation, why may not others have come into action at different epochs? Principles of Geology or, The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology
Before Orr learned of that other things supervened, primarily fresh extras. The Perfume of Eros: A Fifth Avenue Incident
In both instances, we can understand the desire to attain a great height, in order to have a place of safety if a second flood were to supervene. A Modern Wizard
Sir Francis Cromarty, who was aware that no serious evil effects supervened from the inhalation of the fumes of hemp, was in no way anxious about her. Round the World in Eighty Days
The lower extremities feel unnaturally heavy and a paretic condition of the muscles supervenes simultaneously on both sides. On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote
A great many embarrassments and delays, however, supervened before he finally set sail. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, February, 1852
The exhaustion that supervened was beneficial to a degree, in that it acted as a safety valve to her fearfully overwrought brain. 'Tween Snow and Fire A Tale of the Last Kafir War
It was now the early evening, one of those brief seasons when the wind lulls and a sort of brief calm supervenes in the boisterous climate of northern Ireland. One Of Them
Various rashes appeared early in the attack, while eczema, desquamation and even ulceration supervened later. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 7 "Drama" to "Dublin"
When paralysis supervenes it drops entirely, and the tongue protrudes. On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote
But Robert was evidently only biding his time; and now an accident supervened to revive his hopes of better fortune in a new hearing before the royal court. Women of Mediæval France Woman: in all ages and in all countries Vol. 5 (of 10)
The first numbing shock of the fearful news over, a period of even greater agony supervened. 'Tween Snow and Fire A Tale of the Last Kafir War
At first, sorrow and a sense of self-reproach were his only sentiments; but gradually another feeling supervened. One Of Them
To be ‘conscious’ means not simply to be, but to be reported, known, to have awareness of one’s being added to that being; and this is just what happens when the appropriative experience supervenes. Essays in Radical Empiricism
Impoverishment supervening they went forth in the crusades to die, or, less finely, dropped back among the jongleurs, minstrels, strollers and mere poets with whom subsequently they were generally confused. Historia Amoris: A History of Love, Ancient and Modern
The first most apparent results are those of growth, and this may supervene even in patients up to 25-30 years of age. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 6 "Coucy-le-Château" to "Crocodile"
In the earlier part of spring and in fall, there is little fear of diarrhœa supervening. The Dog
The next day Jan was very ill, and it was soon evident that typhoid fever of a long and exhausting character had supervened on a condition enfeebled by African malaria. Jan Vedder's Wife
It means, first, that new experiences have supervened; and, second, that they have borne a certain assignable relation to the unit supposed. Essays in Radical Empiricism
When the influences which had hitherto been so potent ceased to operate, a condition of religious and moral chaos supervened. Border Raids and Reivers
This, then, will be the result of the operation of the impulse, providing that all the individuals survive and that no complications supervene. Territory in Bird Life
Diarrhœa sometimes supervenes, in which case give Compound Powder of Chalk, with Opium, ten grains. The Dog
An ethical refinement of the idea of deity had supervened which lifted it far above the crudities of the so-called nature-religions. The Next Step in Religion An Essay toward the Coming Renaissance
So there he sat, and there is no knowing how long he might have remained without budging had not a fresh danger supervened; the hole in which he sat suddenly began to fill with water. Pretty Michal
Both theories assume the existence of the originally homogeneous, but they disagree as to the nature of the differences which supervened, and also as to the nature of the originally homogeneous. An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion
If we go without food, we are not surprised when faintness or weariness supervenes. Logic, Inductive and Deductive
Scarcely had the doctor said these words, when the Countess fell back in her chair fainting, and was with much difficulty recovered from the succession of hysterical attacks which supervened. The Serapion Brethren. Vol. II
Even in his hatred for his brother, even in his calmest moments, jealousy supervened. In the Brooding Wild
But from that hour the nervous spasms and depression of spirits supervened, which I found had become the habit of her mind. Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 5 November 1848
It is not final because, or in the sense that, it supervened in the order of time upon previous religions, or that it fulfilled only their truth. An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religion
But on Christmas Day, 1865, she caught cold at church, and inflammation of the lungs supervened with a severity she had not strength enough to resist. Celebrated Women Travellers of the Nineteenth Century
Suppose the upper division is active, as in comfortable digestion, when an angering stimulus supervenes; then, as we have seen, digestion halts, the upper autonomic is shunted out of action by the middle division. Psychology A Study Of Mental Life
That which has not yet happened may suddenly supervene; and the best state, as well as the supreme wisdom which will recognize and establish it, is perhaps ready to arise from the clash of circumstance. Death
Two days later the surgeon of the regiment established the fact that inflammatory rheumatism had supervened, and this had taken so bad a turn within a short time that the heart had become affected. A Little Garrison A Realistic Novel of German Army Life of To-day
The plasmodium of our species is white; as it approaches maturity a rosy metallic tinge supervenes, quickly changing to dull yellow or alutaceous. The North American Slime-Moulds A Descriptive List of All Species of Myxomycetes Hitherto Reported from the Continent of North America, with Notes on Some Extra-Limital Species
Melancholia and irritability supervened; he spelled words wrong, he quarrelled with his friends, he instituted a lawsuit against a New York newspaper, The Star; then the persecution craze, folie des grandeurs, frenzy. Ivory Apes and Peacocks
Sometimes due to mere discouragement, or to the inattention that naturally supervenes when an act becomes easy to perform, it often has a different cause. Psychology A Study Of Mental Life
There can be no doubt that something analogous to this occurs in drowning; when, after the alarm and struggle for life has subsided, sensations and visions supervene with indescribable rapidity. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 2, No. 12, May, 1851.
All lay desolate, lifeless, and grim in the severe cold which had supervened during the last days. A Little Garrison A Realistic Novel of German Army Life of To-day
Cold and rain together, supervening in that hour of the spirit’s default, may well have made me light-headed; nor was it easy to distinguish the tooth of self-reproach from that of genuine hunger. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 20 (of 25)
Upon this there supervened the agonies of a rough sea-passage; and many French lords, Charles certainly among the number, declared they would rather endure such another defeat than such another sore trial on shipboard. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 3 (of 25)
Renunciation is the order of the day, from childhood up to the age when weakness and weariness supervene upon the zest for action, and the will to live fades out into readiness to die. Psychology A Study Of Mental Life
But other circumstances supervened, that, affecting, as they did, unfavorably the general condition of things in Germany, joined in exercising in general an unfavorable influence upon the position of woman. Woman under socialism
Other mysteries had then supervened, unaccountable to the guilty lady who by that time was already seeking her new birth in the bosom of Religion. The Exploits of Juve Being the Second of the Series of the "Fantômas" Detective Tales
Only as wars became less frequent and long intervals of peace supervened could civilization, the mother of true heroism, take root. Eighth Reader
The clergy of France had in the sixteenth century successfully resisted the Reformation, and gained strength by the issue of the civil wars which supervened on it. History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion
But, as I have said, a change supervened. Shirley
According to Morgan, the consanguine family is supervened by a third and higher form of family relationship, which he designates as the Punaluan family. Woman under socialism
The silence of death supervened, and my anger turned to fear. Byways of Ghost-Land
Some most unfavorable symptoms had supervened, but he did not despair. Hope Mills or, Between Friend and Sweetheart
Then one of Washington’s infamous hot weeks supervened. The Cup of Fury A Novel of Cities and Shipyards
The implication of the cornea in the disease frequently blinds the animal for a time, and occasionally suppurative keratitis, ulcers of the cornea, or staphyloma supervene. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
The constrained condition that later supervened, necessarily had its evil effect upon them. Woman under socialism
The fever on her brain came back with renewed intensity, and absolute madness supervened. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 88, February, 1865
A paralysis of the lower limbs had supervened; but otherwise she had rallied a little, and her mind was clear and cheerful. Hope Mills or, Between Friend and Sweetheart
Civil war has supervened, the slaves are being freed, sugar is no longer a bonanza, and the rich man of yesterday is the bankrupt of to-day. Due South or Cuba Past and Present
If a pain supervenes the hold must be retained, and whatever gain has been made must be held if possible. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
But in every case, if drowsiness or any symptom suggesting coma supervene, all restrictions must be withdrawn, and carbohydrate freely allowed. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 3 "Destructors" to "Diameter"
That is, when the element of anxiety, the uneasiness, disappeared and sadness supervened, the rebirth ideas were no longer present. Benign Stupors A Study of a New Manic-Depressive Reaction Type
Fortunately for him, on the spot, there supervened something in which the flash went out. The Wings of the Dove, Volume II
After the phil-Hellenic enthusiasm a singular change supervened in the sentiments of Europe. The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879
The temperature, at first usually raised, tends to become lower as stupor and utter insensibility and coma supervene. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
A few cures have been recorded in which the disease supervened after some acute illness. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 3 "Destructors" to "Diameter"
The sense of fact, in other words, supervenes, and the glory disappears from the face of romance. The American Mind The E. T. Earl Lectures
There was the disparity of ages, the contrast of taciturnity with free expression, and a large lack of mutual experience; but somehow all these barriers were not supervened to the detriment of their fellowship. Mixed Faces
But the store reached, that wonderfully revivifying hair of the tail, etc., partaken of, and a rapid change supervened. The Twins of Suffering Creek
Diseased conditions may at any time supervene during the treatment and render the operation unsuccessful. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
Want must supervene, to point to the unattained future, to excite to change; and to this want knowledge also must be added, in order to direct the activity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 86, December, 1864
And such is matter, which my its nature is ever averse from the supervening irradiations of form. An Essay on the Beautiful From the Greek of Plotinus
But it was a bounding, unnatural pulse, and the restlessness which supervened confirmed the tale of the brilliant eyes—the little babe had been drugged. Lotus Buds
Then his voice suddenly rose and his fury supervened again. The Twins of Suffering Creek
If the dose is large enough, a second stage sometimes supervenes, in which the symptoms are those of congestion of the brain. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
The anterior and lateral portions of the neck, were enormously distended with blood, and syncope supervened. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
Lastly, bodies themselves participate of beauty from the soul, which, as something divine, and a portion of the beautiful itself, renders whatever it supervenes and subdues, beautiful as far as its natural capacity will admit. An Essay on the Beautiful From the Greek of Plotinus
When the war supervened, Asuncion and all Paraguay, under the despotic but intelligent sway of Lopez, were moving rapidly in the path of progress. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 89, May, 1875
When the world has been at peace for a while and the millennium seems imminent, all of a sudden a perverse, stiff-necked, wall-eyed generation supervenes, and evolution gives way to deterioration! Literary Tours in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland
The mutual influence of the kidneys and other important organs tends to explain the way in which disease in one part supervenes on preexisting disorder in another. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
It may be necessary to continue this plan four or five days, taking care to suspend the medicine, in case any vertigo, or intestinal disease supervenes. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
One event supervenes upon another event, one disease upon another, etc. English Synonyms and Antonyms With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions
We have indirect evidence of this in many variations and diseases supervening during so-called growth at a particular period, and being inherited at a corresponding period. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2)
Such men regard themselves as the acme of the process: whatever modifications may supervene after their day will be deteriorations. Literary Tours in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland
So, also, stupor or coma, or even convulsions, may supervene from the poisonous action of urea and other waste or morbid products retained in the blood. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
When fever exists first, and terminates in dropsy, who has proved, that there existed no local irritation producing the fever, and that the hydropic irritation has not supervened by metastasis. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
In due course the total phase will supervene, and will persist during a number of recurrences until the southerly trend of the moon results in the uncovering of the lunar surface at the south. Astronomy of To-day A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language
In all the changes of structure which regularly supervene during old age, we see the effects of deteriorated growth, and not of true development. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2)
Between this stage and that of human language an immense gap supervenes, a broad abyss which it seems at first sight impossible to bridge. Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
There is irregular and feeble pulse and respiration, and death is likely to supervene between the eighteenth hour and the third day. Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
Among the children of poor people, where this disease is neglected or mismanaged at the beginning, a dreadful gangrene will sometimes supervene. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
And teeming life, perchance, appearing once more in the fulness of time, when temperature in one or other of these bodies had fallen within certain limits, and other predisposing conditions had supervened. Astronomy of To-day A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language
Then, in the midst of the panic and despair which supervened, he tells us in graphic words how he came to be a leader of men. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
The period of conflict ended, a period of rest supervened, and, so far as the Pygmies are concerned, this period still continues. Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
The rigorous curtailment of his liberty which prompted Galileo to head his letters, ‘From my prison at Arcetri,’ was relaxed when total blindness had supervened upon the infirmities of age. The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
This latter morbid condition, may supervene on the irritation, and occasion a suppression of the serous effusion, and the formation of coagulable lymph or pus. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826
For a time he is restless and noisy, but gradually becomes drowsy, and the stupor increases more or less rapidly until coma supervenes. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Hence in an age when greatness among men is too rare to be felt as a universal fact, a disbelief in all gods is bound sooner or later to supervene. Too Old for Dolls A Novel
Christopher shook the bough in revenge till she cried pax, and peace supervened. Christopher Hibbault, Roadmaker
Various delays, however, supervened, and the instrument was not in his hands until October 16, 1868. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
By the middle of 1899, however, the Headquarter staff at the War Office were convinced that, if war should supervene, the two republics would make common cause. History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4) Compiled by Direction of His Majesty's Government
When it is compressed by a tumour in the region of the medulla, there is interference with speech and deglutition, ulcers form on the tongue, and œdema of the glottis may supervene. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
And he began a commentary on fourteen of the above-mentioned moral odes, in the vulgar tongue, which, through his death supervening, is only completed for three.... Dante: His Times and His Work
Fainter and fainter grew the sounds; only strengthened for a minute when the higher notes of the chorus supervened. One Snowy Night Long ago at Oxford
War troubles supervened, and it was eventually sent to Chicago, where it served Professor Hough in his investigations of Jupiter, and Mr. Burnham in his scrutiny of double stars. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
If at such a period a man feels exhausted, moral deterioration and the consequences to our arms which such deterioration entails, must readily supervene. History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4) Compiled by Direction of His Majesty's Government
Symptoms of cerebral complications, in the form of delirium or coma, and of meningitis may supervene. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Stupor and unconsciousness may supervene in severe cases. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
If the emotion be slight, the insect shrinks into itself for an instant, quickly recovers and makes off; if it be profound, hypnosis supervenes, with its prolonged immobility. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
It was again observed December 3, when a short tail was perceptible; but overcast skies supervened, and it has never since been seen. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
The sword had pierced to the bone, and the inflammation which had supervened was of the worst character. Darius the Great Makers of History
If sepsis supervenes, the joint is opened and irrigated by Carrel's method. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The anxiety is soon done away with, and the fulfillment phase supervenes. Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts
Hence inflammatory sore throat, rheumatism, and some other complaints of the kind, when once they have supervened, are very apt to recur. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
By the common consent of philosophers and physicians, mental imbecility in the extreme degree is termed idiotcy; and this state may exist "ex nativitate," or supervene at various periods of human life. A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on the Nature and Interpretation of Unsoundness of Mind, and Imbecility of Intellect
The intestines cease to perform their office of absorption from a similar torpor; and a diarrhœa supervenes owing to the acrimony of their putrid, or of their acid contents. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Absorption of Callus.—It sometimes happens that when an acute infective disease, especially one of the exanthemata, supervenes while a fracture is undergoing repair, the callus which has formed becomes softened and is absorbed. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Cadaveric rigidity had supervened, and he had long been beyond hope of human aid. The Seven Secrets
He was quite prepared to defend Miss Holzmeyer's honour in a fitting and manly fashion; but, during the few seconds that supervened his question, Max reflected that you can never tell about a small man. Elkan Lubliner, American
But this is only a phase; and inevitably, by the logic of events, there supervenes upon it another on which, it would appear, America is just now entering. Appearances Being Notes of Travel
Whence the blood may accumulate in them, and a painful oppression supervene; as in some h�morrhages of the lungs, which occur during sleep; and in patients much debilitated by fevers. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
In old and rheumatic persons, changes of the nature of arthritis deformans are liable to supervene, interfering greatly with movement. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
In the generations which supervene, artists with less fervor of spirit but with growing skill of hand, increased with each inheritance, turn their efforts to the development of their means. The Gate of Appreciation Studies in the Relation of Art to Life
Then an impression supervened that some great change was about to take place within him. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
At the end of the straggling village stands the church with its square tower, a lofty grey stone building, with bits of fine decorated architecture about it, but much of churchwarden Gothic supervening. Tom Brown at Oxford
After the cancer becomes an open ulcer of some extent, a purulent fever supervenes, as from other open ulcers, and gradually destroys the patient. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The irritation caused by the foreign body in the bronchus may set up bronchitis or pneumonia, and abscess of the lung may supervene. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
After a time insomnia supervenes, and the patient displays a curious hesitancy, and an inability to arrive at a decision on even the most trivial subjects.” Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
In others, slight headach, and a sense of weight on the eyebrows, and difficulty of raising the eyelids supervene. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
We thus cannot tell what its causality amounts to until its effect has actually supervened. The Will to Believe : and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy
This appears, because in this degree of vertigo sickness supervenes, as in sea-sickness, which has been shewn to be owing to less energetic action of the stomach. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Contrary to what might be expected, there is little or no complaint of hunger, in spite of the progressive starvation and emaciation which inevitably supervene. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
It is advisable to note that in the first instance the symbolical vision is seen; in the second, a literal vision supervenes; and in the third and fourth cases the vision reverts to the symbolical. How to Read the Crystal or, Crystal and Seer
In graver cases, some of which always end fatally, symptoms, again, may occasionally supervene, or continue from the time of the operation, which are directly attributable to the etherisation. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
In autumn the weather soon cools off, drier conditions supervene, and living again becomes a pleasure in one of the best and healthiest climates to be met with anywhere. Fruits of Queensland
And a peripneumony very frequently supervenes, and destroys great numbers of children, except the lancet or four or six leeches be immediately and repeatedly used. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Tetany, as evidenced by the occurrence of cramp-like contractions of the thumb and fingers, may supervene within a few days of the operation if one or more of the para-thyreoids have been inadvertently removed. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
This sentiment of local feeling is the germ of nationality, but it exists in many regions where the wider ideas of nationality have never supervened. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
The king was nearly recovered from the lameness consequent on his fall, when fever supervened; and he died March 8, 1702, in the fifty-second year of his age and thirteenth of his reign. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 4 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
It has even been affirmed that while under this treatment the patient may eat glucose-forming foods without fear of glycosuria supervening. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
Ulcers of the lungs sometimes supervene, and the phthisis pulmonalis in a few weeks terminates in death. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
In some cases alarming suffocative attacks occasionally supervene during sleep, but the difficulty in breathing disappears as soon as the child is wakened. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Anæsthesia of the bladder, paresis of this and the intestine, with obstinate constipation, loss of appetite, emaciation, etc., rapidly supervened. The Electric Bath
I but recover the preparations, however, without recovering the performance; Mrs. L. and I must have been the only persons not shaking a foot, and premature unconsciousness clearly in my case supervened. A Small Boy and Others
If no symptoms supervene within one-half hour give another similar dose and so on up to 3 or 4 doses or .12 gm. in all. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
But it was an old family property, and, like other houses in Nuremberg, was to be kept in the hands of the family while the family might remain, unless some terrible ruin should supervene. Linda Tressel
The voice becomes hoarse or may be lost, there is persistent and intractable cough, and in some cases dyspnœa supervenes. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
As is the case with dyspepsia, so here likewise patients seldom present themselves for treatment unless some definite secondary pathological condition has supervened. The Electric Bath
But at this juncture supervened the coup de théâtre, as M. Ollivier styles it, which opens the second act of the drama. Studies in Literature and History
Every one who has an apple or pear-orchard must have observed that mildew of fruit supervenes after some sudden change of temperature, especially when accompanied by rain. The $100 Prize Essay on the Cultivation of the Potato. Prize offered by W. T. Wylie and awarded to D. H. Compton. How to Cook the Potato, Furnished by Prof. Blot.
Consider the meeting between the Sun and the star, and take it as indicating an experience which must always supervene on the cleansed and holy soul, which desires and prepares for it. John the Baptist
Mastoid pain and tenderness are indicative of inflammation in the antrum or cells, and when these symptoms supervene in the course of a chronic middle-ear suppuration, they should always be regarded as of grave import. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Erysipelas has supervened upon the injury; and the object is to avoid a gathering, and to stay the erysipelas where it is. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
And another important reform of manners must have supervened in the same period if we are to believe that in these novels the English servant is not unfairly caricatured. Studies in Literature and History
Tod's teeth were "through," as Mrs. Phil phrased it, and convulsions had not supervened, to the ecstasy of his anxious admirers. Vagabondia 1884
A high state of delirium supervenes, and there are often hallucinations. Fasting Girls Their Physiology and Pathology
In the event of suppuration supervening, incision and drainage must be carried out. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
It had been found by the resident medical man, Dr. Harris, that in Rossetti's case kidney disease had supervened. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
They recognize further that unless individuals, parties, races, classes, churches agree in acknowledging the adjusting authority of the general will of the community to which all belong, endless struggle and hopeless chaos must supervene. Freedom In Service Six Essays on Matters Concerning Britain's Safety and Good Government
The clamorous outbreak that follows, first of the private, and, supervening upon that, of the public grief, if not altogether couched in Homeric phraseology or numbers, has an air, however, of the Homeric painting. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
The philosophy of science, therefore, is not the adversary of science, but supervenes upon science in the interests of the ideal of final truth. The Approach to Philosophy
Sometimes œdema over the mastoid with displacement forwards of the pinna supervenes, and simulates acute inflammation of the mastoid. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Be not too much alarmed, however; Alexion, Cicero's friend and physician, has visited me; and declares, that, unless fever supervene, there is no danger from the wound. The Roman Traitor, Vol. 2
Some difficulties supervened as to the provisioning of the 5,000 Austrian troops on the march and the place of embarkation; but these were far from insuperable. William Pitt and the Great War
Upon the exhibition of the sixth dose, nausea supervened, and continued to oppress him at intervals for two or three days, during which he passed large quantities of pale urine. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
She did so want human help in that struggle which always supervenes after a swoon; when the effort is to clutch at life, and the effort seems too much for the will. Curious, if True Strange Tales
After he had drunk, such weakness supervened that his eyes turned in his head, and he died so suddenly that we had not time to call the captain, who was in the other boat. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part I. The Exploration of the World
Troubles of some sort are sure to supervene; the man who succeeds is he who can anticipate, and so remedy them. Amateur Fish Culture
In the second scene they met again, lowered their vizors, drew their swords and fought till Angelica supervened Diversions in Sicily
I sat down again resolutely, hiding the key under the cushion, and calmer thoughts supervened. The Lowest Rung Together with The Hand on the Latch, St. Luke's Summer and The Understudy
The adjustment continues; a slight bulging out of the epidermis over the pigment-granules supervenes. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
The first sensation is a slight degree of nervousness and a feeling of being run away with, but a sense of security soon supervenes, and the velocity is delightful. The Greville Memoirs (Second Part) A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852 (Volume 1 of 3)
There supervened the unnecessary, vindictive, and malignant reconstruction acts of the Federal Congress. Reminiscences of a Rebel
Measles was especially fatal to the country-bred, and for abject misery I have never seen anything like those cases of measles in which nostalgia had supervened. The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915
Numerous cases are on record of convulsions supervening upon violent passion in the nurse. The Physical Life of Woman: Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother
The struggle for food again supervenes, and those to whom the favourable quality has been transmitted in excess, will triumph as before. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
Indeed a weakness of sight is among the first symptoms that supervene on these occasions. The Young Man's Guide
He must have had intense irritation of the brain, and some shock must have supervened to bring him to the state in which I find him.  The French Prisoners of Norman Cross A Tale
This was the original nest-egg, upon which, as a basis, and perhaps as the occasional suggestion of such an enterprise, all the rest—allow us a pompous word—supervened. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1
"Oh, yes, you told me," Garstaing retorted, with a sneer that was always ready when anger supervened. The Heart of Unaga
The Proteus changes, but he is ever the same; and his changes in nature, supposing no miracle to supervene, are the expression, not of spontaneity, but of physical necessity. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
But afterwards, when the illness is over, and a sounder condition supervenes, health returns and makes all things pleasant and acceptable. Plutarch's Morals
In the delirium which supervened he blew his brains out. Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer
Suffering supervenes, and in suffering lies the very crisis of the malady. The Day of Wrath
It also supervenes on common cold or sore throat. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
If all went well, the victim going willingly and no ill omen supervening, the actual slaughter followed at the altar. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
The operator generally visits the infant in the afternoon of the operation, and carefully inspects the dressings, to see that no hæmorrhage has supervened. History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance
The fever and delirium had long left him, yet a dysenteric tendency,—the result of a former malady,—suddenly supervened, and the worthy gentleman rapidly declined. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
His feeling of intense enmity to Dockwrath was beginning to wear away, and one of modified friendship for the whole family was supervening. Orley Farm
An unwonted gentleness and docility on the part of a previously irritable or vicious mare, and supervening on service, is an excellent indication of pregnancy, the generative instinct which caused the excitement having been satisfied. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
In the inflammatory, the serous, and the congestive, the mucous gangrene seeks vent; if obtained, mortification is prevented; if not, mortification directly supervenes, and death terminates the case. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
Another case admitted to the Charité, aged thirty-six, was afflicted with a blennorrhagia, upon which an attack of low fever supervened. History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance
When this comedy was over, convalescence should supervene; but he would adhere with conscientious obstinacy to his dying gift, and produce documents showing the immense value of the bequeathed property. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
We, consequently, agree that in the sacraments there must necessarily supervene a heavenly, a supernatural change. History of the Rise of the Huguenots Vol. 1
All appreciable symptoms are absent, unless from the death of the fetus, or its interference with normal functions, general disorder and indications of parturition supervene. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
If they had not done so, the impotence of sheer disgust would have supervened so long since that the race would have been extinct for ages. Masters of Space
But if there be vestige will generally be preserved to future ages, the new ones will not be entombed till fresh subsidence supervenes. The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
The incessant drenching from sea and sky to which they had been so long subjected, chilled their slackened circulation to such a degree, that death from torpor seemed rapidly supervening. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
The mental torpor which supervenes under sudden disasters was not, in the case of the fermier-general, without its dreamy groups of ugly images in prospect. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
Convulsions and delirium will develop, with inability of muscular control, or stupor and coma may supervene. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
A brief suspension of operations supervened as a result of the solemn promise given to Athens that the Allies would neither by land nor by sea allow the extension of the revolutionary movement. Greece and the Allies 1914-1922
Hence, the entire length of limb in the new long-limbed breed would only be acquired at the latest period of life, when that one which was latest of the thousand primary increments of length supervened. The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844
The prevailing note was a high seriousness, culminating in the last Act, when tedium supervened. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, February 18, 1914
At length the last equipage whirled down the great avenue, and a stillness and void, more mournful from the immediate contrast, supervened. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
Complete paralysis almost invariably supervenes and causes death. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
This was necessary from the lingering character of the death, which sometimes did not supervene even for three days, and was at last the result of gradual benumbing and starvation. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
Of pneumonia supervening consumption complicated with other diseases, the main symptom of which was insanity. Quaint Epitaphs
Some new symptoms had now supervened, and the famous neurologist at once diagnosed a tumour in the spinal canal. A Labrador Doctor The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
There supervened an instantaneous silence, followed by the dropping of a heavy body upon the ground, as it seemed, under Madame Le Prun's windows. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
If pleurisy supervenes, it should be treated as advised under that head. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
About twelve months afterwards, in consequence of an imprudent exposure to cold, he was attacked with Bronchitis, and Meningitis supervened. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
‘A convulsion, or hiccup, supervening on a copious discharge of blood is bad.’ The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
Drowsiness supervened; and he was for some days previous to dissolution in a torpid condition, while at the same time he was quite collected when roused. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
Many monstrous tribes of enemies supervene; also a Forest of Maidens, kind but of hamadryad nature—"flower-women," as they have been poetically called. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
This displacement usually supervenes on a flaccid condition of the bladder, the result of paralysis, overdistention, or severe compression during a difficult parturition. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Another objection that may possibly be made to my views, is, that instances might be adduced where lactation had been persevered in for a very long period, without any ill effects supervening. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
The first two refer to the disease tetanus, which is very liable to supervene on wounds fouled with earth, especially in hot and moist localities. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
The thoracic pain was occasionally subdued, but the cough became incessant; loss of appetite, rapid emaciation, and cold nocturnal sweats, with slow weak pulse, supervened. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
So soon as we were ordered home, Captain Reud’s mental aberrations became less frequent; but, when they supervened, they were more extravagant in their nature. Rattlin the Reefer
The muscles of the limbs or back may be subject to intermittent spasms, or spasmodic tremors; finally, the hind limbs become paralyzed, breathing very difficult, and convulsions supervene, followed by death. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Her child became emaciated; and diarrhœa supervening, my professional services were required. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
Such are the following very acute observations: ‘Spasm supervening on a wound is fatal.’ The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
Cough likewise supervenes, which may either be quite dry, or at most accompanied with a little pure mucus. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
I could hardly make my way at all, for a strange sort of delirium was supervening. Rattlin the Reefer
Suddenly extreme stupor or coma develops; the surface of the body becomes cold; the pupils are insensible to light; the pulse slow and intermitting; the breathing labored, and death supervenes. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Maria Hughes, aged two years, admitted for Convulsions supervening upon Hooping-cough—suckled one year three months. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
To begin with, all its evils arise from the relaxing of the vessels of the lungs, so that these swell, and the excess of blood causes inflammatory action to supervene. Papers on Health
“With a fractured tibia, and the inflammation which would be sure to supervene, you would not render much service to your country,” observed the doctor. Paddy Finn
The second stage supervenes when the need is felt by the child for some measure of control over his social environment. The Children: Some Educational Problems
As the disease nearly always is the result of endocarditis, the iodid of potassium and general tonics, sometimes stimulants, when general debility supervenes, may be of temporary benefit. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
He had looked very grave and shaken his head, saying that fever might supervene, and ended by prescribing a stimulus under another name, and a hot bath. Menhardoc
At last, when his sufferings from the heat were growing unbearable, and his head swam with the giddy sensation which supervened, the rift appeared to close in about fifty yards further on. Fire Island Being the Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists in an Unknown Track
In some instances, when the wounds had been thought suitable for exploration, the slow pulse was altered after operation to a rapid one, and death usually quickly supervened. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
Not until later economic changes supervened was this normal relationship altered. The Wars Between England and America
In times he has a severe attack of lameness, which may last for a week or more, when a remission takes place and it may be weeks or months before another attack supervenes. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
But in a few days the great talkers of the family, Auntie Hamps and Clara, had grown accustomed to Edwin’s state, and some new topic supervened. Clayhanger
Next day it seemed somewhat flat to make the same preparations a second time over, but as no contradictory message had been received, it did not appear possible that a second disappointment could supervene. Flaming June
When no paralysis supervened, interference with the movements of the back, or pain, was so slight as to be inappreciable, especially in the presence of concurrent injury to other parts, which was seldom absent. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
Fever supervened; and, although the wound began to heal up, his physical condition grew weaker every day under the tearing strain his constitution was subjected to. Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
A more composed and settled state of the public mind in regard to our relations with the church of Rome must supervene. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) 1809-1859
From a long study of his character she had foreknown infallibly that in such a crisis as had supervened he would behave precisely as he had behaved. Clayhanger
But he was of opinion that if even "one-hundredth or one-thousandth part" of organic beings escaped this fortuitous destruction, there would supervene among the survivors a struggle for life sufficiently destructive to satisfy his theory. At the Deathbed of Darwinism A Series of Papers
A third and a fourth "wind" may supervene. Memories and Studies
The colonel had been desiccated, had become immobile, had lost the power of performing the functions of life, without death having supervened, and without the possibility of returning to activity having departed. The Man With The Broken Ear
Changes in the scheme of law and order supervened in both of these instances, but the changes were, after all, neither unconscionably large nor were they of a subversive nature. An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
Never do crime and the right come together: on the day when they should meet, the words of the human tongue would change their meaning, all certainty would vanish, social darkness would supervene. Napoleon the Little
Besides, some kind of complication had supervened, something coming from the brain, from the nerves, something psychic. The Argonauts
Unconsciousness then supervened, and, with the aid of another of the hotel guests, I carried him to his room. The Shrieking Pit
Some hours after, congelation would supervene, and with it, impossibility of restoration to life. The Man With The Broken Ear
Rapid extinction often supervenes soon after the line has reached the maximum of its differentiation. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Eminent physicians were called in, but they could not arrest the bilious fever which supervened. Perley's Reminiscences, v. 1-2 of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis
But even those of us who are least observant of skies, know that, irrespective of all supervening colors from the sun, there are white clouds, brown clouds, gray clouds, and black clouds. The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century Two Lectures delivered at the London Institution February 4th and 11th, 1884
Even after making a liberal allowance for the prejudice naturally supervening from their rivalry there is left a residuum of condemnation abundantly sufficient to ruin a more vigorous reputation than Crawford has left behind him. John Quincy Adams American Statesmen Series
The statute of limitation, common feelings of humanity, will supervene for his benefit. Hidden Treasures Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail
To control this disagreeable symptom, the candidates for both species of afflatus used to come to their meetings provided with napkins and rollers with which to bind their middles, and prevent the supervening inflation. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
"But that wouldn't be the effect," he argued with the same supervening candour. The Tragic Muse
That they fail in their efficacy to bring the man, who did them, to eternal life, is due to the impediment of the supervening sin whereby he is become unworthy of eternal life. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
When they spring, it will be farewell to civilization—except the German—unless something like a miracle supervenes. Villa Elsa A Story of German Family Life
If death results from shock, coma first supervenes, which deepens steadily until the end comes. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
A moment of stunned amazement supervened among the group. The Ordeal A Mountain Romance of Tennessee
By this time the liquor he had drunk had its full effect, and complete unconsciousness supervened to save him, for a little while, from the realisation of his disgrace. The Colonel's Dream
But directly after death our bodies begin to dissolve into dust, and are disposed towards putrefaction, because when the natural heat departs, there supervenes heat from without which causes corruption. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
Fortunately this humour was not acrid or salt; if it were, phthisis must at once supervene. Jerome Cardan A Biographical Study
Then conviction supervened as each of the watchers recorded his observation and a sigh of certitude made itself heard. The Forfeit
But when I looked at the conveyance, doubt once more supervened. The Reminiscences of an Astronomer
As long as this equilibrium is maintained, man is preserved from disease; but if this essential balance, which is the pivot of the constitution, is disturbed, the constitution is disordered, and disease will supervene. Some Answered Questions
This is explained by the trickling of liquified food from the esophageal reservoir into the stomach as the spasm intermittently relaxes, this occurring usually before a serious state of inanition supervenes. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
Acute traumatic iritis or irido-cyclitis may supervene four or five days after the injury. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
But with each yielding to suffering had come a rally of passionate force that would not be overborne, and gradually mastery supervened. The Forfeit
Feeling somewhat faint, he retired to his room; a fit of apoplexy supervened. Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
The wildest confusion supervened; many fell on every hand. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
I answer that, That one contrary is removed by the other contrary supervening. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
As the fits increase in number, the intellect deteriorates and chronic dementia or delusional insanity may supervene. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
She strove hard to support herself with these memories, out even as she considered them her mind passed on to the reception, and that stupid ache supervened once more. The Forfeit
On the next day he felt somewhat unwell; in two or three days bronchitis and pleurisy supervened; and in the afternoon of Friday, the 5th of January, 1873, his long, honourable, and useful life terminated. Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
Then merciful unconsciousness stepped in, and silence supervened. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
Now the endurance of a habit in its subject does not require the endurance of its act, so that when a contrary act supervenes the acquired habit is not at once done away. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Before an answer could reach him important events supervened. King John of Jingalo The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
Let a 23 Our Treatment is Pleasant, Quick and Lasting. sudden fit of illness supervene and see how quickly these apparently healthy men succumb and are swept away by it. Manhood Perfectly Restored Prof. Jean Civiale's Soluble Urethral Crayons as a Quick, Painless, and Certain Cure for Impotence, Etc.
It is true that a supervening government, established upon another, always reduces a certain portion of the dependants upon the latter to want. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
Persons who consult the tea-leaves too frequently often find this muddled state of things to supervene. Tea-Cup Reading and Fortune-Telling by Tea Leaves, by a Highland Seer
If it occurs during this life, it is either a common need in respect of things needed by all, or it is a special need occurring through some accident supervening. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
My labor is done:       May we meet in that city where temple is none,       Nor sun supervenes on the shadows of night;       Jehovah—the Lamb—are its temple and light. The Growth of Thought As Affecting the Progress of Society
A long lethargy supervened and oppressed his senses. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams Sixth President of the Unied States
However, seeing that the trip would take some days, this was scarcely likely unless something extraordinary supervened. Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben
In the event of clumsy surgery, death may supervene; failing this, permanent hemiplegia—or"—the film lifted from the green eyes, and for a moment they flickered with transient horror—"idiocy! The Hand Of Fu-Manchu Being a New Phase in the Activities of Fu-Manchu, the Devil Doctor
The least desirable result of the Hunterian ligature is met with in cases where, owing to widespread arterial disease, the collateral circulation does not develop and gangrene of the limb supervenes. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
Now an imperfect light remains when a perfect light supervenes: for a candle is not extinguished when the sun's rays appear. Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) From the Complete American Edition
At present he's in a state of apoplectic stupor; but if that subsides, delirium is almost sure to supervene, and we shall have some painful scenes. Scenes of Clerical Life
Consequently the gaping wounds soon became clogged with dust, and it is not surprising that blood-poisoning set in, gangrene supervening in many instances. Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben
These are also, if evolution is to be accepted, the earliest processes upon which all others have supervened and out of which, as it were, they have grown. Winds Of Doctrine Studies in Contemporary Opinion
A large carbuncle is a grave disease, especially in a weakly person suffering from diabetes or chronic alcoholism; we have on several occasions seen diabetic coma supervene and the patient die without recovering consciousness. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
Therefore if he chooses evil, this must be due to something supervening, which is passion or habit. Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) From the Complete American Edition
Its self-subsistence is derived from the nature of its form, which does not supervene to the things subsisting, but gives actual existence to the matter and makes it subsist as an individual. Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American Edition
Now, when chance, or something worse, had cleared the way towards the great end, after which she had always eagerly, but almost hopelessly, hankered, a new and entirely unexpected obstacle suddenly supervened. The Thin Red Line; and Blue Blood
Fever, or hospital gangrene, or pyæmia, or purulent discharge of some kind may else supervene. Notes on Nursing What It Is, and What It Is Not
One or more abscesses may form along the course of the vessels, or a spreading cellulitis may supervene. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
For we observe in natural things that when one contrary supervenes, the other acts with greater energy, for which reason "hot water freezes more rapidly," as stated in Meteor. i, 12. Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) From the Complete American Edition
Therefore some say that in addition to the vegetative soul which existed first, another, namely the sensitive, soul supervenes; and in addition to this, again another, namely the intellectual soul. Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American Edition
The day grew on, and, instead of renewed firing, perfect quiet supervened. The Thin Red Line; and Blue Blood
Then the customary fit of doubt and despondency supervened. Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913
Osteomyelitis supervened on the amputation, and resulted in necrosis at the sawn section of the bone. Manual of Surgery Volume First: General Surgery. Sixth Edition.
For an action does not acquire a new species through being repeated or prolonged, unless by chance something supervene in the repeated or prolonged act to change its species, e.g. disobedience, contempt, or the like. Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) From the Complete American Edition
Nor can it be said that it possessed some common form, on which afterwards supervened the different forms that distinguish it. Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) From the Complete American Edition
This supervening faculty, then, of utilizing the light of experience represents a third element in the situation; and, from the standpoint of man's desire to know himself, the supreme element. Anthropology
It appeared quite natural that he should have supervened so dramatically at precisely the correct moment, and I asked him for no more information. The Ghost A Modern Fantasy




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