

单词 nuns
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cistercian〕Cistercian monks and nuns take a vow of silence.西多会的修士和修女们要发誓静默。剑桥高阶〔GOOD〕The nuns here do many good things for people in the local community. 这里的修女为当地社区的人做了很多好事。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕As she watched the nuns working among the sick and dying, her respect for them deepened. 她看着修女们帮助病人和垂死的人,对她们的崇敬就更深了。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕As a child Bertrand was entrusted to the care of nuns at a local convent. 伯特兰小时候被托给当地修道院的修女来照料。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕On January 6, six Italian nuns were taken hostage. 1月6日,六名意大利修女被扣为人质。朗文写作活用〔catch up〕We caught up with the nuns.我们赶上了修女们。柯林斯高阶〔celibate〕The monks and nuns are celibates.和尚和尼姑都是独身不结婚的。韦氏高阶〔coif〕A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, as by nuns.修女包头巾:一种戴在面罩下紧套在头上的帽子,如修女美国传统〔communally〕Nuns live communally.修女们过的是集体生活。韦氏高阶〔contemplation〕The nuns have an hour for silent contemplation every morning.修女们每天早晨要做一小时的默祷。剑桥高阶〔contemplative〕She joined a contemplative order of nuns.她加入了一个默观祈祷的修女会。韦氏高阶〔convent〕A community, especially of nuns, bound by vows to a religious life under a superior.(女)修道会:宣誓在修道院院长管理下过修行生活并受誓言约束的(尤指由修女们组成的)团体美国传统〔convent〕The nuns established a convent here in 1692.1692 年,修女们在这儿创立了一所修道院。牛津搭配〔draught〕One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.一个值夜班的修女给了她一剂安眠药水。柯林斯高阶〔draught〕One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.一位守夜的修女给她服了一剂安眠药。外研社新世纪〔monastic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a monastery. Used often of monks and nuns.僧院的:修道院的、与之有关的、或以寺院为特征的。通常用于修道士和修女美国传统〔nunnery〕A convent of nuns.女修道院,尼姑庵美国传统〔nun〕Mr Thomas was taught by the Catholic nuns whose school he attended.托马斯先生是在天主教修女创办的学校接受的教育。外研社新世纪〔nun〕Mr Thomas was taught by the Catholic nuns whose school he attended.托马斯先生是在天主教修女创办的学校接受的教育。柯林斯高阶〔operate〕Nuns are operating an emergency hospital.修女管理着一家急救医院。朗文当代〔rosary〕Three nuns knelt there, reciting the rosary.三个修女跪在那儿念玫瑰经。朗文当代〔shelter〕The nuns won't refuse you shelter.这些修女不会拒绝保护你的。牛津搭配〔vow〕Nuns must take a vow of chastity.修女必须立誓守贞操。麦克米伦高阶〔vow〕Nuns take a vow of chastity.修女矢发贞洁愿。牛津高阶As a child she went to a convent school run by Catholic nuns.童年时,她在一所由天主教修女们掌管的女隐修院学校读书。剑桥国际Cistercian monks and nuns take a vow of silence.西多会的修士和修女发誓保持沉默。剑桥国际In 1980 the Vatican (= the Pope or the Pope's representatives) ordered all priests and nuns to give up elected offices. 1980 年梵蒂冈(即教皇或教皇的代表)命令所有的神父和修女放弃当选的职位。剑桥国际Many Catholic nuns lead the life of an ascetic. 许多天主教的修女过著苦行者的生活。译典通She lay prostrate on the cold chapel floor while the other nuns sat in silence.她匍伏地卧在教堂寒冷的地上,而其他修女沉默地坐着。剑桥国际Some nuns take care of the sick and the poor. 有些修女照顾病人和穷人。译典通




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