

单词 ax
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕He suspected that the US would take the opportunity to strike back at the Axis forces. 他怀疑美国将利用这次机会对轴心国部队进行反击。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Robert was hacking at the base of the tree with an axe. 罗伯特在用斧子砍那棵树的基部。朗文写作活用〔Copernican〕Of or relating to the theory of Copernicus that the earth rotates daily on its axis and, with the other planets in the solar system, revolves around the sun.哥白尼(学说)的:哥白尼学说或体系的、与之有关的,该学说认为地球每日绕其轴自转,并与太阳系其它行星一起绕太阳公转美国传统〔North Pole〕The northern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in the Arctic Ocean.北极:地球转轴的北端,北冰洋上的一点美国传统〔OPEN〕We managed to break open the crate with an axe. 我们设法用斧头把板条箱砸开了。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕Unprofitable flight routes have been axed as recession hits the aviation industry. 经济衰退影响航空业,无利可图的航线被削减了。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕In 1941 the US declared war on the Axis powers. 1941年,美国向轴心国宣战。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕The tribes of Central New Guinea use very simple tools such as hammers and axes. 新几内亚中部的各部落使用非常简单的工具,如锤子和斧子。朗文写作活用〔South Pole〕The southern end of Earth's axis of rotation, a point in Antarctica.南极:地球自转轴的南端,南极点美国传统〔TURN〕The Earth rotates on its axis once every twenty-four hours. 地球每24小时绕地轴旋转一周。朗文写作活用〔adaxial〕Located on the side nearest to the axis of an organ or organism.近轴的:位于最靠近器官或有机体轴部的美国传统〔adaxial〕Of or relating to the side or surface facing or nearest to the axis of an organ, such as the upper surface of a leaf; ventral.近轴的:器官边缘的、表面的或最近茎轴的,与器官的边缘、表面或最近茎轴有关的,如叶子的上表面的;叶子的下表面美国传统〔adductor〕A muscle that draws a body part, such as a finger, an arm, or a toe, inward toward the median axis of the body or of an extremity.内收肌:使身体部位,如手指,胳膊或脚趾向身体的中枢或四肢中枢内收的肌肉美国传统〔align〕The house is aligned along an east-west axis.这幢房屋沿东西轴线成一直线。牛津搭配〔ally〕The nations, primarily Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States, allied against the Axis during World War II.同盟国:在第二次世界大战期间联合起来反对轴心国的国家,主要有英国、法国、苏联和美国美国传统〔amplitude〕The angle made with the positive horizontal axis by the vector representation of a complex number.幅角:代表一个复数的矢量与正实轴之间的夹角美国传统〔amplitude〕The maximum absolute value of a periodic curve measured along its vertical axis.振幅:沿垂直轴摆动的周期性曲线的最大绝对值美国传统〔angle of yaw〕The angle between an aircraft's longitudinal axis and its line of travel, as seen from above.偏航角:飞机的纵轴和航线所形成的角,如从上面所见美国传统〔anterior〕Botany In front of and facing away from the axis or stem.【植物学】 茎干前部的:在茎或干前部且背向茎干的美国传统〔appendage〕Biology A part or an organ, such as an arm, a leg, a tail, or a fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body.【生物学】 附器,附肢:与身体的轴或躯干相连的部位或器官,如胳膊、腿、尾或鳍美国传统〔arbor〕An axis or shaft supporting a rotating part on a lathe.柄轴,心轴:支撑车床旋转部件的轴或杠美国传统〔asunder〕He split the log asunder with an ax.他用一把斧头将木头劈开。韦氏高阶〔ax to grind〕He had a political ax to grind with his opponent.他在政治上对自己的对手别有用心。韦氏高阶〔axe〕Almost 1,000 jobs were axed.几乎有1000个工作职位被削减。麦克米伦高阶〔axe〕Because of the recession the company is to axe 350 jobs.因为经济不景气,公司将裁员350人。剑桥高阶〔axe〕Congress axed the budget.国会大刀阔斧地削减预算。21世纪英汉〔axe〕He has no axe to grind over this question.在这个问题上他没有私心。英汉大词典〔axe〕He seems like a decent bloke and I've got no axe to grind with him.他看上去像是个正派的家伙, 我对他没有什么不满。外研社新世纪〔axe〕His prime-time TV show is likely to get the axe.他在黄金时段的电视节目很可能会被取消。牛津搭配〔axe〕I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.我需要公正无私的人给我一些客观的建议。朗文当代〔axe〕Jones has been axed from the team.琼斯已被开除出队。牛津高阶〔axe〕MPs know there will be cuts in public spending but do not know on which department the axe will fall.议员们知道要削减公共开支,但是不知道从哪个部门开刀。朗文当代〔axe〕Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year.其他盈利较少的服务预计今年稍晚将大量削减。牛津高阶〔axe〕Over 500 staff are facing the axe.500多位员工面临被解雇的命运。剑桥高阶〔axe〕Religious programmes will be the first to get the axe if she's put in charge of the station.如果她负责电台工作,宗教节目将首先被砍掉。剑桥高阶〔axe〕St Bartholomew's is one of four London hospitals facing the axe.圣巴塞洛缪医院是伦敦4个面临关闭的医院之一。柯林斯高阶〔axe〕St Bartholomew's is one of four London hospitals facing the axe.圣巴塞洛缪医院是伦敦四个面临关闭的医院之一。外研社新世纪〔axe〕Sun announced today that it planned to axe 3,300 jobs.太阳公司今天宣布计划裁减3,300个工作职位。外研社新世纪〔axe〕TV's longest running show is to be axed.连续播出时间最长的电视节目要取消了。朗文当代〔axe〕The TV series will be axed owing to a decline in popularity.因为收视率下降,这部电视连续剧会被砍掉。剑桥高阶〔axe〕The group claimed that it had no axe to grind.该组织声称没有别的企图。外研社新世纪〔axe〕The main office axed those in the field who didn’t meet their quota.主要办公室裁减那些在工作中完不成定额的人。21世纪英汉〔axe〕There are plans to axe 2600 staff.有计划要解雇 2600 名员工。朗文当代〔axe〕Two schools face the axe.两所学校面临被撤销的命运。麦克米伦高阶〔axe〕Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm.默西赛德郡一家濒临倒闭的公司有多达 300 名工人正面临被解雇。牛津搭配〔axe〕We were expecting bad news but had no idea where the axe would fall (= where the loss would be).我们预料到有坏消息,却不知道遭殃的会是什么。牛津搭配〔axe〕We were going to build a new school but it got the axe from the government.我们原来准备建立一所新的学校,但政府取消了这项计划。英汉大词典〔axial〕Located on, around, or in the direction of an axis.轴心的:位于、围绕、或在轴心的方向上美国传统〔axiom〕Abbr. ax.A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate.缩写 ax.格言:不言而喻的原理或能作为真理被接受的规律,无须作为争论依据加以证明;基本原理美国传统〔axis〕Full employment is the axis of their campaign.充分就业是他们竞选运动的核心。英汉大词典〔axis〕Temperature is on the Y axis.Y轴代表温度。外研社新世纪〔axis〕The axis of a circle is its diameter.圆的对称中心线就是直径。牛津高阶〔axis〕The axis of the skeleton is the spinal column.骨骼的枢椎是脊骨。英汉大词典〔axis〕The Earth rotates barely perceptibly on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转,人几乎感觉不到。麦克米伦高阶〔axis〕The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.地球绕着南北两极之间的地轴自转。朗文当代〔axis〕The earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。牛津搭配〔axis〕The speed is measured along the horizontal axis.速度用横轴线来表示。牛津搭配〔axman〕A man who wields an ax.用斧人,伐木者:使用斧子的人美国传统〔ax〕My colleague got the ax yesterday.我的同事昨天被解雇了美国传统〔bark〕He'd get me barking trees with an axe.他会让我用斧子剥树皮。外研社新世纪〔base〕He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull.他是颅底遭斧子重创死亡的。朗文当代〔battle-ax〕A heavy broad-headed ax formerly used as a weapon.战斧:一种重的,顶部宽的斧头,曾用作武器美国传统〔biaxial〕Having two axes.双轴的:有两个轴的美国传统〔bit〕The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax.刀刃,斧刃:工具的锋利部分,如刀片或斧头切割边美国传统〔break ... in〕The firemen broke the door in with axes.消防队员们用斧头把门劈开。21世纪英汉〔butterfly valve〕A disk turning on a diametrical axis inside a pipe, used as a throttle valve or damper.节流阀,减压阀:管道内沿直径中心轴线上的圆片状旋钮,用作节流阀门或阀门美国传统〔cascade〕The three anatomical structures involved in this chemical cascade are known collectively as the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.这一化学级联反应涉及的三个解剖结构合称为丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴。外研社新世纪〔centripetal force〕The component of force acting on a body in curvilinear motion that is directed toward the center of curvature or axis of rotation.向心力:作用于曲线运动中物体上的力的组成部分,指向曲线的中心或旋转轴心美国传统〔centripetal〕Moving or directed toward a center or axis.向心的:朝向或指向中心或轴心的美国传统〔chip〕To chop or cut with an ax or other implement.用斧子或其它工具削或砍美国传统〔circumvolution〕An act of turning, coiling, or folding about a center, a core, or an axis.转动,旋转:相对一个中心、核心或轴的转动、卷缠或折叠的动作美国传统〔cleave〕She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe.她用斧头把他的颅骨劈成两半。牛津高阶〔cleave〕The ax easily cleaves the log.这把斧子很容易就能把原木劈开。韦氏高阶〔cleave〕With one blow of the knight's axe, he clove the rock in twain (= into two pieces).武士大斧一挥,将石头劈成了两半。剑桥高阶〔columella〕Any small columnlike structure in various plants and animals, often forming the central axis of development for the organism or an anatomical structure.小柱:植物和动物中的一种小的柱状结构,通常构成有机体发展或解剖架的中轴美国传统〔cross section〕A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis.横断面:由一扁平物横切某物,通常与轴线成直角切割形成的断面美国传统〔deliquesce〕To branch out into numerous subdivisions that lack a main axis, as the stem of an elm.歧散:枝条向四周散开成很多分支,没有主轴,如榆树的树干美国传统〔dichroism〕The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting two different colors when viewed along different axes.双色性:某些溶液由于浓度不同而呈现不同颜色的性质美国传统〔dolabriform〕Having the shape of the head of an ax.斧形的美国传统〔down〕He downed his axe and sat on a stump.他放下斧头,坐在树桩上。英汉大词典〔eccentricity〕Physics The distance between the center of an eccentric and its axis.【物理学】 偏心距:偏心圆的中心与圆轴间的距离美国传统〔eccentric〕Physics A disk or wheel having its axis of revolution displaced from its center so that it is capable of imparting reciprocating motion.【物理学】 偏心轮:转轴不在中心的盘或轮,能导致周而复始的运动美国传统〔equatorial〕Having or constituting a support with two perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's rotational axis.赤道平面上的:由两条互相垂直的轴支撑的,其中一条与地轴平行美国传统〔frame of reference〕A set of coordinate axes in terms of which position or movement may be specified or with reference to which physical laws may be mathematically stated.参考标架:一系列坐标轴线,依据这些线位置或运动能被标明或物理法则能借此被精确地描述美国传统〔gyrate〕To revolve around a fixed point or axis.旋转:绕一个固定点或轴转动美国传统〔gyroplane〕An aircraft, such as a helicopter or autogyro, equipped with wings that rotate about an approximately vertical axis.旋翼机:一种飞行器,如直升机和旋翼机,装有绕一个近似垂直的轴旋转的机翼美国传统〔handle〕He handles an ax like a born woodsman.他使起斧子就象是一个天生在森林中居住的人。美国传统〔hatchet〕A small, short-handled ax for use in one hand.短柄小斧:一只手用的短把小斧美国传统〔have an axe to grind〕Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.环境保护主义者并非想在政治上争个对错——他们仅仅想拯救这个星球而已。剑桥高阶〔hypocotyl〕The part of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling plant that is below the cotyledons.(下)胚轴:低于胚轴的一个植物胚胎或根的轴的一部分美国传统〔ice ax〕An ax used by mountaineers for cutting steps in ice.冰斧:登山者在冰中凿脚窝用的斧子美国传统〔incline〕The same effect is achieved by inclining the steering axis.通过倾斜转向轴也能达到相同的效果。外研社新世纪〔informant〕Most often, when informants rang offering the 'true facts', it was because they had an axe to grind.在大多数情况下, 当告密者打电话提供“真相”时, 那是因为他们别有企图。外研社新世纪〔intercept〕Mathematics The distance from the origin to the point at which a line, curve, or surface intersects a coordinate axis.【数学】 截距:从原点到一条直线、曲线或平面上的点的距离,与坐标轴相交美国传统〔introrse〕Facing inward; turned toward the axis. Used especially of anthers.内向的:面向内的;朝向轴的。用于指花粉囊美国传统〔involute〕Having whorls that obscure the axis or other volutions, as the shell of a cowrie.内旋的:象玛瑙的壳一样具有遮住了中轴的螺旋线或其它旋状物的美国传统〔isodiametric〕Having equal diameters or axes.等径的:有相等的直径或轴的美国传统〔kerf〕A groove or notch made by a cutting tool, such as a saw or an ax.锯缝,劈痕:切割型工具如锯或斧子所制造的沟槽或凹口美国传统〔loop〕A flight maneuver in which an aircraft flies a circular path in a vertical plane with the lateral axis of the aircraft remaining horizontal.环飞:一种飞行表演,一架飞机做垂直方向环形飞行,同时飞机侧轴保持水平美国传统〔major axis〕The longer of the two lines about which an ellipse is symmetrical; the axis that passes through both focuses of an ellipse.长轴:椭圆的两根轴中较长的一根;通过椭圆的两个焦点的轴美国传统〔meridian〕A curve on a surface of revolution, formed by the intersection of the surface with a plane containing the axis of revolution.回转面曲线:回转面与通过旋转轴的平面相交而形成的位于回转面上的曲线美国传统〔meridian〕A plane section of a surface of revolution containing the axis of revolution.切平面:通过旋转轴回转面的部分平面美国传统〔mightily〕In his great age he could still wield his axe mightily.尽管他年事已高, 但仍能有力地挥动斧头。外研社新世纪〔might〕He swung the axe again with all his might .他用尽全力再一次抡起斧头。朗文当代〔moment〕The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis.旋转轴:使绕点或轴旋转的倾向美国传统〔monoclinic〕Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third.单斜晶系的:有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的美国传统〔neolithic〕Neolithic stone axes 新石器时代的石斧牛津高阶〔origin〕Mathematics The point of intersection of coordinate axes, as in the Cartesian coordinate system.【数学】 原点:坐标轴的交点,比如在笛卡尔坐标中美国传统〔orthorhombic〕Of or relating to a crystalline structure of three mutually perpendicular axes of different length.正交的:属于、关于不同长度的三条相互垂直的轴线所组成的晶体结构的美国传统〔orthotropic〕Tending to grow or form along a vertical axis.直生的:倾向于沿竖直轴生长或形成的美国传统〔perpendicular〕The wheel rotates around an axis that is perpendicular to the plane.轮子绕着一个与平面垂直的轴旋转。剑桥高阶〔pivot〕The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance.小船原地掉过头来,直指海港入口。柯林斯高阶〔pleochroism〕The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.多向色性:当沿不同的轴线观察时,某些晶体显示出不同的色彩,尤指三种不同色彩的性质美国传统〔polar angle〕The angle formed by the polar axis and the radius vector in a polar coordinate system.极角:在一个极坐标系中,由极轴和向量径形成的角美国传统〔polar axis〕The fixed reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar coordinate system.极轴:在极坐标系中用以测量极角的固定基准轴美国传统〔pole〕Either extremity of an axis through a sphere.(轴的)两极:穿过一个球体的中轴的两端中的任一端美国传统〔pole〕Either extremity of the main axis of a nucleus, a cell, or an organism.卵细胞的极:细胞核、细胞或有机体的主轴两端的任一端美国传统〔poll〕The blunt or broad end of a tool such as a hammer or an ax.工具较钝或较宽的一端,如锤子或斧头美国传统〔posterior〕Botany Next to or facing the main stem or axis.【植物学】 近茎轴一侧的:紧挨着主茎或轴的,面向主茎或轴的美国传统〔prayer wheel〕A cylinder containing or inscribed with prayers or litanies that is revolved on its axis in devotions, especially by Tibetan Buddhists.转经轮,祈祷轮:尤指西藏佛教徒所用的滚筒,含有或刻有祈祷文或连祷文,祷告时可绕其轴旋转美国传统〔preaxial〕Situated in front of or superior to the median axis of the body or a body part.轴前的:处于身体或身体部位中轴前方或上方的美国传统〔precession〕Physics The motion of the axis of a spinning body, such as the wobble of a spinning top, when there is an external force acting on the axis.【物理学】 进动:当受到外力作用时旋转体轴的运动,如旋转陀螺般的摇摆美国传统〔pronograde〕Walking with the long axis of the body parallel to the ground. Used of quadrupeds.(四足兽)俯行的:行走时身体的长枢椎与地面平行的,用于四足兽美国传统〔rachilla〕A diminutive axis of a spikelet that bears the florets, as in grasses and sedges.叶轴:带复叶小叶的叶柄的轴的延长,如草类和蒿类的叶轴美国传统〔rachis〕A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, or the spinal column.花序轴:主轴或主茎,如花序的总轴、掌状复叶的茎或螺旋状的柱美国传统〔revolution〕A turning or rotational motion about an axis.旋转:围绕一轴的转动或旋转运动美国传统〔revolution〕The Earth makes one revolution on its axis in about 24 hours.地球绕地轴自转一周约24小时。韦氏高阶〔revolve〕The Earth revolves on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。麦克米伦高阶〔revolve〕The earth revolves on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。英汉大词典〔roll〕To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.滚动,使转动:使…以绕轴旋转或不断滚动的方式沿一水平面向前运动美国传统〔roll〕To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.向前转动:以绕轴旋转或重复不断滚动的方式沿一水平面向前移动美国传统〔rotary〕A part or device that rotates around an axis.绕轴旋转的部件或装置美国传统〔rotate〕The Earth rotates on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。韦氏高阶〔rotate〕The earth rotates on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。牛津搭配〔rotation〕The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每一个闰年里,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥高阶〔rotorcraft〕An aircraft, especially a helicopter, that is kept partially or completely airborne by airfoils rotating around a vertical axis.旋翼机,旋翼飞行器:尤指直升机等飞机通过旋翼绕一垂直的轴旋转以使其可以部分或完全停留在空中美国传统〔secund〕Arranged on or turned to one side of an axis.偏向一边的:被安装在或转向轴的一侧的美国传统〔semielliptical〕Having the form or shape of half of an ellipse, especially when divided along the major axis.半椭圆的:形态或形状为椭圆的一半,尤指沿主要的长轴线分割的美国传统〔shaft〕The main axis of a feather, especially its distal portion.羽干:羽毛的主轴,尤指羽毛末端部分美国传统〔sideslip〕To fly sideways and downward in an airplane along the lateral axis to reduce altitude without gaining speed or as the result of banking too deeply.飞机侧滑:飞机沿着横轴向侧下方飞行以降低高度而不增加速度,或是因倾斜飞行时高度降落太大的结果美国传统〔solid of revolution〕A volume generated by the rotation of a plane figure about an axis in its plane.旋转体:某一平面图围绕其平面之中的某轴线旋转而产生的体积美国传统〔spheroid〕A body that is shaped like a sphere but is not perfectly round, especially an ellipsoid that is generated by revolving an ellipse around one of its axes.回转椭球体:形状如球但并非完全圆的一种形状,尤指椭圆沿其一轴旋转而形成的回转椭球体美国传统〔spin〕The Earth spins on its own axis.地球绕地轴自转。外研社新世纪〔spin〕The earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。英汉大词典〔spiral〕A three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis; a helix.螺旋:当螺旋浆沿轴转动时,形成的以等距离或不断变化之距离绕轴转动的三维曲线美国传统〔spiral〕The course or flight path of an object rotating on its longitudinal axis.螺旋形路线盘旋绕其竖直轴旋转的物体的路线或飞行路径美国传统〔split〕He split the wood with an axe.他用斧子劈开木头。外研社新世纪〔spur gear〕A gear with teeth radially arrayed on the rim parallel to its axis.正齿轮:牙状齿按辐射形安置在与轴平行的边缘上的齿轮美国传统〔stem〕The main ascending axis of a plant; a stalk or trunk.茎,干:植物向上的主茎轴;茎或干美国传统〔strike〕He struck off the rotten branches with an axe.他用斧子把枯树枝砍掉。牛津高阶〔surface of revolution〕A surface generated by revolving a plane curve about an axis in its plane.回转曲面:通过使一平面曲线围绕该平面中的一轴旋转而产生的平面美国传统〔surveyor's level〕An instrument having a telescope and attached spirit level mounted on a tripod and rotating around a vertical axis.测量水准器:带有望远镜以及装在三脚架上的气泡水准仪并能绕一垂直中轴旋转的仪器美国传统〔swing〕Be careful how you swing that ax.小心挥动你的那把斧头。韦氏高阶〔tellurion〕An apparatus that shows how the movement of Earth on its axis and around the sun causes day and night and the seasons.地球仪:显示地球如何绕它的轴转动并围绕太阳运动而产生白天、黑夜和季节的仪器美国传统〔thwack〕Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack! Everyone heard it.然后那个伐木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕To revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.旋转:使(中星仪的望远镜)围绕其水平模轴旋转,并转向一个相反的方向美国传统〔triaxial〕Having three axes.三轴的:有三个轴的美国传统〔triclinic〕Having three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. Used of certain crystals.三斜的:具有三个相交为斜角的不相等的轴的。用于某些晶体美国传统〔trim〕The position of an aircraft relative to its horizontal axis.配平:飞机相对于其水平轴的位置美国传统〔trochoid〕Capable of or exhibiting rotation about a central axis.旋转的:能够绕中心轴旋转的,或正在绕中心轴旋转的美国传统〔true north〕True north runs parallel to the earth's axis.真北与地轴平行。剑桥高阶〔trunk〕The main woody axis of a tree.树干:树的木质中轴美国传统〔turn on〕The Earth turns on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。外研社新世纪〔turn〕Something that winds or turns around a center axis.一卷:围绕着轴心绕成一圆圈的东西美国传统〔turn〕The earth turns on its own axis.地球绕地轴自转。21世纪英汉〔turn〕To cause to move around an axis or a center; cause to rotate or revolve.使旋转,转动:使绕着一个轴或中心移动;使转动或旋转美国传统〔turn〕To move around an axis or a center; rotate or revolve.旋转,周转:绕轴心或中心移动;旋转或周转美国传统〔twibill〕A mattock with one blade like an ax and the other like an adz.镰刀,鹤嘴锄:一种一边的刀锋象斧,另一边象锛子的鹤嘴锄美国传统〔twist〕A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics.转体动作:身体绕垂直轴心完整地绕一圈,如在跳水或体操中美国传统〔uniaxial〕Of, relating to, or affecting one axis.单轴的:属于、有关或影响一个轴的美国传统〔uniparous〕Botany Forming a single axis at each branching, as certain flower clusters.【植物学】 单茎轴的:在每一分枝形成单轴,如某些花束美国传统〔unprofitable〕Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.乡村铁路线有被取消的风险,因为无法盈利。剑桥高阶〔walleye〕A form of strabismus in which the visual axis of one eye deviates from that of the other.散开性斜视,外斜视:一只眼睛的视轴与另一只眼睛的视轴偏离的一种斜视美国传统〔whack〕He took his ax and struck the trunk of the tree. Whack. Whack. Whack.他举起斧子砍树干, 咔, 咔, 咔。外研社新世纪〔whittle〕He whittled a new handle for his ax.他给斧头削了一个新把手。柯林斯高阶〔x-axis〕The horizontal axis of a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.横坐标轴:平面直角坐标系中的水平横轴美国传统After several months the project was axed by the government. 数月后政府中止了该项工程。译典通Because of the recession the company is to axe 350 jobs/20% of the workforce.由于经济衰退,这家公司打算解雇350名职工/削减20%劳动力。剑桥国际Environmentalists have no political axe to grind--they just want to save the planet.环境问题专家并没什么政治企图----他们只是想挽救地球。剑桥国际Full employment is the axis of their campaign. 充分就业是他们竞选活动的核心。译典通He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe. 他一斧头就将树砍倒。译典通He gave the tree one chop of an ax and it fell. 他用斧头一劈就把树砍倒了。译典通He's always grinding his axe about avoiding sexism and racism.对于避免性别歧视和种族歧视他总是别有企图的。剑桥国际Julian used an axe to chop the old apple tree down.朱利安用斧子砍倒了老苹果树。剑桥国际Other less profitable services are to be axed later this year.今年较后时候,其他盈利少的服务项目即将取消。牛津商务The Axis Powers in World War Two were Germany, Italy and Japan.二战中的轴心国是指德国、意大利和日本。剑桥国际The Earth spins on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。剑桥国际The arsenal (=collection of weapons) recovered from the jail included knives, axes and sticks.在监狱中搜出的凶器有刀子、斧头和棍棒。剑桥国际The boss gave Jack the ax. 老板解雇了杰克。译典通The city council is axing recyclig facilities in order to save money.市政会为了省钱正在削减废物回收利用设施。剑桥国际The committee is likely to recommend the axing of the nuclear project.委员会可能提议削减核能工程。剑桥国际The company has not announced which of its factories will get the axe.公司没宣布关闭哪一家工厂。牛津商务The diameter of a circle is also an axis.圆的直径也是一种轴线。剑桥国际The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每个闰年,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥国际The earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.地球绕着地轴每24小时旋转一周。剑桥国际The horizontal axis measures the level of unemployment.横坐标轴测量失业水平。牛津商务The wheel turns when its axis moves. 轮轴动时,轮子也跟著转动。译典通Tim certainly has an axe to grind now that his salary has been reduced.蒂姆当然是别有企图的,他刚被降了工资。剑桥国际True north runs parallel to the earth's axis.真北与地轴平行。剑桥国际Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at the struggling company.在这家苦苦挣扎的公司里,多达 300 名工人将遭解雇。牛津商务




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