

单词 once a week
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXERCISE〕All the children do football training at least once a week. 所有小孩每周至少进行一次足球训练。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Treat your plants once a week with liquid fertiliser. 给植物一个星期施一次液体肥料。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕Both my sons phone me regularly, usually once a week. 我的两个儿子定期打电话给我,通常是一周一次。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I try to write a cheerful letter to her at least once a week. 我尽量至少每周给她写一封让她开心的信。朗文写作活用〔access〕My ex-husband has access to the children once a week.我的前夫有权每周探望孩子一次。朗文当代〔airing〕Give the room a good airing once a week.每周给房间好好通一次风。外研社新世纪〔archive〕It's a good idea to archive your files once a week.每星期把你的文件存档一次是个好主意。麦克米伦高阶〔a〕I swim once a week.我每星期游一次泳。剑桥高阶〔better〕If you can only exercise once a week, that's better than nothing(= better than taking no exercise at all).即便是一个星期锻炼一次,也比完全不锻炼好。牛津高阶〔bookmobile〕The librarian takes a bookmobile into the countryside once a week.这位图书馆管理员每周一次送汽车流动图书馆去乡下。英汉大词典〔call〕I call once a week to talk to my parents.我每周给父母打一次电话韦氏高阶〔call〕I try to call my parents at least once a week.我尽量每周至少给父母打一次电话。韦氏高阶〔call〕The grocer calls on them once a week.食品商每周到他们家送一次货。英汉大词典〔check〕Honey, can you go upstairs and check on the kids? 亲爱的,你去楼上看看孩子们行吗? My neighbour comes in once a week to check on things and feed the fish.我的邻居一周来一次看看情况,喂喂鱼。朗文当代〔chippy〕I go to the chippy at least once a week.我一个星期起码去一次薯条店。柯林斯高阶〔chippy〕I go to the chippy at least once a week.我每周至少去一次炸鱼薯条店。外研社新世纪〔circuit training〕I do circuit training once a week.我每周做一次循环训练。柯林斯高阶〔club〕We go to the club at least once a week.我们每周至少去一次俱乐部。麦克米伦高阶〔collection box〕We go to church once a week and put money into the collection box.我们每周去一次教堂并将捐赠款放入献金箱。外研社新世纪〔do〕I do aerobics once a week.我每周做一次健美操。牛津高阶〔dust〕I dust at least once a week.我至少每周掸一次灰尘。韦氏高阶〔dust〕She dusts once a week.她每周掸尘一次。英汉大词典〔exfoliate〕Exfoliate your back at least once a week.背部应该至少每周去一次角质。外研社新世纪〔feed〕Feed the plants once a week.每星期要给这些花草施一次肥。牛津高阶〔flaming〕They seem to have a flaming row at least once a week.他们好像至少每周都要大吵一次。朗文当代〔gasoline〕I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week.我大约一个星期加满一箱汽油。牛津高阶〔hire〕We hired someone to clean the office once a week.我们雇了人每周打扫办公室一次。韦氏高阶〔instruct〕She instructs music once a week at a middle school.她在中学每周教一次音乐课。英汉大词典〔intercourse〕Our survey reveals that most couples have intercourse once a week.我们的调查表明大多数夫妻每周过一次性生活。剑桥高阶〔lay〕We lay flowers on her grave once a week.我们每周一次在她的坟头摆些花。麦克米伦高阶〔least〕Cut the grass at least once a week in summer.夏天至少每周割草一次。牛津高阶〔meet〕We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.我们往往每周共进一次午餐。柯林斯高阶〔monotony〕Eating out once a week will break the monotony.每周一次的外出就餐将打破生活的单调。外研社新世纪〔movie〕We go once a week to the movies.我们每星期看一次电影。英汉大词典〔noncompetitive〕Once a week, he plays hockey in a noncompetitive league.他每周都会参加一次非竞技冰球联赛。韦氏高阶〔once〕He cleans his car once a week.他每周洗一次汽车。牛津高阶〔once〕Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。柯林斯高阶〔review〕She reviews the new movie once a week in one of the evening papers.她在一家晚报上每周评论一次新影片。21世纪英汉〔ring〕I ring home once a week to tell my parents I'm okay.我每周往家打一次电话向父母报平安。剑桥高阶〔scrub〕The rooms are all scrubbed out once a week.这些房间全都每星期彻底清扫一次。朗文当代〔sheet〕Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.女仆每星期换一次床单。柯林斯高阶〔spot〕He has a five-minute spot on Radio 4 once a week.他每周一次在无线电广播第四台有一档5分钟的节目。英汉大词典〔weekly〕Once a week.一周一次美国传统〔weekly〕A publication issued once a week.周刊:每周出一次的出版物美国传统〔week〕He comes to see us once a week.他每周来看望我们一次。牛津高阶I ring home once a week to tell my parents I'm okay.我每周给家里打一次电话,告诉父母我很好。剑桥国际I usually change my bed linen (= sheets and covers for my bed) once a week.我通常每星期换一次床单。剑桥国际She goes to the cinema once a week. 她每星期去看一次电影。译典通She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周给父母写一封信。译典通We met once a week. 我们每周见面一次。译典通




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